Where were you 11 yrs ago today 9-11



  • MrsHarris6
    MrsHarris6 Posts: 46 Member
    In history class.. in High School... watching this on the news...trying to understand why some classmates were crying- SO confused! I'm from a small town where there are many retirees. I just didn't understand how this event would impact my future and everyone else's future forever.

    Now, 11 years later- I work with TSA helping to support their mission to protect our citizens.
  • roknic69
    roknic69 Posts: 14 Member
    I was on holiday in Cuba with my best friend at the time....on the beach after breakfast when I heard some of the hotel staff talking about it. I really couldn't understand what they where saying so I went into the hotel lobby and froze when I saw the image on CNN.

    We where one of the first flights out on the morning of Sept 16th after they lifted the no fly ban.....I'll never forget the silence on that 3 hour flight back home to Canada. Those 3 hours seemed like a lifetime. Just wanted to get home to my family.
  • OkieinMinny
    OkieinMinny Posts: 834 Member
    These stories and how it changed lives are amazing and heartbreaking
    To all of the military people on this thread THAMK YOU so much for all you and your families do!

    I was at work here in MN walked into the kitchen area and saw everyone standing around the TV - we first thought someone had just lost control of a plane and then the second one hit - I called my mom who was watching my then 6 month old - I remember hugging him so tight that day!

    Today he is a 6th grader and at dinner last night we talked about this and where we were and why people do things like this - today at school this is what they will study - so sad this is part of our history.
  • sunnymel126
    sunnymel126 Posts: 359 Member
    I was at work when I got a frantic phone call from my poor mom. She was hysterical over hearing the news and watching that horrific news coverage. I didn't know because I was at work and we had no access to TV or anything. I left work to be with her.

    I guess it's one of those rare times in your life you will never forget where you were.
  • jd5351
    jd5351 Posts: 116 Member
    I was living at my grandma's while going to college. She always slept with the TV on and it was super loud. I'd often have dreams about what was on TV,so when the first plane hit I thought it was a dream.

    I got up and saw that it was real. I ended up staying home from class that day. I had a boyfriend who was in basic training in the Army at the time. He wasn't allowed to call home for a week because they were on total lockdown.
  • Icelandic_Saga
    Icelandic_Saga Posts: 2,926 Member
    I was getting ready for work. My sister called me and had me turn on the news just in time to see the second plane hit. Most intensly scary moment of my life I think.
  • Shayztar
    Shayztar Posts: 415 Member
    This thread is beautiful. To read how everyone's life has and was effected, no matter who you are or where you live. Peace, love and light be with everyone today.

    I was in class at University of Toronto. Someone whispered to me and my friend that a bomb went off at the Pentagon. A few minutes later he told us that it was a plane. We thought he was joking because of how unbelievable it was. When class was over, we saw TVs on all over the University, and then really understood what was happening. They didn't cancel classes. Strange in retrospect... I even had to go to work that night, at one of the big financial institutes. We were all upset to be there, because in Mississauga, the building was spanking new and was nicknamed the twin towers. It is only 1/10 of the size of the real towers, but is a building for an important financial institute near the airport.

    From that year forward, the security and the safety guidelines changed in the building. They weren't called fire drills anymore. They were called "Emergency Building Evacuation" practice. They made us do it 4 times a year for a few years, and they still practice it twice a year.
  • Fox_n_sox
    Fox_n_sox Posts: 283 Member
    11 years ago today, I can still remember where I was. I do not remember if it was a half day at school, or it was a full day that turned into a half day. I was in Mrs. Gillette's 9th grade Geography class when the first tower was hit. 3rd period. We turned the TV on and sat in silence. Watching on the television that our great nation was under attack. I ran to my 4th period, Mr. Pierce, Clay class, and he was sitting on his desk staring up at the TV. we all sat on the huge tables in there and stared at the television's as we were becoming a part of history. I'll never forget that September day, when America was changed forever.
  • mikeschratz
    mikeschratz Posts: 253 Member
    Sitting in training at US Coast Guard Air Station Savannah, couldn't believe what we watched that moring. Had to launch on a Search and Rescue case that night, it was the loneliest night of flying you could possibly imagine, no voices on the radios, no tower or controls telling us what to do.... it was eerie..... when we found the boat we were looking for, we picked the people up and took them into Titusville Airport in Florida. We were grounded for the next four days, they wouldn't let us fly home since we were no longer a Search and Rescue assett..... Pray for all the families that were affected by this tragedy!
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    I was sitting in English class, it was first period, I was in 8th grade. I still remember exactly where I was sitting, what the classroom looked like. The school counselor rushed in and said "America is under attack. This is very serious...." I don't remember the rest, but after that we all went to watch the news. I didn't see anything live, but the gazillion replays were plenty. It was and still is quite sad :cry: I'll never forget some of the live coverage after the planes hit and seeing people jumping from the top floors. That's scary.
  • tungsten93
    tungsten93 Posts: 76 Member
    I was on rounds at the hospital. When I went back downstairs I asked where everyone was and someone told me what happened. I went into the conference room to see what was happening and my first thought was that a pilot lost control of his plane and a horrible accident occurred. Then a few minutes later the second plane hit.

    About 2 weeks later I was in London and they had constructed a memorial to all of the victims consisting of massive amounts of flowers. It was beautiful and overwhelming. I know there were many Brits (and people from other countries) in NY and DC at that time but it was especially moving to see such an amazing effort put forth so quickly by the British for something that happened in the USA.
  • iluxoxo211
    iluxoxo211 Posts: 241 Member
    was 10 years old and sitting in a class room when they turned on the news.
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    I had just turned on the TV in my bedroom and oddly it wasn't on Nickelodeon like it normally was, and on the TV were the towers with smoke coming out of one. Diane Sawyer was talking about an airplane and how planes weren't supposed to be flying so low...I didn't know what the heck she was talking about, I thought maybe it was old footage from when there was a bomb in one of the towers years ago...a few minutes later a plane came into the picture and went right through the second tower, then I knew what I was watching was live and I couldn't believe it. I thought all the airplanes had gone mad! I was living in Green Bay Wisconsin at the time but I was from NY so I was really wishing I could be near family and be in that state.

    I was in college watching the same program before classes started for the day. I was also National Guard at the time and just sat watching the news all day waiting for my phone to ring saying we were getting activated (that didn't happen until two years later). I remember watching that plane fly across the background of the news program...
  • Italianyc84
    Italianyc84 Posts: 192 Member
    I watched much of the events unfold live that day. I was in the car with my dad in Staten Island on my way to the ferry; I had a job interview in Manhattan that day, and was meeting up with a friend at the TKTS booth that was in the WTC. They announced on the radio that a plane had hit the WTC...then we saw a plane fly over us flying pretty low and thought "what the heck?". Then heard seconds later that a plane had hit the other tower. We then had reached the area near the ferry, where you can see all of Manhattan across the river, and just stared. For some reason it still hadn't hit me, and I remember calling the company where I had the job interview and leaving a message saying that we'd have to reschedule for a later time because the ferry wasn't operating, and I remember hoping they'd still consider me for the job. Even seeing it, I was just in disbelief. We sat there and watched until the second tower fell.

    Anyway, I now work a block away from the WTC, for a company that was formerly located there. As always in NYC on 9/11, it's a very somber day. Think of how you feel; magnify that by about 1000%...that's what it's like for New Yorkers who lived through that day and the terrifying, unbearably sad aftermath. I remember everything about that day and the months following like it happened yesterday.
  • MelissR75
    MelissR75 Posts: 735 Member
    I was working in RI, sitting in my office listening to Howard Stern. We just sat there and listened all morning. We closed the office and I remember how quiet it was driving home. The airport was still..no planes taking off or landing. Something you never forget!
  • I was about to head to my first class of my freshman year in college.. I was about to turn off the TV and head out when the coverage started. I stared at the TV almost all day in disbelief. All classes were cancelled that day..
  • Yieya
    Yieya Posts: 168 Member
    I was at work in NYC. 59th st in 5th ave. Very scary day. Never got home to NJ that day, had to walk uptown and a bus finally picked me up and took me to a friends house in the Bronx where I stayed the night.
  • Diyah13
    Diyah13 Posts: 76 Member
    I was in labor that day--all day. I gave birth to my daughter at 9:41 p.m. The one good thing that happened that day.
  • x_JT_x
    x_JT_x Posts: 364
    dub101: In the Marines
    Happybunny37: Serving my country in the U.S Navy and proud to be doing this for last 15 1/2 years!!!
    Today just makes me reminds why we do what we do. Thank you to all who serve past and present!!
    eesuperstar: I was in the Navy on shoreduty stationed overseas. I got off of work and was about to go to bed when my neighbor rushed over and turned on the tv. I saw the first crash, sighed, then started getting dressed in my BDUs. Before I could finish dressing the MPs were at my door telling me I was being activated as a full time MP. I said, "I know". I didn't see my bed for 3 days.

    I ended up being put in charge of a dozen or so pissed off activated reservists once they shipped them over.
    lisha7997: I was in the Air Force stationed in Misawa, Japan trying to get ready for mid-shift. My best friend and I were headed to her room when we got a glimpse of the tv right after the first plane hit, and her being from NY we stopped to see what was happening. We saw the second plan hit and our tears started to flow. She started trying to call her family to make sure they were safe but we couldn't get through because all the circuits were busy. Our base went into lockdown after that.
    kurting81: I was finishing up my Field Training Exercise in Fort Jackson, NC in Basic Training. The Drill Sergeant's rounded us up in the woods and told us what was going on. At first we thought it was just a mock mission they were preparing for us as we just couldn't grasp that it was actually reality right away.
    maximus184: I was in boot camp for the Navy when 9/11 happened. I remember coming back from Chow and my Petty Officer and Cheif came in the barracks with a radio and told us to listen to this **** that is happening in New York. I remember them saying "this is what you have signed up for, and now its time to take out some punk *kitten* terrorists, so yall need to get your *kitten* in gear and get out there and FIGHT for what we stand for."
    ekz13: In the Air Force driving through the base gate in Germany when I heard it on the radio, then I went into the power zone to see it on the TV’s..
    KellyL30: I was on leave from boot camp after I joined the Navy, saw it on TV and got a call to come back to VA to be shipped out
    PJ64:I was in the Air Force and on a plane landing in Norfolk Virginia after doing 120 days in Saudi Arabia. When I landed the first plane hit, then on the cab ride to my base the second plane hit. I told the cabbie, "we're under attack" we both sat in silence. I got to my base and heard from the securioty folks that the pentagon had been hit too. My brother worked there, I tried calling and e-mailing and after 12 hours I got a call from one of his coworkers telling me he was ok but couldn't come to the phone because he was working, but wanted me and my family to know he was ok.
    WendyFitMom: I was serving in the Air Force stationed at the Air Force Academy in CO. My son (who was 4mos old then) was at the base daycare and I was in the process of posting guards at entrances as our base went in lockdown and we moved into 12 hour shifts and made calls to ensure we had accountability for all military personnel assigned to our squadron.

    I was able to get home (w/ my son) later that night and that's when I was able to breath for a moment and breakdown and cry. I will NEVER forget where I was that day.
    mikeschratz : Sitting in training at US Coast Guard Air Station Savannah, couldn't believe what we watched that moring. Had to launch on a Search and Rescue case that night, it was the loneliest night of flying you could possibly imagine, no voices on the radios, no tower or controls telling us what to do.... it was eerie..... when we found the boat we were looking for, we picked the people up and took them into Titusville Airport in Florida. We were grounded for the next four days, they wouldn't let us fly home since we were no longer a Search and Rescue assett..... Pray for all the families that were affected by this tragedy!

    Thank you all for the sacrifices you and your families have made in service to our Country!! And to any military personnel who may reply after my post....Thank you!! To any folks I may have missed, my sincere apologies and appreciation for your service!!

    I was in our living room playing with my then 2 yr old daughter. I had the TV on in the background and was listening to the news when the story broke about the 1st plane hitting the North Tower. I stopped to watch the coverage thinking it was just a tragic mistake until 18 minutes later when a 2nd plane hit the South Tower and we all knew something was very, very wrong. I just picked up my baby, held her tight, stared at the television screen and cried. My husband and I are both from NY, me from Upstate and him from the NYC area where his family still lives. I called him at work and told him what was happening. As we talked, the third plane hit the Pentagon and the fourth went down in Pennsylvania. I still remember hearing the shock and fear in his voice as he told me to call his parents. We then spent the day sitting by the phone waiting to hear from family who worked in the buildings next to the towers. What a sad, frightening day that would forever change our country.

    To those who have replied or are considering replying to this thread wondering why this is such a big deal and griping about the inconveniences you now face as a result, this is not the time or place. Nearly 3,000 innocent men, women and children died that day. Keep your thoughts to yourselves.
  • ATclassof2021
    ATclassof2021 Posts: 232 Member
    I was serving in the United States Air Force.......scrambling to protect our installation and those who lived/worked on it.

    Thanks to all my brethren for their service and sacrifice!!!!