Where were you 11 yrs ago today 9-11



  • gkwatra
    gkwatra Posts: 431 Member
    I had just gotten married and my new husband was in India. That morning as I got ready for work, he called and told me what had happened. I couldn't believe it at first but then turned on the TV just in time to see the second plane hit the tower. I was so afraid that my husband would not be able to make it back to the US ... he is Indian and for some time after, there was a lot of racial profiling and people being kicked of flights due to how they looked. Thankfully, my fears were unfounded and he arrived quickly. :smile: At the time, I also worked in technical support and many of our end users were based in the WTC. As far as we know, they were/are gone :frown:
  • FourLynne
    FourLynne Posts: 135 Member
    At work for Uncle Sam in D.C., and stayed over to help. I will never forget. My heart and prayers still go out to the families and loved ones that lost their lives.
  • CassiusKnox
    CassiusKnox Posts: 305 Member
    Laying in bed watching live pictures of tower 1 burning... watched the second plane fly into the second tower... live on tv...

    Thinking "This CANNOT be f'ing real !!!"

    The day that changed the world forever.
  • Calderon46
    Calderon46 Posts: 116 Member
    I was on a day off from work. When I switched on the TV, I actually thought I was watching a film. Not for one minute did I think it was a real event unfolding before my eyes. unbelievable, shocking, devastating, sad. Thinking of all those innocent people that lost their lives. I am so fortunate to have mine.
  • I was in the 9th grade at my high school when it happened.
  • MidwestAngel
    MidwestAngel Posts: 1,897 Member
    Interestingly enough, I was in US History class.
  • Spanish class in high school
  • luvJOJO
    luvJOJO Posts: 1,881 Member
    Reading all of these brings tears to my eyes. It was the day after my 21st birthday and I was at work. We all just sat in shock. I will never forget the way it made me feel and the saddness that came over me yet still not quite being able to process it all.
  • I worked for a company in Shelton, CT which is about 50 miles outside the city. I was in my office when this guy Joe Stacy comes running out of his office to tell everyone a plane hit the World Trade Center. I tell him to calm down it was probably a little prop plane that lost control. I pulled up dogpile search engine and searched for plane hits world trade center and the images I saw stopped me cold. I slowly got up from my desk and went to the conference room to hook up the TV.

    That day we had a sales rep from New York with us and he was understandably ballistic. He started cursing Bin Laden and that was the first I had ever heard of that name. He knew instantaneously who was behind the attack. I was only 13 when the bombing happened in '91 so I didn't really follow the story closely. The whole office sat in the conference room watching the news until about 2 when people started to go home to ensure their friends and family who worked or lived in NY were safe. I worked for a subdivision of Emerson Electric (huge conglomerate) and I always thought the executives from their corporate offices were too inhumane, but the person who ran our company at that time came into the conference room once, looked to see was everyone was doing and walked out without showing an ounce of emotion. To this day I can't understand how any adult living in this country could have gone about their day normally, but he did.

    My wedding was two weeks later and people still say it was the best wedding they had ever been to because it was such a needed release from all the stress of that day.
  • StaceyMarie86
    StaceyMarie86 Posts: 10 Member
    I was in 10th grade, sitting in Mr. Krafty's World History Class, when someone came in and told us they heard that the towers had been hit. Our school dismissed early for the day, as several parents work in the DC/Pentagon area. I remember 9/11 not only for the horrific terrorist attacks that day, but it was also the day that my family faced a crisis of its own: my twin sister was diagnosed with malignant osteosarcoma (bone cancer) as they were being evacuated from Washington Hospital Center after the Pentagon was hit. She hadn't been seen yet that morning, and her surgeon found her on the way out of the hospital and told her that her biopsy came back malignant. She underwent 15 rounds of chemotherapy, a limb-saving surgery to replace her knee and some of her leg with interior prosthetics. Thankfully Stephanie is still with us today, dealing with many of the side effects as a cancer survivor, but what a day that will live with us forever.
  • Francesca3162
    Francesca3162 Posts: 520 Member
    Serving my country in the U.S Navy and proud to be doing this for last 15 1/2 years!!!
    Today just makes me reminds why we do what we do. Thank you to all who serve past and present!!

    hear, hear. thank you for your service, from the bottom of my heart.

    DITTO! From an Army and Marine mom!
  • linz1125
    linz1125 Posts: 441 Member
    I remember coming in to speech class and one girl saying a plane crashed into the first tower. We all just thought it was a tragedy and continued with class. The university I went to was close to the airport, so it was really odd when we didn't hear any planes coming or going after class walking back to my dorm. As I was walking through the hallways I heard every TV on CNN and people were watching in horror. Then I heard about the plane crash in DC, and panicked because my dad was training in DC. My mom worked at the university, so I went to go see her because we couldn't get in touch with my dad. Since I was in a rush I ended up falling down the stairs. I came to her office and we anxiously awaited a phone call, but all of the lines were tied up and no one could get through. We finally got an email from my dad saying he was OK.

    He normally flies to his training classes, but this time he decided to drive, which was a blessing in disguise. He started home that day and training was cancelled.

    I just couldn't believe my eyes. I knew our world would never be the same again.
  • gkwatra
    gkwatra Posts: 431 Member
    Class just started as the second plane hit and the teachers announced to an entire elementary school there was an attack on the USA and our area might be the next target. The school got into some trouble for telling a bunch of 5-11 year olds that our area was going to be hit next.

    Why would they say something like that to kids?? What were they thinking? :noway:
  • anarose13
    anarose13 Posts: 222 Member
    i was in english class, we were studying poetry. my teacher left the room and when she came back she was in tears. she told us what was going on then turned on the tv. we were all stunned. after a few minutes she turned it on and asked us to each write how we were feeling. some of us wrote poems, some of us wrote stories, none of us will ever forget that day.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    In an office in Tonbridge (in the UK, I'm in Australia now) watching the news feeds and stock market data.

    I was working on market trading software when the feeds started reporting the events.

    I couldn't believe it so switched on the radio.

    The rest of the day was very surreal, I remember it well.
  • LosingitinTX
    LosingitinTX Posts: 24 Member
    I remember that day way to vividly. I lived in Belton, TX and I was in my truck driving to work. I had just turned off Loop onto Industrial Blvd. when news of a plane striking the WTC hit the news. I thought they were referring to a small prop plane that had some mechanical failure or something. As I got to work everyone was in the break room watching the news when I realized the extent of the damage and the size of the plane. Then the second one hit. I was a little stunned and knew at that moment it was not an accident. I walked to my desk to sit down and absorb what I had just seen. The next thing I know my co-worker and friend Anita was standing at the door way of our office. "Doesn't your sister work at the Pentagon?, she asked. The office was a just one big room with several short-walled cubicles, so everyone could see and hear her. "Yes, why?", I replied. "Well, what side does she work on? Right or Left?", she said. To which I asked, "Why?". "The Pentagon just got hit." , she said.

    Stunned, I got up and walked into the break room. My heart was in my stomach as I tried to process what I saw. I worked hard to keep my composure. Next thing I heard was that my dad was on hold on the phone wanting to talk to me. "Hello Dad", I said. To which a stressed voice replied, "Have you heard from your sister. Do you know if she was at work?". "No, Dad, I don't but let me make some calls and I will call you back." See, my sisters office renovations had just been completed. They had begun the process of moving back to the Pentagon, but they were not complete. So, sometimes she was working at the temp office in Crystal City and sometimes she was at the Pentagon. Usually in the mornings she would be at the Pentagon. I called her home and her cell phone. No answers. My hand began to tremble as I hung up the phone. I looked at my boss and said, "I can't do this, not here." as the tears began to stream down my face. The office had Anita drive me home because my mind was racing. My sister was a single mom. I thought about the kids. I thought how could this be happening.

    When I got home I immediately called the Red Cross and then began fielding calls from family. I sat in front of the TV and focused on every news shot of DC. I watched as the people walked home scanning every shot for just a glimpse. I wasn't crying just starring intensely. I was afraid to cry because I might miss seeing her. Nothing. I know now it seems a little crazy because there were so many people, but I had to do something to keep from breaking down. I waited for hours and hours, eleven to be exact. We were one of the lucky families. She was safe. They had chosen to have a staff meeting in Crystal City that day. Cell Phone signal was cut off due to the Emergency situation so she couldn't call until she made it home. She wasn't in her office at the Pentagon. That's when I sat down and fell apart and thanked God for looking after her.
  • I had just left the Petro Truck Stop in Knoxville, Tennessee on my way to Florida with a load. I hit the shoulder and turned on my tv and was shocked at what was unfolding before my eyes. Never forget.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    I worked nights so I was asleep. When my clock radio came on, they were just reporting the devastation at the Pentagon. I can never think of a moment in my life that could better be described by the word "stunned."
  • SkinnyBeth4Life
    SkinnyBeth4Life Posts: 116 Member
    I was in college but that morning I had work study as a secretary on campus. I remember the professors starting talking about planes hitting a building in NY. I'm from NC and I had never heard of the world trade center before so I didn't really understand the significance. It wasn't until they turned on a TV in the hall that I started freaking out. I called everyone I knew that could possibly be flying that day to make sure they were ok.

    It definitely shook me.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    Hungover on my friends couch after a good night of partying........turned on the tv and well you know what I saw.