I am so done with this program!!



  • loretta5ue
    loretta5ue Posts: 16 Member
    Lighted up people. This site doesn't have instructions on what foods to eat. That's part of why I'm able to do it in real life.

    I'm curious why this user is done but didn't just leave? Clearly we all want tracking what we consume and burn to help us lose or maintain. Picking on peoples food choices doesn't help anyone.

    dlmowrey - what are you going to do now? Do you want to join another weight loss program? Does your doctor's office or gym have any programs?
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    Lots of fried foods....lots of processed foods which are high in fat, saturated fat and salt...you're not getting enough nutrients or calories to fuel your body to exercise. What kinds of exercise are you doing?
  • kellyo15
    Not true! Those meals are few and far between. Everything is baked or grilled, never fried, and we cook in this house, we don't eat many process foods. Please don't reply again, you're a jerk!!

    Trolls be trollin'. No responses to actual useful posts, no attempt to exercise, pretending to follow MFP "to the letter" when vastly under in calories every day... :huh:

    Edit: Also started 3 separate posts complaining about MFP not working without responding to a single bit of advice from any replies...
  • ndnmomma
    ndnmomma Posts: 466 Member
    This site does work, and beautifully. My thoughts, and just mine I'm no expert, would be your not eating enough. There are plenty of days you eat way under 1200 and most days that's not being met. It most certainly does not work in your case if in fact your gaining, its your body telling you something isn't working, so listen to it.1200 calories is great if you don't exercise, but if you do you need to eat at least 1200. Your body needs fuel. Try eating more calories, at this point what do you have to lose, and for goodness sake give it time, you didn't get to this point overnight, and you wont lose it overnight! Plus may I add friends to support and a positive attitude go a long way!
  • TheFinalThird
    TheFinalThird Posts: 315 Member
    I have been following MFP for seven weeks and am down 36 pounds. It CAN work, but you've got to work with it.

    1. make sure you write down EVERYTHING you eat.
    2. not eating enough is almost as bad as eating too much. Starvation mode is great for surviving times of famine. Not so good for optimal weight loss.
    3. exercise, exercise, exercise. I merely walk every day (40-50 minutes, 3 to 3 1/2 mph) and it makes a HUGE difference.
    4. drink water. Lots of water. Without anything in it (bubbles, artificial flavor, artificial sweetener, etc.).
    5. weigh your food. Every time. No exception. I have played a game where I try to guess the weight of what I am about to eat. I am often underguessing by 2x or 3x. And that is after 7 weeks of doing this.
    6. if you didn't visit a doctor for a checkup before you began, please do so. Many physical conditions can cause weight gain despite proper food intake and exercise. Lab work may reveal something.

    I wish you as much success on here as I have had. Good luck. Don't hesitate to ask me questions if you'd like.
  • sazroy
    sazroy Posts: 262 Member
    People are very quick to "attack" on here.

    "Failure is an event, not a person. Yesterday ended last night"

    This is a person who is struggling.. offer advice but do it nicely.

    There are three types of people on MFP I've noticed

    Thin people who've never had to struggle to lose a large amount of weight.
    Larger people who've lost weight (or losing) and understand the struggle.
    Larger people who got there but then act like the "reformed christian" and think they're high and mighty and know everything yet seem to have forgotten all those years of struggling and how it didn't take them a day to get things right.

    I sent you an inbox OP ... good luck.

    *Edit* I agree what what ALL of you are saying.. but there's better ways to say it :)
  • tlc22
    drink water...mfp has you only drinking 8. Drink more if you can. Water is key. Make sure you hit at least 1200 cals a day...if not a bit more. Limit your sugary juices and really watch your salt intake. I'm no fitness guru like some of the other wise people here, but I follow those guidelines along with a few other things and I'm slowly meeting with success. Good luck, don't give up...giving up is so much easier - but so not as satisfying.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Your diary doesn't look bad. I think maybe you are not drinking enough water...or you are just not logging what you do drink. I think that you may need some more friends..so I am going to reguest you.
  • charlena48
    charlena48 Posts: 192 Member
    Slow and steady wins the race. I'm not on a diet and I don't starve myself. I'm getting a healthy lifestyle. I know first hand about starvation mode - it is true. If you don't eat enough, you will gain weight. Please don't get in this vicious cycle - I've been there and it is really hard to get your body right again. I have lost 25 lbs. since January 2012. Not a great deal of weight, but so much healthier than I was. I hope you stick with it and find what works for you.:flowerforyou:
  • lambchoplewis
    I love the tracking of my food and exercise. Makes me think before I put food in mouth. I am going to get a food scale today!!

    How does not eating enough cause weight gain or stagnation??
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    You have to build muscle in order to burn fat.
    Cardio, Cardio, Cardio!
    You need to eat in order to keep your metabolism fully functioning.

    This website and tracker does work, but you have to be willing to educate yourself as well.
    It is a process, but a necessary one in order to make a successful change.

    Build muscle - cardio. cardio cardio?

    Cardio work will inhibit muscle growth!

    Should be:
    Lose muscle - cardio, cardio, cardio
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I have followed this program to the letter for a month now, and thanks to MFP, I am now at the highest weight I have ever been. It doesn't work!!!!

    You're clearly doing it wrong.

    I'm just going to be straight about what I saw in your diary:

    1) you only finished logging days about 60% of the time, what did you do on the other 40%?
    2) you seem to be seriously undereating most days.
    3) I suspect you are guestimating your portion sizes (both volume and weight), buy a scale and carry measuring cups and spoons with you or preportioned items.

    The fact is 1) you've only been doing this for a month and 2) you haven't dedicated yourself to it. Take charge and responsibility of your food and your life. If you screw up, own it, if you have a good day give yourself a pat on the back, but either way be accountable to yourself. Measure and count and weigh and log everything . . . even the nibble here or the nibble there. Don't point your finger at some internet site and say "it's your fault" when you clearly have only been kidding yourself. Step up and take some responsibility for what you do and don't do, stop making excuses and start making a change!

    I challenge you to take an objective look at your "diary" and prove me wrong.
  • KLynn0107
    No program is ever going to work for you until you are able to be honest with yourself. You said you followed it to the letter,
    However your diary tells a different story. You undereat you, don't drink water, your diet is full of processed food and lacking in exercise. The truth is the program is not the problem. You can deny it all you want, but at some point you have to take responsibility for your choices and stop finger pointing when things don't go well.

    This program is awsome btw and if you follow it and are truthful and hold yourself accountable you can be successful!
  • dlmowrey
    Thanks to those of you who posted postive thoughts, and to those who didn't, BITE ME! You obvouisly don't understand what it's like. I have friended many people through this thread, and they will now be my support! The rest of you should be much more considerate! Rudeness isn't going to get you far in life. Since this my last community post, my thanks to some, the rest can KMA!!
  • mcrowe1016
    mcrowe1016 Posts: 647 Member
    Thanks to those of you who posted postive thoughts, and to those who didn't, BITE ME! You obvouisly don't understand what it's like. I have friended many people through this thread, and they will now be my support! The rest of you should be much more considerate! Rudeness isn't going to get you far in life. Since this my last community post, my thanks to some, the rest can KMA!!

    I am just going to quote you by saying "Rudeness isn't going to get you far in life."
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Thanks to those of you who posted postive thoughts, and to those who didn't, BITE ME! You obvouisly don't understand what it's like. I have friended many people through this thread, and they will now be my support! The rest of you should be much more considerate! Rudeness isn't going to get you far in life. Since this my last community post, my thanks to some, the rest can KMA!!

    Lol. Maybe it has to do with the way YOU approached the subject. I think you need to turn inward for a little self analysis. You seem to lash outward at other people and things when it's really just all you.
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    Thanks to those of you who posted postive thoughts, and to those who didn't, BITE ME! You obvouisly don't understand what it's like. I have friended many people through this thread, and they will now be my support! The rest of you should be much more considerate! Rudeness isn't going to get you far in life. Since this my last community post, my thanks to some, the rest can KMA!!

    Lol. Maybe it has to do with the way YOU approached the subject. I think you need to turn inward for a little self analysis. You seem to lash outward at other people and things when it's really just all you.

    THIS!!! OP needs an attitude adjustment - don't post a topic if you don't expect a certain percentage of people to disagree and can't handle it when they do.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Thanks to those of you who posted postive thoughts, and to those who didn't, BITE ME! You obvouisly don't understand what it's like. I have friended many people through this thread, and they will now be my support! The rest of you should be much more considerate! Rudeness isn't going to get you far in life. Since this my last community post, my thanks to some, the rest can KMA!!

    Your **** attitude will get you no where. Next time you start running around making general statements about people being rude just because they're not sugar coaters you really should say it politely . . . lest you be perceived as a hypocrite.
  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member
    You cant blame the "program" if you dont follow it.

  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member
    :cry: I'm with ya...since I started MFP..I've gained 10 pounds , I started at my ultimate goal weight of 109, after alot of hard work and, now back up to 120 since the last time I weighed myself, scared to get on the scale...not happy...I ork really hard, wrk out almost everyday, watch what I eat and log everything, drink water......ughhh... I am on the brink of quiting too

    I bet your clothes fit better. Ditch the scale