I am so done with this program!!



  • LizAWDavis
    It does work. Any diet that limits the amount you eat will work even if you don't exercise. Have you really, really been honest about portion size/ calories etc. If you eat less and move more you will lose weight. If you give up, you must think about - are you happy being overweight?
  • LizAWDavis
    I previously posted but now just read you last post - how rude, you obviously are a very angry person - if you are going to post that you've gained weight on a diet site you have to accept that people are going to have views, some positive some negative - I think that is the problem with these sites you don't know who you are talking to so be careful if you post a comment to 'the world'
  • TubbsMcGee
    TubbsMcGee Posts: 1,058 Member
    You're doing it wrong.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Thanks to those of you who posted postive thoughts, and to those who didn't, BITE ME! You obvouisly don't understand what it's like. I have friended many people through this thread, and they will now be my support! The rest of you should be much more considerate! Rudeness isn't going to get you far in life. Since this my last community post, my thanks to some, the rest can KMA!!

    Rudeness can actually get you VERY far in life.
  • lkcuts
    lkcuts Posts: 224
    I felt the same way! After losing 12 pounds fast the first 2 weeks, it came to a halt. 2 more months went by and nothing, I almost said screw it, at the end of my logging MFP says I should be a certain weight and it wasn't happening. A friend of mine who was doing it with me said she was thinking of doing something else also. but my gut feeling said, "You have tried everything else and just gained it back" i had never before kept a diary of my calories or my nutrition as it was too much work to figure up the cals etc. this site made it easy for me as not to get bored with it.
    I also added friends and asked in the community different questions and had to learn to tweek my cals and nutrition ratio, plus, I started to excersise more. I hate excersise,had to find different ways to make it better for me to actually do it. I still don't do it every day and I KNOW this is the key, but I am satisfied to lose it slow.
    If you had noticed any of the other people losing weight, sometimes it takes up to 2 years to see a big difference.
    All of a sudden, I started losing weight again,it went from 12 pounds to 14, then 19 etc. It seemd my body held it then would come off in a couple weeks or so. right now, I am holding again. its been 2 weeks, I, however have not been as active so I know again, I need to pick up the excersise and stay consistant to lose it. its hard work and dedication, but once its lost,,I am understanding you can maintain with a little less excersise.

    Most of us here have tried different "diets" have lost and gained back our efforts. That friend that was doing it with me, was still eating fast food and junk, but stayed with in her cals. she also stayed (with my bugging her) and started to eat more fresh home cooked foods, and recently, has really picked up the excerise more. She is really losing the inches and has so much more energy. She, btw is a single mom, 2 kids, works part time as a haircutter and is going to school to become a nurse. As or me I really have no excuse.
    All I am saying is, it CAN work you have to be patient and keep trying different things in your diet and excerise to see what your body will react to.
    This is not a quick fix. I have been on MFP since march of 2012 and have only lost 23 pounds..I know it could have been more had I been more dedicated in my eating and excersise, but I am not looking at this as a "DIET" and tend to not stress out over eating a piece of candy or cake,,(I learned moderation is everything) but a life time of eating better and getting healthier.
    I don't know how much you need to lose, but DON"T GIVE UP ON YOUR LIFE,,NOTHING and I mean NOTHING else is more important than you getting healthy to be there for others and yourself. Being fat and staying fat is just a slow suicide. We are killing our selves only slowly by staying in that state. Hope I helped you change your mind! Please reconcider and keep going!:heart:
  • andrea9873
    andrea9873 Posts: 171 Member
    Hi What program are you on? MFP is only a tool to 'help" track and log your daily nutrients and activity. What program are you doing? Maybe others here can help?
  • Dani_wants_to_be_fit
    Thanks to those of you who posted postive thoughts, and to those who didn't, BITE ME! You obvouisly don't understand what it's like. I have friended many people through this thread, and they will now be my support! The rest of you should be much more considerate! Rudeness isn't going to get you far in life. Since this my last community post, my thanks to some, the rest can KMA!!

    My my my aren't we a little ray of sunshine =) I don't think not being friends with you would cause a huge loss to anyone to be honest. I will agree some responses were a little harsh from some, but you haven't been following the programme anywhere near as well as you should for results, then come on this forum to post how it doesn't work, when those who have been following it have experienced great results. Some people have tried to help, and yes they may have come across rude but to be honest with your responses, I don't blame them. Plus no... no I will not "Bite you" Or "Kiss your *kitten*" Since I am an adult and don't need to lower myself to school ground nasties, I think I am articulated enough to get my point across without lowering myself in the process. Anyway, still I wish you the best of luck with this or whatever else you chose to do.
  • aholly70
    aholly70 Posts: 577 Member
    Yes it does work , i'v been on every program WW nurtisystem etc,& this is the only site where i lost weight & saw awesome results inches have went down, get great support here from awesome people.Yws i have had set backs but that was cuz of me at the site.I dont think you followed right,and need to give it some more time. I will never leave this site.
  • smokinjackd
    Wellllll, by reading your response to constructive criticism I can tell what the problem is. You think you are smarter than the program and screw anybody that tells you different. You will tell yourself whatever you need to justify your failure. The " program" as you call it works, if, and it's a big if, you are honest with yourself. You are either manipulating the data to fit or outright lying. All you need to do is look at all the success stories on here to know this works.
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    This is my favourite thread for a while, so funny

    The best line so far went something like "Those that don't agree with me can bite me"

  • LazerMole
    LazerMole Posts: 99 Member
    I just want to say that I'm pissed at everyone on here who is quoting the starvation mode MYTH. Because that's what it is - a MYTH.

    Your body ONLY goes into starvation mode if you are already UNDERWEIGHT.

    And chances are, the OP wasn't eating under maintenance anyway. They probably just didn't log half the stuff they ate.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    I just want to say that I'm pissed at everyone on here who is quoting the starvation mode MYTH. Because that's what it is - a MYTH.

    Your body ONLY goes into starvation mode if you are already UNDERWEIGHT.

    And chances are, the OP wasn't eating under maintenance anyway. They probably just didn't log half the stuff they ate.

    I'm pissed at everyone who's pissed at everyone! RAWR!
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    I just want to say that I'm pissed at everyone on here who is quoting the starvation mode MYTH. Because that's what it is - a MYTH.

    Your body ONLY goes into starvation mode if you are already UNDERWEIGHT.

    And chances are, the OP wasn't eating under maintenance anyway. They probably just didn't log half the stuff they ate.

    Just semantics. If an overweight person eats far far too few calories their metabolism will slow to to conserve energy. This action may well not be correctly called 'starvation mode' however the point is still valid.

    What do YOU think happens to an overweight person consuming hardly any calories? Continued massive weight loss?
  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
    Starvation Mode Myths and Science


    Do not take that as an excuse for having an eating disorder and starving yourself, but do not use "Starvation Mode" as an excuse for eating too much and not losing weight,
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    You are not eating enough! You should eat back your exercise and you have put your body in starvation mode where it will store everything it can

    :huh: :huh: You won't/can't store fat while eating at a deficit. Starvation mode is a myth (otherwise all of the surviving Japanese POWs from WWII would not have been walking skeletons)

    .. There's a difference between starvation mode and actual Starvation.

    True, actual starvation is not a myth. Does the human body adapt to lower caloric intake.....yes. Can it store fat while on a caloric deficit.....no (unless you are able to defy the laws of physics)

    Fat is energy storage, if you are expending more energy than you are consuming there is no surplus to store.
  • o2bADyer
    I have followed this program to the letter for a month now, and thanks to MFP, I am now at the highest weight I have ever been. It doesn't work!!!!

    the days I looked at in your diary you didnt come close to the suggested amount of calories. If you dont eat enough, your body thinks you are running low on food and will conserve and your weight loss slows to a crawl.

    You didnt list any exercise.

    You cant blame the "program" if you dont follow it.

  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    I have followed this program to the letter for a month now, and thanks to MFP, I am now at the highest weight I have ever been. It doesn't work!!!!

    the days I looked at in your diary you didnt come close to the suggested amount of calories. If you dont eat enough, your body thinks you are running low on food and will conserve and your weight loss slows to a crawl.

    You didnt list any exercise.

    You cant blame the "program" if you dont follow it.

    EXACTLY . Psh. People sometimes.
  • o2bADyer
    Thanks to those of you who posted postive thoughts, and to those who didn't, BITE ME! You obvouisly don't understand what it's like. I have friended many people through this thread, and they will now be my support! The rest of you should be much more considerate! Rudeness isn't going to get you far in life. Since this my last community post, my thanks to some, the rest can KMA!!

    Your **** attitude will get you no where. Next time you start running around making general statements about people being rude just because they're not sugar coaters you really should say it politely . . . lest you be perceived as a hypocrite.

    Don't post anything is you don't want the feedback! WTH!?
  • lilmisfit
    lilmisfit Posts: 860 Member
    So, color me confused...but, if the "program" (whatever that means?) isn't working for the OP, why did she bother to make friends with some of the members? Seems to me like she would move on to the next "program" instead of sticking around. :huh:

    Whatevs. I've lost almost 30 pounds thanks to the help and support of this *website*, so I must be doing something right? :drinker:
  • arellolson
    arellolson Posts: 129 Member
    It took a few months before I lost any weight. You have to hang in there! Once I started walking for an hour every day, it started coming off. Slowly. But slow is the best way! You can do this! Don't give up! And make sure that you eat enough!!