Question for you successful people



  • janny4jc
    I know there are a lot of opinions on this topic, but I think you have to figure out what works best for you. I started this journey last October 1st - so coming up on one year on MFP. I've lost 76 pounds and feel 10 years younger! (I'm 59) It has just been the past couple of months that I allow my self a "treat" off the record one day a week, IF I lost or maintained my weight that week. I weigh in on Saturday morning, so if I've had a loss I'll allow myself one small treat that I don't track. But I absolutely track everything else. It might be one dip of ice cream (I use to eat 3!) or a cookie (again, one cookie would never have done it in the past). Also, like someone else mentioned - I get these treats "out" and don't bring a whole, bag -box-carton into my house! And honestly, most of those days I have enough calories at the end of the day that I could have tracked it anyway. It really is all about balance, making healthier choices, and figuring out what works for you. And, like many others have said, upping the excercise (I walk 3 - 5 miles most days now - was completely sedentary before!) helps so much. And, the support and encouragement received on this site is awesome! You know you aren't in this alone and there are many others, on the same journey, cheering you on!! Each new day is a new opportunity to make good, healthy choices that ultimately change your life!
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    So the common theme as usual around here is people don't like to call it cheating.......... but you still indulge in that occasional food choice that may not be on point... Six of one.....1/2 dozen of the other. It all comes down to whatever you want to call it, cheat meal, indulge meal, free meal, off point meal, etc, etc, etc... It is all the same, look you really have 2 choices if you want to add this into your meal plan. 1. If you can handle the temptation of having those kind of foods in you home and have the discipline to only grab 2 oreo's for example out of the pack and have them for your indulgence snack for that day and not eat the bag or have some IDK a serving size of Pizza Rolls, etc. If this works for you then by all means do this... or 2. You can eat within your mealplan keep the junk out of the house and stay on point for the week and then on the weekend (Friday, Saturday) go out have a meal that you can indulge in (Pizza, wings, etc, etc.) If you have the discipline to do this than it is an option. Most of us, not all I understand there are people that want nothing to do with bad foods and eat clean all the time and that is fine if it is what you prefer but the rest of us that enjoy some of those off menu items and still want to have them from time to time have to find the best way to work them in without constantly follow of the wagon. I have no problem calling this a cheat meal ( I have a couple a week) which doesn't make me feel I am cheating yada yada yada... It is just a word that I use to call it what it is for me, end of story and I think regardless to what you wanna call it, I have manage to make it work and still have lost a couple pounds over the last 3 years.. Oh by the way I am in the #2 camp myself, It is not that I don't like having those trigger foods in the house (back at the beginning most definitely it was but food does not control me anymore, I control it) but I just prefer to eat within my perimeter for 6 days and then on that 7th day if I want to go out with my wife and have some Pizza and wings and hit the DQ for dessert then get back on point the next day then that is what works for me... Just my 2 cents...
  • bf43005
    bf43005 Posts: 287
    I try to keep my "cheats" on days when I worked out hard and have the calories to spare. Though it's football season & my husband & I love some beers & wings. I know this is going to be a struggle for us. I want to try and cut back during the week and "save up" calories for the weekend. I know that isn't the best way to do it but it's better than just drinking and eating whatever. So if you work out during the week don't eat back all your work out calories and save them up for that one day, then you won't really be cheating because you already earned it. Hope that makes sense. Best of luck!
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    That's what long hikes are for! I don't schedule cheat days, but as long as I am getting what I need out of my diet and working my tush off with some serious exercise, I feel no guilt for the occasional cookie or sliver of cake at a get together. I also have a mocha most days. I know that it's generally not considered a good thing to drink your calories, but there is no way that I would be able to give them up permanently (I won't make any changes that can't be permanent). I cut them down to a small and work them into my daily calories. In no way do I consider them a cheat. But yeah, having a whole day where I'm not accountable? That would be bad, very very bad. There are certain foods that I can't have in the house (cookies, brownies, etc.). They are my trigger foods and I have a seriously hard time controlling how much of them I'll eat if they are around. So, I could do some serious damage on a cheat day, and it would probably leave me craving & thinking about that cheat day all week. The last thing I want is to be thinking about food all the time.

    Other people are different. But, this is what works for me.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    1. Don't call it a "cheat." Cheating has a negative tone and all of us need to be a little less hard on ourselves and our eating habits. Call it a "treat" or a "freebie" or a "wild card." I call mine "free day." One or two days a week over on your calories are not going to mess up all your progress. Just don't eat the whole week's calories in a single day.

    2. Plan your freebies around holidays and family events. These times are stressful enough, worrying about counting calories on holidays or at family gatherings is just going to pile the stress on. Eat good wholesome foods before the event, then enjoy your time celebrating.

    3. Make the free day special. I don't like to just stuff my face with crappy foods. If I'm going to go over on my calories, I want it to be good. I try to eat gourmet foods when going over or I'll hit up my favorite fast food places for treats (DQ blizzards, McDonald's fries).

    That's it. If your week is still within your goals, it's all good.
  • bridgetkario
    bridgetkario Posts: 1 Member
    I have never deprived myself of things I want to eat; Therefore, I don't need a "Cheat day" If I eat something high in calories I workout more to burn those extra calories. Every Saturday my husband and I go out to dinner, I don't want to deprive myself of something I want, so every Saturday morning I work out for at least an hour and a half to ensure I have enough extra calories to have dinner and a couple of drinks, dessert or whatever I feel like having.
    This has worked for me. :-)
    Good Luck to you!
  • nvancleve808
    nvancleve808 Posts: 4 Member
    I totally understand where you are coming from. I started MFP in June, and the summer was filled with gatherings, picnics, etc. So "cheat days" did happen for me. I would let myself not worry so much one weekend day...however, I would also make sure that I was working out the same day. It is not realistic for me to always be "on" with the program...days and events are going to happen in i am trying to learn how to best handle them and not miss out on those higher calorie/fatty foods. I work out, and try not to overindulge, and get right back on the next day. I am still losing weight, so it is working for me! =)
  • Dorothy888
    Dorothy888 Posts: 11 Member
    My weight loss has been slow and steady. Only 1 pound per week, but look and feel so much better. I did not deprive myself of anything. I did eat the occasional ice cream cone this summer, ate a few oreos, and did sneak a few chips now and again. I made sure to record it however, and stayed within my calories...most of the time. But, this isn't a diet for me and I am trying to make this a lifestyle, and sometimes ice cream, oreos and chips are part of my day. I didn't have a cheat day, but if I knew I was going out to the Keg or something on the weekend, I just made sure I ate very cleanly the week before, and then ate whatever I wanted at the Keg. I am by no means an expert, just someone who, for the first time, hasn't fallen off the wagon! Good luck!
  • Deedsie
    Deedsie Posts: 348 Member
    So I don't have cheat days or treat days. For one thing, I mess up enough during the week to make up several days so I don't need any additional excuse to eat more. I got that in the bag.

    That isn't to say that I haven't ever gone over. I have likely this week. But the number of times I've come in under has far exceeded those times. And in general my progress has continued downward.

    Yes, I could eat healthier. I could even cut out those foods that are my temptations but that isn't what I want for me. For one thing, I have to have junk in my house because my daughter has to eat a high fat diet to maintain a healthy weight (that is what is called a secondary benefit to having a chronic illness.) For another thing, my life's purpose is not to be the best eater that I can be, but to enjoy life and give to others. I enjoy chocolate, coffee, cake and chips but I also enjoy knowing that I'm healthy and strong enough to give when I need to and what I need to be it a lift to the airport or a major organ, so I work towards a balance.

    You should try to determine what your life purpose is and what you want to accomplish before you die. Then set up goals that help you achieve that purpose.

    For full disclosure, I do have a day that I can eat more food than others. I'm training for a half-marathon and I'm currently running 8-10 miles every Saturday. That many miles adds up to a lot of extra calories and I do typically eat those, though I find that after running that far I want less junk and more nutritious food.

    Good luck on your journey!
  • Thundermtn
    SUNDAYSURF SAYS: Everything in moderation. Fit it into your daily allowance. Life is tough and someday you will go above and beyond your daily limit. We workout and eat healthy most of the time so every once in awhile we can indulge (special occasion) and enjoy the finer things in life. I enjoy eating healthy. It makes me feel good but I also love a piece of birthday cake with ice cream. If I am at your birthday and eating cake and ice cream that means you mean a lot to me. If it is a birthday party for one of my friends kids I don't know, I don't eat it.

    If you need a cheat meal once a week to stay on track, do it. Look at the big picture and figure out what works for you. What works for someone who is further along in their healthy life style journey may not work for you at this time. Keep up the good work and you will figure it out.

    ^^ Absolutely wonderful points. Although, If I see you are not eating cake at my birthday party, I will assume we are not friends.. ;)
  • Becca_007
    Becca_007 Posts: 596 Member
    I never understand the use of the word "cheat day".

    I like "treat" better, who are we cheating on?:noway: :laugh:
  • Justthisgirl1994
    Justthisgirl1994 Posts: 226 Member
    No offence but planning a cheat day is the stupidest thing I've ever heard... If you're going to slip up once in a while then that's fine! but planning to have a whole entire day every week to "cheat" yourself out of having a healthy body? Whatever floats your boat but you're going to have a hard time being successful with a mindset like that. You need to be absolutely determined and motivated to eat healthy! You're just starting and you're already giving up. How sad. I understand that sometimes we give into our temptations and that's fine when it happens once in a while and you truely can't fight off the temptation. But srsly PLANNING to eat unhealthy and still be successful? Wow. Good luck with that.
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