Over 200 Club Fit For The Holidays (Open Group)

New thread and new week!!! I love the new challenge that Zora came up with.Great job by the way Zora for all that weight loss last week.Keep it up girls!! I know I am feeling alot better compared to last week.I am still having a problem with my ear but I am sure it will clear up.I am ready to lose lose lose this week.


  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Thank the Lord for our awesome challenge!!!! :flowerforyou:

    Last night my sister and her wife (and three dogs) stopped over so we could visit away from my well meaning but irritating parents! I started out sauteing garlic and onion in a little olive oil and then added ground venison, so far not so bad but what to add next? I made a cheese sauce. Yeah. I made it with broth and cream rather than straight cream but seriously - there is no way cheese sauce will be anything other than disaster to my diet! Add in some corn and dream fields elbow pasta and my dinner was 1000 calories.:sad:

    NO EXCUSES!!! My sister-in-Law and I went out into our garage and uncovered the elliptical machine. I would love to write that I stepped aboard and burned a zillion calories, but that didn't happen. We did get it uncovered enough to let her show me how to use it and I decided NOT to bring it into the house because working out in the cold will be WAY more comfortable for me!

    Today I've had a smart breakfast (cottage cheese with blueberries and green tea) and this afternoon I'm going to clean the elliptical machine (bought it from a friend a few years ago but never used it). By tonight I'll have used it. Sure not the whole over calories but I'll keep at it all week until I have them burned off.

    I decided talking to my sister and Elizabeth that I'm probably better off starting out on the elliptical machine until I get more weight off, then I'll work on the treadmill for running. If I lived in the city and could run outside I'd love it (cold is my friend!) but we live just outside of the burbs and there are no sidewalks and very little shoulder on our roads. OK for daytime but not OK for before or after work in the dark.

    I'll log into work now and get that report underway, then MAKE time for the elliptical machine tonight and plan to make time Tuesday AM. I can do this!:smile:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hello everyone,

    Happy Sunday Morning
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    awestfall, I am so happy you are feeling a little better! You've been in my prayers. :flowerforyou:

    LOL I hope no one is mad at me for the NO EXCUSES challenge! I really want to make an excuse for the once again salty buffet I am going to eat tonight with my family, but I think I best follow my own challenge! :tongue: No excuse. I am choosing healthier options at the salad bar and focusing my time enjoying my family that I miss so much it hurts. We are all blessed in so many ways, ladies. Even with our weight losses, if you really think about it. We are not quitters here! That is a HUGE blessing!!! :heart:

    Keep pushin' on! One more flight of stairs, five more minutes on the elliptical, ten more on the bike. It all adds up!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Woo. I've been sugar buzzing for 3 days and I feel like complete crap. :ohwell: I haven't logged or exercised for 3 days but I'm logging today no matter how bad it is. And nope, no excuses! If I want dinner (and I do -- I NEED protein desperately) and wine I have to exercise. So while I think running tonight would end up being disastrous, I'm going to get on my exercise bike and ride for at least an hour to earn my dinner & a couple glasses of wine. :smile: While I'm not completely off the wagon today, I'm back on FULL FORCE tomorrow morning. I'm aiming to lose some major poundage this week and with all the "shocking" my metabolism I've done over the last few days, it should be pretty easy to do!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I never did actually check in for yesterday!

    Calories - WAY OVER
    Water - under
    Exercise - None

    Proud- That I only had one beer! :drinker: And as bad as lunch was, I ate sooo much less than I normally would have eaten! My stomach has shrunk so I was uncomfortable with the amount I did eat :tongue:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Well I am going to go force myself to do 2 hours of cardio on my elliptical.I am feeling pretty good tonight so I think I will go do it.
    Thanks Zora for your challenge this week and your prayers.Jbl I am with you this week I am aiming to lose some major poundage and even if I don't I am going to focus,eat well, and exercise my big booty all week LOL!!!! That way I can hit big numbers next week if not this week but I am going to try for this week anyways.Zora is right gals there is no reason for anymore excuses (unless your sick) because the holidays are officially over and its time to get back to business.Lets all look great and feel great this summer.I am going to make sure all of you get to the finish line with me.With that said I am off for some cardio.Momma happy Sunday to you too my good friend!!!
    Check in
    Calories -Slightly over
    water-64 ounces
    exercise going to go do it now
    Proud that I am not making excuses today not to exercise
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I have been soo off lately, I am glad christmas is done with...we only have 1 more christmas the weekend of jan 15th, but no baking or anything like that., so hoping i can do good that weekend. and hopefully be a few more lbs down.

    I don't think i ate too horibly today, but not great, i am sooo sugared out i don't think i want anything else sweet.

    I have a horrible and great last few days. It was great cause I was with family, horrible because I am on call for work and it was horrible christmas, yesterday and today got calls, stuff i can't fix and a total jerk in my dept being himself a big fat jerk...and me in tears. I am sure I am going to get in trouble tomorrow due to I was out and the blackberry went dead and I couldn't get her calls back , there wasn't much i could do for her anyway..I will be off call tomorrow and not on again till march and I can't wait. I am soo done with this , i hated being on call at christmas , but of course no-one will trade with me...Hopefully nothing else will go wrong and i can get sleep tonight ( i was up every 30 min or so last night) and turn this over to someone else.

    back to work tomorrow and back to my schedule, i do soo much better when I am back in my routine. I know it will be tough to exercise tomorrow, since i haven't since wed ...uggg...but so far the scale is doing good to me so that is good.

    Here is to a good last week to all of us and finish it off with a bang. Zora i do like your challenge...Tomorrow there will be no more excuses.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Alright, no excuses! I just finished 90 minutes on my stationary bike. My bike tells me I biked 25 miles. Not sure how accurate it is, but that puts me at a pace of about 17 mph. I guess that's not too bad for someone who's been living off cookies for 3 days. :tongue:

    Anyway, I earned 1091 calories for dinner & wine so I think I'll actually be under on calories today. Yay!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Oh, I meant to share news with you ladies since I'm sworn to secrecy with anyone else I know. :laugh: My sister-in-law's sister is pregnant! I'm SO EXCITED! I'm the ultimate baby of the family and I have never been around babies before. Never. None of my close friends have children and no one in my family (the family that I'm close to) has had children since I've been around.

    It's kind of neat for me because I've known her husband my entire life -- we grew up next door to each other! He was my brother's best friend and as a kid I was totally in love with him. :laugh: :laugh: Anyway, they've been trying for over a year and I think she's due in July. I'm sworn to secrecy because of course they want to wait to be sure everything is okay before they tell too many people but I saw my SIL at Christmas and lord knows she couldn't keep a secret to save her soul (especially after a few glasses of wine, lol).

    We all went to the same university & I still live in the college town so I offered my babysitting services whenever they need them because they go to every single home football game. I'm so excited about babysitting! I know I'm crazy, but like I said, I've never been around babies and I'm at that age now (25)... baby fever. :embarassed: But only for other people's babies because I'm totally not ready for my own! :laugh:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Jib - THat is awsome about your SIL. Babies are awsome ..wish mine were still little babies.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    OK so I didn't do 2 hours but I did do 1 hour on my elliptical and I burnt over 600 calories.Tomorrow I am going to aim for 2 hours .I am totally focused and back in this game so BRING IT ON!!!Lets go girls!!!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Calories - Under (but not as many as I was over yesterday)
    Exercise - I uhm.... have no excuse. :embarassed:
    Water - OK

    Proud- Went to a movie with my lil' sis and SIL, old high school friend and my Mom. I ate the popcorn with butter that I had budgeted for and when they all went out for a malt afterwards, I begged off and came home! I do love the chocolate malts but I think after all the bad holiday food I've had, a chocolate malt can wait until Valentine's day :happy:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hey Gals, I have been kinda hit and miss. I am offically back on the wagon. I will be checking my weight gain tomorrow. I have not been taking my high blood pressure meds. :mad: and I can tell I am retaining the water like crazy. One of my pills is a water pill so I should drop the water weight in a couple of days. Hopefully the damage is not too bad. No more excuses. I am on the wagon. Hard work here I come. The kids and I plan to walk to target which takes about 35 minutes on foot. So of course I have to come back, There is a 70 minute walk. Putting my big boy in a stroller:blushing: so I can walk fast.. Then we are going to play ddr and the wii tomorow . I already promised. Then it is time to take down the tree. Scrooge momma usually takes it down Dec. 26, because I am tired of the mess. But this year we used my moms fake tree and I let it stay up. No needles. So Then time to clean clean clean from Christmas. I should burn a lot of calories tomorrow. Yay. I plan to do all the floors, sweeping and mopping. Husband has been home for 4 days. Besides a dirty house makes me irritable and I have been very cranky. I will be fixing that so that I can bring in the new year on a happy note. This is the first new year that I have started thinner than I was at the beginning of the one ending. (did I explain that clearly?) This is the smallest I have started a year since 1998. I got fat about a year after I had my 23 yo birthday present. (my 16 yo.) I am very excited about this year. Can't really say that I have a real new years resolution, because weight loss is usually the one I have but I am already doing that. Anyways a rambled too much but I was just wanting to share.

    :heart: you gals and I still love this challenge. No excuses for me and I am adding those minutes.......
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Momma2four - I love your plan to walk to Target! :flowerforyou:

    I used to walk to my local Curves - it was about 2 miles each way and it really made a huge difference not only in my exercise - walking outside seems to be my best antidepressant! DDR and Wii sound like lots of fun with the kids! Have a blast for me cause I'll be back at the office :sad: after 3 amazing days off!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: 2,095 (at least I logged!)
    Exercise: 90 minutes on stationary bike (25 miles) - 1091 calories burned
    Water: pathetic -- 6 cups maybe
    Proud: I felt like crap but I got on my bike and rode anyway. Convinced myself to do 30 minutes, then an hour, then an hour and a half which is by far the longest I've ever stayed on. I feel SO MUCH BETTER now. :smile:

    I'm off work tomorrow (one of the very few perks of being a State employee). I'm really not ready to go back. Every time I have a little time off I realize just how much I don't like my job. At least it motivates me to figure out a way to afford going back to school for my Master's.
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    ok.. I am offically back on track today! :wink: I did not gain weight over the holiday but, i did manage to maintain :smile: At any rate today has been a bit challenging.. I got back on the treadmill today (it has been hit and miss over the last couple of weeks) I did go the full hour but, holy cow.. I am feeling it tonight and have been so so tired tonight. I am glad I did though because today did not go as planned. My kitchen faucet broke.. augh :grumble: at least it waited until after the holidays! Unfortunately, since the hardware store is closed it must wait until tomorrow!

    Any how.. since we had no faucet in the kitchen we opted to go out to eat. I probably did not make the BEST choices but, since I walked on the treadmill today and ate sensibly I managed to stay with in my calories! But, I still need to work on drinking more water!:drinker:

    Question for you guys.. Does anyone take apple cider vinegar? What have your results been? I keep hearing about the health benefits and just wondered if any of you have any input.

    Calories good
    exercise good
    water almost
    proud I did not go completely crazy eating at Outback Steakhouse tonight.

    Well.. I am off for the night. See ya all tomorrow!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    ColoradoGirl - I use Apple cider vinegar when I'm sick with a cold or flu. I make tea and sweeten it with honey and add 2 TBS of cider vinegar. It seems to help. I'm not sure of course but it can't hurt and I'm always fine with a placebo effect as long as I'm getting better I'm not going to worry if it's the vinegar or my mind :laugh:

    One thing that saves me at Outback is that I LOVE their grilled salmon. And their veggies... (and their coconut shrimp but I try hard to keep to only eating two of those!)
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    After 3 days of eating horribly and not exercising, I tried to run today...yeah didn't go so well. I gave up 15 mins in. I will need to work my way back up, but I have an exercise plan for the week.

    Hope everyone had a good Christmas!
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    Oh my gosh, girls...its been such a hectic holiday!

    My sister came into town..and you know what that means. Eating out, cooking sweets and big dinners and snacks. Also the christmas candy. I've been splurging and not keeping up with my calories and not even drinking my water. I feel so bad...but tomorrow its back on track for me. I figured this binge will throw my metabolism for a loop and hopefully I'll be back down where I was in no time. I wasnt going to let christmas kick my butt, but i ended up letting it anyway. Well, tomorrows another day....
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    check in:

    cals: a little more than I'd like, but did not use my exercise cals
    water: perfect
    exercise: 20 mins bike
    proud: I made very good choices at the buffet tonight and skipped dessert(s)!!! :noway:

    I'm feeling better and better each day. I am no longer short of breath from the pneumonia, and I can walk much longer distances now without panting. Go me! :flowerforyou: I just wanted to share that! :laugh: