Over 200 Club Fit For The Holidays (Open Group)



    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    I am so happy to read that we are all focusing on the positive and getting into the nitty gritty of things this week!
    Momoftwo, I understand completely your frustration (with a slight twinge of panic) about gaining back some of your lost weight. But you stopped that spiral down right now, didn't you? :flowerforyou: You recognized it, and now you're challenging it. That's what makes us human. We all fall down sometimes. But the strong ones GET BACK UP. That is YOU!!! :happy: That is US!!!

    Welcome, Tilly. You will love it here. :flowerforyou:

    lildeb, I am so proud of you for staying under 290! I know that has been a difficult number for you, and you are doing it! :heart:

    Let's keep it up, peeps!!! NO EXCUSES. When you are home and feel an excuse coming on, think about all of us here at the 200 group and how much we want you to be successful! Do it for us this week! :drinker:

    Thank you so much Zora, I am fighting so hard not to go back to where I was before I started this journey almost a year ago. I did recogize that I had gained but I didn't think I had gained that much back, but here is to getting it back off :drinker:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Hi gals! Wow it is so easy to get derailed. I had such strong motivation after I read all your posts this morning ... but then as soon as my schedule got a little out of whack I threw out my exercise plan and ate more than I should have for lunch. I was even ready to just give up on exercising today and tracking ... but I came back to our group and got 're-motivated'. I'm going to track what I ate today RIGHT NOW ... NO EXCUSES ... and I AM, AM, AM going to find some exercise today - even if it is just walking up and down our stairs for 10 minutes! Thanks for being here everyone!:happy:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Hello ladies.
    Some how over the holidays i DID NOT GAIN i was sure i was going to gain eating all the crap i ate. This morning I was right about what i was last week (few oz off), but drumrol...........i am still under 290...barely but still under.

    I am soo glad, not sure how that happened, ate like crap, didn't exerciese what majorly stressed due to being on call for work and a jerk that i work with putting me in tears several times.

    So i am all for getting on track...no more christmas cookies in my house or sweets at all.

    I did exercise today but only could do 20 mintutes...when i don't exercise it is hard.

    I did get a kettle bell for christmas and it comes wiht a video my check it out later.

    ♦mstahl, - I have been using my elliptcial since mid october, it was a cheapy, i got it at a garage sale for 15.00. I love it though, my knee's and ankles hurt to much when I try to run (or walk for a long time), which i am sure cause it has soo much weight on them. When I can loose and get smaller i may try to do the running more.

    awestfall - You are inspiring...how i wish i could do an hour or 2..maybe one day.

    my boss is giving me a free 1/2 day since i had to do soo much for on call this past weekend, so now that means I am off all day on new years eve...woohoo for me, i am glad.
    Lildebbie ,thanks for saying I am inspiring but you will get there just build on it each day .Add 5 minutes to your normal workout everyday and soon you will be doing an hour to 2 hours everyday and not even know it.Thats how I did it.When I first started here last year I could barely do 15 minutes without feeling like I was going to have a heart attack but now it makes me feel good and sure I hve fallin off the exercise wagon more than a few times but the difference is now I am keeping at it and not giving up like I used to .I will win this battle and you will too.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I just got back from a walk with my pup Kid. It's chilly out there today! Windy, too. I ran for a little while but since Kido's built for sprinting not distance running he was having a hard time keeping up so we mostly walked for about 40 minutes. I'm SO HUNGRY today so I'm going to go find a way to get some protein in. It's a friend's "40th" (it's really his 39th but he said he's skipping 39 and going straight to 40) birthday today but his party is at a bar (he's definitely one of those who acts his shoe size instead of his age :wink:). I was planning to go but now I don't know if I'm up for that tonight (especially since I have to work tomorrow morning!). We'll see. :smile:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hi Here is my check in for today.

    Calories 1880
    exercise YES, burned 1,009
    Water YES, 96 ounces

    What I am proud of: Please just look above at what I have done today.:bigsmile:

    ColoradoGirl, thanks for the sweet comments

    Lildeb, I am so proud of you for Keeping that weight down.

    I am pretty sure some of my weight is water. I have already lost a couple of pounds today. :laugh: :laugh: Some of it is good old fashion weight gain though.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Check In
    Exercise-YES 2 hours burnt 1422 calories
    Water-YES 192 ounces ( i know crazy right but I guzzled it all down and I have had to pee like crazy all day LOL:blushing: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: )
    Proud of those 2 hours I pushed out for exercise and I started back yesterday rather than today when I had planned to start back.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    hello gals...i am little down, we rent our house in Mississippi so we could move back to tx near my family...we had renters since august and just found out they are moving out. Apparently the lost their job and are moving out of state..so now we have to get another renter in there , we don't have the money to cover the mortgage.

    I am just praying we find someone quick.
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    calories- I ended up going over for today but I am getting there.
    water-64 oz
    Exercise- Yes, 30 minutes on my stationary bike
    proud- that even though I went over on my calories today I won't give up, I will keep pushing and I know that once in awhile I will have days like this.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: 1,627 if I have that piece of pie... 1317 if I don't (chances are I'll have it :laugh:)
    Exercise: 40 minute walk and Couch25K. Since I haven't done c25k for a week and I had already been struggling with week 4, I dropped back to week 3. I'm so glad I did and I'm going to stick with it until its easier. I just have to face the fact I'm not ready for week 4 yet.
    Water: Under - I'm working on my 7th cup now
    Proud; I got back on track with C25K. I really really really want to be able to run the Race for the Cure 5K in May and the Columbia half marathon next February.
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Check in

    Calories - stayed within
    Exercise - Cleaning, cleaning, cleaning.. (but don't log.. not sure how to log it correctly)
    Water - FINALLY did great and got down about 100oz whoo hoo :drinker:
    Proud - I am proud that everyone seems to be off to a positive start (after the Christmas break)

    Well, it's back to work tomorrow.. Looking forward to it! Talk to you all soon!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Cals - over but under my exercise cals. Went to appleebees (yes again, but again made a good choice) and got one of the ww 6 points meals. Not sure how many cals that is but thinking it is a good choice
    Water - met
    exercise - 20 min eliptical
    Proud - I got back on the elliptical today , it was really hard.

    I bought the wii fit plus tonight, i took back a christmas present and got that. I hadn't got to do it yet, hopeuflly this week i will.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    went to the store to pick up black beans for lettuce wrap tacos tonight, and a chicken to roast to make chicken soup for my sick hubby - came out with the chicken, a box of Fiber One (original) and TWO LOBSTER TAILS! I've probably purchased lobster 3 times in my life (including tonight) but they were half off and I'm WEAK!

    I checked the calories and it wasn't too bad - and I steamed it, then used less than 2 tbsp of butter when I ate mine (and boy did the husband LOVE that surprise! - first time he's really eaten much since he got super sick Christmas eve.)

    Calories - just under
    water - under
    Exercise - FOUR trips up the 4 flights of stairs! And this time I went up the extra half flight that goes to the roof entrance :)

    Proud - that I was careful with my calories and that I went up 4.5 flights of stairs without stopping!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    mstahl, I am worn out reading about your stair climbing! LOL You go, girl! :bigsmile:
    Colorado, you are seriously looking forward to going back to work? Can you come and convince me? :wink:

    Ladies, we must push harder than ever this week. The end of a sometimes difficult, sometimes rewarding year. But we are all here together, making every minute count. Think of our group when you want to stop or put off exercising!

    check in:
    cals: OK
    water: 64
    exercise: 40 mins of bike plus arm work
    proud: didn't feel like adding arm work but thought about all of you guys and how hard you are making this week count and I went ahead and did it. I feel great!!! Sore, but great!!! :happy:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Great Job everyone!!! Well 2 hours of exercise yesterday and 1422 calories burnt I guess I have started a routine!! I won't be able to exercise this morning so I will report everything tonight.I plan on getting my 2 hours of exercise in though.I will not give up and I will not miss a day of exercise if I am well enough to do it.LETS GO GIRLS WE CAN DO THIS
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Oh Colorado! I didn't want to come in this morning! We had heavy snow and last January I had my first accident, went off a hair pin turn, flipped and dropped upside down into a frozen creek - glass and ice every where - head and shoulders under (freezing) water... My husband and my bff were both in the SUV and we all walked away but it was DICEY for a bit. Last night and this morning were the first times I've driven the SUV in the snow - the "new" SUV is a 2000 Blazer, the one I totaled was a 1998 Jimmy so it feels the same. And the roads were HORRIBLE!

    And after 26 years of driving in the snow with respect for the snow - but no fear... now I'm a ginormous chicken $hi#!

    Otherwise I'm off to a good start - cottage cheese with some diced pineapple for breakfast, and a mug of green chai!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Ouch. I'm definitely sore from something I did over the last couple of days! I'm back at work today and ALL of my coworkers except 1 are sick. The last time I got sick was New Year's Eve 2008 and I really don't want to be sick this NYE so they have all been given very specific instructions to stay the h*** away from me! :laugh: I'll be taking a multivitamin today for sure.

    Today and tomorrow are the days I work 2 jobs so it's easy to keep my calorie intake in check on those days but hard to exercise. I've already gotten in 30 minutes this morning and I'll try to get in another 30 tonight. I think my waist has gotten a bit smaller so I'm looking forward to taking my measurements soon. I realized yesterday when I was getting ready to take my dogs for a walk that none of my bras fit anymore -- even most of the ones I've had since before I gained the last 50 pounds because they're stretched out. I tried on this gorgeous bra that's always been a little too small and it fit perfectly (it's not stretched out because I haven't been able to come close to wearing it). I'm down in band size from 42 to 38 and up a cup size so I'm back to the smallest band size I've been since I've been an adult. Sorry I'm talking about bras! :laugh: :blushing:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    lildebbie, I will be praying that you find renters soon for the home in Mississippi.:flowerforyou:

    mstahl, I enjoy your posts. I love that you took the stairs to the roof door. Yikes about that accident. I would be afraid to drive in the snow. I hate driving on the freeway. I use to live in a bigger city in CA then we moved to some little town in the middle of farm land so all the roads are just 2 lane roads. Just on the other side of the orchards is a bigger city that I have to drive to in order to go to a walmart or winco. I have become a big driving chicken now. I was never like that before. I am glad we are here though. Now that I have one of my girls in highschool and the other on her way there.

    Colorado, glad you love your job, You must if you are looking forward to it.

    awestfall, I am really proud of you. You can do this. But hey if you are only able to get an hour in do not beat your self up. Girl you are working hard and remember that body will need some rest.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Thanks Momma2four - I'm trying to tell myself that after a month or two of winter driving I'll be fine but Yikes !

    I realized yesterday when I was getting ready to take my dogs for a walk that none of my bras fit anymore -- even most of the ones I've had since before I gained the last 50 pounds because they're stretched out. I tried on this gorgeous bra that's always been a little too small and it fit perfectly (it's not stretched out because I haven't been able to come close to wearing it). I'm down in band size from 42 to 38 and up a cup size so I'm back to the smallest band size I've been since I've been an adult. Sorry I'm talking about bras! :laugh: :blushing:

    Since you brought this up jlb123 :wink: I'm having the same challenge but not the same luck :frown: I never gained weight in my breasts and never lost it there either, they've been C cup from the time I was a sophomore in high school. This time they've SHRUNK! I wonder if losing my estrogen has impacted that? I know when my uncle was being treated for cancer and he had hormone drugs that he gained breast tissue (He was in medicine so he would always talk to me about the technical stuff). Now that I've lost the fat in my breasts there's not much else there!

    I was never that impressed with breasts until I heard mine would have to go - since then I've been somewhat infatuated with them :laugh: My friends decided that my breasts should have a bucket list for 2010 :tongue: Looking at them in the mirror this morning they don't look like they're up for a trip to New Orleans :noway:

    Then again having them shrink (and drop! :embarassed: !) might make it a little easier to trade them in?

    I'm so early in my weight loss that I think I'll have to find a cheap source of "in between" clothes to buy so I don't end up going broke! I guess that's a good problem to have :smile:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    lildebbie, I will be praying that you find renters soon for the home in Mississippi.:flowerforyou:

    mstahl, I enjoy your posts. I love that you took the stairs to the roof door. Yikes about that accident. I would be afraid to drive in the snow. I hate driving on the freeway. I use to live in a bigger city in CA then we moved to some little town in the middle of farm land so all the roads are just 2 lane roads. Just on the other side of the orchards is a bigger city that I have to drive to in order to go to a walmart or winco. I have become a big driving chicken now. I was never like that before. I am glad we are here though. Now that I have one of my girls in highschool and the other on her way there.

    Colorado, glad you love your job, You must if you are looking forward to it.

    awestfall, I am really proud of you. You can do this. But hey if you are only able to get an hour in do not beat your self up. Girl you are working hard and remember that body will need some rest.
    Thanks Momma and I will remember not to beat myself up if I only get an hour in today but I am going to aim for 2.I have to go perm my grandmothers hair today and then cut it for her.I also have to cut my other grandmothers hair as well.They can't get out to go to the salon because of different reasons so I just go to them.I went to beauty school but never pursued it as a career and I like helping amily out when I can.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    mstahl -- Mine are shrinking too, but since a 42C cup size is actually BIGGER than a 38D cup, I guess that's how I'm getting away with it. :tongue: I'm definitely not impressed with my breasts -- they've always been little wonky regardless of weight gain/loss. :laugh: