Over 200 Club Fit For The Holidays (Open Group)



  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Snowflakes, sorry to hear you are sick

    Rororosie, tough one. Not sure how to handle that one. Good luck

    Okay, I was 170 over on my calories. Still in weight loss mode just not 2 pounds a week mode.

    Exercise: Yes, I moved every piece of furniture in my living room and vacummed under it and behind it. Then I did my version of the Leslie sansones walk fit video. (I was watching tv and I just did all her moves during the show.) I burned 849calories. Probably more because I put cleaning and I know that moving couches and chairs is a little bit more than cleaning.

    Water: I am right about 64 ounces, close to I am not sure.

    I am proud of my spotless livingroom. I dusted and vacuumed oh it looks nice.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    I just checked and moving furniture for 30 minutes is = to burning over 300 calories
    Cleaning was uner 200 calories. So I am probably NOT over on cals. But I will just keep it as it is.
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    hello.. checking in for both yesterday and today. Yesterday, I typed up all the info and pow.. computer went down.. :huh:
    did ok both days

    Calories - stayed within the calories
    Exercise - 1 hr I actually fell of the stupid treadmill today.. :ohwell: guess I should not have been trying to read a text message while walking. I am just glad I was at home and no one was watching.. LOL at myself :laugh:
    Water - still working on it today
    Proud - Proud that I ate a sensible dinner tonight even though when I got home from work the kids and the husband had been making HUGE fruit smoothies (only had 4oz and added skim milk to mine)

    Went to PT today.. well.. that was an experience. The guy worked me over and now I have homework (little neck exercises and shoulder shrugs) Little did I know it was going to be so much work.. Aug.. I just can't wait for this shoulder and neck to get back to normal. I will continue to do my exercises, stretching and hang in there!

    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    calories- way over, I have had a very stressful day and although I tried very hard not to stress eat, I did it anyways.
    water-64 oz
    exercise-no, never got it in
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hello all .

    i am not doing to well this week...or feel like i am not.

    today -
    Cals - over ...i have been freaking starving all day..don't know what the deal is, don't know if it cause today was 1st day of TOM..ugg..or what.
    Water - under, about 1/2
    Exercise - DId 20 min of wii fit stuff, thinkin i may break on my kettle bell and the dvd tha came with i.
    Proud - feel like there isn't i am proud of...dang TOM is making me very moody today.

    i haven' gotten on the elptical in a ffew day...i think i am getting burnt out on it a little..does that happen to any body else, when you do it all the time, and nothing else...I don't want to get in a place when i don't ever do i....i am just having a week...i guess..

    I HATE TOM!!!!!!!!!!!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    lildebbie and MomofTwo29 -

    you should BOTH BE PROUD that you logged in and posted!:flowerforyou: You're having a bad spot - WE ALL HAVE BAD SPOTS!:wink: Tomorrow is another day! In two months when you're way down in weight you won't even remember this bad week!

    OK checking in:
    Calories - about even!
    Water - on it!
    Exercise - when I realized I would be over in my calories I jumped up from my desk and jogged up the first three of the four flights! (ok it almost killed me but still!!!) then walked to the very top, down again and back up to the very top at a walk :-D

    Proud - I came home and had some of the chicken soup that my poor DH had to mostly make for himself... I measured the brown rice into my bowl (1/2 cup) and the broth and the chicken meat so I didn't take too much! The because it was soooo good, I put a serving in a to-go container to take to work for lunch tomorrow :bigsmile:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: 1,304 (I still have a couple things left to eat. :wink:)
    Exercise: None yet -- I just got home from work (10.30pm)
    Water: Got at least 64oz in but I stopped logging after taht
    Proud: Since I couldn't exercise with my legs today I focused on keeping my calories down & I did it! I still have 300 calories left to eat and I'm going to eat them all because I want to put as many nutrients in my body as possible right now.

    I'm pretty convinced I'm getting sick. :ohwell: My bf's not feeling well either (so he says...). Sorry you're not feeling well, Snowflakes! As much as I hate a cold, stomach flu is definitely worse IMO. :frown:

    I bought some Zinc & wellness tea (vit c, zinc, echinacea) after work tonight. I took a complete multivitamin earlier. I never heard about Vitamin D before, I'll have to get some. At least my multivitamin had 100% of my DV in it. Sorry to gripe, I guess I should be happy this is the first time I've been sick since last New Year's Eve. It just seems like such bad timing, but I guess there's never a good time to be sick. :ohwell:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I had a horrible food day. Yeah, yeah yeah no excuses - whatever. LOL I made the damn challenge, you'd think I'd stick with it.
    I knew that after my singing gig I was going to stop by my brother's party, which I did. I planned for more cals there than the entire day. I even knew what was being offered food-wise and I went with everything planned in my head.
    Did I follow that plan? Yes, until I met the blonde brownies and butterscotch bars. :grumble: I ate TWO HUGE brownies and three small butterscotch bars! This was after I ate my planned veggies and cheese and low fat ranch dip and everything good for me. I caved. Fell off the wagon. Bit the bullet. :explode:

    As we all say, tomorrow is another day. Yes, another day of singing and then parties. With brownies and things that make you go MMMMMMMMMMmmmmmm :happy: and Hhhhhmmmmm. :mad:

    check in:

    cals: WAY over, like about 900 over (I am ignoring the MFP cal intake because it gave me way too many cals for my exercise)
    water: 64+
    exercise: 40 mins bike
    proud: that the 5 month-old feral kitten I am babysitting didn't kill my cats? More glad than proud. Ugh.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Off work today ...woohooo

    Girls are at day care, hubby left for work , me and a dirty house is all i got.

    I got to get it clean today it is driving me nuts.

    Its only 8:15 and living room clean ...woohoo...only like 6 other rooms to go

    Hopefully it won't take me all day so I can have some of my day off not cleaning, i got to get the girls by 3 today....so i guess i got to get moving.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Well ladies, I may have griped myself right out of being sick! :happy:
    I still don't feel great -- probably about the same as last night. But I KNOW I was getting sick last night. It was going to be one of those go to sleep feeling not so good but wake up feeling like warmed over death kind of scenarios. I've been there before and that's how it nearly always happens for me. I took 50mg zinc last night before bed and I don't feel worse this morning -- I may feel a little better even. Of course, there's really no way to know if it was the zinc or if I wasn't going to get all that sick anyway, but whatever, I'm just glad I don't feel like total crud.

    If I can keep the cold at this level I'll be okay -- I'll sitll be able to exercise & work & maybe actually enjoy a fun productive weekend. This morning I popped 2 cranberry supplements (it was the only supplemental source of Vit C I could find in my house) with breakfast. After I finish my cup of joe I'll be sipping on "wellness" tea throughout the day (zinc, vit c, echinacea). I don't care if it's a placebo effect, or just that my immune system is stronger because I've been eating healthier and exercising, or the zinc/vit c as long as I don't start feeling worse! :tongue:

    I was still way too sore to exercise this morning but not as sore as yesterday. I'll just focus on the arms again today. Also, the scale has been just awful to me this week. I've been up 1.5-2 pounds from last Friday all week but today I finally dropped below 230 again. Whew-- barely made it. :wink:
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Lildebbie - that sounds like a good idea, I'm going to go clean the house today.

    Zorahope - your post made me giggle "LOL I made the damn challenge, you'd think I'd stick with it." Brownies will get ya every time.

    Jib123 - it's ok to be sick. New Year's Eve is a great time to just relax on the couch and watch movies.

    As for me - I'm accepting the fact that I've had a few difficult eating / exercising weeks and I'm glad tomorrow is a brand new year. I will allow myself this one last day, and tomorrow is a fresh start.
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    lildebbie and MomofTwo29 -

    you should BOTH BE PROUD that you logged in and posted!:flowerforyou: You're having a bad spot - WE ALL HAVE BAD SPOTS!:wink: Tomorrow is another day! In two months when you're way down in weight you won't even remember this bad week!

    OK checking in:
    Calories - about even!
    Water - on it!
    Exercise - when I realized I would be over in my calories I jumped up from my desk and jogged up the first three of the four flights! (ok it almost killed me but still!!!) then walked to the very top, down again and back up to the very top at a walk :-D

    Proud - I came home and had some of the chicken soup that my poor DH had to mostly make for himself... I measured the brown rice into my bowl (1/2 cup) and the broth and the chicken meat so I didn't take too much! The because it was soooo good, I put a serving in a to-go container to take to work for lunch tomorrow :bigsmile:

    thank you, I feel better today. I am determined to exercise and stick with my calories today.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    This morning the scale said "200". :love: I know better than to believe a one spot reading :noway: and I have been using an analog scale so it's not an exact reading but I had a co-worker verify for me... but even if it's a little off I'll take it!:smile: I'm down 12 lbs from where I was last February (down about 22 lbs from last new years) and now that I've been plugged in and I've decided to live a smarter life I know the rest of the excessive weight will come off. I'm kinda prepared to stall out about 20 lbs over my ideal weight but I have MONTHS AND MONTHS to go before I need to worry about that!

    My next goal is 190 by Valentines day - :bigsmile:

    My question.... can I stay in this thread when I'm under 200? Sure we sorta just met but you're my weight loss family! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Pretty Please? :flowerforyou:

    If not I totally understand and I promise to whimper quietly...:cry:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    My question.... can I stay in this thread when I'm under 200? Sure we sorta just met but you're my weight loss family! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Pretty Please? :flowerforyou:

    If not I totally understand and I promise to whimper quietly...:cry:

    YES!!! Please stay!

    I know I'm staying here when I'm under 200 whethere you all like it or not. :tongue: I'm 100% convinced this is the best support group on this website. :love:

    My supervisor just told me I can leave at 2pm today. :bigsmile:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member

    My question.... can I stay in this thread when I'm under 200? Sure we sorta just met but you're my weight loss family! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Pretty Please? :flowerforyou:

    If not I totally understand and I promise to whimper quietly...:cry:

    Yes you definitely can stay.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    hey everyone:
    I have not checked in yesterday...kids are home and they DEMAND mommy time...which i don't mind, i love spending time with my children, even if we are cleaning and playing around..lol.

    yesterday's check in:
    calories: no, i calculated it today(EVERYTHING) i ate and i was over by 300 calories
    exercise: the only exercise i got was cleaning 3 floors(upstairs, downstairs, and basement) and playing on the wii..i think we played for about 4 hours...loved every minute.
    water: i think i was down...maybe 4 cups, at most.
    proud: that i am check in....even thought i knew i was over on my calories...

    Today's check in:
    calores: yes, i am determine to ring in the new year with a positive attatude...and i am going to stay on the recommended calories...i am not going to break the promise i made with myself.
    exercise: yes, i am doing w7d2 today...if i don't success i will try until i have mastered it...even if it takes more time.
    water: yes, i better
    pround: i have stuck with this..and have not given up...

    even if i don't write as much as i would like - i am still reading your inspirational stories and you guys give me the motivation to stick with it...THANK YOU so much...i love this group!:flowerforyou: :heart:

    hopefully when my chidren are back in school and the house is less hectic...i can get the focus on me again...HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE:heart:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I've been complaining so much over the last couple days I decided I'll share a silly story with you.

    Last night I was driving home from work and I went to scratch my face near my ear and was startled by something that felt hard & lumpish. A split second of panicked alarm quickly turned into laughing out loud at myself because the hard lump was my stinkin' jaw bone! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I guess it's been a while since it's stuck out past all the fat. :blushing: It's funny how you notice things like that all of a sudden instead of gradually as they happen.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Last night I was driving home from work and I went to scratch my face near my ear and was startled by something that felt hard & lumpish. A split second of panicked alarm quickly turned into laughing out loud at myself because the hard lump was my stinkin' jaw bone! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I guess it's been a while since it's stuck out past all the fat. :blushing: It's funny how you notice things like that all of a sudden instead of gradually as they happen.

    That's AWESOME!!! :drinker: You should post that to the success stories section! WHOOT!!!:happy:

    I was so excited about the 200 number and determined to do good today! But a co-worker was in tears over getting written up and wanted to go to lunch, and the place I go to with the egg plant dish wasn't open so... we went Mexican. Three chicken enchiladas and some chips and salsa later :grumble: Maybe I should walk home from work? 40 miles through the snow might burn off that 1227 calories! :sad:
  • Rororosie
    Rororosie Posts: 113 Member
    My question.... can I stay in this thread when I'm under 200? Sure we sorta just met but you're my weight loss family! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Pretty Please? :flowerforyou:

    If not I totally understand and I promise to whimper quietly...:cry:

    YES!!! Please stay!

    I know I'm staying here when I'm under 200 whethere you all like it or not. :tongue: I'm 100% convinced this is the best support group on this website. :love:

    My supervisor just told me I can leave at 2pm today. :bigsmile:

    ha ha ha YAY!!! I'm so clever!!! I found the best support group on this website!!! I'm going to stay too! I think we all get to stay right? YAY!!!!!!! let's all lose the weight and hang together and help each other maintain and help the newbies join us!!!!! GOOD PLAN!!!

    200 Club ROCKS! :glasses: :smile:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member

    I was so excited about the 200 number and determined to do good today! But a co-worker was in tears over getting written up and wanted to go to lunch, and the place I go to with the egg plant dish wasn't open so... we went Mexican. Three chicken enchiladas and some chips and salsa later :grumble: Maybe I should walk home from work? 40 miles through the snow might burn off that 1227 calories! :sad:

    Ooooooh, Mexican food. *drool* Pretty much the only thing I've dropped a whole day's calories in 1 meal for since September.
    Drink a TON TON TON of water and prepare yourself for the possibility of a sodium-sabotaged weigh-in tomorrow. No biggie. Oh how I really want to join you in Mexican food sabatoge. :laugh: I wonder if that's even any worse than the Italian food sabotage I had planned for NYE dinner... hmmm... :laugh: