Over 200 Club Fit For The Holidays (Open Group)



  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: 1,228
    Exercise: 30 minutes on my stationary bike
    Water: Just 64 oz so far
    Proud: I really got my calories under control today. Yay!

    Momma -- you ROCK!
    (and so does everyone else here :wink:)
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Hi gals,

    Wow you all have been busy and doing great, love the no excuses challenge. It is good to be home! It is amazing how fast a few days away fly by. I'll be back in the swing of things in the morning. Take Care.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Check in
    Calories -Right on target but I may retain water for the next few days because of all the sodium I took in.Which was probably a bad idea because TOM is coming soon I can feel it.BLAH!!!:sick: :sick: :frown: :frown:
    Water-128 ounces
    Exercise-Only 10 minutes on my elliptical but I did do 1 hour worth of cleaning today so I am not going to beat myself up.I could have ate better and I will make better choices tomorrow.I went and did my families hair today so I didn't have a whole lot of time left for exercise today.So I am counting my cleaning house when I got home and walking around the grocery store for an hour and a half as my exercise today.
    I will be home all day tomorrow so my 2 hours will be back in force in the morning.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Zora, is that you with those cute kids?

    Yeup, all 449 pounds of me, with my niece and nephews. :bigsmile:

    check in:
    cals: over - well, I used exercise cals, which lately is doing very well for me...???
    water: 75 oz.
    exercise: SIXTY minutes of bike. YES, 60 - see "proud" below! Arm work for ten minutes.
    proud: I ate a piece of no sugar added blueberry pie and 2 scoops of gelato at the buffet tonight. I immediately came home and got back on that darn bike! No excuses! I rode my way into feeling better about those sugar decisions! :laugh: And it felt GREAT to ride for 30 extra minutes!!!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    ok I am doing my 2 hours of exercise today but I have to say luckily the sodium levels I ate yesterday didn't really effect me all that much.I can't wait to start losing a bunch of weight again.I know soon that scale will start refelecting big numbers again.WATCH OUT SKINNY CAUSE HERE I COME!!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I am still so sore! :frown: I slept on a heating pad most of the night in hopes my quads would feel better but no luck. That is very much the very last time I don't fully stretch after a run or bike ride! :noway: I couldn't even exercise this morning they hurt so much (Yes, that's an excuse. Yes, it's a good one! I've been lucky if my legs don't buckle when I'm standing) BUT I do plan to at least do some arm strength training tonight & get on my bike and work out my arms tonight when I get home from work (at 9.30pm) . :smile: I'm sure they'll feel better tomorrow, but yeesh, I didn't feel like I overexerted myself *that* much Sunday/Monday.

    I'm loving everyones' attitudes. Fantastic job, ladies! :heart:
  • Rororosie
    Rororosie Posts: 113 Member
    I am still so sore! :frown: I slept on a heating pad most of the night in hopes my quads would feel better but no luck. That is very much the very last time I don't fully stretch after a run or bike ride! :noway: I couldn't even exercise this morning they hurt so much (Yes, that's an excuse. Yes, it's a good one! I've been lucky if my legs don't buckle when I'm standing) BUT I do plan to at least do some arm strength training tonight & get on my bike and work out my arms tonight when I get home from work (at 9.30pm) . :smile: I'm sure they'll feel better tomorrow, but yeesh, I didn't feel like I overexerted myself *that* much Sunday/Monday.

    I'm loving everyones' attitudes. Fantastic job, ladies! :heart:

    I wonder... is that is an excuse or just common sense. Like just learning from my mistakes... as long as I keep moving forward with the knowledge rather than giving up! That's my take on it. Personal opinion as it were.

    I'm with you! Love the attitudes! it's inspiring to me!
  • Rororosie
    Rororosie Posts: 113 Member
    I got myself up in the middle of the night with a sour stomach and piercing headache, and I had a Reed's Ginger Brew and 1/2 of protein bar, along with some cold medicine, brushed my teeth, and put lotion on feet, face, and hands to make myself feel better.

    This put me 7 calories over based on no exercise calories, but I had mild stretches and vocal exercises that were around 50 calories or so, so I broke about even, and I did feel that I needed something to get back to sleep.

    I got my basic goals done for the night, but none of the house goals -- that means I sang my vocal warmups but no songy songs, I didn't get the bedding washed, etc. but I got my work meeting in. And I watched The Dog Whisperer, which was not a goal, but it was fun!

    I ended up at about 48 ozes for water rather than 62 - I've got to start substituting some of my coffee with water for sure!

    Today my goal is to continue my actions: drinking water, exercise, support, journalling, food planning and build on the success that I am having. My food plan is that I ate the other half of the protein bar for breakfast, I have a Tofu Breakfast Scramble for lunch and I will snack on protein bars, nuts, and trailmix during the day within calories. Tonight I plan on making a whole wheat tortilla with some beans, a little cheese, and some salad and some mixed veggies steamed on the side! YUM! Full vocal practice tonight.

    Tonight was the night I used to go to Belly Dance class. I am thinking about going again in the new year, ridiculous as it may seem, I feel like I want to TRAIN using my DVR'd recordings of Shimmy even though that style is a little different than the style my instructor was using. I didn't lose weight while I was taking a class, but that was my calorie intake issues of that time. I liked how my body was sculpting, how strong my upper legs got, and how I was feeling when I did Belly. And it was FUN!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Rosie, funny you mention belly dancing! I was just looking at pictures of my friends 40th (minus 1 :laugh:) birthday party and saw a girl in our city's "alternacirque" was there. She's an awesome belly dancer & she teaches lessons & I thought to myself that should be one of my "rewards" to myself as I lose more weight. I'm very self conscious so I would feel incredibly ridiculous doing it right now, but when I'm more comfortable with my body I think it may be a good way to gain more confidence about myself. :smile: My mom used to belly dance (she also used to weigh 102 pounds before the children happened :laugh:) and I used to love playing with her belly dancing stuff when I was a kid (especially the zils/finger cymbals! :laugh: My poor mom, I'm sure I drove her nuts with those).

    Edit: I thought I'd go ahead and plug Natalie while I'm at it :tongue: http://www.nataliebrown.net/
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Rororosie, Sometimes I enjoy doing that Shimmy on the fit channel. I make my children leave because they laugh at me.

    jlb123, nothing wrong with letting a persons body rest. I believe that our bodies need at least 1 day with NO exercise in order to heal and rest. Not an excuse, just a fact.

    awestfall, house cleaning counts as calories burned. :bigsmile: I am tired today and I plan to do some sweeping and mopping that really burns the calories. You all know the story of the time I lived with my mother, with my husband and 3 children at the time. I did NOT eat right but I cleaned, and cleaned and cleaned all day long. I was determined that my moms house would stay spotless. I lost 17 pounds and a big chunk of my hair.(thats another story) Good thing I have lots of hair!!!!!:laugh:

    Snowflakes, Yay your home! We missed you!

    mstahl, great job on making good decisions when out having a good time.

    Zora, your neice and nephews are cute, and so are you! I will have to post a pic of my kids. I always get scared to. My daughter laughs at me and wants to know if I think someone is going to see our pic and want to come looking for us to kidnap us. I told her you never know. :laugh: I am such a paranoid momma, I need to give her some freedom I had a dream that she was 21 and I did not realize it. :noway: I am weird I know. By the way my eldest girl plays the clarinet and my second girl plays the flute and sings (she needs some training though) and my 8 yo girl plans to start the trumpet next year.
  • Rororosie
    Rororosie Posts: 113 Member
    Jib and Momma, yay I'm not the only Belly fan. Well Jib I will say that you are the same weight I was when I was in the class. In that particular class, I had women who were larger than me show up sometimes, as well as skinny women, some with dance experience in other dance types, some with none, some middle aged like me but skinny, some with foot injuries, etc. I found that I could hold my own and that on the whole Belly looks good on all size women.

    Momma's children make fun of her because they are her children, and they are required by the law of nature to mock their mother! :laugh:

    I liked working in the studio with the teacher, because she could see that parts of the move that i didn't get and she could help me learn and correct my movements. The Shimmy show can't do that and sometimes I am a bit "slow" in movement things. I learned this in my vocal lessons, just trying my best, sticking in and trying and eventually I get it. I used to be such a smart kid with reading and such but I was always slower with Physical Ed and stuff, so it was a good lesson for me to learn to be patient and stick in with something and not give up. I think the key to Belly is having a good teacher who knows her stuff, and knows how to teach too... those things don't always go together with art so if you find a good music or dance teacher you have to stick with them....

    She was very patient and knew how to work at the level I was at. I am pretty sure not all dance teachers can do that. Also she was an exercise freak and liked to keep the class moving and not all dance classes over a real workout either... sometimes they focus on technique rather than workout, but with Sheri I got both... and also if you came 10 minutes early she would give you a 10-15 minute abs workout that was fabu... hence even though I wasn't loosing weight due to overeating, I was still looking good as my belly was flattening a bit and you could see the curve at my waist better, oh yah. Little things mean a lot!

    Sorry I went on and on... I think I'm trying to talk myself on going back to class....
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Check in so far
    Exercise-YES 2 hours all at once burnt 1300 calories
    Water-YES already 128 ounces
    Proud that I kept going.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534

    Momma's children make fun of her because they are her children, and they are required by the law of nature to mock their mother! :laugh:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    :grumble: :noway: :grumble: :angry: :grumble: :explode: :grumble:
    I just came here to say that I AM NOT GETTING SICK.
    But... my nose is awfully itchy and I'm starting to sniffle... and my throat is slightly scratchy... and I think I have sneezed more than usual today. I'm at the point where I can still think/hope it's just allergies but I swear I will hunt all those coworkers that came into work sick yesterday down and cough all over them if I'm sick on New Year's Eve/Day again. They all kept saying "Oh I'm not contagious, I swear I'm not." YEAH RIGHT, okay! If you're all so "not contagious," why exactly do you think you all have the SAME STINKING SYMPTOMS our other coworkers had who came into work sick LAST week.

    I'm surrounded by inconsiderate idiots! :sad:
    On a better note, if I am sick, you can bet your bottom dollar I'm not dragging my sick behind into work tomorrow! And if that's the case, I may be "sick" a couple days next week, too. :devil: I have TONS (like over 30 days) of sick leave!

    Okay, I'm done. :smile:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Calories-1335 (PERFECT because I usually eat any where fom 1200 to 1400 so I wasn't under or over.)
    Exercise-YES 2 hours on my elliptical and 30 minutes of cleaning.I clean everyday because I am OCD big time and everything has to be spotless always
    Water 192 ounces awesome right
    Proud I am still here and still pushing forward
    Everyone else keep up the hard work you all are my inspiration to keep going.
  • Rororosie
    Rororosie Posts: 113 Member
    Don't get sick Jib!!! Take zicam, zinc, vitamin C, and vitamin D3... taking D3 has kept me from getting sick so far (crosses fingers). they say to take 2000 miligrams per every 4 hours when you feel symptoms coming on, but I could take less and not catch it. However, you cannot overdose on D so it would be no harm to take more.
  • Rororosie
    Rororosie Posts: 113 Member
    Calories-1335 (PERFECT because I usually eat any where fom 1200 to 1400 so I wasn't under or over.)
    Exercise-YES 2 hours on my elliptical and 30 minutes of cleaning.I clean everyday because I am OCD big time and everything has to be spotless always
    Water 192 ounces awesome right
    Proud I am still here and still pushing forward
    Everyone else keep up the hard work you all are my inspiration to keep going.

    awesome! NO YOU ARE MY INSPIRATION! :flowerforyou:

    (also if you run out of cleaning, I can send my address! :laugh: )
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    On a better note, if I am sick, you can bet your bottom dollar I'm not dragging my sick behind into work tomorrow! And if that's the case, I may be "sick" a couple days next week, too. :devil: I have TONS (like over 30 days) of sick leave!

    Ironically - I just had a discussion with MY human resource person today because my lovely boss won't let us work from home when we're sick. If we have to get work done we either work while on sick leave, or we come into the office if we don't want to use our sick leave. Why? Because that's how he likes it. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! :explode: (and yes- I work in health care!)

    I love my job so much and I can't stand my boss. Mean nasty jerks shouldn't be promoted to management. EVER.
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Hi girls,

    The talk of belly dancers brought back a memory of my first experience seeing a performance at a restaurant. I was in 9th grade on a choir trip to another state. I was sure I had been drug into the porn universe and because their was stupid teenage boys in the group it tripled my humiliation.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Oh how life's perspectives changes. I'm sure the dancers were wearing more clothes than a lot of what you see on TV today, but a bare belly??? This was also when if a guy wore an ear ring he would surely get beat up and if your bra strap was showing that was the ultimate in big time embarrassment.:blushing: Now you are out of style is your bra strap doesn't show.:huh:

    I have a touch of the stomach flu so I am under on calories, not much water, and no exercise. I am so lazy tired that it is pathetic. I hope this passes quickly. I want to go into 2010 strong. Take care all.:flowerforyou:
  • Rororosie
    Rororosie Posts: 113 Member
    Frustrated... so the guy I dated a long time ago called and asked me out for New Year's Eve. I'm in a large 12 step group and we have a banquet, followed by speaker meeting, followed by a dance every New Year's Eve. It's cool because no drinking and yet we let our hair down and have a great time. :glasses:

    I love to go to Banquet. it's expenisve bad food but you get to socialize and you dress up and you get a good seat for the speakers meeting... but this year I elected not to go because I spent so much on Christmas....:grumble:

    So before Christmas, I swear I called my girlfriend and talked about new years eve and told her I would not be free until about 6 and what would we do about dinner and we decided to meet at the speaker meeting... so I was worried about food and I was talking to anther friend and I was going to join her and her boyfriend and crowd after my vocal lesson tomorrow and then go to the speaker meeting from there... so then my old guy pal called me and asked me to go with him and he had a banquet ticket for me, so I cancelled my plans with the crowd...:ohwell:

    now girlfriend says that she thought we were still having dinner together and she doesnt' want to eat alone and is pouting... this same girlfriend has ditched me for guys a zillion times!!!! Argh... :brokenheart: I'm trying not to play into it and cancel with the guy... I love banquet and even if I am late I will make a grand entrance and enjoy it!