Word prounounciations that drive you nuts



  • MsNancy1827
    I have heard people say skettie instead of spaghetti
  • tennisbabe94
    tennisbabe94 Posts: 444 Member
    Gyro- Jirow
    Oregon- Orygun

    Oregon- Ore GAHN.

    Like... Can you read? It's Or-e-gun. Every time someone from another state pronounces it that way, I die a little inside.
  • prismblitz
    My grandmother prounounces "siren" as "sirene." Drives me batsh*t.
  • natuhlay
    natuhlay Posts: 38 Member
    Shedule instead of schedule...makes me nuts. It's a hard "C".

  • oceanbigwater
    Sublime - I think the Americans (at least the voice over on a bronzing advert) say "sub-leem"

    Lots of Americanisms of English words annoy me - but then I am from the UK and have had to start adapting now I live in Canada, although it's very mixed up here as to what people use - American or English!

    I'll agree on one...aluminum makes no sense. Aluminium, though ridiculous to us is the way it should be.

    Aluminum is a real alternate spelling and it is totally correct to say A-LU-MI-NUM
  • barkin43
    barkin43 Posts: 508 Member
    Some of these I am totally guilty of.

    I sometimes pronounce words incorrectly on purpose because I like how silly they sound.

    This! Sezackly! I also spell them oddly sometimes, too. Sometimes I deliberately am redundant such as ending with too when I already started with also!:laugh: :laugh: :bigsmile:

    You, my dear, are a rebel! And you crack me up!!

    Yes, I am a rebel! Why just the other day I bought new pillows and I removed those tags that say "Do not remove under penalty of law." Sometimes I like to go against the flow!
  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    I sometimes pronounce words incorrectly on purpose because I like how silly they sound.

    I do that a lot with my youngest sister, because there are some words that she pronounced oddly as a child, and I found it so amusing that it has become part of our banter - we'll pronounce words wrong in a very serious voice, like 'That's rid-ick-lee-us!' I find it fun to play with words, and to hear all the different ways of pronouncing them.

    And it's also funny in this thread how quite a few people don't seem to realise that some pronunciations are simply genuine alternative dialectical pronunciations - like UK v US. I've been in forums on other sites where people have lectured me for spelling something wrong, and I've explained that I'm British and thus using the British spelling, and they've then grumbled that the Brits have changed the spelling to make it stupid! :laugh:
  • lkcuts
    lkcuts Posts: 224
    a person using "Ideal" instead of idea, sayin "gots" instead of "got." and my biggest is when a person says "wiff" instead of with.
    IT all depends how you are raised I guess. Once, I was down in a more "redneck" area in Ohio and the further you go south , the speech changes comparison to say Cleveland.
    I was visiting at Logan Lake at a beach there and over heard a guy standing at the shore yelling out to his kids by saying "Don't go out too Fur!" I said to my friend I think he means "far" "fur," is something you wear. He said, no, "far" is something you build out of wood to keep warm...I laughed so hard
  • proudarmywife06
    proudarmywife06 Posts: 213 Member
    My cousin pronounces funeral as fun-er-rule
  • kvalmera
    kvalmera Posts: 129 Member
    I would probably offend a lot of people, english is my second language and in french, you don't pronounce the "h" sound so I often massacre some words. Bf thinks it is cute. Someone I use to hang out with would make me say thirty three and a third and I say it like dirty tree and a turd :laugh: I'm working hard on it :blushing:

    i laughed so hard at this because my husband is Haitian and speaks french and so I asked him to repeat it and he said it the same way.... lol i laughed sooooo hard!!!! He also has a hard time saying "SMOOTH" he says "SMOOOS" and SMOOTHIE comes out smootie.... lol gotta love him!
  • chooriyah
    chooriyah Posts: 469 Member
    The american pronunciation of 'niche' makes me twitch.

    Those two words are not supposed to rhyme!
  • chooriyah
    chooriyah Posts: 469 Member
    A former teacher used to say yoo-so-fa-gus for oesophagus. I've been saying it that way as a joke for so many years now that I can't say it properly anymore (:
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    Gyro- Jirow
    Oregon- Orygun

    LOL, I've never heard Oregon pronounced any way BUT "Orygun" except in TV and movies, and I live in "Warshington" (which, thankfully, is only pronounced that way by about half the state).
  • ReesesPuffs
    Oh god, you don't want to come to Englad, you'll find a different way of saying a word withe very person you'd speak too xD
  • Han987
    My friend says canberries instead of cRanberries. Drives me insane.
    MSxJENNY Posts: 106 Member

    omg I have the worst time saying that word!! love the food though :)
  • palmerig88
    palmerig88 Posts: 623 Member
    When people say uman instead of human while trying to sound smart
  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    When people say uman instead of human while trying to sound smart

    I noticed this when I was in Canada - I assumed it was a Canadian thing!
  • SnugsNinja
    In Scotland we make up our own words and language.
  • FlyByJuly
    FlyByJuly Posts: 564 Member
    Gyro- Jirow
    Oregon- Orygun

    "(snipped) Of course, "or-a-gun" is proper.

    Nope. Only to a non-native. :smile: