unhealthy and fit



  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member
    It can be hard when yo don't do the food shopping or have any control over the one who does. For a start you should log what you do eat to see what your calorie and nutrition really is at this point. Take a look at your macros to see what percent of your calories comes from carbs, protein and fat. This will give you a look at where you stand so you can see where you can make changes.
    I'm sure that a lot of posters will be screaming about the white carbs but it will not really make all that much difference in your loss if you are healthy. If you have diabetes it will make a difference.
    What will be important for you is to get a balanced diet with veggies added to your protein and carbs. You want to increase you protein target to around 30-40% of your calories if you can as this will help you with muscle retention as you lose weight and work on toning.

    If you can go/help with the shopping you can start to steer your father to healthier choices. See if you can get him to get a bag or two of frozen veggies - you can find them for around a dollar a bag in most big box markets. Store brand is cheaper. Same for tuna and other canned meats. Canned beans are easy but dry ones are very cheap - but take time to cook.

    Try to help plan meals and do some of the cooking. Try taking turns - when you cook try one new veggie with your meal, you may find things your dad will like.

    If you can't get your dad to do frozen veggies just be sure to drain and rinse the can ones since they tend to be high in salt.

    Look at allrecipes.com - they have a lot of good recipes and they can be resized for fewer servings. Making a pot of soup/stew/beans etc once a week can be inexpensive and go a long way.
  • Charmed285
    Charmed285 Posts: 189 Member
    I have three lines including myself and we split the bill each paying our portion between my uncle, aunt and I. I pay for the internet and my mom helps a bit. my dad only receives 95.00 for groceries on ebt (he's deaf & doesn't work) so he buys the things he think will last so I don't have much say in the matter. no crock pot and we eat beef ( not lean but cheapest he can find) and chicken but it's mainly fried. not much beans but if we do it's canned so it has a lot of sodium. he buys sodas but I only drink water or tea he and my mom drinks it. I would have to travel out to a salvation army since there isn't one near me so it's difficult to get there even if we wanted to.

    I'm not trying to be difficult, but it's the truth. I'm having a difficult tme.
  • Charmed285
    Charmed285 Posts: 189 Member
    I would LOVE to move out and be able to support myself but it's not an option right now. I do work part time and I only receive 400 a month or 200 every two weeks OR LESS. the money I make goes to my bills so I don't really have anything extra and if I did it's not enough to feed myself until next payday.
  • mercymarque
    Is your father overwwight or unhealthy? Maybe both of you can eat healthy. Instant oatmeal is high in sugar. You should try the five minute old fashion oatmeal. It keeps you full. Eat proteins, fruits, vegetables and stay away from white bread. A lot of peanut and jelly will put weight on you.Pb2 is expensive but it is 45 calories where peanut, great source of protein is 190 calories. Drink plenty of water to where u can.
  • checkmatekingtwo
    checkmatekingtwo Posts: 118 Member
    It sounds like you need a financial adviser more than a food adviser. You are spending 42% of your income on non-essentials --- phone and internet. You're paying for frills and not paying for basics of food and shelter.

    Drop the internet and take the financial hit for breaking the phone contract. Buy a no-contract phone and stay within their cheapest minute plan. Get free wi-fi at McDonalds or go to the public library. Start banking the money you would have spent on internet and phone and start saving for a downpayment on your own apartment. Buy your own food. At your age, there's no reason why you should be dependent on a disabled parent for your food.

    Without spending hours a day on your phone and the internet, you'll be amazed how much more you'll be able to accomplish. When I was laid off a few years ago, I immediately cancelled my cellphone, internet, and cable --- you can easily live without it!
  • mehaffeymk
    mehaffeymk Posts: 154 Member
    It sounds like you need a financial adviser more than a food adviser. You are spending 42% of your income on non-essentials --- phone and internet. You're paying for frills and not paying for basics of food and shelter.

    Drop the internet and take the financial hit for breaking the phone contract. Buy a no-contract phone and stay within their cheapest minute plan. Get free wi-fi at McDonalds or go to the public library. Start banking the money you would have spent on internet and phone and start saving for a downpayment on your own apartment. Buy your own food. At your age, there's no reason why you should be dependent on a disabled parent for your food.

    Without spending hours a day on your phone and the internet, you'll be amazed how much more you'll be able to accomplish. When I was laid off a few years ago, I immediately cancelled my cellphone, internet, and cable --- you can easily live without it!

    i second all of that
  • Laddiegirl
    Laddiegirl Posts: 382 Member
    I'm not sure where you live but the dollar stores around me have suprizingly large fresh veggie sections. Yes you do have to carefully check them to make sure they're still good, but a few minutes is nothing to pay $1 for fresh veggies. I'm talking all of the regular things, bell peppers, carrots, celery, potatoes, lettuce of different kinds, peppers, zucchini, squash, ect. It varies a bit from time to time. Maybe try checking that out?
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    I agree with dropping the internet and hitting up free places. If you are in college, you should have lots of access to computer labs. It's a pain and a sacrifice. Right now you are choosing the internet over the healthier foods. I'm not judging, just pointing out. It really does come down to which of the two is most important to you.

    Can you ask for an extra 8 hours of work for a food budget for yourself? If you made an extra $64 a month, you could buy tons of lentils and dried beans, eggs, potatoes, frozen veggies, and on sale fruits. You could also investigate healthier eating and ask your father if you can take over cooking and grocery shopping for a month and seeing if he can live with the lifestyle changes.
  • skinnyitaliannn
    See if there is any produce stores in your area. there is one in my city i go to almost all of the time and a bag of apples there (organic) is only $1. I never leave there without spending UNDER $30. You said that you put sugar in your oatmeal to taste .. well don't! Enjoy it without the sugary taste and you'll be surprised how much better you'll feel. It seems like a lot of the things you stated, you can control yourself.
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    I want a slimmer toned body (fit, flat abs, slimmer thighs and arms and looking good in clothing and bikini next summer) and I mainly do workout dvds to achieve this (my trouble areas are the stomach and thighs). I am not able to eat healthy and I'm pretty sure I'm way below my 1430 calorie limit on a daily basis, however I'm not eating out or eating fast food regularly. usually I will have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on WHITE bread, scrambled egg sandwich fried with vegetable oil on WHITE bread, oatmeal WITH WHITE SUGAR, FRIED and PACKAGED foods for dinner, WHITE rice and mashed potatoes.. (I'm in the south so think of typical sourthen foods). My main concern is this will hinder my results... what do you think? is whey protein needed to prevent losing muscle and do you think pro-biotics should be taken to help with belly fat and bloat?

    For weight loss all that matters is calories. Nothing else matters. For building muscle you only need ENOUGH protein, not extra protein. I built muscle without a bunch of protein powder, mostly real meat. You can see my diet. I built muscle. Don't freak about my low calories, I'm small and I eat around my RMR and I allow 10-12% for calorie estimates being incorrect.

    Bloat: You body loses weight in chunks, not linear. I have found that you can do everything right and your weight loss seems to plateau but if you are patient and keep exercising and eating at a deficit (however slight) you will lose it, it will suddenly "whoosh". There are so many variables for the scale; water retention, digestion, allergies, sodium, carbs, water intake, DOMS, inflammation, the list goes on. People mistakenly think they lose or gain weight when they eat more or less because of these fluctuations.

    Losing weight requires tremendous patience. You will not lose it when you want it or where you want it. The body does its thing. Some apparent plateaus can last a month or so. You can not make it happen faster. You must focus on two things; calories and exercise. Nothing else matters. Scales and metrics don't matter. The day in and day out grind of exercise and calories are all that matters. It is not very exciting until things fall into place. You get your victories and you ride one victory to the next.

    The scale is a trend tool. The scale is good but put it away and only check once a week and only use it as a trend tool. It will fluctuate, it does not matter. Take front side and back progress pictures at least once a month. You will see differences that the metrics won't tell you and it's that little bit of NSV that will keep you going until the next victory.

    For body shape: Lift weights is KEY. I recently had my DXA scan done and at 51.5 years of age I have the bone density of a super athletic 30 year old. That is a direct result of lifiting for over 30 years. Now if that is not scientific proof that lifting weights keeps you younger I don't know what is!

    Focus on a weight training routine for toning.

    Focus on calories for losing fat.

    Just those two things. Nothing else really matters.

    I was successful, my full story here with before and after pictures. I'm not a fake Photoshopped fitness model --> http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/740340-i-lost-60-lbs-at-age-51-anyone-can-any-workout
  • juicygurl1
    juicygurl1 Posts: 195 Member
    If you maintain your calorie goals you will maintain a healthy stature. It is better to skip white bread, white sugar, fried processed oils and other types of foods but you still can sustain a good body. I dated a triathlete (once upon a time) who competed in several ironman races, he ate whatever he wanted and placed fairly decent for his age group. One key factor this person never drank alcoholic beverages of any kind! He did better than most people who are eating “healthy” style foods. When additional money comes to your household or by a miracle of the economy God you can start to incorporate healthy foods to your diet. It’s really about calories in calories out. Yes there are plenty of overweight folks hanging out in the organic healthy stores.
  • fattypattybinger
    I got married youn and money was tight I learned to make foods on a cheap budget. You should buy dried bean. They can be soaked over night and you can cook them slowly on on top of the foood. It might be in your best option to cancel the service and work with the carrier on making payments. You could cancel your internet service and use the internet at school or the library you can even go to a McDonald's for their WIFI service. My oldest son says he can find hot spots almost very easily. You could proably bundle internet and phone cheaper. You don't have to have the best phone or 4G. I have a prepay phone that had a free phone and I apy $25.00 month. It is very easy to save money. The cost of a slow cooker would pay off in just a few days. Well if you don't have a slow cooker you can still make easy meals instead of prepackaged food. You can pick one day of the week to make all the meals for the whole week. Going to college and you are tight on money there are creative ways to earn money. I offered to help tutor a few kids on reading. I offered to do a neighbors laundry because she hated to do it. I only got paid $20.00 a week, in between loads I studied. You could also probably get a slower internet and save some money. Just a few ideas. You should go shopping with them and bring a calculator and figure out how much you are spending. You can even go online and check prices as well. I have been known to barter. I have cooked a few meals for a neighbor and I got to eat as well. You just need to come up with ideas. There are always posting at colleges and you can post for jobs for watching kids or doing elder care. I am sure you will find ideas.
  • mensasu
    mensasu Posts: 355 Member
    is whey protein needed to prevent losing muscle and do you think pro-biotics should be taken to help with belly fat and bloat?
    I am confused. You have money to buy whey protein and probiotics but not some healthy food. I'm sure you can buy a lot of fruit and vegetables for what those supplements cost.

    You have a lot of good suggestions from people here. Take time and read through them. You should be able to make some changes to eat healthy.
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    It sounds like you need a financial adviser more than a food adviser. You are spending 42% of your income on non-essentials --- phone and internet. You're paying for frills and not paying for basics of food and shelter.

    Drop the internet and take the financial hit for breaking the phone contract. Buy a no-contract phone and stay within their cheapest minute plan. Get free wi-fi at McDonalds or go to the public library. Start banking the money you would have spent on internet and phone and start saving for a downpayment on your own apartment. Buy your own food. At your age, there's no reason why you should be dependent on a disabled parent for your food.

    Without spending hours a day on your phone and the internet, you'll be amazed how much more you'll be able to accomplish. When I was laid off a few years ago, I immediately cancelled my cellphone, internet, and cable --- you can easily live without it!

    Internet access is arguably a necessity, especially for a college student. And it sounds like the package is for the family, not just the OP.

    OP: How receptive are your parents to new cooking methods? Preparing some of the same foods differently could make a huge difference. Maybe you could share information with them :)
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    I think you are doing great. You are exercising and here asking the questions and trying. Is white bread better than bread with more fiber? No. But, you keep focusing on trying to improve your diet you will probably get better. None of us are perfect. We're all works in progress.
  • PisceanDream224
    I want a slimmer toned body (fit, flat abs, slimmer thighs and arms and looking good in clothing and bikini next summer) and I mainly do workout dvds to achieve this (my trouble areas are the stomach and thighs). I am not able to eat healthy and I'm pretty sure I'm way below my 1430 calorie limit on a daily basis, however I'm not eating out or eating fast food regularly. usually I will have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on WHITE bread, scrambled egg sandwich fried with vegetable oil on WHITE bread, oatmeal WITH WHITE SUGAR, FRIED and PACKAGED foods for dinner, WHITE rice and mashed potatoes.. (I'm in the south so think of typical sourthen foods). My main concern is this will hinder my results... what do you think? is whey protein needed to prevent losing muscle and do you think pro-biotics should be taken to help with belly fat and bloat?

    I live in the south too, so i know all about the southern fried food that our families get together and eat! Truly, you can lose weight eating anything as long as you stay within a certain amount of calories and burn a certain amount off. BUT, why not choose foods that are better for you and will nourish your body instead of eating empty calories or foods that are going to make you hungry in an hour? If you don't like wheat, it's all good. You don't have to eat wheat bread. There are other options, such as Whitewheat or even Honey wheat that taste better than Whole wheat. I don't care for brown rice, but I love spanish rice and can eat that just as much as I have consumed white rice. My thoughts veer toward eating balanced, though. If you are going to have bread and protein at every meal, you should have HALF of your plate in veggies. If you don't like vegetables plain, add some seasoning to it and use less butter or even spray butter. I LOVE mashed potatoes, but instead of using russets, I use red potatoes. They make good potato salad, too, and are tasty roasted! It is best to have another vegetable with them, though, because potatoes are a starch, and turn into a sugar in the body. Same as white bread. Eating oatmeal, though, is a great way to add some grains. Even cereals can be chosen wisely. Look to see if they are Multigrain. Many cereals out there are. Avoiding the ones with dyes in them, like Trix, can help too.

    As for Whey Protein, I love it! I have only been using it to make smoothies, but it really helps keep you full for awhile and definitely helps your muscles heal when you are active! I have seen more results eating more protein every day these past few months than not eating it as much.

    Supplements and weight loss aides, I am not going to comment about, but I will say that I use a Multivitamin each day (One A Day) to help get the nutrients I lack in my diet. I would suggest asking a doctor about any weight loss aides because they may be more informed on the subject and will have a better understanding of what YOUR body can and cannot handle.

    Good luck! Oh, and I do suggest drinking AT LEAST 8 - eight oz glasses of water each day. I, myself, drink up to 10, and I have seen great losses drinking water. :)
  • Charmed285
    Charmed285 Posts: 189 Member
    I had bought the whey protein over the summer while school was out and I was working more hours, so I have plenty left over as well as the pro-biotics.

    there isn't a dollar store near me that carries fresh produce or any healthy items. i've checked.

    there isn't a package unless my parent's were with direct tv, but they have dish network. the internet is for the both of us. me for school and leisure and my parent's are finally are able to connect with their friends they haven't seen in 20 years or more using the video relay system. they enjoy it A LOT (video relay system is used by the deaf to communicate face to face with other deaf indivuals) and my mom has been asking for it for the longest time. I'd really hate to take that away from her and him. but I could cancel it and use wifi. next semester may be a different story and I will actually need it but that's uncertain for now... I'll do what I need to. also, I think 77.00 on healthy groceries isn't enough to last unitl next pay day. I have a town grocery store but mostly it's unhealthy foods and sometimes not fresh. for instance there has been two occasions where the food was old or rotten and even the cashier told me he wouldn't shop there, foodlion is more expenisve and lastly theres walmart. those are my only choices unless I'm able to travel out of town an hour away to shop which I can't.

    my phone is my only way for people to contract me and I them and if something were to happen I wouldn't have anyone to turn to. I live in an isolated area and don't drive yet. also, it's for personal reasons I'll admit. I would truly be isolated without it.
  • pandorajinel
    I know exactly what it's like to not be supporting myself at an age where every expect that's what I would be doing regardless of life circumstances. My suggestion would be talk to your dad about trying a different diet. Buy a bag of rice,a bag of lentils or beans (which ever you can tolerate), and an onion.

    For everyone else, speaking as someone from this generation; It's very annoying, demoralizing, and plain old not helpful when you apply economics from WHENEVER you were young (even if it was just the early 2000s) to now. Trust me when I say that economics purchase do not work quite that way anymore and the ability to acquire free services or cheap services depends greatly on where you are. For example, there are two very cheap grocery stores where I am now, they don't much exist in the city I'm from and the ones that do exist do not carry good produce (it's often just this side of rotten). I've never seen a dollar general carrying veggies, but I confess I've yet to visit the one in my current town. Wi fi is abundant in Chicago (where I'm from) but difficult to find where I am now and was almost impossible to find in some of the smaller towns I went through to get here.

    Most importantly, these are the issues that the OP believes she has. Just because you think you know a way out does not make her feelings or fears any less valid.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    $77 is a lot of money for healthy food if you know how to shop. Don't knock Walmart if that's near you. $77 of oatmeal, lentils, dried beans, and frozen veggies would last you much longer than you think. I'm vegan, so I can't offer much help in the way of meat and cheese inexpensive eating. I guess worst case scenario, $77 gets you a lot further than you are now. What about working the extra 8 hours over a course of the month? 2 hours a week more.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member

    Most importantly, these are the issues that the OP believes she has. Just because you think you know a way out does not make her feelings or fears any less valid.

    Isn't she asking for help on ways out? And I'd be shocked if her college campus didn't have both Wifi and computer labs. If she doesn't want to take it away from herself and her parents, that's a choice, and only she can make that choice.