unhealthy and fit



  • EccentricDad
    EccentricDad Posts: 875 Member
    i can't afford healthy foods or anyting. I eat whatever my dad buy and prepares. with my 95.00 phone bill, $77.00 internet, and 100.00 for transportation and only earing $400.00 check or less a month I have no money. sourthern food is homemade for the most part but he also buys packaged and can foods. he refuses to buy and eat healthier foods and we don't have much anyways. I will eat canned veggies if he makes it and no fruit or salads. he doesn't buy them.

    Is 4G offered in your area? You can switch to a 4G smartphone plan and when you're home, switch your phone into "Shared Internet Mode" and have your computer get internet from your phone. This would save $77 a month. Anything you do on the $77 internet you can do on your phone's 4G or on your phone in general.

    As far as your dad's cooking, maybe it's time that you lend a hand in the kitchen. A lot of times the reason why people grab CANNED veggies is because they don't know how to cut veggies and cook them; if you took a more hands on approach, you could probably get it done in half the time it currently takes him.

    4G isn't available in my area yet so I'm stuck with 3g. I can share internet with my phone and computer with US Cellular's wifi hotspot but that's an extra 25.00, but it's better paying the 77.00 for internet. however if my phone get 's turned off, I don't think that's an option.
    I could take a hands on approcach but he will still buy and want to eat whatever he want's and if he doesn't want it he'll take over. he has no interest in trying new things.

    That's a bummer about the 4g. Does anyone else use the internet? Maybe it's time to split the bill so you can afford better food options?

    Your Dad will never change, he was this way before you came along. But if you were to buy 4 carrots and cut them the exact way they are cut in the sliced carrots can and explain to him how much money he'd be saving he might budge. A can of carrots is an average of $0.50, but you only get 2 carrots worth and 4 carrots is $0.75 (or free if you grow it yourself).

    I hope your situation gets better.
  • Charmed285
    Charmed285 Posts: 189 Member
    i can't afford healthy foods or anyting. I eat whatever my dad buy and prepares. with my 95.00 phone bill, $77.00 internet, and 100.00 for transportation and only earing $400.00 check or less a month I have no money. sourthern food is homemade for the most part but he also buys packaged and can foods. he refuses to buy and eat healthier foods and we don't have much anyways. I will eat canned veggies if he makes it and no fruit or salads. he doesn't buy them.

    WHY DO YOU HAVE A $95.00 phone bill and a $77.00 internet bill????? I'm sorry, but that is RIDICULOUS.

    I realize that's proably a rhetorical question, but I'll answer anyway. it's unlimited talk, text, and 5G of data, insurance for if the phone get's lost or damaged, two other people on the line and it's the family plan. and I think there's something else but I don't remember. it's the family plan. I live in a small country town so I onlly have one option in terms of a internet company and that's how much they charge for dsl high speed.
  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member
    I would LOVE to move out and be able to support myself but it's not an option right now. I do work part time and I only receive 400 a month or 200 every two weeks OR LESS. the money I make goes to my bills so I don't really have anything extra and if I did it's not enough to feed myself until next payday.

    Just do what you can for now then. You're situation will change soon enough. Stay as healty as you can, don't forget your goal of eating better and find a way.
  • cspinney
    cspinney Posts: 81 Member
    Thanks! what I mentioned previously is my main goal but I do want to eat healthier. my parents are taking over the internet bill so I will still have that and be able to come here. and I'm canceling my phone and going without or going cheaper.

    another note. I don't eat packaged oatmeal as one commenter stated she thinks I did. I have a big container of quaker one minute oatmeal that I can put in the microwave. isn't that healthly? and adding unsweetened applesaucefor taste in my oatmeal doesn't make it taste good but I'm trying to go through it without adding sugar...just saying.

    I wouldn't care for apple sauce in my oatmeal either, to each his own. I actually don't mind eating plain oatmeal with just some milk, so you may get used to it. If you do feel you need to add sugar, just try not to use too much. I think that actually tracking it all would be a good place to start, so you can see how much sugar you are eating and how many calories it all adds up to.

    I have been in the position of trying to live on not a lot of money, and I know it's hard. It sounds like you and your family are trying to pool resources and help one another out, which is great. School won't last forever, and hopefully things will get better.

    In the mean time, I also think there is quite a learning curve when it comes to healthy eating. There have been a lot of good suggestions made, and you mostly seem to resist because of the money issue. For now, why don't you start thinking about some of the suggestions and learning about nutrition? Do some research. As others have said, frozen veg, bags of apples and carrots, dried beans are not expensive. No one is saying that you have to 100% buy your own groceries right now, but are there things you could afford that would supplement the family larder and help you in your goals? Maybe even if you just gradually added an item here and there?

    Change is hard, and I think it's even harder when there's a family status quo. Maybe you can't change things right now. But if you keep asking questions and learning then you will at least be ready when you are able to start making changes.
  • mensasu
    mensasu Posts: 355 Member

    Thanks! what I mentioned previously is my main goal but I do want to eat healthier. my parents are taking over the internet bill so I will still have that and be able to come here. and I'm canceling my phone and going without or going cheaper.

    Yes MFP can be your friend. Just take baby steps forward and you will get there. All the best on your quest.
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    When you cancel your phone, look for a prepaid option. My daughter's phone is a Virgin Mobile phone at a cost of $35 a month for 300 minutes and unlimited text and data. I got prepaid because she's only 13 and it gives me the option to drop it for a month if she decides to slack on schoolwork or something, but it's also a good option for someone like you. They even have Android phones, so you could still use MFP's food diary even when you can't be at a computer.

    I'd ask your dad if he would just buy frozen veggies instead of canned. Canned have a LOT of sodium, so just that switch alone would help. If you get them at Walmart, they sell the Walmart brand (Great Value) in pretty large bags at a really good price. If nothing else, a couple of bags for you alone would work fine and would last for quite a while. If you eat more of the veggies and less of the meat (especially the fried meats), you can keep your calories down.

    You might also want to check into food co-ops or farmers' markets in your area. Sometimes you can get things that way for a lot cheaper than a grocery store.

    Just out of curiosity (and if you don't want to answer, you don't have to), why is your father collecting disability? There are plenty of jobs that deaf people can do, even uneducated deaf people. I worked with the deaf for many years, and there are jobs out there they can do and probably make more money than they would collect on disability.
  • bahacca
    bahacca Posts: 878 Member
    I've read the whole thread and just want to give you a hug. You are 22 years old, working, going to school, your father is deaf and you are seeking advice on how to better your health. You are AMAZING!
    So, for a recap:
    Your parents are taking over the internet bill and you are going to drop or lower the phone bill.
    You will take that extra money and buy your OWN food.
    Here are just a few ideas that are on the cheap, but still healthy.
    For the oatmeal, smash up 1/2 a banana into it-more flavor and sweetness
    A tad bit of jam or honey is good too. Honey is a bit expensive, but it seemingly lasts FOREVER.
    Eggs-hard boil them and make an egg salad or have them for breakfast, lunch, snacks... If you don't know how to hard boil an egg, look it up on google.
    Beans-Look up recipes online. Mostly it is you soak them overnight and then slow cook them. You can mix a bunch of different kinds, add a ham hock and make delicious soup.
    Meat-Buy the whole chicken, ham, etc when on sale. Buy baggies and freeze portions to use later. Use the ham hock to make bean or split pea soup, the chicken carcass to make chicken stock for soup, chicken and dumplings, etc.
    Veggies-buy fresh when possible, frozen when on sale. I live in a very high cost of living area and my stores have 10 bags for $10 deals.
  • robin820
    robin820 Posts: 150 Member
    Until you cut out the fried food and all the white breads, etc.. Start making healthier choices, you will continue on with the belly fat. Unfortunately, thats just how it is, and PB & j and frozen meals arent all that great for you. Peanut butter in moderation, but protein powders are calories, and it will only add to the situation. Good luck, take baby steps, switch to whole wheat bread, or 100 calorie english wheat muffins. Try just some egg whites, no yoke. Some plain oatmeal with fruit topping instead of white sugar (or switch to some splenda instead). Fruits and Vege's. Skim milk. I have been eating alot of black beans and rice soup, Super easy and very healthy for you. Snack on things like a serving of pretzels, whole wheat chips and salsa, laughing cow cheese and fiber ccrackers, 100 calorie popcorns, rice cakes. You need to pick some healthier choices. Just a few ideas! Good luck again! ~ Robin
  • NobodyInParticular
    Stop putting sugar in your oatmeal. Put in fruit slices instead.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    White =/= unhealthy.


    I eat sushi at least once a week. White rice is a staple for me. Unless you have problems getting enough fiber, brown rice is overrated (and it has a GI index higher than many white rice varieties). Sure it would be great to replace some of your white bread with whole grain, but do what you can.
  • asticoral
    I would LOVE AND APPRECIATE suggestions to fix this problem.

    Straight talk 30.00 a month for 1000 mins/text and internet or 45.00 for unlimited - runs on verizon towers, virgin mobile and one other operate off sprint or ATT -
    Internet: library or wifi at a coffee shop if you don't have a internet capable phone.
    Store: frozen veggies are on sale all the time, I spend 25.00 a week for food so it can be done, stop blaming your Dad and put the big girl pants on.
    If you know you are eating junk ALL the exercise in the world isn't gonna do much, sorry hun
  • suckerlove
    I had a similar problem being unemployed, receiving only food stamps. I can really sympathize with you. I have to do a lot of specific planning, planning each meal a month in advance, but still it only goes so far. I have found a that farmers market has super cheap fruit and veggies. You should sit down with your dad and talk to him, I know my parents want the best for me and for me to be healthy. A healthy change in food would not only benefit you but him and your whole family. Just my thoughts on the matter. I wish you the best of luck. I know how hard it is out there lately. :smile:
  • DanaJ1983
    I recommend getting rid of your $95 phone bill I'm guessing you're a smart phone user? down grade to a phone that lets you call people and text. This could greatly reduce your bill, like in half!!!!!! another option is to keep the smart phone but get rid of the internet. if you have a smart phone you are already paying for the internet on your phone. if you choose to take this advice you just saved yourself at least $70 per month. If you really want to get healthy you're going to have to step it up in the food arena meaning you can't always rely on someone else to provide the healthy options especially if you are over 18. Now seems like a great time to learn a few basic cooking skills or at the very least go to the store and pick up a bag of apples. I find that the more desperate people are for things the more willing they are to sacrifice certain luxuries.
    Also a word for the wise you are probably eating a lot of bread not only because it's available but because you aren't getting enough fiber and protein which means you are probably still hungry after you eat? when you begin eating more nutritious foods they will help keep you fuller for longer.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    ok well after I saw there is also dish tv I was pretty much done. With all of the suggestions comes an excuse. I don't understand people on limited incomes complaining about not being able to eat healthy and yet have dish tv. DONE

    I kinda have to agree. My DD was living down south and she had no tv. She used her computer and watched free videos on that. She didn't suffer.
  • Charmed285
    Charmed285 Posts: 189 Member
    When you cancel your phone, look for a prepaid option. My daughter's phone is a Virgin Mobile phone at a cost of $35 a month for 300 minutes and unlimited text and data. I got prepaid because she's only 13 and it gives me the option to drop it for a month if she decides to slack on schoolwork or something, but it's also a good option for someone like you. They even have Android phones, so you could still use MFP's food diary even when you can't be at a computer.

    I'd ask your dad if he would just buy frozen veggies instead of canned. Canned have a LOT of sodium, so just that switch alone would help. If you get them at Walmart, they sell the Walmart brand (Great Value) in pretty large bags at a really good price. If nothing else, a couple of bags for you alone would work fine and would last for quite a while. If you eat more of the veggies and less of the meat (especially the fried meats), you can keep your calories down.

    You might also want to check into food co-ops or farmers' markets in your area. Sometimes you can get things that way for a lot cheaper than a grocery store.

    Just out of curiosity (and if you don't want to answer, you don't have to), why is your father collecting disability? There are plenty of jobs that deaf people can do, even uneducated deaf people. I worked with the deaf for many years, and there are jobs out there they can do and probably make more money than they would collect on disability.

    Virgin Moble doesn't work in my area. I checked it out and my friend has it and it doesn't work where I live. I wished it did because she said she is paying $25. my phone will be off when my uncle and aunt can make other arrangements. i'm considering them too and not just going to drop them like that...plus I would like to find an alternative myself if there is one. I spoken to her already about it.

    there is really no place to work here except for fast food chains (and they're aren't many)and grocery stores and if he worked at a part-time min wage job we would be MUCH worst off than we are now. plus theres a communication barrier since no one know's sign language. not only that, but no one seems to be hiring; along with other factors I don't care to mention.

    there are no farmers markets in the area.

    I've been trying to come up with healthy grocery ideas with my 77.00 that would have been toward the internet. I will be eating pretty much the same thing for a while until I can come up with other things:

    Oatmeal, turkey burgers with brown/ jasmine or wild rice(uncle bens) and veggies, cereal with almond milk, whole grain waffle spread with peanut or almond butter and topped with slices of strawberries (sandwich like), turkey chili, so called healthy prepacked foods for lunch ( realize it has tons of sodium and other crappy stuff but I couldn't think of anything else). hopefully thats within my budget and I will be eating that for two or more weeks until I can come up with other things. I don't know how to cook so i'm trying.
  • Charmed285
    Charmed285 Posts: 189 Member
    I've read the whole thread and just want to give you a hug. You are 22 years old, working, going to school, your father is deaf and you are seeking advice on how to better your health. You are AMAZING!
    So, for a recap:
    Your parents are taking over the internet bill and you are going to drop or lower the phone bill.
    You will take that extra money and buy your OWN food.
    Here are just a few ideas that are on the cheap, but still healthy.
    For the oatmeal, smash up 1/2 a banana into it-more flavor and sweetness
    A tad bit of jam or honey is good too. Honey is a bit expensive, but it seemingly lasts FOREVER.
    Eggs-hard boil them and make an egg salad or have them for breakfast, lunch, snacks... If you don't know how to hard boil an egg, look it up on google.
    Beans-Look up recipes online. Mostly it is you soak them overnight and then slow cook them. You can mix a bunch of different kinds, add a ham hock and make delicious soup.
    Meat-Buy the whole chicken, ham, etc when on sale. Buy baggies and freeze portions to use later. Use the ham hock to make bean or split pea soup, the chicken carcass to make chicken stock for soup, chicken and dumplings, etc.
    Veggies-buy fresh when possible, frozen when on sale. I live in a very high cost of living area and my stores have 10 bags for $10 deals.

    both of my parent's are deaf and your reacap is correct. Thanks! though, what's a ham hock?
  • Charmed285
    Charmed285 Posts: 189 Member
    White =/= unhealthy.


    I eat sushi at least once a week. White rice is a staple for me. Unless you have problems getting enough fiber, brown rice is overrated (and it has a GI index higher than many white rice varieties). Sure it would be great to replace some of your white bread with whole grain, but do what you can.

    brown rice is bad?
  • asticoral
    I'll help look for phone and service if you are comfortable sharing a zip code (one where your phone works- not where you live for privacy) and alternates for food ideas.
  • OK_Girl
    OK_Girl Posts: 123 Member
    i can't afford healthy foods or anyting. I eat whatever my dad buy and prepares. with my 95.00 phone bill, $77.00 internet, and 100.00 for transportation and only earing $400.00 check or less a month I have no money. sourthern food is homemade for the most part but he also buys packaged and can foods. he refuses to buy and eat healthier foods and we don't have much anyways. I will eat canned veggies if he makes it and no fruit or salads. he doesn't buy them.

    I call BS. You ARE able to eat healthy, you just CHOOSE not to.
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member

    I call BS. You ARE able to eat healthy, you just CHOOSE not to.

    Have you even read this thread?