My dog ate ...



  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    I've lost many a pairs of panties to my damn dogs. :grumble:
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    my hearing aid....

    no literally....

    i was in grade 11 and had an ear infection...and so i left my hearing aid on the kitchen table when my mom sent me to bed...

    and Skye the dumb bugger....ate it....

    we found little bits of electronics all over the house for weeks...

    there went 1500 dollars down the drain.
  • dinoskycm
    I'm a dog trainer, and my dogs have never really eaten anything super weird, but some of my students have!! I have one dog whose mom told me that she somehow pulled the nearby curtains into her crate, and destroyed them. (We are currently working on crate training and separation anxiety.)

    Another one of our regular customers has a puppy that ate a pair of thong underwear, and she had to have surgery to get it out. She's fine though. :)

    One of my dogs doesn't eat stuff, but she's a hoarder! haha If we leave the house, she will go through the trash (just the top of it. She doesn't tear into it or anything. We didn't know she was even getting into it.) and she will take anything behind the couch and push it underneath the sofa. My youngest dog was playing with a ball, and pushed it underneath the sofa one day (the seats recline on the sofa, so it was easy to just push it under there) so that's how we found out the other one was hoarding! We lifted the couch, and we were amazed to find empty boxes and napkins, along with various bones, treats, and toys. The cutest part is that she knows she's a hoarder! When she realized we were going to lift the couch, she frantically tried to get us to stop by jumping on us, barking, and running around the couch as if she was thinking, "No! Please don't do it! Don't!" She's so cute. We find stuff under there all the time.
  • TheresaC928
    My first dog (a terrier mix) ate a whole bag of hershey's kisses on me. She had the foresight to unwrap each one and leave the trail down the hallway back to her. Unfortunately later in life she got into our garbage and ate a chicken bone that got caught in her stomach and we had to put her down. She got real sick and would not have survived a surgery to get it out at 13 yrs old.

    My second dog ate our pillowy couch's arm. Foam everywhere and she thought it was fun times.

    My dog now has chewed up my son's action figures here and there, pencils, and occasionally tries to eat out of the garbage. I guess he's been a good boy considering his predecessors. Lady, Q, and Yoda are and were the best dogs though and I wouldn't trade them for the world.
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    My dog ate our pet turkey....well tried but the turkey (Henry) survived!!
  • kimothy38
    kimothy38 Posts: 840 Member
    My dog had the choice of easter eggs or hamburgers that we'd left in the car. Stupidly we thought she'd stay in the back of the car but she didn't. I really would've thought she'd go for the burgers but no, she preferred the easter egss - foil and all!
  • rudegyal_b
    rudegyal_b Posts: 593 Member
    a hairclip, never seen it again
  • melly7171
    melly7171 Posts: 54 Member
    Many pairs of underwear and now this might sound disgusting pet rats droppings...but he seems to like them and always manages to find one if it falls out of the cage
  • Justa_Paperbag
    Justa_Paperbag Posts: 59 Member
    As someone who raw-feeds, I can't help but be amused by the fact that others consider eating raw meat weird. That's what we consider "normal." Lol.
  • Skeebee
    Skeebee Posts: 740 Member
    Not my current dog but an older dog we had years ago.

    Ate an entire fiesta size pizza (all 18 inches in diameter).

    Also ate a pound of chocolate my mom got as a gift for her birthday (it was one of those giant bars). Had to put peroxide down his throat, but that dog had a stomach of titanium, I swear...
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    my hearing aid....

    no literally....

    i was in grade 11 and had an ear infection...and so i left my hearing aid on the kitchen table when my mom sent me to bed...

    and Skye the dumb bugger....ate it....

    we found little bits of electronics all over the house for weeks...

    there went 1500 dollars down the drain.

    I was in the kitchen and I heard that high pitch sound that hearing aids make when you cover them in your hand. Realized my foster dog was under the kitchen table chewing on one. Somehow we were able to get out of having to pay for the replacement.

    My black lab mix eats the handles off of everything he can get his teeth on. He has a thing for plastic. Collanders, pens, spatulas, dust's ridiculous! I've been lucky to not need to take him to the vet for anything he's eaten.
  • ctgirlscout
    ctgirlscout Posts: 90 Member

    What is the oddest thing you dog has eaten?

    Well, today my dog swallowed a squirrel...whole!
  • dinoskycm

    What is the oddest thing you dog has eaten?

    Well, today my dog swallowed a squirrel...whole!

    Holy crap! What kind of dog do you have?!
  • korsicash
    korsicash Posts: 770 Member
    I was a vet tech you would not believe some of the stuff I have helped surgically remove from a dogs innerds!
    The best was half a carpet. We couldn't tell if it was a mop head, three balls of yarn or what so we took bets and all lost. What the hell friggin dog eats half a carpet? Two weeks later an entire tennis ball out of the same dog. Two weeks after that a ham bone, two weeks after that a wash cloth, two weeks after that half his own tail. Seriously this dog had issues. At half his own tail and Way more surgeries than he should have lived through his owners got him a basket mussel, puppy prozac and a kennel and worked harder to exercise him.
    My personal dog has eaten an entire mamouth dog bone like you get at the pet store in 30 minutes....i then spent days picking that out of the yard! I don't even know how that was possible and how he lived through it!
  • vestarocks
    vestarocks Posts: 449 Member
    Haven't had time to read all of the posts but I definitely plan on it. I don't know if this site has been mentioned yet but it sounds like we could all have some fun with it

    My dogs have eaten:
    A wicker basket ($1000.00 in surgery bills)
    A costco size bag of chocolate chips plus a costco size bag of dog food (resulting in poop that you couldn't tell if it was poop or chocolate - I'm still traumatized)
    My current puppy has a taste for flip flops, pens, erasers, nerf darts, lego and socks. She must also disembowel all stuffed animals. Our backyard has a space we call the killing fields, that's where she takes things to die.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Aaaah, is hysterical!!! I just remembered the time one of my dogs got into baseball glove conditioning oil. She was lying on my bed, and my room had like a cloud of stink lingering in it. Then I noticed a big oily spot on my sheets. Right behind my dog's butt. I realized every time she farted, oil was coming out with it! :sick:
  • corndog33
    ...the tail end out of my daughter's Pull-Ups, back when she wore them. It didn't matter if it was pee or poop. Our hound, Lola, just liked the yummy, sodden cotton treats hidden inside. (I'm gagging while typing this.) :sick:
  • HSingMomto7Kids
    HSingMomto7Kids Posts: 345 Member
    It's okay to eat a snickers and my dog took my kids chocolate bar a few weeks back. Those dogs. lol
  • PixiePickle
    PixiePickle Posts: 68 Member
    OMG! after reading this I realise how lucky I am with my dog Tinker!! No counter surfing, furniture chewing, shoe eating etc. :heart:

    However, there are two weird things that she does get caught with.....empty snail shells from the garden & sometimes there is the odd raid on the bathroom waste bin for cotton buds??????
  • ctgirlscout
    ctgirlscout Posts: 90 Member

    What is the oddest thing you dog has eaten?

    Well, today my dog swallowed a squirrel...whole!

    Holy crap! What kind of dog do you have?!

    He's a Black Lab with an unbelievable appetite!