Eat Healthy; Get Fit; Lose 100+ New Group 1st Weigh in Jan.



  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    Hi all-- it's Becca 2010 here, back again with a different name. I (stupidly) quit MFP a few weeks back because I was spending too much time on here instead of doing other things. Sorry for not saying goodbye, it was rude. I had just ended a longterm relationship, was trying to sell a house (still am), getting settled in a new smaller place, and going back and forth across town between places... just got a bit overwhelmed.

    ANYWAY, after leaving here, January turned out to be a bit of a bust diet-wise, and so I am BACK amongst you wonderful supportive people and starting over today, February 1st, weighing in at 303.4.

    Katie, if you could erase all my prior info on the chart and start me from scratch at 303.4, that would be great. I love the chart idea. : )


    Welcome Back! I was wondering where you ran off too! I'm so happy that you came back! Remember baby steps don't overwhelm yourself. We are all here for you!!!
  • dltracy
    dltracy Posts: 15 Member
    Hi. I would like to join if it's not too late. I started weight loss June 2009. Starting weight was 312. I'm down to 244 and seem to be stuck there. My goal is 180.

  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    Hi. I would like to join if it's not too late. I started weight loss June 2009. Starting weight was 312. I'm down to 244 and seem to be stuck there. My goal is 180.


    Welcome! Congrats on the weight you have lost so far that is amazing!
  • katielouhoo
    katielouhoo Posts: 676 Member
    becca, it is nice to have you back. yes, i will get you fixed in the chart next week.

    diana- you are welcome to journey with us. we weigh-in on Fridays. we do a weekly chart (i try to get it done Sat. or Sun. evening after most folks have had a chance to post).

    say everyone- what do you think about doing a weekly challenge or each of us setting 3 goals for ourselves to work on each week?

  • dltracy
    dltracy Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you - I will be sure to check back in on Friday for weigh in.

  • tifffel
    hi I would like to join too if possible?
    I started MFP with my iphone app on 17/1 and have lost 6lbs so far. I weigh on Sunday mornings. really love the website - so glad i decided to look it up - it's great.
    Would love some support and motivation
  • Brandywithrow
    I like the weekly challenge Idea and the goals!!!
  • Actually, Katie, disregard my previous request about start weight... I'll just weigh in Friday and call that my start weight. Thanks!

  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    Hi everyone.. I hope it's not too late to join. I have started my weight loss program.. umm.. when i was.. 7 years old :).. Nah I'm not joking.. since i can remember i have been looking at my self with " extra " pounds.. first it was 2-3-4 .. than 10-12.. than.. it was 20-25.. and at 23 years i was at my heighest of 285-290 lbs.. with more than 140 l bs extra..
    So now i'm .. 28/29 years.. at 236/238.. For some reason i'm just stuck .. can't lose another oz .. for months now.. it's driving me crazy

    I have my weight from jan it was 236.3.. Today i'm at 238.6 ?! .. It's crazy.. I know the fluctuation and the water and the sodium and the " time of the month " i know..e verything can mess up the scale.. but ..
    it's not the time of the month
    and i usually don't eat salty
    i don't know what it is.. it just shows up and doesn't go away.

    I exercise religiously 5x a week.. minimum 60 minutes.. and more.. ocasionaly 90 + minutes at a time..
    Mostly do treadmill- and jillian m.. dvds also love billy blanks dvd's - tae-bo etc.. I do have the wii- but didn't do it in a long time..
    i might start doing it again sometime..

    I check all the ingridients- try to stay away from sythetics, " don't eat meat really that much, mostly chicken/ fish.. some beef..
    no pork / no bacon.. don't drink alcohol - ever.. don't drink soda- probably.. never.. or.. once in a blue moon a sip-two..

    Ok i guess that's all for now.. i will have to be patient - that's all there is to it.. its not easy.. i remember losing 2-3-4 lbs a week and still thinking it could be more.. and now i can't lose 1-2 lbs in a month .. just don't know why ?!

    ok- off to my workout..
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    Welcome bosanka, tifffel and dltracy! Bosanka what is you calorie intake at? It should be at least 1200. Just wondering if you are in starvation mode. Are you eating you exercise calories?

    I'm game to do weekly challenges or goals.
  • katielouhoo
    katielouhoo Posts: 676 Member
    let's start with an easy goal first-
    Next week (so starting this Friday, Feb. 5) everyone push to be sure to get in 8 to 10- 8oz glasses of water every day.
    be very intentional to keep track of ounces for the week, the next Friday (Feb. 12) when you report your weigh-in on Friday, be sure to add how you have done with daily water

    bosanka- if sodium is one of your issues with not dropping weight, added water might make the difference.
    the other thing i might suggest is to change things up a bit. if you usually do the same exercise things, try to take a day or two off, then do the wii instead for a couple of days before returning to what you know. or---if you don't eat all your exercise calories, try eating them or eating half; if you already eat them try to not eat them or half of them. i know someone else who allows herself one day a week to eat what she wants (within reason) but always some over daily allowance amounts (she swears it helps keep her metabolism guessing, so she doesn't plateau {& is still dropping 2 -4 lbs a week}) she is also an exercise fiend. keep in touch, let us know how it is going.

  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Will there be an overall winner of the water challenge or is it just to push ourselves?
  • katielouhoo
    katielouhoo Posts: 676 Member
    hmmmm. i hadn't thought that through all the way. i don't want people getting carried away in order to get "the most". we could say everyone who makes the minimum of 64 oz a day is a winner.

    (of course, for those who haven't started making 64 oz part of every day, any growth they make towards drinking more oz a day is a victory.)

    or... we could have winners be the ones who increase their normal daily average by 8 to 16 additional oz.

    what do you think? -katie
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    We could just say everyone goal this week is to drink at least 64 oz of water a day. And the next week maybe it could be everyone do at least 15 of exercise a day. Maybe we could go through the list of names and everyone have a turn at deciding what our goal is for the week.
  • Nicmc8
    Nicmc8 Posts: 178 Member
    I like the water challenge. For the last month I have been very good about drinking 64-96+oz a day, however there have been days when I have been lax on the water... on those days I tend to snack more and guess what... I then go over my calories!

    One way I am sure to get my minimum of water in each day is, I keep a case of water in my car. I drink two 16oz bottles on the way to work and two on the way home, everything else I drink is extra. I have a 32 mile commute each way, so I have no issue with having to gulp it down, just mindless drinking through bumper to bumper traffic:)
  • KaeChelle
    I know I don't drink enough water, so that's a great goal to start with. I have to admit, my eating has been horrible this week. After last friday's weigh in, I splurged, and have just been doing terrible since. I'm afraid to see what the scale is going to say this week! Need to get back on track!
  • dltracy
    dltracy Posts: 15 Member
    I'm a recovering diet pepsi addict. I haven't had soda in 8+ months. I am not a water drinker, but I am drinking 80 oz. of it a day. I'm doing slim4life (slimgenic) and it's required. After that much water, there isn't room for anything else. I've discovered that the first things I give up when I am not "dieting" is water, fruit, veggies, etc. I've been at the same weight for almost a month. Just can't seem to jiggle anything loose. My sons (adult) keep telling me to go off the diet for a week. I'm afraid that if I do that, I won't want to get back on the wagon. Everytime I go weigh in I hold my breath and then I'm disappointed. A 2-day plateau breaker starting tomorrow - guess it has to come off sooner or later. I'm tracking my calories and I'm sticking pretty close to 1200.

    Starting weight: 312
    Current weight: 244/245
    Goal: 180
  • Since green tea is healthy and helps with weight loss, can we count it toward our water goal, do you think?
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    OK the results is in 235.2 was the magic number on the scale. That is a 2.6 lbs loss for the week. Yeah!

    I can't wait to see how well everyone else has done this week! You all Rock!

    I just need more information on our challenge/goal for the week.

    Hugs everyone!
  • katielouhoo
    katielouhoo Posts: 676 Member
    i'm in a rush this morning. i will post my weigh-in and then check back later today about a challenge.

    ltlmom 235.2 (2.6)
    katie 224.6 (3.6)

    an excellent calorie week, just ok on exercise. i gotta step it up this week. i see the doctor next Friday and really, really want to be at 80 lbs lost. -katie