Eat Healthy; Get Fit; Lose 100+ New Group 1st Weigh in Jan.



  • Heather_b1986
    Heather_b1986 Posts: 125 Member
    thanks ltlhmom its great when you start to notice a difference even if nobody else does yet....but they soon will! :smile: water challenge sounds good to me too btw, iv increased my water alot so it would be good to keep track n see how im doin

    heather x
    LOVE my Wii fit + I use it everyday for at least 30 minutes. I usually burn off between 250 and 300 calories and it has made a huge difference in my body tone (which was toneless before). I have lost 23 pounds and have 130 more to go and wii fit + is my only excersize (except chasing children, cleaning,etc). I have bone spurs in my heels so there are some excersizes I cannot do like running but I love step and flapping my arms like a chicken. It's all good!:happy:
  • katielouhoo
    katielouhoo Posts: 676 Member
    Another week on the chart. - together we are truly amazing. At this rate before the end of the month we will have lost enough to equal someone of our size since the first of the year. wow.

    i have moved out a couple of people that haven't reported in 4 times, but they can be added back.
    leshawnturner and fallingwave both expressed an interest, but didn't check in this weekend.
    caberglund also expressed an interest, but we need numbers to plug in the chart.
    if any of you are still reading and following us, we'd be glad to count you, just check in with us.

    have an excellent week ( keep up the water intake everybody) -katie

  • katielouhoo
    katielouhoo Posts: 676 Member
    Becca- i highly recommend the baked vegetarian chimichangas found on this site (just use the search)
    excellent, and i have served them to guests too.

    the other recipe:

    Maple-balsamic glazed fish with spinach saute

    1 lb fresh or frozen skinless fish fillets (like halibut, salmon, sea bass) (i like the ocean eclipse 4 oz frozen fish- sold in perfect individual servings size,no guessing, only $1 each - $4/ lb is a good price where i live)
    3 Tbl maple syrup (i use sugar free)
    1 Tbl balsamic vinegar
    1 to 2 teas. dijon style mustard
    1 recipe spinach saute

    thaw fish, if frozen. Pre-heat broiler. rinse & pat dry fish.
    combine syrup, vinegar & mustard in a small bowl.
    Place fish on greased broiler pan rack. broil 4 inches from heat 8 to 12 minutes, or until fish flakes easily.
    Turning once halfway through cooking. brush with glaze last 2 to 3 minutes of broiling.

    meanwhile prepare spinach saute, serve with fish. Makes 4 servings.

    Spinach Saute

    1 Tbl olive oil
    1 lb fresh spinach
    3 Tbl walnuts toasted, chopped (i use sliced almonds)
    1 Tbl worchestershire sauce
    1/4 teas salt
    1/8 teas pepper

    heat olive oil over medium high heat. add spinach cook & stir for 1 to 2 minutes to wilt spinach. remove from heat. stir in walnuts, worcestershire, salt & pepper (4 servings)

    the nutrition information is for the fish plus the spinach
    250 calories, 10g fat, 1g sat fat, 46mg choles., 25g protein, 17g carb., 3g fiber, 386mg sodium

  • michfitzhome
    michfitzhome Posts: 187 Member
    I would love to join your group, not sure how to get started or what to do. i have lost 19 so far with 98 to go. i have read quite a few of the past posts and saw your chart,

  • Katie, thanks for that beautiful chart and for the recipes, which look delicious! I appreciate all the time you took. ~Becca
  • leshawnturner
    Hello folks!!
    Just checking in to see how all is going. THis weekend wasn't too bad. I got most of my water in which is great because I usually never get any water in. I will weigh again on Friday (hopefully I will have gone down a pound). My weight loss has been pretty stagnant and I've tweaked and prodded all that I can. I just ordered p90x and it should get here today or tomorrow so maybe that will kick my weight loss into high gear because the exercise that I do now is not doing it.

    I like the water challenge!! I usually do a good job with my water but I willl definitely use the challenge as a way of encouraging me to get the water in on the weekends. :happy:
  • tifffel
    Hi everyone!
    I lost another 2lbs this week - bringing my total so far to 8lbs. I'm really happy with the way things are going. Just need to motivate myself to get excercising. I'm not sure if I'm the only english girl on here? Most people of you seem to be American which means there is a bit of a time difference!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • katielouhoo
    katielouhoo Posts: 676 Member
    :flowerforyou: Michelle- anyone is welcome. your only "requirement" is persistance. keep posting with us. we weigh-in on Fridays. So, just check back with us. To get you on the group chart, i need this week's starting weight (when you joined us) and whatever your weigh in is next Friday.:happy:

    Our start weight is the weight we were when we began with this group. for some that was the beginning of Jan. for others, some week since then. my name is katie, if you look back on the chart ( on the page before this one) you can see my weight loss total on my ticker is different than with loss i'm recording with the group.

    we also have started adding a small challenge each week to help us stay focused with the new habits we are building.
    this week the challenge is to get a minimum of 64 oz of water every day.:drinker:
    we have not picked what challenges will be other weeks, but could be many things like: 15 minutes of exercise daily, or 5 fruits/vegies a day, or try a new fruit/ vegetable, or use 1-2 new healthy recipes during the week (& share them), or try a different exercise twice this week, or no snacking after 8-9pm, or etc, etc. the group will decide what we will be doing. so keep coming and you definitely can help us as we try to motivate ourselves and each other.
  • katielouhoo
    katielouhoo Posts: 676 Member
    Tiff- i understand what you mean about time difference. i notice it being on the western side of the US, my posting time is different than many others.

    by the way- it is great to see you are having successful loss, but i still do not have your numbers. can you post your starting weight and current weight for me to get you on the chart? (and it helps me to see a current weight, rather than lost 3 lbs, so i know the numbers agree)

    Where in England, i loved my last visit. hoping to get there next spring.

  • tifffel
    Hi Katie,

    Sorry I wasn't sure exactly how it worked! I usually weigh in on a sunday morning but can change that if it helps? When do I need to let you have my figures by to have them included in the chart? What is the time difference??

    to date mine are:
    17/Jan - 242
    24/Jan - 236
    31/Jan - 236
    7/Feb - 234

    I'm in Essex which is a County about 40 miles outside of London. I commute to London to work. Where abouts are you in the US?

    I have only been to New York, Las Vegas and Orlando in the US. Loved all 3 places for different reasons!

  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    FINALLY back down to 218 today. AF & 5k weight increase were tough to get off. Hoping to be 216 by Friday. :)
  • katielouhoo
    katielouhoo Posts: 676 Member
    Well Tiff- a little embarassing right now, but i'm from boise, idaho (where some of those nut southern baptists that have made such a splash in the news from Haiti are from). and no, i do not know any of them.
    boise is several hours north of las vegas. it sits against the mountains, but is at the edge of the high desert; so like las vegas, we have lower humidity, and few insects.
    it is looking like my younger daughter (college freshman- 19 yrs old) may have a school trip to England next March. my older daughter went last year (but her trip was to italy), i joined her for a great time. i'm hoping i can do the same next spring and meet emily in england. that's a whole year away, but an awesome thought.

    you are about 7 hours later than i am. (right now it is around 2:30pm here, but already 9:30pm in London) i have posted the last couple of weeks on Saturday night, but i could wait and put the chart up on Sunday evening. we'll give it a try this coming weekend and see. (it is not like there is a strict deadline. we set the weigh-in & chart posting ourselves)
  • Heather_b1986
    Heather_b1986 Posts: 125 Member
    good to know the time difference im in the u.k too (scotland) :smile:
  • tifffel
    Hello Katie & pinkchick

    That's great Katie thank you - just don't want to mess up your system! I'll post my weight sunday morning then and we'll see how it goes. If you need me to post my weight earlier then I'll just move my weigh in day - It's no problem!

    I'm off to Orlando again in May and then hopefully again for Christmas and New Year 2011. My mum & dad have a place there. I know I have only visted the typical torist places but I prefer to travel that way - I'm not a 'off the beaten track' type!

    Hope you do get over here next srping. It's a lovely time of year to visit England

  • tifffel
    Also does anyone know how many calories 1hr of Pilates burns as this isn't listed in the excercise diary

  • leshawnturner
    I've been doing pretty well getting my water in each day. I'm only at 48 oz right now but I have a 20 oz bottle sitting right next to me that I'm working on. My p90x just came in the mail yesterday but I'm a little afraid to try it. I know it will be very challenging!!! But I will throw caution to the wind and try it tonight. Hopefully it won't completely kill me!! My goal is to be down 1 lb by Friday!!!
  • brobwill
    Great to see all of you who are on the same journey of losing 100+ lbs also! When you've got a long way to go, you need support and I'm finding I'm in the right place.
  • Brandywithrow
    hey everyone i know its not weight in day but i usually weigh myself everyother day and got on the scale today and was 239 so im in the 230's!!!! i am so motivated now :) good luck this week everyone I know we can do it that mean im 1/4 way to my goal weight!!!!!
    ill offically weigh in on Friday but just had to share!
  • katielouhoo
    katielouhoo Posts: 676 Member
    Brandy that is terrific news. and i made 80 lbs lost.
    we are making great progress.