Do you let your kids go hungry or force them to eat it?



  • xLexa
    xLexa Posts: 482 Member
    Let them go hungry. My philosophy is... a kid will eat when they are hungry. You are doing your kids a favor by introducing this new way of eating at a young age... their taste buds will adapt, as will yours.
    Enjoy the road to health!!
    This....No kid will starve when there is food available - just don't allow them to raid the fridge if they did not touch their dinners....

    Nutritionist gave me the exact same advice yesterday! We were talking about my very picky underweight 7 year old! But I would think the advice works both ways.
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Choice #2 works if you are consistent about it. They may not like it but they will learn to eat what is served. Of course when they get into their late teens, they can go buy what ever they want - and they do. Dinner may be the only healthy thing that they eat all day.

    And I do disagree that eating healthier cost more.
  • treehopper1987
    treehopper1987 Posts: 505 Member
    I have heard you need to introduce foods to your kids up to 20 times before they get used to it and actually like it, so don't give up! There are lots of sneaky ways to add veggies to foods-- like using a puree.

    Also, have you had your kids help cook? If they can help in any way, they are proud of their creation and will probably eat it no matter what!

    Hahaha I am trying this method on my husband: sneaking it in and several times to try to get him (as well as myself) to eat healthier. He is a very picky eater and will rarely eat something (if he's never seen it before) unless he knows what's in it.
  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 835 Member
    I cook....if my kid doesn't like what I cook, she's free to make her own meal. True, she's 17 now, but the same held true when she was 7.

    Eat what I cook or don't eat. Period. DHS/CPS says you have to feed your children, it does NOT say you have to feed them what they like or want.

    Same rules in my house. If you don't like what I cook, you make your own. And since I do the shopping, I do not pay for the junk foods that are not good for them. They can save their allowance for that if it is that important.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    You aren't going to get turned in for providing a nutritious meal that your kid refuses to eat.

    If my daughter doesn't eat what I make, she doesn't eat. End of story. I'm the grown-up, I make the rules and decide what is good for her. If she were in control, we'd be eating Lucky Charms and Nutella morning, noon, and night. Kids are not developed enough to make decisions like that.

    If she is hungry later, she can have a piece of fruit. There is no access to junk food for her to "pig out" on.

    *Edit to say that I always make sure there is something she likes on her plate - some apple wedges, yogurt, etc. And some nights, we have something I know she enjoys (whole wheat spaghetti & marinara for example). But, I don't make seperate meals, and I'm not a short order cook.

    I like your idea--Even back in the 1970s and early 1980s when I was a kid, this is how my mom dealt with feeding 4 people (2 adults, 2 kids, one--my brother--EXTREMELY picky). There was always at least one thing that all of us liked on our plates Every so often she would let me and my brother choose a favorite meal and she would make both of us that meal, even if it was two different things...that was on very rare special occasions and very much a treat--like breakfast for dinner kind of stuff ;)
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Our 12-year-old son is a pretty good eater. Luckily he is on the thin side so right now it's more about making sure he's getting enough calories in a day rather than having to limit him.

    There are certain things he likes and certain things he doesn't, but thankfully things like fish, fruit, brussel sprouts, and yogurt are up there on his list. He would, however, eat pasta for every single meal if I allowed him. Dinners for us right now are usually a lean cut of meat/fish, green vegetable or salad, and a bit of starch (mostly for my son as my husband and I are watching carbs).

    The rule is that our son must eat, minimally, a 'no thank you' portion (approximately 1/4 c.) of whatever I make. If he doesn't like it, fine, he doesn't have to eat any more, but I'm also not preparing him an alternative. If he is still hungry then he may have fruit, yogurt, string cheese, or a pb&j sandwich. If he won't even finish the 'no thank you' portion (which has only happened once or twice in several years), he gets sent to bed because he is either clearly not feeling well or is too tired to be rational about food.

    Just because he doesn't like something doesn't mean it is taken out of our meal rotation--he still has to have a small portion the next time regardless. At restaurants he can order what he likes (although it seems to be either the pasta I never make or lobster :ohwell: ), although I still encourage him to try a taste of whatever I have ordered, especially if it's 'exotic' (like sushi).
  • kit8806
    kit8806 Posts: 222 Member
    With my daughter, I lucked out.. at 4, she LOVES her veggies and fruit, and honestly, will choose to snack on blueberries or eat cauliflower (yes, I am soo not lying here, she LOVES cauliflower too) instead of going for candy. Now, not always true, she will go for junk food too, but dinner for is this.... You must at least try everything on your plate and eat X amount. If I know she really really doesn't like it, I'll let her skip it after a few bites. If she refuses to eat that night, I remind her that if she gets hungry, her dinner is on the table and there will be NO snacks until her plate is empty. At 7pm, I tell her it's last call for supper before bed time, after that she is done for the night. If she refuses to eat, she gets no munchies (if she is hungry I don't let her starve, but I will give her veggies or an apple or something). This has worked for me and there have only been a handful of times she refused to eat..

    We also make a game at dinner... we see who can make a "happy plate" and a happy plate is a clean plate, that has worked as well... I also, at times when she is being very fussy, give her double the servings, so when she keeps saying she won't eat, I take half off her plate and say eat what's left. She thinks she's only having to eat a little bit, when really she is eating what she needs too...

    Hope this helps!!!
  • meglet175
    I'm a mom of three teenagers, so I've had some experience with this. I would never make a child eat something he truly didn't like. I just think that's cruel. With that said, I asked my boys to TRY one bite of whatever I made. Sometimes, they surprised themselves by liking something, and their tastes changed over time, so that something "icky" one week was OK a few weeks later. I also would not allow my child to pick any food of his choice to replace what I had served. The rule in our house was if you didn't like dinner, you could prepare and eat something else on your own - but it had to be something I agreed was healthy. Often my boys ate fruit or yogurt in place of some part of our meal, or they'd scramble a few eggs (by themselves!). Over time, they became less picky. None of them were big vegetable eaters but they were OK with salads, so we had them all the time. Keep the junk food out of the house for the most part, so they can't fill up on it while you're not looking.

    The most important thing you can do is to offer LOTS of healthy options. Try setting out a couple types of fruit, some wheat rolls, some yogurt, etc., with the hope that there will be something on the table your kids will eat. Don't stress if your child won't eat many vegetables - instead, make sure to find some fruits they will eat and have them on hand. I discovered my kids loved baked beans - so I served them at least once a week. Just make sure there's something healthy on the menu that each child will eat.

    Experiment with new recipes or new ways of cooking. I can't stand mushy steamed vegetables. But toss them with a little olive oil, salt, and pepper and roast them in a hot oven until they're crispy - and they're amazing! Try topping with a little parmesan cheese and the kids might gobble them right up. We eat roast broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, and our favorite - red potatoes with the skins still on - all the time, and it's quick and healthy. Soups are another way to slip in vegetables. My kids didn't like any chunks of veg in their soup, so I grated them so they would "dissolve" while the soup simmered. The kids didn't notice them and ate without complaint. Try doing this with onions, carrots, even zucchini. Add a can of tomato puree or black beans for more nutrients and fiber.

    As far as portion control goes, I think it's important to listen to and respect the child. That's part of why I don't make a child eat what he doesn't like, but it's also why I don't make them clean their plates. I like to leave the food on the kitchen island, and we eat at the table. Each child serves himself - small portions to start - knowing that if he is still hungry he can go back for seconds. If you can manage to get some good protein, some fiber, and some healthy fat into each meal, your kids will stay satisfied for longer.

    Just keep at it and don't give up. Their health depends on the habits you instill in them. Just keep trying until you find foods that work!
  • Tracey0013
    Tracey0013 Posts: 154 Member
    This may have been said before but here is my two cents :) I would have half of the things they will eat and half of the things that are "new/healthy" for a meal. I would put down the new /healthy food first and have them at least try what is there (they don't have to eat it all. Then After they have at least tried the healthy stuff I would put the other on their plate :) Good luck on the family change :)
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    We have a rule...taste everything just once so you can make a better decision on whether its good or bad. I dont cook 2 meals in our house..but then again..I am blessed with children that will eat anything from alligator to chicken curry..
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I am not a parent, but I do remember what my parents did. I was a *very* picky eater. If I didn't want to eat what the rest of my family was eating I was allowed to have a peanut butter sandwich (100% whole grain bread, natural peanut butter, no jelly/honey/etc.), a small amount of fruit (this limitation was because otherwise I would have just eaten fruit and nothing else), and some raw or leftover cooked veggies. By most adult standards it was a pretty boring meal, but it was healthy enough and I could "prepare" it myself. I'm not completely sure this would work in your case, as your children may be used to very different sandwiches, but you might be able to find an equivalent, relatively healthy default meal for them.
  • rattler0812
    rattler0812 Posts: 40 Member
    I have lived overseas and have had to eat foods that have been absolutely nasty (according to my taste buds). But I don't want my kids growing up thinking that all food is going to taste exactly the way they want. The rule in our house is that you have to at least try it. Then we ask what they could change about the way the food tastes. We have offered a healthy meal and then ask them what would they change about it to make it more enjoyable. Then, they can't say that we don't make food they like. Sometimes, they only ask "Can we have ketchup on the side?" That seems to be the solution for a lot of the meals and I am not sure why. Overtime, we have introduced Brazilian, Korean, Middle Eastern and Indian food to the list. Some foods are total flops. They refuse to ever eat them again or even try and modify them so they are better (and sometimes my wife and I agree that they are flops). But the kids enjoy getting involved in how the food is made and we enjoy that they are branching out to discover more food than just the hot dogs in the fridge.
  • Birdie
    Birdie Posts: 256 Member
    Niether. I would slowly introduce new things to them and keep track of the ones they like or dislike. I would slowly work more of the ones they like into their diet. Forcing kids to eat something that they hate and makes them gag in abusive.
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    they eat what i cook, if they don't like it...tough... it helps to let them cook with me gets them more interested in trying different types of food.
  • Cindy311
    Cindy311 Posts: 780 Member
    I'm pretty sure at most homes people eat what is on the table or go hungry. I find it ridiculous that there are people who will cook three or four meals to satisfy a family. I also believe in the try a few bites before you say yes or no rule. I don't expect my kids to eat a whole plate of something they hate but a few bites isn't going to hurt them physically, mentally, or! At dinner I make for sure they know that it is the last meal of the day, so if they are hungry eat up because I'm not going to fix more food when it's convenient for them. I love my kids, but I refuse to cater to their food wants and want nots.
  • Lunakatrina
    Let them go hungry, and I say that because that was the option I always chose as an extremely picky child--but I always tried things so that way I could definitely say I didn't like it and no one could ever dispute it--because I'd tried it. Maybe have them take a bite before they can choose to not eat it, tell them that one bite is their get out of dinner free card?

    But really, you're just going to make them resent you and their food if you FORCE them to eat it, but I also think you should not make them another dinner. I used to just go hungry and then I learned to cook (between 6 and 8) and so if I never liked a meal my mom or dad made I would cook myself something.

    You're definitely not going to hurt them if you let them go hungry, and since you're offering HEALTHY food to your children and they're choosing not to eat it (you're not starving them, they're being picky eaters), I don't think you'd be arrested...although I may be doing that thing I do where I have faith in the future of humanity.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    I would not let them binge on bad foods, I would definitely let them feel hungry if they decided they didn't want to eat something new, and finally I would not cave to the fake puking thing. they've tried it. I make them clean it up. I know when it's real and when it's contrived and I don't let them get away with it. I'm the adult. And if DHS seriously would get you in trouble for your child not eating a full healthy meal you offered and you refusing to be a short order cook.....well then consider yourself lucky because most DHS offices don't have time to investigate legitimate problems so if yours responds to that I'm astounded. I have tow boys, 7 and 9. When I worked full time my husband got fast food in the evenings a lot after he got home from work (I worked out of town a lot) now that i"m working less and cooking dinner every night it has been a bit of a power struggle. I win.
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    Here's the scenario...
    Overweight parents used to eating larger portion sizes and the wrong foods...
    Very normal kids who are a mix of picky eaters and one that tends to eat more than they should, very young in age
    The household is trying to change thier eating habits to healthier choices

    #1 Don't argue it, healthier food is more expensive until you learn that tiny portions are the actual portion size. Again Don't argue that point, I know its accurate.

    So the kids don't like beans, rice, plain veggies, not fond of the taste of some spices. Etc..... they just aren't digging the change

    The adult in the house understands that this is the way food is supposed to be because they haven't yet picked up all these great ways that everyone talks about of fixing these wonderful tasting recipes.... plain is what they know plain is healthy.... becuase they are learning.

    The kids think it's gross and don't want to eat it.

    Choice 1: Do you let them go hungry and have them pig out at the next opportunity on the foods they like

    Choice 2: Or do you sit there until they eat it, and sit through the "fake puking" or real in some cases.... crying, screaming etc.until they eat it.

    Keep in mind choice 1 could get you turned in for not feeding your kids...depending on who hears the story and how DHS/CPS friendly they are.

    What do you do? I have little faith that too many people will answer this but wanted to see if I'd get anything.


    Make it a competition between the kids. Set up a 90 day tracking chart and a "Fun" Fund Jar. For every fruit or vegetable they eat, a quarter goes into the "Fun" Fund. Whichever one of them eats the mosts fruits and veggies at the end of the 90 days gets to choose an activity (maybe give them a couple of options to choose from) for the whole family to enjoy (the reward is, the WINNER gets to choose) and the "Fun" Fund helps pay for the activity.
  • Shelbert79
    Shelbert79 Posts: 517 Member
    "you get what you get and you don't throw a fit" is a rant that my kids say all the time (not sure where they heard it though). If I try something new and they don't like it, I'll let them make a sandwich instead. If I'm making dinner and it's something they've had before, they eat or go hungry. I have 4 girls and my 6 year old complains almost EVERY night about SOMETHING. Unless it's mac'n cheese, hot dogs or chicken nuggets, one of my kids will find something to complain about.
  • Dub_D
    Dub_D Posts: 1,760 Member
    My kid is so picky, but I make her eat when & what my boyfriend and I eat. I give her the choice to eat and then she can go play with her friends, or not eat and not get to go play with her friends.