Divorce & Children?



  • jordanlell
    jordanlell Posts: 340 Member
    I was about your son's age when my parents split, and I guess I was okay with it because to me it was just the way it always was. I don't have many memories from when they were together, and the ones I do have are not good ones. I always looked at it as a positive, actually, relative to what it would have been like had they stayed together (they were quite hostile). I had a good relationship with both my parents for many years, up until my dad got married. His wife caused all kinds of problems as she was convinced that even after many, many years my dad still had feelings for my mom, which took quite a toll on our relationship as she would not allow him to have any kind of reasonable contact with her. I now haven't talked to my dad in 3 years, BUT I have a wonderful relationship with my mom.

    My point being, even if your ex is a butthead, you can still have a good relationship with your son, so long as he knows how much YOU care about him.
  • eleqtriq
    eleqtriq Posts: 76 Member
    I noticed that the more civil and mature the parents are to each other, the easier it is on the kids.

    This. If he thinks his parents still at least like each other, he'll be OK. His world won't be so ripped apart.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I'm about to finalize my divorce in the next couple months, and we have 2 children together (3 year old twin boys).
    It gets easier. Your child will have some fall out, but let them feel that. Even though my ex-husband is vile and makes life extremely difficult for me, I still maintain to our children that we "are friends". My situation is slightly different custody-wise because my ex pretty much divorced our kids through this as well. He sees them once a week. Some people say "oh, that's not bad" so let's put that into perspective. My ex sees his 2 sons 1 time in 7 days, 4 out of 31, and 48 out of 365.

    48 days out of 365. wow.

    Thankfully, my kids have come through it pretty well. They don't ask about him much, and don't question much, but when they do, I maintain that we are friends, just don't live together anymore. Make sure you see him as much as humanly possible right now, spend quality time, and hug/love him as much as possible. My kids have become VERY bonded towards me, and are VERY affectionate now.

    They adjust, it just definitely takes time. Hopefully your ex stops with the negative comments, even though he's hurting, he really shouldn't be letting your child deal with adult problems.
  • eleqtriq
    eleqtriq Posts: 76 Member

    My ex fancied calling me all sorts of things, and when she died this spring, one of my daughters wasn't even sure if she wanted to be at the funeral. If you want to be hated on your death bed, just be nasty, it will work like a charm.

    So true. Bad mouthing *may* only work for a limited time. Eventually, the kids will catch on and know what the bad mouthing parent is doing. They're not stupid.

    Remember, you're bad mouthing their father/mother!!
  • laurasimmons
    laurasimmons Posts: 575 Member
    I noticed that the more civil and mature the parents are to each other, the easier it is on the kids.

  • perfectingpatti
    perfectingpatti Posts: 1,037 Member
    Why did you move out and leave him with your husband? You've also said in another thread that you've joined a dating site and have started dating. My advice is to put his needs before yours right now. He's probably scared and feels insecure. Things CAN get better, but you and your husband both need to put your son first right now. It doesn't sound like either of you are doing that.
  • BeccaB1981
    BeccaB1981 Posts: 456 Member
    My 2 year old daughters dad and I broke up about a month ago and he moved out (all his decision, I thought we were happy). I had really hoped that we would be able to make things work smoothly for our daughter and stay friendly but I feel like he is not willing to meet me half way. He is being pretty stubborn and already he is flaking out when he is suppose to see her or call her. I would never say anything bad about him to my daughter but I guess I have discussed it with other people around her and will definitely be more careful with that. I sometimes forget that even at 2 she understands so much and is always listening even if she is watching Dora, lol.

    I do firmly believe that her happiness and well being NEEDS to be the priority and I am trying so hard to do what I think is best for her even if that means that I feel like I am always giving in to him and his requests. I hope she never ends up hating her dad but if she ever does I DO NOT want it to be because of anything that I said or did. All I can do is keep trying to be the bigger person and hope it will all work out in the end.

    Good luck to you, it's definitely not an easy situation to go through.
  • ohmykai
    ohmykai Posts: 210 Member
    Why did you move out and leave him with your husband? You've also said in another thread that you've joined a dating site and have started dating. My advice is to put his needs before yours right now. He's probably scared and feels insecure. Things CAN get better, but you and your husband both need to put your son first right now. It doesn't sound like either of you are doing that.

    I moved out because he wouldn't leave and we could NOT live under the same roof anymore. It was getting extremely heated. He was sleeping downstairs and I was sleeping upstairs but it was a terrible situation. Why am I dating? Because I wanted to move on with my life, especially after the past 6 years feeling very alone in my marriage and not having any sort of companionship...I am always there for my son. I work during the week, pick him up after I get off work and take him somewhere fun or have him sleep at my place where I am and every other weekend we are together. My ex does not want to date or move on and has said he "never will" . That is on him, but I have been unhappy for quite sometime and I deserve to be happy in my life.
  • tigerlinly
    tigerlinly Posts: 219 Member
    my daughter wwas 17 months old when her dad and i split up (though she was 7 when i finanlly got my divorce because he fled and i couldnt find him in order to get the divorce). there were days i would drop her off at day care (or my mom depending on my schedule at work) and sshe would cling but that was normal the only problem we really ahd with her dad was him not showing up when he promised he would show up (even now taht she is 24 with a child of her own he is still pulling her in 20 different directinos saying he wil come then he wont come even pulling that when she graduated high school and got married) he did eventually show up for graduation but not wedding he hasnt even had the never to come 5 hours to see his only grandchild who is now fixing to turn 3 years old yet i see her at least once or 2ce a week so no it isnt u its a phase
  • hersheythecat
    hersheythecat Posts: 117 Member
    Do the best you can with what you have... I left when my kids were almost 3 and 5. I tried really hard in the beginning to remain friends including going to Disney World twice with him (once with his GF too). However, the lying he continued to do finally killed even the friendship. I am now just civil with him. That's all you can do.

    As far as explaining, my daughter doesn't remember ever living together. My son remembers me as a very mad/angry mother and that changed when I left. I mellowed out over time.
  • tigerlinly
    tigerlinly Posts: 219 Member

    My ex fancied calling me all sorts of things, and when she died this spring, one of my daughters wasn't even sure if she wanted to be at the funeral. If you want to be hated on your death bed, just be nasty, it will work like a charm.

    So true. Bad mouthing *may* only work for a limited time. Eventually, the kids will catch on and know what the bad mouthing parent is doing. They're not stupid.

    Remember, you're bad mouthing their father/mother!!

    i never abd mouthd my ex to point where i turned my daughter against her dad he proved to her what he was by failing to keep promises, etc. she came to me when she was 14 and told me that when she got married she would invite her dad to the wedding but by no means was he goingto walk her down the ailse since my dad was the one that actually raised her she said my dad would walk her down the aisle. as far as bad mouthing the other parent i wish my eldest neice would get a grip when her mom and dad (My brotehr) got divorced her mom got upset cuz we took my brother side and bad mouthed my brother so bad that not only did their daughter turn against him but she also turned against us and she was around 10 and her brother around 8 when they divorced my nephew did reconcile with his dad and all and is very active in the family unlike his sister
  • AReasor
    AReasor Posts: 355 Member
    It gets better.

    I had a long nasty divorce and custody battle(restraining orders and police were involved). Every year it gets easier to manage. It has been 5 years now and things aren't perfect but we can at least talk about any problems the kids are having together. I still don't like some of things he does at his house, and I'm sure he feels the same about me. Control your own behavor and keep things positive with your son.
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    I divorced when my son was 2 years old, and he doesn't remember us together. That being said, my ex and I make it a point to still talk daily and even hang out about once/week with our son. ALL pride and hurt feeling have been put aside and never brought up. We simply remain friends for his sake. It's NOT easy and doesn't work for many divorcees but if you can make it work, awesome. We still take our son to dinner or breakfast together, the park, the zoo, etc... Tell him that it will be fun to have TWO houses, two bedrooms, etc. Honestly, my son loves that. And try to share custody as much as reasonable for your situation. We're 50/50, no child support, etc. Just works for us to have zero conflict.

    Now that my son is 6 he is more curious on why we're divorced and has started asking questions. When my ex explained "Mommy and daddy decided we were even better friends when we had two separate houses and didn't live together, blah blah blah." My son's reply??

    "Plus, Mom's got too much stuff to live here." :)

    Kid's are resilient if you both behave maturely and in his best interest. Don't "stay together" for the kid's sake. Trust me, you can make it work well and be happily divorced :)

    Thank you for this... That is exactly what I am trying to get through his head, I didn't want to stay together for my Son's Sake... The problem right now is the things he is doing in front of him and he is saying and acting... He is trying to turn him against me... Telling him "Mommy doesn't live here anymore" , etc... It's really creating a mess.

    If he is trying to turn him against you then why are you letting your son stay with him, instead of with you?

    My kids were 10 and 8 when we split up. Unfortunately my ex did the same kind of things. Badmouthing me to the kids when they wentt o visit him. He put me down for years. They would come home and question me and I would say,"You live with me, you know how I am." I never , ever put him down. I would encourage them to spend time with him. Now the kids are 22 and 20 and they would both tell you that their father was an *kitten*. He passed away a year and a half ago due to colon cancer. And ..although they miss him, they do know how he was.

    Be the better person. Never ever put him down to your son. Your son has a right to love both parents equally. he has a right to not feel that he has to pick sides. he didn't ask to be in a family that broke apart. So respect your son. One day, if your ex continues with the crap, he will understand ...and he will appreciate you for being the better person
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Stupid question; why can't it be reconciled if one half of the party doesn't want it to end?
  • ohmykai
    ohmykai Posts: 210 Member
    Stupid question; why can't it be reconciled if one half of the party doesn't want it to end?

    After several counseling sessions and so much water under the bridge, and hurt and a broken heart, you loose feelings and cannot try anymore....
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    Stupid question; why can't it be reconciled if one half of the party doesn't want it to end?

    Happy divorced parents are better than constantly fighting unhappy parents.
  • ohmykai
    ohmykai Posts: 210 Member
    Stupid question; why can't it be reconciled if one half of the party doesn't want it to end?

    Happy divorced parents are better than constantly fighting unhappy parents.

    Thank You for this.... <3
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    this is sad =(
    does he get to see his dad everyday, or at least talk to him daily? even at 3 you can do that.
    the most important thing IMO is to have a great relationship with your X no matter WHAT for your child. you should be willing to meet him half way on everything, including see his son everyday if possible.
    it doesn’t have to be “part of the change” you get to control what happens.

    He is actually with his Dad more right now.... I have him every other weekend, and Mon-Wednesday I pick him up from daycare and try and do something fun with him and drop him off with him... Eventually he is going to be staying those nights with me...
    His dad doesn't want to accept the divorce, he is still very much in love with me and devastated.... so this is a huge struggle.

    It is sad, but can you work it out? I divorced many years ago and now realize after 20 years it was a huge mistake.
  • Stupid question; why can't it be reconciled if one half of the party doesn't want it to end?

    Happy divorced parents are better than constantly fighting unhappy parents.

    Thank You for this.... <3

    Totally agree!
  • Ashleyanne271
    Ashleyanne271 Posts: 27 Member
    I work at a library with kids and there is a great new book out by Melanie Walsh called, " Living with Mom and Living with Dad". It is perfect for your son's age and it is actually really fun- not preachy or too informative. You should check it out!