If eating every 2-3 hrs...



  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Is supposed to rev up your metabolism, why not eat every hour or every half hr or every 15 min? Wouldn't that turbo charge your metabolism and turn you into a fat burning machine?

    Haven't you seen people on IV? That's why they get so skinny, even when they are asleep!!!
  • blues4miles
    blues4miles Posts: 1,481 Member
    This is off subject, but this quote got the nerd in me thinking...
    Does that mean if I put a gallon of petrol in my car 6 times instead of six gallons in one go, my car will go faster too?

    I dont know for sure where the tradeoff is, but think about this:

    Gasoline is heavy. 1 US Gallon is 6.1 lb (2.8 kg... or 1 liter is .7 kg aka 1.6 lb )

    Filling a tank, like say my Jeep, with 20Gallons is ~120 pounds of fuel.. If I only put 3 gal in, its only ~20 pounds.. Now everywhere I drive, I must haul around an extra 100 pounds because I filled the tank.

    At some point there would be a tradeoff on MPG by filling up more often, vs driving around with a full tank.

    It may only be a small diff. but I suppose not hauling around 100 extra pounds for 60 miles ( 3gal x 20mpg) would help.. and then not hauling another 94 pounds for the next 20.. and another extra 88 for the next 20...etc

    it can only help.

    This doesnt account for the offset time at the gas station, and any fuel explicitly spent going to the station multiple times of course.

    It's probably more applicable to your car than it is to a human, but following your analogy a little further, your jeep probably weighs about 3800 lbs (dry weight). I prefer the 6.8 lbs per gallon of gas conversion, which would mean an additional 136 lbs every time your car is full. This is a mere 3.5% of your car's total weight. Your car spends a LOT of its running time at idle sitting in the driveway, at stop signs, at intersections etc. In that case, it's burning whatever fuel it burns to maintain idle running and doesn't at all care about the 20-130 lbs excess it's carrying around. Only when it's propelling itself forward does it care as it would require more horsepower at a higher weight to maintain the same speed. But again, if we are talking 3.5% the difference is negligible.

    Now if you drove a Boeing 737 to work every day, you'd probably benefit more from carrying only absolutely as much fuel as you need as the fuel in a large jet plane can be up to 40% of its total weight at max capacity. Fuel trucks also go to the Boeing rather than the other way around, so it doesn't lose time/additional fuel in having to drive to the gas station.

    As a person however, even one large meal is not a big percentage of your weight. I weigh 170 lbs currently and if I say ate a whole pound of meat for dinner (or some variation) that's only 0.05% of my total body weight that I'm carrying around. Also, as I live a mostly sedentary lifestyle, most of my fuel is burned just by keeping myself running at rest. Times when my body doesn't care if it has an extra pound or two pounds or whatever of a meal in me. That 30 minutes a day you spend working out, your body might care a little more if it's lugging around extra food weight. But given that that exercise period is a mere 2% of my day, the difference is not significant.

    Sorry (fellow nerd).

    *edited for grammar
  • xoxobollywood1991
    eating every hour sounds like a myth...anyway, here is how i eat.

    7am - breakfast
    10 am- snack
    1.30 pm - lunch
    3.30 pm - snack
    5.30 pm - dinner
    7 pm - snack
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    I drink diet soda all day, since it tricks my body into thinking I just had real sugar
    Keepin my metabolism up

  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    This is off subject, but this quote got the nerd in me thinking...
    Does that mean if I put a gallon of petrol in my car 6 times instead of six gallons in one go, my car will go faster too?

    I dont know for sure where the tradeoff is, but think about this:

    Gasoline is heavy. 1 US Gallon is 6.1 lb (2.8 kg... or 1 liter is .7 kg aka 1.6 lb )

    Filling a tank, like say my Jeep, with 20Gallons is ~120 pounds of fuel.. If I only put 3 gal in, its only ~20 pounds.. Now everywhere I drive, I must haul around an extra 100 pounds because I filled the tank.

    At some point there would be a tradeoff on MPG by filling up more often, vs driving around with a full tank.

    It may only be a small diff. but I suppose not hauling around 100 extra pounds for 60 miles ( 3gal x 20mpg) would help.. and then not hauling another 94 pounds for the next 20.. and another extra 88 for the next 20...etc

    it can only help.

    This doesnt account for the offset time at the gas station, and any fuel explicitly spent going to the station multiple times of course.

    It's probably more applicable to your car than it is to a human, but following your analogy a little further, your jeep probably weighs about 3800 lbs (dry weight). I prefer the 6.8 lbs per gallon of gas conversion, which would mean an additional 136 lbs every time your car is full. This is a mere 3.5% of your car's total weight. Your car spends a LOT of its running time at idle sitting in the driveway, at stop signs, at intersections etc. In that case, it's burning whatever fuel it burns to maintain idle running and doesn't at all care about the 20-130 lbs excess it's carrying around. Only when it's propelling itself forward does it care as it would require more horsepower at a higher weight to maintain the same speed. But again, if we are talking 3.5% the difference is negligible.

    Now if you drove a Boeing 737 to work every day, you'd probably benefit more from carrying only absolutely as much fuel as you need as the fuel in a large jet plane can be up to 40% of its total weight at max capacity. Fuel trucks also go to the Boeing rather than the other way around, so it doesn't lose time/additional fuel in having to drive to the gas station.

    Sorry (fellow nerd).

    *edited for grammar

    excellent points... I just hope any planes I fly in carry just a little 'extra' fuel.. Just in case.