Gun owners?



  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    If it's for HOME defense and not to be carried then I would suggest an AR15. No recoil and thirty round capacity.

    If what I carried was up to me it would be a Glock 19 and I highly recommend it to anyone who asks.

    Why an AR15? Not that they aren't good guns but HOME defense is going to be a very very short distance shot. A shotgun or handgun would do more damage to the perp and less to your neighbors.
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    My hubby wants to get me a gun for Christmas and I'm not sure what I want. He's away this week on a hunting trip in the arctic circle and left me his .357 just in case! I have my gun permit and am a fabulous shot according to dh and my dad. :smile:

    Just wondering what is a good gun for personal defense. I want something lightweight and not a lot of kick to it. My dad suggested a .22 revolver.

    Just looking for suggestions! Thank you!

    This was the question asked. Why do people feel the need to comment on how crazy gun owners are, blah blah blah? It's simple, if you don't like them, don't buy them. Stating your opinion about how crazy it is to own a gun is not going to change anyone else's mind. Oh someone I've never met before doesn't like it. I'll just go throw them all away now. :explode:
  • lilmissymoo90
    lilmissymoo90 Posts: 324 Member
    im from the uk too and i really just dont understand the wanting a gun thing =s

    Because guns are awesome. What's to understand?

    sorry still dont get it ... ive had too many bad things involving idiots with guns to ever want one near me =/
  • TexasTroy
    TexasTroy Posts: 477 Member
    This is amazing. So far today this is the biggest thread i have seen and its about guns, not fitness. Guns are a big topic even for you members that are not in the USA you still have strong voices and opinion's. Guns have always been and will always be an "American Right" and I wouldnt have it any other way. Congrat's to the countries that dont need to have household weapons and for those in other countries that think America is full of a bunch of gun toting morons, you are sadly mistaken. Most average citizen's that have guns are responsible in the ownership of their weapons. I dont know the exact numbers but I dare say that close to half of gun owners use them mainly for hunting and sport, not for killing there next door neighbor, lol. I live just outside Dallas, Texas - one of the most crime filled cities in the US and I have never once even heard gunfire in the street.
  • OlsenG318
    "Yeah - I actually feel much safer if I know more people are legally carrying guns."

    Funny, I feel a lot safer without any guns around.

    Also, all that hardwear doesn't seem to be stopping anyone from breaking into your place either.
    Besides, I'd prefer them to take the stuff and let the insurance deal with it that risk killing another person. My things aren't worth a human life.

    Amazing things, those cultural differences.

    That's great and all, except not all home invasions are about stealing property. You tell him to take the tv, then he tells you he's come for you & the kids. Enjoy that 6 minute response time...if you were smart enough to have already called the police.
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    Sorry, I was gone. Was in my Learn Not To Rape class. What have I missed?

  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    From the UK here and am genuinely curious to hear you all talk so casually and knowledgeably about guns. This is a foreign concept to us over here, am I to take it that the average American out on the street is carrying a gun?
    Without going into the wrongs and rights of this, I find this a scary thought. I don't think I would like to live in a society where I felt threatened enough to feel I needed a gun. Just my perspective from the other side of the pond...

    I think I recall that something like 4% of people in the US carry legally concealed firearms.

    People who have concealed carry permits are very law-abiding. A person with a concealed carry permit is less likely to be involved in any kind of crime than any random person you would run into on the street.

    Statistically, you would be safer in a room full of concealed carry permit holders than random people off the street.
  • zoeluiisa
    This is so strange to me! aha!
    I'm from the U.K where there are VERY strict regulations for gun ownership including air guns.
    My uncle had a rifle but when not in use it has to be kept unloaded in his house within a lockable metal container in a locked cupboard.....


    im from the uk too and i really just dont understand the wanting a gun thing =s

    The US was founded on the concept that every citizen should be able to own a firearm to defend themself against crime, and worse, a tyrannical government. Remember in your history books, it was those English peeps who didn't want to live their lives with a boot on their neck, so they got in their little boats, rowed across the pond, and said let's make a country where citizens are truly free. THAT'S the fascination with guns. :wink:

    Nice explanation, thank you.

    I've always loved the idea of those brave people setting sail to create another world.
  • JPod279
    JPod279 Posts: 722 Member
    This is so strange to me! aha!
    I'm from the U.K where there are VERY strict regulations for gun ownership including air guns.
    My uncle had a rifle but when not in use it has to be kept unloaded in his house within a lockable metal container in a locked cupboard.....


    im from the uk too and i really just dont understand the wanting a gun thing =s

    I don't understand wanting to watch soccer, but I don't look down on people who do.

    Perhaps this isn't taught to you guys across the pond that much in school (or perhaps it is spun differently), but here we learn from a young age about this mean old king that wanted to tax our ancestors without representation. Our ancestors got pissed and said, "No more!" Then, the king sent his henchmen over here to enforce his taxation. Many people fought and died to prevent it and we freed ourselves from that king's control. Ever since then we have had the right to arm ourselves for protection. It's kinda a big deal here.
  • GorillaEsq
    GorillaEsq Posts: 2,198 Member
    Sorry, I was gone. Was in my Learn Not To Rape class. What have I missed?
    I remember that class. It had the BEST field trips.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    Why not go to a gun store together and talk with the experts there? They're very knowledgeable and can probably point you in the right direction. They may even let you test it out before purchasing.

    LOL at "experts in the gun store"
  • TexasTroy
    TexasTroy Posts: 477 Member
    Sorry, I was gone. Was in my Learn Not To Rape class. What have I missed?


  • Off10h8ed
    Off10h8ed Posts: 282 Member
    < Lives in THE state where concealed carry is illegal. Lucky me! My personal preference is the AK for home defense tho.
  • _JR_
    _JR_ Posts: 830 Member
    im from the uk too and i really just dont understand the wanting a gun thing =s

    Because guns are awesome. What's to understand?

    sorry still dont get it ... ive had too many bad things involving idiots with guns to ever want one near me =/

    I've grown up with them my entire life, and have NEVER had one incident. But then again, the people I know with guns are educated and responsible. I know that cannot always be the case. But I certainly would hate to lose my Rights because of other irresponsible people.
  • rchupka87
    rchupka87 Posts: 543 Member
    I don't have a carry permit, and I don't carry one. BUT - I have 3 at home for when the hubby is out of town, or just for target shooting fun.

    I have a .22, a 9, and a .45. And I LOVE all three of them. But if someone came into my home in the middle of the night, and I had to grab one, I'd grab my .22 NO QUESTIONS.

    It's enough to do damage if shot in the body, enough to kill if I go for your head, and I can control my shot the best. I can handle the 9 and a 45 when target shooting, but in an emergency situation, when your adreneline is rushing, and your hands are shaking, I don't need the extra kick back.

    Don't count on it. there was a case where a man took a 9mm shot to the forehead and it just traveled under the skin, never penetrated the bone. Drove himself to the hospital to have it removed. Also, a 22 can be stopped completely by nothing more than a leather jacket or several layers of clothing.

    Well, Number one, I didn't say I was shooting Superman, who had an inpenetrable skull. Number two, if you have ever taken a self defense class - you know what part of the head to aim FOR. Like the eyeball, or the soft spot right on the temple. And I doubt the average Joe that would break into my house isn't going to be wearing body armor, and even if he is wearing several layers of clothing, that leather coat isn't going to cover the part of a man that I would take aim for. And I doubt any rapist comes prepared wearing a cup.
  • wholelottarosa
    "Yeah - I actually feel much safer if I know more people are legally carrying guns."

    Funny, I feel a lot safer without any guns around.

    Also, all that hardwear doesn't seem to be stopping anyone from breaking into your place either.
    Besides, I'd prefer them to take the stuff and let the insurance deal with it that risk killing another person. My things aren't worth a human life.

    Amazing things, those cultural differences.

    Unfortunately, it may be you or your families "virtue" or life that they take. But hey, I'm sure your insurance will cover that too, right?

    I guess your bad guys must be different from ours. Burglaries are rarely violent here.
    I imagine they get violent a lot more quickly if one or both parties has a gun.

    Anyways, we could go back and forth on this for a long time and still disagree.
    Let's just say that living in a free country does not mean to me to have the right to protect myself, but to have no need to do so.
    Looks like we're all exactly where we should be. :)
  • lilmissymoo90
    lilmissymoo90 Posts: 324 Member
    This is so strange to me! aha!
    I'm from the U.K where there are VERY strict regulations for gun ownership including air guns.
    My uncle had a rifle but when not in use it has to be kept unloaded in his house within a lockable metal container in a locked cupboard.....


    im from the uk too and i really just dont understand the wanting a gun thing =s

    I don't understand wanting to watch soccer, but I don't look down on people who do.

    Perhaps this isn't taught to you guys across the pond that much in school (or perhaps it is spun differently), but here we learn from a young age about this mean old king that wanted to tax our ancestors without representation. Our ancestors got pissed and said, "No more!" Then, the king sent his henchmen over here to enforce his taxation. Many people fought and died to prevent it and we freed ourselves from that king's control. Ever since then we have had the right to arm ourselves for protection. It's kinda a big deal here.

    i didnt say i was looking down on you just thatmy personal opinion was i dont understand it ... not omg how could you all own a gun...
  • beansprouts
    beansprouts Posts: 410 Member
    This is so strange to me! aha!
    I'm from the U.K where there are VERY strict regulations for gun ownership including air guns.
    My uncle had a rifle but when not in use it has to be kept unloaded in his house within a lockable metal container in a locked cupboard.....


    im from the uk too and i really just dont understand the wanting a gun thing =s

    Hey...I'm betting that by the time that those politicians finish juggling you Brits (and the rest) around within the European'll start getting a clue about something.
  • TexasTroy
    TexasTroy Posts: 477 Member
    This is so strange to me! aha!
    I'm from the U.K where there are VERY strict regulations for gun ownership including air guns.
    My uncle had a rifle but when not in use it has to be kept unloaded in his house within a lockable metal container in a locked cupboard.....


    im from the uk too and i really just dont understand the wanting a gun thing =s

    I don't understand wanting to watch soccer, but I don't look down on people who do.

    Perhaps this isn't taught to you guys across the pond that much in school (or perhaps it is spun differently), but here we learn from a young age about this mean old king that wanted to tax our ancestors without representation. Our ancestors got pissed and said, "No more!" Then, the king sent his henchmen over here to enforce his taxation. Many people fought and died to prevent it and we freed ourselves from that king's control. Ever since then we have had the right to arm ourselves for protection. It's kinda a big deal here.

    Well stated.
  • lilmissymoo90
    lilmissymoo90 Posts: 324 Member
    "Yeah - I actually feel much safer if I know more people are legally carrying guns."

    Funny, I feel a lot safer without any guns around.

    Also, all that hardwear doesn't seem to be stopping anyone from breaking into your place either.
    Besides, I'd prefer them to take the stuff and let the insurance deal with it that risk killing another person. My things aren't worth a human life.

    Amazing things, those cultural differences.

    Unfortunately, it may be you or your families "virtue" or life that they take. But hey, I'm sure your insurance will cover that too, right?

    I guess your bad guys must be different from ours. Burglaries are rarely violent here.
    I imagine they get violent a lot more quickly if one or both parties has a gun.

    Anyways, we could go back and forth on this for a long time and still disagree.
    Let's just say that living in a free country does not mean to me to have the right to protect myself, but to have no need to do so.
    Looks like we're all exactly where we should be. :)

    ^^^like this
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