Gun owners?



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    The US was founded on the concept that every citizen should be able to own a firearm to defend themself against ... a tyrannical government.

    This, right here, is the basis of the Second Amendment and the reason I support the right of every citizen to keep and bear arms.

    People forget this. They forget that there was a REASON everything in the Bill of Rights is in the Bill of Rights. And, yes, things have changed. But that doesn't mean they won't change back if we decide we don't need it anymore.

    For those in the US who are against private citizens having guns, learn your history. For those outside the US, well, it's really NUNYA because you don't pay taxes or live here. And you don't have to visit if you're not comfortable with our laws.

    For the record, I do not own a gun and probably never will. However, I have known many people over the years who owned guns of all kinds and not one of them has ever intentionally or accidentally shot anyone.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member

    This made me laugh so hard. So. Hard. Oh god. :laugh:

    Oh, my! My BIL was shooting something big like that (not sure exactly what) with his in-laws a few months ago, and he got hit in the chin with the recoil. He needed several stitches :( He grew a beard for a while, though, and now there's just a little white scar.
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    This is so strange to me! aha!
    I'm from the U.K where there are VERY strict regulations for gun ownership including air guns.
    My uncle had a rifle but when not in use it has to be kept unloaded in his house within a lockable metal container in a locked cupboard.....


    im from the uk too and i really just dont understand the wanting a gun thing =s

    The US was founded on the concept that every citizen should be able to own a firearm to defend themself against crime, and worse, a tyrannical government. Remember in your history books, it was those English peeps who didn't want to live their lives with a boot on their neck, so they got in their little boats, rowed across the pond, and said let's make a country where citizens are truly free. THAT'S the fascination with guns. :wink:

    ummm if you read history properly you would know that the settlers who left England wanted LESS religious tolerance and more draconian laws, hence your amazing witch trials and such, this was a very religiously tolerant nation at the time, and over the following century the main thing that drove people across the Atlantic was greed and the desire for personal gain, this is not quite the same.
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Haha, there are in fact. I remember recently (last year or so) there was a deranged guy with a machete somewhere in the London area and it took about 30+ police officers to surround him and get hit with a machete to stop him. In the US the first responding officer would've shot him within the first minute and the situation would be over.

    There are armed police in the UK but most police are not armed. A few days ago, two policewomen were shot dead in Manchester by someone who was wanted by the police. He called in requesting help for a burglary but it was a hoax call and it seems that it was a premeditated attack. This has been big news over here, mainly because it is such a rare event. Yes, guns are a problem in some parts of inner cities, but are associated more with criminal gangs.
    The shootings have raised the issue of all police being armed but the general consensus seems to be that this is a road we don't want to go down. There is an argument thst violence attracts violence. And yes, I know the world isn't all butterflies and nicey nicey. There are no easy answers but I am glad to live in a society that does not feel the need for widespread gun ownership.

    I would HATE it if that unfortunate and tragic incident led to our police being armed, what a sad sad world that would be

    Not being snarky but why are you against cops being armed?

    they don't need to be armed, they never have been, why would I want a policeman wandering around with a gun, he doesn't need it to do his or her job, in most cases, I would feel that we had taken a very backward step and feel much less safe if the police here carried murder weapons, its a different culture and I would hate to live in such fear all the time that I felt I NEEDED armed police

    ROFL, yea, places with strict gun control laws usually have a super low crime rate

    /end sarcasm
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    I don't have a carry permit, and I don't carry one. BUT - I have 3 at home for when the hubby is out of town, or just for target shooting fun.

    I have a .22, a 9, and a .45. And I LOVE all three of them. But if someone came into my home in the middle of the night, and I had to grab one, I'd grab my .22 NO QUESTIONS.

    It's enough to do damage if shot in the body, enough to kill if I go for your head, and I can control my shot the best. I can handle the 9 and a 45 when target shooting, but in an emergency situation, when your adreneline is rushing, and your hands are shaking, I don't need the extra kick back.

    Don't count on it. there was a case where a man took a 9mm shot to the forehead and it just traveled under the skin, never penetrated the bone. Drove himself to the hospital to have it removed. Also, a 22 can be stopped completely by nothing more than a leather jacket or several layers of clothing.

    Well, Number one, I didn't say I was shooting Superman, who had an inpenetrable skull. Number two, if you have ever taken a self defense class - you know what part of the head to aim FOR. Like the eyeball, or the soft spot right on the temple. And I doubt the average Joe that would break into my house isn't going to be wearing body armor, and even if he is wearing several layers of clothing, that leather coat isn't going to cover the part of a man that I would take aim for. And I doubt any rapist comes prepared wearing a cup.

    How often do you practice putting those little rounds in vital spots while moving and with your heart rate at about 200bpm and your hands covered in sweat?
  • _JR_
    _JR_ Posts: 830 Member

    I guess your bad guys must be different from ours. Burglaries are rarely violent here.
    I imagine they get violent a lot more quickly if one or both parties has a gun.

    Many people (gun owners) refuse to let the bad guy decide their fate. That's a sheepish behavior. Murder and rape happens in your country too. You are braver than I to have so much faith in your "bad guys" that YOU won't end up a statistic one day.
  • katamus
    katamus Posts: 2,363 Member
    Why not go to a gun store together and talk with the experts there? They're very knowledgeable and can probably point you in the right direction. They may even let you test it out before purchasing.

    LOL at "experts in the gun store"

    I was thinking that myself..

    But there's a really great chance that the dude at the gun store knows a lot more than most of the people in this thread.
  • lrichardson2360
    lrichardson2360 Posts: 225 Member
    So just to get this straight: you feel so unsafe in your own country that you feel the need to protect yourself with deadly weapons?
    And this does not bother you?

    Aren't you all scared of the other people with guns then?

    No because law abiding citizens don't shoot good guys and bad guys will have guns whether they are legal or not.

    Spot on!

    But they wouldn't if guns weren't commonly available, that's the point. The really, really bad guys would, those who know how to smuggle them into the country, but your average thug, or thief, or teenager high on drugs wouldn't.

    If some kid breaks into my house to nick my TV, you can bet you last penny he won't have a gun with him - he wouldn't know where to get hold of one, and if he did he probably wouldn't risk the penalties that go with it.
    Do you know what what instrument...

    - Is either directly or indirectly used in 78% of all major US crimes, and;
    - Causes 117,000 US deaths a year, and;
    - Is the leading predicted factor is future human fatalities?


    I say we ban them.

    Are you married? I think I love you. :blushing: :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    Why an AR15? Not that they aren't good guns but HOME defense is going to be a very very short distance shot. A shotgun or handgun would do more damage to the perp and less to your neighbors.

    More control/accuracy, more rounds, less dangerous on the other side of drywall than 00 or 9mm.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    Why not go to a gun store together and talk with the experts there? They're very knowledgeable and can probably point you in the right direction. They may even let you test it out before purchasing.

    LOL at "experts in the gun store"

    I was thinking that myself..

    But there's a really great chance that the dude at the gun store knows a lot more than most of the people in this thread.

    Maybe more than the Brits.
  • DonniesGirl69
    DonniesGirl69 Posts: 644 Member
    I don't have a carry permit, and I don't carry one. BUT - I have 3 at home for when the hubby is out of town, or just for target shooting fun.

    I have a .22, a 9, and a .45. And I LOVE all three of them. But if someone came into my home in the middle of the night, and I had to grab one, I'd grab my .22 NO QUESTIONS.

    It's enough to do damage if shot in the body, enough to kill if I go for your head, and I can control my shot the best. I can handle the 9 and a 45 when target shooting, but in an emergency situation, when your adreneline is rushing, and your hands are shaking, I don't need the extra kick back.

    Don't count on it. there was a case where a man took a 9mm shot to the forehead and it just traveled under the skin, never penetrated the bone. Drove himself to the hospital to have it removed. Also, a 22 can be stopped completely by nothing more than a leather jacket or several layers of clothing.

    Well, Number one, I didn't say I was shooting Superman, who had an inpenetrable skull. Number two, if you have ever taken a self defense class - you know what part of the head to aim FOR. Like the eyeball, or the soft spot right on the temple. And I doubt the average Joe that would break into my house isn't going to be wearing body armor, and even if he is wearing several layers of clothing, that leather coat isn't going to cover the part of a man that I would take aim for. And I doubt any rapist comes prepared wearing a cup.

    How often do you practice putting those little rounds in vital spots while moving and with your heart rate at about 200bpm and your hands covered in sweat?

    That's why you just unload......with 16 in the clip and one in the pipe, SOMETHING is getting through. :wink:
  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    An AR15 for HOME DEFENSE? Are you sure? Because I think that would be fairly dangerous to anyone in an adjacent room or apartment, please correct me if I am wrong. The glock 19 or a shotgun I could definitely understand with some 00 shot in there most likely wouldn't go through several walls. Where as an AR15 would go through a few walls...

    This is actually a fairly dangerous assumption.

    The fact is, just about any firearm will shoot through several layers of sheet rock. In fact, unless you have a brick home or get lucky and hit a stud in a wall, just about any firearm will shoot right through one side of a house and out the other side.

    A shotgun will easily shoot through 7 layers of sheet rock. That is 3 and a half interior walls. I don't think there is any room in my house with 3 walls between it and any other part of the house.
  • glonigan

    ummm if you read history properly you would know that the settlers who left England wanted LESS religious tolerance and more draconian laws, hence your amazing witch trials and such, this was a very religiously tolerant nation at the time, and over the following century the main thing that drove people across the Atlantic was greed and the desire for personal gain, this is not quite the same.

    That's how they spun it back there? Too Funny. Well lets just agree to disagree.
  • OlsenG318
    I don't have a carry permit, and I don't carry one. BUT - I have 3 at home for when the hubby is out of town, or just for target shooting fun.

    I have a .22, a 9, and a .45. And I LOVE all three of them. But if someone came into my home in the middle of the night, and I had to grab one, I'd grab my .22 NO QUESTIONS.

    It's enough to do damage if shot in the body, enough to kill if I go for your head, and I can control my shot the best. I can handle the 9 and a 45 when target shooting, but in an emergency situation, when your adreneline is rushing, and your hands are shaking, I don't need the extra kick back.

    Don't count on it. there was a case where a man took a 9mm shot to the forehead and it just traveled under the skin, never penetrated the bone. Drove himself to the hospital to have it removed. Also, a 22 can be stopped completely by nothing more than a leather jacket or several layers of clothing.

    Well, Number one, I didn't say I was shooting Superman, who had an inpenetrable skull. Number two, if you have ever taken a self defense class - you know what part of the head to aim FOR. Like the eyeball, or the soft spot right on the temple. And I doubt the average Joe that would break into my house isn't going to be wearing body armor, and even if he is wearing several layers of clothing, that leather coat isn't going to cover the part of a man that I would take aim for. And I doubt any rapist comes prepared wearing a cup.

    How silly of me for not remembering that YOUR 22 is capable of so much more than any other 22 on the planet. And your nerves of steel that will allow you to remain completely calm while you shoot your attacker, who is RUNNING at you, directly in the eyeball or ****. That must have been SOME self defense class.
  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    It is really disconcerting to log onto a health and fitness site and see a thread about guns. With pictures of guns.

    When faced with violence, a firearm is the best way to protect your health.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    LOL @ the gif of the chick falling over! This was almost me trying out turkey load this past weekend - holy crap those kick!

    Just wanted to chime in on this as I'm somewhat of a recent convert. I've never been anti-gun persay but on the fence about it. Hubs started buying guys after we bought the house because he wanted to get more into hunting. I wasn't 100% on board but I was fine as long as they were for hunting only, stayed unloded and the ammo was hidden away out of reach. He bought a couple handguns for defense but they still stayed tucked away for the most part for my peace of mind. By the way, very important point - we don't have kids or pets and no children ever come to visit our home.

    Then things changed.. Earlier this year, we started having trouble with the neighbors and I truly felt threatened and started being happy about the guns in my home. And finally this past weekend, Hubs took me out shooting and I absolutely fell in love wtih it, especially the AK-47! What a rush! I'm still not a fan of loaded guns in the house, especially the revolver, but I'm warming to the idea. And I totally get the whole idea of being able to defend your home just in case. I'm not going to live in fear but I'm not naive either. We live in one of the areas with highest crime in our state. We may be 5-10 miles away from the "bad" neighborhoods but it doesn't take long to drive a car, or even walk that far.

    For those of you in the UK, it's going to be hard for us to explain this to you because it's such an alien concept. Think of it this way...if the criminals are the only ones with the guns, what are you going to do to defend yourself if one of them shows up at your door? You must fight fire with fire. This doesn't mean all of us who own guns would shoot you just for tresspassing (but in some states, they have every right to if they feel threatened). It also doesn't mean that we all carry our guns with us all the time. Most of the gun owners I know don't carry them on a regular basis because so many are as afraid as you all are and it freaks people out. Concealed carry is something you need a special permit for so again, something not many will bother with unless they have some specific purpose like a job need or they are particularly into guns...meaning, it's not common. And all of the gun owners I know are extremely responsible and serious about it - they're not criminals or thugs, just interested in hunting and/or home defense.

    Plus it's our birthright as USAn citizens...says right in our Constitution that we can own them and we have a right to defend ourselves with them either individually or as part of a military group.
  • ravenlaramie
    ravenlaramie Posts: 165 Member
    This is so strange to me! aha!
    I'm from the U.K where there are VERY strict regulations for gun ownership including air guns.
    My uncle had a rifle but when not in use it has to be kept unloaded in his house within a lockable metal container in a locked cupboard.....


    im from the uk too and i really just dont understand the wanting a gun thing =s

    The US was founded on the concept that every citizen should be able to own a firearm to defend themself against crime, and worse, a tyrannical government. Remember in your history books, it was those English peeps who didn't want to live their lives with a boot on their neck, so they got in their little boats, rowed across the pond, and said let's make a country where citizens are truly free. THAT'S the fascination with guns. :wink:

    ummm if you read history properly you would know that the settlers who left England wanted LESS religious tolerance and more draconian laws, hence your amazing witch trials and such, this was a very religiously tolerant nation at the time, and over the following century the main thing that drove people across the Atlantic was greed and the desire for personal gain, this is not quite the same.

    You point out the witch trials as if Europe didn't start that in the first place. 2 bible quotes spurned the entire thing and it didn't start here in America. Just saying...
    This, right here, is the basis of the Second Amendment and the reason I support the right of every citizen to keep and bear arms.

    People forget this. They forget that there was a REASON everything in the Bill of Rights is in the Bill of Rights. And, yes, things have changed. But that doesn't mean they won't change back if we decide we don't need it anymore.

    For those in the US who are against private citizens having guns, learn your history. For those outside the US, well, it's really NUNYA because you don't pay taxes or live here. And you don't have to visit if you're not comfortable with our laws.

    For the record, I do not own a gun and probably never will. However, I have known many people over the years who owned guns of all kinds and not one of them has ever intentionally or accidentally shot anyone.

    This^^^ well said
  • katamus
    katamus Posts: 2,363 Member
    Why not go to a gun store together and talk with the experts there? They're very knowledgeable and can probably point you in the right direction. They may even let you test it out before purchasing.

    LOL at "experts in the gun store"

    I was thinking that myself..

    But there's a really great chance that the dude at the gun store knows a lot more than most of the people in this thread.

    Maybe more than the Brits.

    The ones that recommended to "teach men not to rape"? :laugh:
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    Why not go to a gun store together and talk with the experts there? They're very knowledgeable and can probably point you in the right direction. They may even let you test it out before purchasing.

    LOL at "experts in the gun store"

    I was thinking that myself..

    But there's a really great chance that the dude at the gun store knows a lot more than most of the people in this thread.

    Maybe more than the Brits.

    The ones that recommended to "teach men not to rape"? :laugh:

    Hmmm. Wondering if I should take that class.
  • TexasTroy
    TexasTroy Posts: 477 Member

    This made me laugh so hard. So. Hard. Oh god. :laugh:

    Oh, my! My BIL was shooting something big like that (not sure exactly what) with his in-laws a few months ago, and he got hit in the chin with the recoil. He needed several stitches :( He grew a beard for a while, though, and now there's just a little white scar.

    Is it wrong that I just keep watching this and lmao?
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