Zero calorie "meal" (or close to 0)



  • brainfreeze72
    brainfreeze72 Posts: 180 Member
    I happen to love salad with all kinds of veggies. I top mine with a couple tablespoons of cottage cheese. I'd be more concerned about the sodium in the canned foods than the calories in my salad. I can walk the dogs around the block to burn the extra calories.

    I used to go for a giant deli dill pickle but cutting the sodium down to normal levels helped me drop almost 6 pounds (I suspect mostly in excess water weight).
  • srpm
    srpm Posts: 275 Member
    Peeled sliced lemons with a dash of salt. YUMMY! Of course I'm the only person I know who loves to eat lemons.

    Nope, I do this too, so does my mom :)
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    If it doesn't have calories, then it doesn't have any nutrition and there's no point in eating it. I would never do this. It sounds like an eating disorder.

    Of course it does. I would guess a lot of the people on here have one. Whether it's binging or restricting or both. The original post was not about the feelings that went along with the hunger. That is what an eating disorder is about not eating a zero calorie meal. Sorry if this sounds like an attack. Just being enlightening. I've seen too many people pass judgment about someone having an eating disorder based on what they eat and ED's are not about the food. I don't see anything wrong with eating foods with less calories when you have met your calorie goal for the day. It's better than starving.

    Exactly about the ED. I've seen posts on these forums that just scream, "ED in the making." This is not one of them. EDs are generally about control and skewed perception (whether of food, nutrition, health, and/or appearance).

    But again, why people are screaming up and down about this post is--the OP isn't heavily overweight needing a low calorie fix because they just want to snack. OP has minimal weight loss needed, is on the bare minimum caloric intake to be healthy, and said they were starving.
  • newmooon56
    newmooon56 Posts: 347 Member
    Oh btw- heres a GIANT 55 calorie meal - nutrition be damned- I eat this prior to going to events that are going to be filled with garbage (like kid parties or weddings that are going to serve a buffet etc)

    dice onion, mushroom, peppers and garlic (about 1/4 cup each- few cloves garlic)
    saute in water or pan spray (or a smidge of olive oil)
    Throw in 1.5 cups cabbage.
    Saute til wilted.
    Add rice vinegar and a dash of soy sauce or stir fry sauce (which is lower in sodium)
    Sprinkle on ginger, hot pepper and any other spices you like.

    Serve- big bowl of veggies that taste like a stir fry minus the rice and meat.

    When this is going to be a real meal it has tofu or chicken in it and we also serve with quinoa (eating a lot less brown rice these days since finding quinoa)
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    I would say get the hoover out, burn some cals, if your desperate, peel an apple and eat only the skin, most goodness is in the skin along with fiber to help keep away hunger. baggie the rest for a prework-out snake or freeze for another week.

    Eat just the skin?!?! Wtf
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    I just had a moment of silence for you all before i dug into my 3-egg Denver omelette with Home fries breakfast.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I just had a moment of silence for you all before i dug into my 3-egg Denver omelette with Home fries breakfast.

    Break one egg on the floor for your homie
  • Rubie81
    Rubie81 Posts: 720 Member
    I would say get the hoover out, burn some cals, if your desperate, peel an apple and eat only the skin, most goodness is in the skin along with fiber to help keep away hunger. baggie the rest for a prework-out snake or freeze for another week.

    So I should vacuum myself and then tediously skin an apple, gnaw at only the skin as if it were human flesh, and then drape myself in snakes and hop on the elliptical.

    I love weight loss, it's so magickal

  • Pandasarecool
    Pandasarecool Posts: 508 Member
    Look at the sodium content in sauerkraut, you will never eat it again... :brokenheart: :frown:
  • jastori
    Try Walden Farms products.
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    If it doesn't have calories, then it doesn't have any nutrition and there's no point in eating it. I would never do this. It sounds like an eating disorder.

    Just because it doesn't have any calories doean't mean there is no point in eating it. Veggies with very little calories (i.e. no fat, carbs, or protein) still contain vitamins and minerals that are essential to human life so... I think some people really need to take a lesson in nutrtion and what your body needs to stay healthy. How about that?

    Also, regarding the saurkraut (or however it's spelled), it has healthy probiotics in it to help with your digestion. So I really don't see anything wrong with someone eating a "zero to little calorie" snack that has healthy bacteria and healthful vitamins and minerals.
  • heroyalslimness
    heroyalslimness Posts: 591 Member
    you are getting so many negative replies to this post!!! lighten up guys! surely many of us eat all our calories and, particularly if we ate them at an imprompu lunch or something, we may be hungry later......i think it's a great question! my emergency meal is roasted veg which isn't zero, but comes in well under 100 cals and is good if you've managed to find yourself with no calories for dinner. someone posted about roasted green beans which taste like chips and they would come in very low in calories too. look forward to reading some other ideas

    Agreed!! ....................,Thou Shalt Not Project--for Corn's sake . It's a great question--and also one remedy to sidestep a potential binge

    Here's some of my not exactly -but close enough to zero calorie lifesavers.





  • heroyalslimness
    heroyalslimness Posts: 591 Member

  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member


    Is a fat buster like a ghostbuster? How does it work? Does it have a proton pack?
  • T34418l3angel
    T34418l3angel Posts: 474 Member
    I so agree with this!!! It seems like MFP is filling up with self proclaimed "experts" who want to belittle and bash people over even the smallest of comments.

    Really guys...are you all that perfect that you never just want to snack? Sometimes I say "I'm starving" and know I am not. I don't have an eating disorder and am aware of the fact that I am not really starving. I JUST WANT SOMETHING TO EAT!!!!

    Kudos to you for having the will power to eat something that is very low calorie and not binging like someone with a true eating disorder would do!! Oh and BTW....I actually like sauerkraut too!!

    Having actually had an eating disorder myself, the idea of eating very few (1200) calories and satisfying hunger with zero-calorie foods is an anorexic behavior. Maybe not a full blown eating disorder, but it's a concern.

    Being concerned about someone's eating habits doesn't mean "we're too perfect to snack". That doesn't make sense. Of course I snack. Sometimes I eat celery as a snack because I like celery, and I don't want something really filling. But if you're eating the bare minimum, still hungry, and looking for food that's basically WATER to stave hunger pangs, you really would benefit from a nutritionist's advice, or a lot of research into how many calories you SHOULD be eating.

    Being concerned is fine....voicing that concern is also okay, but what is not okay is to treat the OP like she is an idiot and suggest that she eat dirt or stop breathing air.

    Funny part of this whole thing is it's usually the "fit people" who are so nasty and negative.

    Somehow, in my twisted little head, I took this as a compliment :)
  • heroyalslimness
    heroyalslimness Posts: 591 Member


    Is a fat buster like a ghostbuster? How does it work? Does it have a proton pack?

    It's an Asian radish--belonging to the radish family

    We've all seen horseradish, few venture to use it, but it has an amazing effect of dissolving fat in cells (no side effects) and also as a cleansing effect on the body.

    Radishes scrub the mucous membrane of the body because it contains high levels of Iron and Magnesium. These minerals actually help to dissolve fat in the cells.

    A half cup of radishes contains 1 g of fiber, which is important for weight loss: fiber not only helps to lower cholesterol by binding to low-density lipoproteins (LDLs), increasing your fiber intake may help you to lose weight. Fiber is a portion of the plant that goes undigested and when you eat foods with plenty of fiber, you feel full longer. By eating radishes, you can add some fiber to your diet and work toward the daily recommended intake, which is 25 to 38 g each day for adults age 19 to 50.

    Glycemic Index
    Eating foods that have a low glycemic index, such as radishes, may help you to lose weight. The glycemic index of a food is based on how long it takes to break down and digest in the body. Foods that have a high glycemic index break down quickly and can cause a rapid rise in blood sugar after a meal. The body responds by secreting more insulin to counteract the high blood sugar. Too much insulin inhibits the fat-burning processes in the body, and may actually cause your body to store more fat. Eating foods that have a low glycemic index will help to maintain stable blood sugar patterns, avoiding the rapid rise and fall of insulin and glucose in the bloodstream.

    Read more:

    Daikon radish, good medicine

    The daikon radish is a long white root, similar to a carrot but thicker. It's a spicy radish.

    Daikon is a healing food. It clears mucus from your sinuses and lungs, helps you to digest fats and protein and helps the liver.

    If you have a heavy, fatty food, like cheese, serve daikon with it! Like hot salsas, it clears your sinuses. And it contains enzymes that help with fat digestion.

    On a detox diet plan, daikon can help you dissolve old hardened masses, cysts, tumors and fats in your tissues. Our bodies store fat around our organs and this makes us sluggish. Daikon clears out the old fats.

    Daikon also works against bacterial and fungal infections. Regular use can prevent colds and flues.

    You can eat the radish tops, too. They are a bit tough so need cooking.

    Energetically, daikon radish is cooling, so if you feel cold and deficient, use with caution. Red radish has some of the healing properties of daikon, but daikon is stronger.

    In Chinese medicine, white colored foods support the lungs and large intestines. The pungent flavor opens up and disperses stagnation and mucus.
  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member
    Trust me, I don't have an eating disorder...but at the end of the day, when I've already eaten my alloted 1200 calories, sometimes I'm still hungry...and the night is still young, so chowing down on some very low cal foods beats the hunger.

    1200 is low. if you're genuinely hungry, you need to eat.

    and when i say eat, i mean real food. not lettuce, sauerkraut or celery. preferably something with protein a bit of good fat and complex carbs. a few hundred quality calories is not going to completely derail your weight loss (and may actually help it if you are genuinely hungry.) but if you insist, have fun going to bed hungry and feeling like crap.

    also, evaluate what you're eating for that 1200. its possible there are adjustments you can make to increase your satiety and keep hunger from coming back.
  • Slove009
    Slove009 Posts: 364 Member
    I think saying it's a "meal" is not completely accurate. Just because someone wants a low cal snack to not wreck an entirely good day doesn't mean they have a problem.
    The situation of this post seems more like "" Hey, I've eaten all my calories for the day, but I'm hungry/have a craving to eat" It's not someone saying "How can I eat all day without actually eating?"! I have had days where I eat well, eat smart, and then 9pm rolls around and I'm hungry, but am going to bed soon. Sometimes a cup of hot tea helps, sometimes I need something more than just liquid. Eating an apple is a great way to curb hunger too. Just eat the whole apple if you need a snack. I like adding peanut/almond butter when I have it! I also LOVE edamame, just no salt if it's late night! Mostly any small serving of fruits or veggies will really help sate you. And then there is also have boiled egg white (or the whole thing!) as a snack too! I for one also love the Fiber One brownie bites! 90 calories and it certainly is great for that pesky sweet tooth! Also, any variety of toasted/roasted unsalted or lightly salted nuts. I prefer almonds. Now go out and snack smartly!
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member


    Is a fat buster like a ghostbuster? How does it work? Does it have a proton pack?

    It's an Asian radish--belonging to the radish family

    We've all seen horseradish, few venture to use it, but it has an amazing effect of dissolving fat in cells (no side effects) and also as a cleansing effect on the body.

    Radishes scrub the mucous membrane of the body because it contains high levels of Iron and Magnesium. These minerals actually help to dissolve fat in the cells.

    A half cup of radishes contains 1 g of fiber, which is important for weight loss: fiber not only helps to lower cholesterol by binding to low-density lipoproteins (LDLs), increasing your fiber intake may help you to lose weight. Fiber is a portion of the plant that goes undigested and when you eat foods with plenty of fiber, you feel full longer. By eating radishes, you can add some fiber to your diet and work toward the daily recommended intake, which is 25 to 38 g each day for adults age 19 to 50.

    Glycemic Index
    Eating foods that have a low glycemic index, such as radishes, may help you to lose weight. The glycemic index of a food is based on how long it takes to break down and digest in the body. Foods that have a high glycemic index break down quickly and can cause a rapid rise in blood sugar after a meal. The body responds by secreting more insulin to counteract the high blood sugar. Too much insulin inhibits the fat-burning processes in the body, and may actually cause your body to store more fat. Eating foods that have a low glycemic index will help to maintain stable blood sugar patterns, avoiding the rapid rise and fall of insulin and glucose in the bloodstream.

    Read more:

    how much horseradish should I eat to burn all my fat
  • heroyalslimness
    heroyalslimness Posts: 591 Member
    how much horseradish should I eat to burn all my fat

    I hope the info on radish was helpful to someone~
    Take care~