How often do you kiss?



  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    All the time...sometimes even when he's in the middle of saying something to me, just watching his mouth and his lips move makes me want to kiss him. He's gorgeous though so it helps....
  • karylee44
    with my husband.............. never. could not even tell you the last time. (but we do not get along in any other way either.. ...mentally or physically. im ready to move on.)

    im a VERY physical person.. and would love to find some one who wants to hug and kiss all the time.
  • robin820
    robin820 Posts: 150 Member
    This is sad, but ever since 9-11, its a guarentee, my husband and I kiss everytime one of us leaves the house to go anywhere. Who knows when the last kiss will be but we don't want to regret not having that last kiss!"
  • terrappyn
    terrappyn Posts: 324 Member
    Every chance I get, except husband sets the limits :(

    Mine tries that too but it never lasts longer than a few minutes. lol
  • cloe31
    cloe31 Posts: 75 Member
    I'm single I have no one to kiss. I kiss my daughter over 20X a day on her sweet little cheeks and forehead. Does that count?
  • belladonna786
    belladonna786 Posts: 1,165 Member
    pretty much all day long, can't really count them as my hubby is super affectionate.
  • korsicash
    korsicash Posts: 770 Member
    Not as often as I would like. We have gotten so busy we have resorted to the AM and PM european greeting kiss and that is it.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    Daily. Before one of us goes to work (unless I'm asleep still) and before bed each night. Always during sexy time :D
  • All the time when we are together, every time we pass each other, every time one of us comes into a room, etc. We have been together for two years and I couldn't even imagine not kissing him that much! Maybe I am lucky, but I have a very affectionate man. :heart:
  • MissyMissy18
    MissyMissy18 Posts: 315 Member
    My face is like a magnet. I give my dude little smooches all day long, and luckily he enjoys it. I wouldn't say there is a "norm".. it depends on the couple. The last guy I dated wasn't nearly as affectionate, so we didn't kiss very often at all... mostly just hello and goodbye kisses, and I'd give him one on the cheek ocasionally (magnet face again). We almost never made out either. I complained about it a lot. It sucked.

    Now I get to make out all the time :)
  • IslandDreamer64
    IslandDreamer64 Posts: 258 Member
    Once or twice in the morning before we go our separate ways, then again when we get home, then maybe a few random times in the evening, and always when we go to bed. Does that sound like a lot? Eh, works for us!
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    We kiss multiple times a day. We try to make out regualrly. It keeps things alive. :) Kissing is far to easy to lose IMO, so we work on it.
  • paine016
    paine016 Posts: 77 Member
    rarely! And we are still young (30 & 32). We have 3 kids and are so busy with work and the kids that we don't take time for each other. Sad but true! He doesn't see a problem with it...I'm starting to think we just "tolerate" each other because it's easier. (and yes I do know that this is an issue)

    sounds similar to me. 2 kids and we are in our late 30s instead of early 30s but i miss physical interaction yet she doesnt seem to care, hasnt for a long time, not sure she ever did but i think she was more accomodating say 7 or 8 years ago. i try to initiate things but it is struggle to even get a hello and goodbye kiss some days, i watch as she purposely positions her body in a way to make it hard to kiss her hello when she walks by me after coming home from somewhere. i havent given up at the moment and still seek her out to kiss her goodbye and to give real kisses whenever she will let me but i cant remember the last time she came up and kissed me, it has been many years. and this sex thing that was mentioned, how often do you married couples have sex? i am lucky if i can get any once a month, we average in the single digits per year

    The people over at may be able to offer some help, or at least an ear. I'm being honest, it's helped me out, but it's also hurt. At least there you know there are people who understand. I recommend going there.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,582 Member
    constantly! Even when we're on the phone we do air kisses... and no it's not a puppy love new relationship. We've been married 4 years.
    The more you kiss the closer you are. Hard to kiss them when you're being distant.
  • carriempls
    carriempls Posts: 326 Member
    All the time! I'm big on the kissing. A
  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    as much as possible. :)
  • skinnynerd
    We have a good makeout session everyday. It makes up both happier. I'm glad I found a man that likes to kiss. My ex husband hated to kiss and it really affected our relationship.
  • CrossFitBeast
    CrossFitBeast Posts: 320 Member
    Not as often as I would like. Granted I crave make-out sessions and often am unfulfilled. I don't require it to turn into actual sex, just getting on the edge due to the kissing is exactly what I'm shooting for.
  • NatashaB8
    We live quite far apart (and he is in London at the moment :( ) but whenever we are together we kiss a lot. Not so much in public as I'm not a fan of PDA's but when we are in each others house, then yep a lot :) Definitely during sex too, I think it would be odd not to kiss during sex since its such an intimate act!

    Glad to see so many people love smooching their other halves :D
  • amez1974
    amez1974 Posts: 213 Member
    We've been married 15 years-together 17, and still kiss all the time. DH kisses me good bye every morning even if I'm not awake. When he gets home-another kiss :) From there we kiss pretty often and randomly. We are pretty affectionate--my SIL has asked when our "honeymoon" stage will be over. If I get angry with him, I often kiss him because it just diffuses whatever is bothering me and reminds me of what is really important. lol sometimes it takes a couple of kisses :)