No More Excuses - Week 9



  • tigermom79
    Good morning all...Hope today finds you well. Sounds like everyone is doing great with exercise. Good job team! Today is my gym day and I am supposed to do L1D7 of the Shred. It is so hard for me to do both in the same day but I hate to miss the Shred. I'll try to get it all done. Going thrift store shopping with my step-mom today, don't have to work. Hope everyone has a wonderful Friday!!

    Tammy....First of all I LOVE your picture!!!!

    Second...I want to go.......I love going to thrift stores!!! Have a great time and I hope you find some massive bargains!!! :smile:
  • tigermom79
    Good morning all! Well I am off and running today. We have our very important Annual Membership meeting tomorrow as well as a regular board meeting, so my day tomorrow is packed. Today is all about getting myself and my brain ready for it! I have a great staff and they are good at keeping me on the right track.....

    I am hoping to get on the wii tonight. However I will go to Curves and then I have to go set up our meeting room...moving tables and chairs and podiums and all. YUCK but it will give me some extra excercise.

    I can't believe it. I went over on calories yesterday and the scale dropped 2 of the 3 pounds I am playing with this week. What is up with that?????? I am beginning to believe the thought that you have to eat more to loose weight! Sounds so weird to me but maybe it is true. I can only hope it keeps working!

    Talk to you all this evening!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Good morning all...Hope today finds you well. Sounds like everyone is doing great with exercise. Good job team! Today is my gym day and I am supposed to do L1D7 of the Shred. It is so hard for me to do both in the same day but I hate to miss the Shred. I'll try to get it all done. Going thrift store shopping with my step-mom today, don't have to work. Hope everyone has a wonderful Friday!!

    Tammy, your new pic is beautiful. :heart: it! :smile:
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Good morning all...Hope today finds you well. Sounds like everyone is doing great with exercise. Good job team! Today is my gym day and I am supposed to do L1D7 of the Shred. It is so hard for me to do both in the same day but I hate to miss the Shred. I'll try to get it all done. Going thrift store shopping with my step-mom today, don't have to work. Hope everyone has a wonderful Friday!!

    Tammy....First of all I LOVE your picture!!!!

    Second...I want to go.......I love going to thrift stores!!! Have a great time and I hope you find some massive bargains!!! :smile:

    I also want to go, I love just hanging out at the thrift stores looking for bargains! That and yard saling!
  • justjack51
    justjack51 Posts: 340 Member
    OK, back on the diet, I had my BBQ and Fries for lunch. Time to get back on the straight and narrow.
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Blew today as far as calories goes. I don't know what is wrong with me today. All I have wanted to do is eat. I am not stressed about anything as far as I know, so I don't know what is going on.
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello everyone, I am going to leave this group, b/c I have some more that I am in, I just don't have time for them all. I find myself on the computer more and more instead of exercising. I love the group but I just don't have time to do more than one. Thanks everyone for being so nice to me, I will still be on the site.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Good Saturday morning all... I had a great day shopping with step-mom yesterday. She is one of my closest friends. My mom passed away in 2001 from cancer and since then I have gotten really close to my step-mom. We ate too much for lunch and I missed the gym but it was worth it. We only get to hang out about once a month while my dh is working and my boys are in school. I shopped until I dropped (well almost) and found some great bargains. I love thrifting and yard sales too! Thanks about my new picture. Hope everyone has a great day.

    Laura...We will miss you. I know what you mean about spending too much time on the computer. Good luck in your weight loss journey.
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Good Saturday morning all... I had a great day shopping with step-mom yesterday. She is one of my closest friends. My mom passed away in 2001 from cancer and since then I have gotten really close to my step-mom. We ate too much for lunch and I missed the gym but it was worth it. We only get to hang out about once a month while my dh is working and my boys are in school. I shopped until I dropped (well almost) and found some great bargains. I love thrifting and yard sales too! Thanks about my new picture. Hope everyone has a great day.

    Laura...We will miss you. I know what you mean about spending too much time on the computer. Good luck in your weight loss journey.

    Tammy, I am so glad you had fun yesterday with your stepmom. It sounds like a great time, What kind of bargains did you get?
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Good Saturday morning all... I had a great day shopping with step-mom yesterday. She is one of my closest friends. My mom passed away in 2001 from cancer and since then I have gotten really close to my step-mom. We ate too much for lunch and I missed the gym but it was worth it. We only get to hang out about once a month while my dh is working and my boys are in school. I shopped until I dropped (well almost) and found some great bargains. I love thrifting and yard sales too! Thanks about my new picture. Hope everyone has a great day.

    Laura...We will miss you. I know what you mean about spending too much time on the computer. Good luck in your weight loss journey.

    Tammy, I am so glad you had fun yesterday with your stepmom. It sounds like a great time, What kind of bargains did you get?

    I spent $20 all day and I got my youngest 2 pairs of pants, my oldest a pair of pants and an Aeropostale shirt (his fav store), a Tupperware deviled egg container, a dress, jacket, turtleneck, shirt, and a long black wool coat for myself. I spent almost as much on lunch as I did my whole shopping day. Now that is my kind of shopping!!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Good Saturday morning all... I had a great day shopping with step-mom yesterday. She is one of my closest friends. My mom passed away in 2001 from cancer and since then I have gotten really close to my step-mom. We ate too much for lunch and I missed the gym but it was worth it. We only get to hang out about once a month while my dh is working and my boys are in school. I shopped until I dropped (well almost) and found some great bargains. I love thrifting and yard sales too! Thanks about my new picture. Hope everyone has a great day.

    Laura...We will miss you. I know what you mean about spending too much time on the computer. Good luck in your weight loss journey.

    Tammy, I am so glad you had fun yesterday with your stepmom. It sounds like a great time, What kind of bargains did you get?

    I spent $20 all day and I got my youngest 2 pairs of pants, my oldest a pair of pants and an Aeropostale shirt (his fav store), a Tupperware deviled egg container, a dress, jacket, turtleneck, shirt, and a long black wool coat for myself. I spent almost as much on lunch as I did my whole shopping day. Now that is my kind of shopping!!

    Today awesome, thanks for letting me get my bargain shopping fix through you. Our thrift stores around here are so high it is sad. I love going to the bigger cities and hitting the thrift stores. FUNNNN!!!!!!!!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Just a quick note because I am so proud of myself. I did L1D7 of 30 Day Shred and then did W6D1 of C25K. Yoo-Hoo. I am tired but feel so good right now. I hope I remember this feeling when Monday comes and it is time to do it again.
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Just a quick note because I am so proud of myself. I did L1D7 of 30 Day Shred and then did W6D1 of C25K. Yoo-Hoo. I am tired but feel so good right now. I hope I remember this feeling when Monday comes and it is time to do it again.

    Way to Go, Tammy! Totally awesome!:drinker:
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Where or where is this team???? :sad: Kidding, hoping everybody is having a great day! Tomorrow is weigh-in day!!!
  • tigermom79
    Good Saturday morning all... I had a great day shopping with step-mom yesterday. She is one of my closest friends. My mom passed away in 2001 from cancer and since then I have gotten really close to my step-mom. We ate too much for lunch and I missed the gym but it was worth it. We only get to hang out about once a month while my dh is working and my boys are in school. I shopped until I dropped (well almost) and found some great bargains. I love thrifting and yard sales too! Thanks about my new picture. Hope everyone has a great day.

    Laura...We will miss you. I know what you mean about spending too much time on the computer. Good luck in your weight loss journey.

    Tammy, I am so glad you had fun yesterday with your stepmom. It sounds like a great time, What kind of bargains did you get?

    I spent $20 all day and I got my youngest 2 pairs of pants, my oldest a pair of pants and an Aeropostale shirt (his fav store), a Tupperware deviled egg container, a dress, jacket, turtleneck, shirt, and a long black wool coat for myself. I spent almost as much on lunch as I did my whole shopping day. Now that is my kind of shopping!!

    What great finds!!!! My kind of shoppin' girl!!! Good for you and glad you had a fun day for yourself. Once in a while we need that!!!
  • tigermom79
    Good evening all...... WOWW whata day. Had a brd mtg this morning and on to a membership mtg at 1:30. All went splendedly, thank goodness!!!! I always dread the annual mtg and worry myself sick about it and then it goes wonderfully. Just glad it is over for another day. I am off to the wii here in a little while to relax. Thatsosunds sostrange that excercise can be relaxing but it does help me. I am really hopingfor a good weigh in tomorrow but, we had a lunch todayy at a mexican food restaurant (my favorite) and then cookies. Lots of water tonight.

    Hope everyone is having a great Saturday.
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    94 minutes wog, 565 calories burnt. Great workout!
  • justjack51
    justjack51 Posts: 340 Member
    No workout today except for 20 minutes of Wii Fit.

    Don't think I will have any weight loss this week, just hoping not to gain.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Sounds like everyone is putting along pretty well. Good luck to you all for weigh-in tomorrow. I don't expect a loss as I have been going over on my calories too many days. I am getting my exercise done most days but I am going to have to cut back on my food intake to see any results. See ya'll tomorrow.
  • tigermom79
    I'm with the rest of you on the weigh in for tomorrow!!!

    HOWEVER......I DID IT!!!!! I just did the free run on wii fit for 20 minutes!!!! YIPEE!!! My milage was 4.633 miles. I'm not sure how accurate the mileage thing is on that but I am just happy I kept going for the full 20 minutes!!!

    Well everyone have a great night's rest! See you in the morning!