No More Excuses - Week 9



  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    I'm with the rest of you on the weigh in for tomorrow!!!

    HOWEVER......I DID IT!!!!! I just did the free run on wii fit for 20 minutes!!!! YIPEE!!! My milage was 4.633 miles. I'm not sure how accurate the mileage thing is on that but I am just happy I kept going for the full 20 minutes!!!

    Well everyone have a great night's rest! See you in the morning!

    Congrats to you!! What a great feeling!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    I will post weights tomorrow on a new thread. I am afraid our team is shrinking, I left messages on all the profiles of those who were with us. Should we keep the team going? I know you all have offered me a ton of motivation and support in the last 9 weeks. If the team dissolves I will miss you. What do you think??
  • Angel1029
    Angel1029 Posts: 459
    Hey everyone!!! Hope everyone is doing well with their diet and exercise. I'm still here working my butt off and doing well on my diet. Keep up the good work everybody and I'll chat with everybody later.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Good Sunday morning all..Hope you are all well. I am still hovering around the same weight as before Christmas. I changed my numbers in the custom setting yesterday and lowered my fat grams and upped my protein. Hopefully something will start moving. I think even though I was staying in my calorie and fat goal from MFP most of the time, I was eating way too many fat grams. I think it put me down to 30 something now. We'll see. Have a great day.

    Amanda...I sent you a PM.
  • tigermom79
    I will post weights tomorrow on a new thread. I am afraid our team is shrinking, I left messages on all the profiles of those who were with us. Should we keep the team going? I know you all have offered me a ton of motivation and support in the last 9 weeks. If the team dissolves I will miss you. What do you think??

    I for one love the group!!! I would miss it as well. You all have been great motivation for me! I am still at 164. YUCK!!!! This week I am going to see a difference. Positive thinking can do wonders and that is exactly what I am going to do!!!!! ;)

    Have a super Sunday everyone!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    I will post weights when I get back from church. Oh my goodness, I lost 4 pounds this week!!!!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Hello again...

    Ann...I'm sure we will see a difference this week. I have been losing and gaining the same 2 pounds for a month now. I don't want to find it again this week.

    Amanda...Great job!! 4 pounds is amazing.

    I just got back from the gym. We go to a very small gym at my husband's workplace. When we got there the whole gym was empty. There are 3 televisions facing different directions but they all play the same channel. I turned them on to Country Music Television and started my workout. About 20 minutes later people started filing in. This one young woman came in and turned the fan directly on me (she was getting on the elliptical beside me) so now I'm sweating and freezing. I didn't say anything. I just finished my machine and went on to do Nautilus machines. Remember now this is just one big room with weights, ellipticals and Nautilus together. She got off her elliptical and turned the televisions (without asking anybody) to a channel with half-naked people singing about taking off all their clothes. I have to tell you I got pretty angry. I would never walk into a gym full of people and change the TV channel. If I am last in and I don't like the channel, I just put on my headphones and tune everybody out. I let it be known that I was very unhappy and put my headphones on. The man with her changed the channel back but she was grumbling the whole time. I was glad that I was almost finished because I was really close to exploding. Would this make you angry or am I a hot-headed red head?
  • tigermom79
    Hello again...

    Ann...I'm sure we will see a difference this week. I have been losing and gaining the same 2 pounds for a month now. I don't want to find it again this week.

    Amanda...Great job!! 4 pounds is amazing.

    I just got back from the gym. We go to a very small gym at my husband's workplace. When we got there the whole gym was empty. There are 3 televisions facing different directions but they all play the same channel. I turned them on to Country Music Television and started my workout. About 20 minutes later people started filing in. This one young woman came in and turned the fan directly on me (she was getting on the elliptical beside me) so now I'm sweating and freezing. I didn't say anything. I just finished my machine and went on to do Nautilus machines. Remember now this is just one big room with weights, ellipticals and Nautilus together. She got off her elliptical and turned the televisions (without asking anybody) to a channel with half-naked people singing about taking off all their clothes. I have to tell you I got pretty angry. I would never walk into a gym full of people and change the TV channel. If I am last in and I don't like the channel, I just put on my headphones and tune everybody out. I let it be known that I was very unhappy and put my headphones on. The man with her changed the channel back but she was grumbling the whole time. I was glad that I was almost finished because I was really close to exploding. Would this make you angry or am I a hot-headed red head?
    I don't believe you are hot headed in the least. That as down right rude. I agree that you put up with whatever is on unless you are the only one there. She needs some lessons in manners and consideration it sounds like.

    Good for you to make it to the gym today. I hope to get on the wii here in a bit. Too busy watching football right now. I plan t get a good work out today as well. Hubby is out of town at a friends so I will be able to get a lot done on it.

    Hope your day gets better Tammy.

    I don
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Hello again...

    Ann...I'm sure we will see a difference this week. I have been losing and gaining the same 2 pounds for a month now. I don't want to find it again this week.

    Amanda...Great job!! 4 pounds is amazing.

    I just got back from the gym. We go to a very small gym at my husband's workplace. When we got there the whole gym was empty. There are 3 televisions facing different directions but they all play the same channel. I turned them on to Country Music Television and started my workout. About 20 minutes later people started filing in. This one young woman came in and turned the fan directly on me (she was getting on the elliptical beside me) so now I'm sweating and freezing. I didn't say anything. I just finished my machine and went on to do Nautilus machines. Remember now this is just one big room with weights, ellipticals and Nautilus together. She got off her elliptical and turned the televisions (without asking anybody) to a channel with half-naked people singing about taking off all their clothes. I have to tell you I got pretty angry. I would never walk into a gym full of people and change the TV channel. If I am last in and I don't like the channel, I just put on my headphones and tune everybody out. I let it be known that I was very unhappy and put my headphones on. The man with her changed the channel back but she was grumbling the whole time. I was glad that I was almost finished because I was really close to exploding. Would this make you angry or am I a hot-headed red head?
    I don't believe you are hot headed in the least. That as down right rude. I agree that you put up with whatever is on unless you are the only one there. She needs some lessons in manners and consideration it sounds like.

    Good for you to make it to the gym today. I hope to get on the wii here in a bit. Too busy watching football right now. I plan t get a good work out today as well. Hubby is out of town at a friends so I will be able to get a lot done on it.

    Hope your day gets better Tammy.

    I don

    Thanks for listening. I feel a little bad for getting mad over it, but just a little. Enjoy your football game. You don't get many days to relax. I'm trying to get my son to put his Wii in the family room so we can play together. His room is always so messy that I have a hard time moving around in it. We need to have a yard sale!! I bowled with him last night and had a blast. That thing could become an addiction.
  • justjack51
    justjack51 Posts: 340 Member
    I will post weights when I get back from church. Oh my goodness, I lost 4 pounds this week!!!!

    Wow, 7 pounds in 2 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
  • tigermom79
    I will post weights when I get back from church. Oh my goodness, I lost 4 pounds this week!!!!

    Holy Cow.......good foryou Amanda! What is the secret
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    I am working on the chart, should I just put the people who sent me there weights and posted this week. I know Amy been sick, so she should stay. Half the chart hasn't been around in weeks?????? What do you think????
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    I will post weights when I get back from church. Oh my goodness, I lost 4 pounds this week!!!!

    Holy Cow.......good foryou Amanda! What is the secret

    Well remember I gained over Christmas so that is some of that weight coming off again. I really don't know the only difference I have been doing is playing that Wii with my family. I have still being running and counting calories. I have no idea, but am happy with it. :laugh:
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    I am working on the chart, should I just put the people who sent me there weights and posted this week. I know Amy been sick, so she should stay. Half the chart hasn't been around in weeks?????? What do you think????

    I would only post people you have heard from recently. If someone logs on and wants to be added back then I would put them on the next week. I know you don't want to exclude anyone, but I don't see a reason to keep posting old weights from people you haven't heard from in weeks. Just my two cents worth.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    I will post weights when I get back from church. Oh my goodness, I lost 4 pounds this week!!!!

    Wow, 7 pounds in 2 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

    Fabulous!! I am losing some weight but I seem to keep finding it!!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    I am working on the chart, should I just put the people who sent me there weights and posted this week. I know Amy been sick, so she should stay. Half the chart hasn't been around in weeks?????? What do you think????

    I would only post people you have heard from recently. If someone logs on and wants to be added back then I would put them on the next week. I know you don't want to exclude anyone, but I don't see a reason to keep posting old weights from people you haven't heard from in weeks. Just my two cents worth.

    Agreed! But want to ask everybody!

    Oh I want to tell you before this thread gets closed that you might be a top temper redhead :laugh: BUT I would have been flaming mad at the gym today. People at the gym can drive one crazy!!!!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member

    Here we go, another week done and we are on to week 10!!!!