Crazy Cat People Only!



  • angiemartin78
    angiemartin78 Posts: 475 Member
    I have a beautiful black and white DSH named Bootsie and a very handsome orange tabby named Boogie. They like to pretend like they hate each other, but almost daily when I come home from work I catch them sleeping so close that they are touching each other on the couch. Boogie is so big and would eat till he exploded if I let him...he's a major attention lush and will do anything for you if you would just pet him and then feed him. Bootsie is such a little lady...she likes to lie down with her front paws crossed and she likes to "squeak" at us. She really loves canned tuna, well any fish really, but other than that she prefers her catfood to anything on our table.

    I don't know what I'm going to do if/when anything happens to them...SO says no more after these two are gone, but we'll see...Maybe if the kids and I :sad: enough he'll give in.
  • ScarletFyre
    ScarletFyre Posts: 754 Member
    Patrick is my 3 year told Maine Coon - I got him from a rescue in PA, but before that he was in a rescue in NC. He was actually scheduled to get gassed!! :brokenheart: Someone mistook him for a pregnant female and he was spared! :happy: He somehow made it to PA where i ended up with him. He is the sweetest cat! He was born on St Patrick's day, hence the name. I wasn't looking for a cat at the time i found him, but happened across him and knew I had to take him home!

    He acts a lot like a dog, which i am told is a Maine Coon thing - he begs for food, licks his humans (hell of a thing to be awakend by kitty kisses!!) and begs to be petted! Even loves his ears and belly rubbed!

    BTW - can anyone tell me how to post pix in a forum post? then i can put his pic up! :bigsmile:
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    Socks- the office cat


    Nacho- The sweetest kitty who ever lived. Chose me by tapping me on the shoulder from a cage behind me when I was trying to pick one out. Had to have him.


    Mortimer- Partner's cat, Nacho's best friend and an avid hunter. (No worries, the bird eventually got away)

  • allisona28
    allisona28 Posts: 186 Member
    I have two Tuxedo cats...the female is POSSUM and the little boy (14 lbs) is HARRY....They are the best!!!! :bigsmile:
  • CharlieBarleyMom
    CharlieBarleyMom Posts: 727 Member
    I currently have 3 cat-babies. I have lived with many others and all my cats are indoors cats so they live a long healthy life. In the past 3 years I have had to say goodbye to 3 of my "elders" - Stevie, female Maine coon who lived to be 21 years old; Ragamuffin (Muffy), a Japanese bobtail (well, she was born like that but we found her outside with the rest of her litter) calico who lived to 18; and Rascal, an all black short hair female who lived to 19. All of them are missed greatly and they will never be forgotten.

    Current residents within my home are Cali, aka Momma, who is a short hair calico that was a neighborhood stray. She came in one night 3.5 years ago (April 13) and gave birth at 2am to a litter of 3... which leads to the next baby, Brownie who is one of the 3 babies from that litter. When she was born she was black with one patch of brown over her left ear... now she is a tortoiseshell because the brown and black are mixed all over her... and Momma was still nursing this litter when she came home (yes, she chose me!) bearing the weight of more babies. The next litter produced 7 babies - of which my 3rd baby is one. Daphne is a gray-stripe calico with white paws and she is a doozie! They all love to play but Daphne gets a little too much in Momma's face - she doesn't forgive her for not nursing her until she was ready to be weaned... I had to get her to the vet to be fixed before she ran out and got herself preggers again, so she only fed those babies for 6 weeks instead of 8...

    So, those are my babies in my ticker photo... the Momma refuses to pose with them!
  • AliceKlaar
    AliceKlaar Posts: 275 Member
    Bungle Bear, 3yo siamese/ragdoll cross, sleeping off a mouse binge:-


    I've also got a 17yo black cat called Merlin.
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    I have a long-haired calico named Chili and a medium-haired brown tabby named Penelope. They don't much care for each other, which is a shame - I bet they'd look adorable curled up together into one big fluffy purring mass.
  • catmama6
    I've got six. That's Kallie in the pic. She just turned 15. Was a 'foster failure', as in I fostered her (along with 5 others at the time) with intention of adopting out but fell in love and kept her. She's my princess.

    Then there's Casey a 10 yo maine coon mix. He was a clinic kitty while I was in vet tech school. Came from a local shelter so he was rescued twice. Each semester, the school got dogs and cats from the shelter for students to work with and then adopted them out at the end of each semester. He's too smart for his own good and a daddy's boy.

    Miss B (10 yo tabby) and Peanut (7 yo DSH dilute calico) were Hurricane Katrina refugees. I fostered them for my local rescue group (we housed 150 Katrina kitties) along with 1 other. We found his family (yay!) but couldn't find the girls' families :-( They didn't do well at adoption events and I eventually adopted them. I really think they decided they liked it here and didn't want to go anywhere else. You can tell they know they got a second chance. Miss B is my 'velcro' kitty.

    Reba is a 4 yo orange and white medium hair girl. Another foster failure. She came with a group of 9 and stole our hearts. She's the court jester of the bunch. And a real lap kitty. Snoozing right here with me now.

    Little Bit is a feral I've taken care of for 13 years so she's at least that old. B&W tuxedo girl. TNR's her and her last litter of kittens. Took 8 yrs for her to let me touch her but now she can't get enough lovin' . A sweetheart.

    And of course there are the various neighborhood kitties that all come to visit and get free meals. My husband says we are the 'kitty Kool-Aid' house. I prefer to call myself the 'hairy godmother' of the neighborhood.

    Love all the pictures of everyone's fur babies.
  • jenistar
    jenistar Posts: 4 Member
    I have a pretty girl named Emma. She's 6 months old and is the sweetest thing I've ever seen. Check out my profile for her picture.
  • Tranquil_Miche
    I have two. They are nearly complete opposites.

    Angel is a Maine Coon, but she acts like a skitzo monkey. She literally will hang and balance from my stairway rails. She is thin and agile, and will squeeze herself in the three inch gap under the sofa. She also likes to climb high above the kitchen cabinets, and in a flash jump down and run full speed up the stairs. She keeps away from company and is off in a world of her own. When she wants attention she will let you know. She likes to climb on my chest and knead on my neck as I stroke her head, but she does not give this affection to anyone else.

    The other is a half tuxedo and half grey tabby mix. Her name is Precious. She is the brainless love bug that uses her weight to get what she wants. She is not the smartest, but she will bulldoze her way into getting the attention she craves even if that should mean to push the dog out of the way. She doesn’t climb or run, but you’ll find her lounging on the bed or in the middle of a dark hallway where she blends in well. If you leave a glass of water on the table be warned that she will make her way to sticking her paw in your glass sometime within an hour of you setting that glass down. She will also chew laptop cables or headset wires if left in her ease. Her favorite pass time is lounging next to you on the sofa as you massage her head.
  • ClarkeEJ
    ClarkeEJ Posts: 155 Member
    We have six cats, Wanda, Doris, Ruby, Voth, Batch and Lyle.

    My daughter is currently doing work experience at The Cat's Protection League this week and is loving all the cats.
  • emstethem
    emstethem Posts: 263 Member
    I love my cats! :D I have a male Balinese named Jinxy and I have an Abyssinian tabby mix female named Ginger. They are so wonderful to me. :) They keep the moles, mice and rabbits out of my garden. :) They keep the lizards and mice out of my house. :) They are smart and no trouble at all! :D Best pets ever--kittehs :)
  • Dani76babi
    Dani76babi Posts: 82 Member
    My baby Kitty is a short haired tabby cat. He is gorgeous! with the white dipped paws and white nose, with black tail. and Big too, he is the same size as my parents' dog, which is a Shiba Inu. My cat's name is Scampers and he is about 18 lbs but not fat. The vet called him tall and lean, not obese at all. He loves following me around the house and even "pops a wheelie" when I come home to let me know he's happy that I have returned. He's a very good boy and smart too... He has figured out how to open some doors and a few other tricks that he has taught himself.

    Whats most interesting about him though, is that I found him as a kitten while I was out on a camping trip. He was starving, shaking, and all alone when he slowly approached my campsite. I fed him a whole can of tuna because I felt so bad for him... a tiny kitten with ribs popping out... He ate the whole can and then wouldn't stop purring. It was raining and cold at the time and his fur wasn't all there, so I picked him up and put him in my jacket (: He purred for a week straight! Scampers is truly my baby kitty, even though it has been at least 8 years since I found him as a cold, starving kitten.

    I love my kitty and he has always been such a good boy, I think he really is grateful that we met that day!
  • Dancerten
    Dancerten Posts: 237 Member

    OMG, please tell me that is your cat! I love it!!! the dog in your profile pic too btw :smile:
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    I have a male cat named Maximilian. I got him at just a wee kitten from Craigslist. He was very very sick when I picked him up. He had a horrible respiratory infection and was missing almost all the hair on his tail. He made a full recovery and is a fun, active, playful monster.

    My girl cat is Miranda. I wanted to get a second cat, so I started browsing online. I saw her picture on the animal control site and instantly fell in love with her. I drove out to see her, and she was not interested in me. I looked at some other cats and narrowed it down to a boy and a girl. I was ready to leave with the boy until he turned aggressive at the last minute. I was going to take the girl instead until Miranda started to come around. She laid in my lap and started purring and loving on me. She had the sweetest sad eyes I've ever seen. She was the one I came to see. She's the one I went home with. She is the absolute most sweetest cat ever. She never ever stops purring and follows me everywhere I go. She sleeps right by me every night. I adore her so much.
  • butterflyqueen1984
    I have a cat called Toffee, I love him sooooooo much! We found each other! I was helping Cats Protection by advertising the cats in our local paper. Toffee caught my eye straight away when I saw him! Well one day I got a call from the person who was fostering him, he had cat flu and he couldn't be kept anywhere near her show cats and so she asked if I could look after him until a home was found. I took him in and 2 people came to visit at different times, both times Toffee bit and hissed at them. Baring in mind that Toffee is a lovely soft loud purring tabby brown long haired cat and has never hurt a fly this took me by complete surprise! He didn't want to leave me so with persuasion from my ex who never liked cats I kept him! Well turns out Toffee was the one who helped me get through the tough times of my split with him he is always there for me day and night. Yes he is very affectionate and will dribble on me constantly, scratch the floor carpet when I am ignoring him and scratching my chest when he lies on me but I wouldn't change him for the world I love him to bits!!
  • Themuseinme
    Themuseinme Posts: 224 Member
    Right now I have only one cat- named momma cat. originally she was named Cassiopea , but quickly became Tori -short for traitor, Traitor because when i started dating my now hsuband John she quickly gravitated to being a daddys girl, neglecting me except for bedtime, in shich she always sleeps right next to me or abpve my ead.

    Once she became a mother, she became mommacat and thats who she is to this day.Even though the one baby we kept of hers died about 4 yrs ago.

    She is a sylvester kitty, a black and white kitty, with 4 white boots, white belly and white markings above the nose. She is 17 yrs old and has the shiniest black fur ever seen!!! She also has th pinkest nose and pinkest, softest paws.

    She has the biggest vocabulary ive ever seen a cat have and is the smartest and cutest cat ever.

    In her old age she is getting a little forgetful and has soem urinary continence problemos.

    I knwo she wont live forever btu hoping she will break all records!!!:love::love: :love:
  • grandmagege
    grandmagege Posts: 42 Member
    That is really cute !!!
  • gkwatra
    gkwatra Posts: 431 Member
    My cat Pebbles was like my baby. I had her since she was 6 months old. She passed away this past May at age 15. I miss her every day.