1500 calories for a PIECE of cake?



  • barefootsoul91
    IKR just one of those cookie/brownie desserts at chilis is about 1600 calories lol i dont eat them anymore since i found out. even splitting it amongst friends was still like :O so many calories. lol i quit junk food though for the most part, still a work in progress!

  • GlorianEversea
    The thing here is that it's fine to have even the 2000 calorie piece of cake as long as its extremely rare in your diet and there is frequent exercise in your lifestyle. One of my fitness trainer friends has a diet example of what one can realistically eat and maintain their weight while burning 200 calories every other day in an exercise regimen. It even accounts for nutritional values and keeps transfats at low levels.

    There is plenty of room for dessert and burgers and pizza and everything else in a diet full of moderation and regular exercise.
  • jgbkab
    jgbkab Posts: 24
    It's crazy, isn't it? But I constantly see around here people talking about "oh, it takes 3500 calories to put on a pound" as if that's hard. I could easily put on a pound a day if I set my mind to it -- i.e. eating a piece of carrot cake like yours, getting some crepes at IHOP, eating half a pizza, and a burger and fries. BAM! The calories in foods at restaurants are really absurd.

    it takes 3500 ABOVE what you're burning for the day. for many people, their TDEE is 2000-3000 calories a day when you factor in exercise. so it would take 5500-6500 total calories to pack on a pound per day. not impossible, but harder than you stated above.

    6000 calories is more than you think it is...

    it's 85 eggs.
    it's 22 cinnamon raisin bagels.
    it's 2.5 medium pepperoni pizzas.
    it's 57 Reese's Peanut Butter cups.
    it's 3 gallons of 2% milk.

    Or 4 slices of carrot cake. And I could eat that easily with 4 glasses of 2% milk once upon a time. My mother bakes and sells cakes and it takes about $25 worth of calorie-laden ingredients to make $60 worth of cakes.
  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    Im confused, I looked up carrot cake and a slice comes in about 200 to 500 Calories.....Where did you get 1500 from?

    I am assuming you are referring to something listed in the MFP database or possibly another site? Don't ever rely on MOST other people to accurately list things. 80% of the stuff in MFP's database is completely wrong. There are people around who have to try and make themselves feel better so they underestimate the calories in everything and then complain because in their minds they are logging 'right'. Not everyone does this but I have stopped trying to use anything in the database that is entered by someone else because more often than not I end up having to correct everything from calories to weights to vitamin & sodium values.

    If you look up an actual recipe for a 'standard' carrot cake.. something like this maybe http://allrecipes.com/recipe/sams-famous-carrot-cake/ You can see that the recipe makes 15 servings (in a 8x12 pan) each one is 374 calories. In an 8x12 pan most people would cut the cake into 8 pieces (1 inch by 1.5 inches) - not 15. Right there you just hit 700 calories. This recipe has NO icing.. so add something like this from Kraft.. http://www.kraftrecipes.com/recipes/philadelphia-cream-cheese-frosting-50972.aspx where 1 Tbsp (about enough to frost your tiny piece of cake) will add another 75 calories.

    You now have a TINY 1 inch by 1.5 inch piece of frosted carrot cake which is going to set you back about 750 calories. In which restaurant have you ever seen a piece of cake that small? It's not hard to imagine a slice of a tall cake being worth 1500 calories. I have no idea how you can even begin to imagine a carrot cake slice being only 200-500 calories. It is not possible unless you are using a whole bunch of substitutions - which most restaurants aren't likely to be doing.

    Sorry, but I have to. If you cut a cake in an 8x12 pan into 8 pieces of cake, you would have 3"x4" slices. If you cut it into 15 slices, they would be 2.5x2.5 inches.

    And a lot of restaurants do have a lot of food heavily laden with butters, cheeses, and fats because that is what the average person wants. Restaurants like The Cheesecake factory have entrees that easily weigh in at several thousand calories because people like them and will go there and eat often. These foods taste good so they continue making them. Most restaurants are starting to offer "healthier options" which are lower calorie and cooked in healthier ways. If I go out, I try to pick the "healthiest" option (the one that is probably not cooked in as much butter or fat etc...) and then ask that it be cooked without butter or that the vegetables be steamed without butter. Even restaurants that cook everything fresh (most restaurants around here) still steam broccoli in butter or grill the chicken breast in butter unless you ask.

    It is crazy how high the calories can get. I am sometimes surprised still. Had some teriyaki recently that was maybe 10 shrimp, carrots, spinach, teriyaki sauce and was around 500 calories. Crazy. Some places have pretty great healthy options as well...
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    We have carrot cake and turtle cake for two of our dessert choices where I work....at well over 700 calories a slice. No way. If I'm going to enjoy a sinful dessert...it will be a better one than those.
  • Athena53
    Athena53 Posts: 717 Member
    We have carrot cake and turtle cake for two of our dessert choices where I work....at well over 700 calories a slice. No way. If I'm going to enjoy a sinful dessert...it will be a better one than those.

    That's my feeling. If I'm going to eat something that's got way more fat, sugar and calories than is good for me i'm going to make darn sure it's something I love. Many desserts are made to appeal to the eye and when you bite into them they aren't half as delicious as they look. it makes it very easy for me to pass up most food in that category. I also know that the first bite of anything may be sublime but diminishing returns will set in if I overdo it. Will the last half of a 1,500 calorie slice of cake be as good as the first? No? Well, then don't buy a portion that big!
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    People love muffins because they are so moist and light but what makes them so also makes them 700 Calories each!

    yep... mmmm banana bread muffins are the shieeettt