Black Team Week #1 Challenge thread-



  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    The biggest thing I notice on us in our after shots is healthy skin and big smiles!! :drinker:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Hello my friends--

    Mucho grande bull**** today-- yes, I said it-- bull****-- ****-- ****-- ****-- there-- take that!

    However, happy as always in these times that I'm not turning to food or alcohol (or homicide, even) to make me "feel" better, because I know it won't. Any boost is temporary, followed by anger and guilt at myself for being so weak and hurting myself in the long run.

    These are the things I learned this year-- with you all-- so, sure, I'll jump in on the love fest one more time.

    love reading the stories-- new ones and old ones.

    OHH-- too funny-- Aaron (my 14 year old ) is rather miffed at me, but I couldn't help myself-- he played basketball today against my high school alma mater-- and I wore my old high school varsity jacket to the game. Told him I'd obviously root for him, but my heart was with Immaculata--

    In I walked into the Phillipsburg High School gym, donning my Immaculata varsity jacket, beaming from ear to ear. I hear, "Dude, your mother's here," from one of his teammates. Aaron looks over, sees me and rolls his eyes. Bwahahahaha. My poor children-- :laugh:


    Another mother from the team is also an IHS graduate, and she was kicking herself for not thinking of wearing HER jacket-- oh, too much fun.

    (and Immaculata clobbered PHS-- giggle!)
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member

    Whos room are you in? Love the barbie on the wall!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Marla, you make me laugh! I :heart: you!!!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Here is my proud for the day! I am having an off day, still not feeling up to par and trying to figure out what is wrong. Well I had my alloted coke for the day and without even thinking a couple hours later I opened another one. After two sips I was like what am I doing, I dumped it down the drain and went for a run. 30 minutes, 275 calories burnt, 135 calories saved from me drinking without thinking.
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Good Friday evening Black Team ! Its been a lazy kind of day for me. Feeling a little under the weather but I think its all because of the weather. We got 3 inches yesterday and more is coming tonight. I hate the cold. Tried walking...take one step forward, two steps back and to the side. Screw that came home and got on the stationary bike and did 2 miles.

    What wonderful and inspirational stories you have my friends. I will try to get mine on here in the next couple of days.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member

    Whos room are you in? Love the barbie on the wall!

    The room shared by Rebekah, Hope and Abigail-- 12, 10 and 7 respectively-- the poster is Abby's.
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Evening Black Team!

    So so much for posting your stories guys! It's great for everyone to become familiar with one another. I just wanted to send a couple of quick notes out to the new folks.

    #1: As you can see we have alot of folks on this team that are quite a ways into their journeys. It is my hope that you folks who are just starting out can draw inspiration from them. But It's my hope that none of you feel left behind as we are all at different stages in the game and it's important to have folks at all points around. We will help you avoid some of the pitfalls we have gotten into and you will remind us of some of the important things we may have forgotten.

    #2: As Zippy noticed. It's hard to tell that the old members of this team have not been friends in RL. We are very close as I am sure you can tell. I would not want to change that for the world. But I understand from a "Newbie" perspective this might seem intimidating and you might feel left out of a whole lot of private jokes and that sort of thing. Please dont let yourself be discouraged. We didnt get this close over night but I assure you that as time passes you'll phase right into the group. Though we might not know as much about you, you are just as wanted and welcomed. Ask Lori (AKA Leckel) She joined us at a mid point in the year and I am sure that she remembers how close and familiar we were with each other when she joined us. I could be paraniod about it, but I was thinking about what this team means to us and how I would not want any one of you to feel out of place. If you do feel that way, I assure you, your not out of place and you belong here with us.

    Now, for a weight loss technique that I am apparently trying that I do NOT recommend. Here's what you do.

    First, Drive to your local steak house. Doesnt matter which one as long as they serve baked potatos. Order a small steak with a plain baked potato and steamed veggies. (It helps if your feeling ravenously hungry). When the food arrives check the tempature of your potato and make sure it is extremely HOT, if it's not ask to have it heated some more. look around and determine where your waitress is. As soon as you see her (or him) headed your way, quickly take an unusually large and reckless bite of the aforementioned baked potato. If you time it right she will ask "How is everything?" right as you are realizing that the recklessly sized bite of potatoe is atomically hot. You will now be faced with three possible outcomes. You can spit said hot potato hunk across the room and answer her question, you can bounce the hot potato hunk around the inside you mouth while giving a caveman grunt in reply or you can risk life and limb and attempt to swallow the mammoth hunk of volcanic spud in an attempt to politely reply.Following your natural insticts build from years of being taught what is and is not polite you must then quickly swollow the potato. If you have done this correctly the unusually large size of this bite will cause it to lodge itself in your throat just long enough to sear the flesh. After squeeking out an "Everything is great thanks" while making a face like someone punched you in the unmentionable, you will be fully prepared for weight loss success. For days on end swallowing spit will hurt like the hell, nevermind something as abrasive as food. Good tip eh? It's working out friggin great for me so far. Ouch. I want my mommy.

    Gotta get the kids to bed and hit the gym. Be back later black team.

    P.S. Do not try the "Tempured potato diet" described above. It's NO fun.

    :grumble: :grumble: :sad: :sad: :sad: :grumble: :grumble:
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Evening Black Team!

    So so much for posting your stories guys! It's great for everyone to become familiar with one another. I just wanted to send a couple of quick notes out to the new folks.

    #1: As you can see we have alot of folks on this team that are quite a ways into their journeys. It is my hope that you folks who are just starting out can draw inspiration from them. But It's my hope that none of you feel left behind as we are all at different stages in the game and it's important to have folks at all points around. We will help you avoid some of the pitfalls we have gotten into and you will remind us of some of the important things we may have forgotten.

    #2: As Zippy noticed. It's hard to tell that the old members of this team have not been friends in RL. We are very close as I am sure you can tell. I would not want to change that for the world. But I understand from a "Newbie" perspective this might seem intimidating and you might feel left out of a whole lot of private jokes and that sort of thing. Please dont let yourself be discouraged. We didnt get this close over night but I assure you that as time passes you'll phase right into the group. Though we might not know as much about you, you are just as wanted and welcomed. Ask Lori (AKA Leckel) She joined us at a mid point in the year and I am sure that she remembers how close and familiar we were with each other when she joined us. I could be paraniod about it, but I was thinking about what this team means to us and how I would not want any one of you to feel out of place. If you do feel that way, I assure you, your not out of place and you belong here with us.

    Now, for a weight loss technique that I am apparently trying that I do NOT recommend. Here's what you do.

    First, Drive to your local steak house. Doesnt matter which one as long as they serve baked potatos. Order a small steak with a plain baked potato and steamed veggies. (It helps if your feeling ravenously hungry). When the food arrives check the tempature of your potato and make sure it is extremely HOT, if it's not ask to have it heated some more. look around and determine where your waitress is. As soon as you see her (or him) headed your way, quickly take an unusually large and reckless bite of the aforementioned baked potato. If you time it right she will ask "How is everything?" right as you are realizing that the recklessly sized bite of potatoe is atomically hot. You will now be faced with three possible outcomes. You can spit said hot potato hunk across the room and answer her question, you can bounce the hot potato hunk around the inside you mouth while giving a caveman grunt in reply or you can risk life and limb and attempt to swallow the mammoth hunk of volcanic spud in an attempt to politely reply.Following your natural insticts build from years of being taught what is and is not polite you must then quickly swollow the potato. If you have done this correctly the unusually large size of this bite will cause it to lodge itself in your throat just long enough to sear the flesh. After squeeking out an "Everything is great thanks" while making a face like someone punched you in the unmentionable, you will be fully prepared for weight loss success. For days on end swallowing spit will hurt like the hell, nevermind something as abrasive as food. Good tip eh? It's working out friggin great for me so far. Ouch. I want my mommy.

    Gotta get the kids to bed and hit the gym. Be back later black team.

    P.S. Do not try the "Tempured potato diet" described above. It's NO fun.

    :grumble: :grumble: :sad: :sad: :sad: :grumble: :grumble:

    OMG, I'm sorry that hurt but the way you tell a story is classic! :laugh:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Andrew, you kill me!
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Yeah, so in my long book I didn't put the before/after pics.

    Spring/Summer 2002

    December 31, 2009

    P.S. No, my boyfriend does not have an old man looking 'fro with a huge forehead. The wall hanging behind him has a giant tree in it.
  • kr65
    kr65 Posts: 6 Member
    OMG...that's too funny! Not that you are still in pain over it but because as you describe it...I can totally feel it happening. I'm one of the newbies and I have to ask a really stupid question that i've been wondering about for days now...but didn't want to ask. What is a "dh"....all I can think of is"designated hitter" (baseball speak) but I get the feeling that is not what it means here.
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    OMG...that's too funny! Not that you are still in pain over it but because as you describe it...I can totally feel it happening. I'm one of the newbies and I have to ask a really stupid question that i've been wondering about for days now...but didn't want to ask. What is a "dh"....all I can think of is"designated hitter" (baseball speak) but I get the feeling that is not what it means here.

    dh = dear hubby

    (although some of the ladies might want to use a different word that starts with a D :laugh: )
  • Theresa35
    Theresa35 Posts: 1,102
    Options look wonderful...and so much younger!!! Way to go lady!!!

    Happy Friday everyone!

    Yesterday wasn't pretty due to a headache...which always makes me want to eat everything in sight...:frown: has been awesome!!! :drinker: Had a great workout...have eaten healthy and still have plenty left over for a snack later on (no...nothing sweet....I try to follow the rules :tongue: )

    Have a healthy and happy weekend my friends! :heart:
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Yeah, so in my long book I didn't put the before/after pics.

    Spring/Summer 2002

    December 31, 2009

    P.S. No, my boyfriend does not have an old man looking 'fro with a huge head. The wall hanging behind him has a giant tree in it.

    Shuntae- Sooo glad you cleared that up! I swear until I read under the pic I was wondering what kind of hairdo your loving b/f was sporting!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Yeah, so in my long book I didn't put the before/after pics.

    Spring/Summer 2002

    December 31, 2009

    P.S. No, my boyfriend does not have an old man looking 'fro with a huge head. The wall hanging behind him has a giant tree in it.

    Shuntae- Sooo glad you cleared that up! I swear until I read under the pic I was wondering what kind of hairdo your loving b/f was sporting!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    That was the first thing I said to him when I saw the pictures...too funny! :laugh:
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member

    P.S. No, my boyfriend does not have an old man looking 'fro with a huge forehead. The wall hanging behind him has a giant tree in it.

    Hahahahahahaha I was totally thinking when did he get all that hair? then I said eeeewwwwww she wouldn't date a guy like that!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,759 Member
    I had a lot of reading to catch up on!

    Donna- yes DH is still active duty. Coming up on 20 years in February. He got commissioned late in his career, so we have at least 4 more before we will consider retirement. I understand deployments only too well. We did 3 in 3 years, about 6 months home, 6 months gone, until the last one, it was 9 months gone. He’s been home since May, we were just talking last night when, not if, he’ll be headed out again.

    Sam- hope you had fun dress shopping. I actually love shopping for dresses. They are so much easier to fit than pants!

    Tanya- take some pictures of yourself! I know the feeling of not liking them, I never did before either. I still criticize them, but I’ve gotten better. I saw a picture of my backside when we were at Disney this year and surprised myself by saying it looked small. It’s hard to be alone with the kids and no husband around, yet I get how it’s easier to do it when they are gone. I face the same challenges. Not sure if anybody answered- Couch to 5K is a training program, you can do it anywhere, google it.

    Jeannie- I just love you to death. I can’t imagine you laying around feeling sorry for yourself. You are so positive and encouraging and well…. Wonderful. I’m happy to say I know you! Be proud of how far you have come, even if those last 10 don’t want to go anywhere.

    Shuntae- love you girl. So proud of how far you have come with your running. For real, I never could run the mile in school either! I remember the great feeling of accomplishment when I finally ran one. I can only imagine how you must have felt when you finished your half!

    Amanda- your story is just as inspiring as the next, don’t sell yourself short

    Jan- take it easy if you are sick. The worst thing you can do to your body is to push it, allow it to feel better. You will be exercising with the rest of us soon.

    Roni- what a story! I knew part of it, but maybe not all of it. You are a survivor. I can’t even imagine. Skin cancer is scary, I have many of the risk factors, I check my skin all the stinking time! I’m so happy you beat it and have helped get your son healthy along the way.

    Sam- proud of you girl. You’ve come so far.

    Kati- I am so happy that you realized you are important. My kids were older until I got that. You are setting such a good example for them. Watch those elevators! LOL

    Marla- isn’t it great to torture our children? Bwahaha! My 12 year old, Ian told me yesterday I was bugging him (he actually looked at me and goes, “You bug me”) when I made him take lunch to school. Cool! Doing my job. He doesn’t eat at school, won’t buy lunch, doesn’t like to pack one and it drives me bonkers. Then today I had on the Aeropostale sweatshirt I bought yesterday and it’s the same design as one of his tshirts. He was totally irritated. Haha! Can’t wait til he wears the shirt, I’m putting on that sweatshirt!

    Bobbi- don’t hurt yourself out there walking!

    Andrew- your story had me laughing out loud!

    Also, like Andrew said, I came in late to this group, hung around, listened, got to know everybody, asked what they were talking about if I didn’t know and now I feel like I know each one of them and have known them for years. If you ask something and nobody answers, it's not because you are being ignored, chances are the question got missed, it happens when there are conversations happening, ask again! Great group. (Marla talk) Love ‘em to pieces.

    Wonder how many caloires I burned responding to all the posts from today? Hopefully a lot, I had a 'heavy' dinner!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,759 Member

    P.S. No, my boyfriend does not have an old man looking 'fro with a huge forehead. The wall hanging behind him has a giant tree in it.

    Hahahahahahaha I was totally thinking when did he get all that hair? then I said eeeewwwwww she wouldn't date a guy like that!

    I think it looks like Egyptian hair, like something you'd see on a painting. LOL!
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Sam- hope you had fun dress shopping. I actually love shopping for dresses. They are so much easier to fit than pants!

    Had tons typed out and lost it all. but dress shopping with 2 kids was NOT fun!!! bought the dress in my pic and a pencil skirt. Might wear the skirt tomorrow depending on the weather.

    Just know that I couldn't have done all this with out the encouragement from this team.