Black Team Week #1 Challenge thread-



  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Good morning, my team --

    I have my morning typing, with my poor stiff fingers, finally out of the way. Dropped Aaron (14) at the high school for his basketball game, sending Hope (10) to her basketball game with Sarah (18), and then heading to Rebekah's (12) basketball game at noon--

    And then it's time for J-E-T-S, Jets, Jets, Jets!!! Playoffs, ba-beeee--

    Every football game around here is party time, but the playoffs? Oh my-- Jets in the playoffs around here is like freakin' Mardi Gras-- we'll be having our smorgasbord of food out. I plan on getting some exercise in, but truth be known-- I'm not worried like I was last week. So much stronger mentally-- I feed off the strength of this team, my friends-- not gonna blow my good week on one stupid football game. (but I will be enjoying a smidge of the spinach dip in the pumpernickel bread bowl that I'm making-- )

    Have a great day one and all--

    Special shout out to Jessica Benson-- so proud of you for battling weight and cigarettes simultaneously-- you go, girl! If you can raise six kids, my friend, you can do anything-- keep up the good work!

    Later, my beautiful peeps--
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    December 31, 2009

  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Evening Black Team!

    Donna- Sorry to hear about your losses. Golden's are beautiful dogs. My mother had a wonderful one named Dudley. She had to move into a place that could not take him and had to give him up to a rescue. He actually lives up here in Maine now with a great family on several acres. He's a happy guy bit I miss him. Running is the best! keep that going!

    Kati- That elevator tale is hilarious. Sorry I know it must have been scary. I never take elevators at hotels when I travel anymore. not because they scare me but because I love jogging up the stairs. lol

    Sam-Awesome dress, you look great. and don't sweat the sweets. You more than made up for it! lol

    Jeannie- They are right. Your support and love spread far beyond the confines of this team. You reach ALOT of people on MFP.

    Bobbi-Weather sucks. I hear you. But you still got some time on the bike so that shows dedication! and FYI and I working on my swim technigue. Chest down! Butt up! stay long in the water! stay long!

    Roni-Your story is EPIC and your son is amazing.

    Retrobaby-Need a real name to put to the face! Way to go on that workout. enjoying that runners high I see. Way to kick some butt!

    Feeling good after a good work out. Ran 5k and got some good strength training in. This isnt much of a story but something somewhat interesting happened at the gym. After my workout I was sitting on the floor doing stretches when another frequent gym rat that I have had a couple of conversations with came over and and grabbed the pull up bar next to me and ripped through 10 pull ups. When he was done he looked over and gave the old "how's it going" nod. So I said, "awesome job man. I can't even pull off one of those." He said "yes you can. get up there and give it a shot." I admit it's been a while since I tried. But like so many of us often do, I was placing mental limits on what I was capable of. So I jumped up grabbed the bar and gave it a shot. 5 pull ups later I was back on the floor grinning from ear to ear. He said "when you said you can't do one, did you mean you can't do just one because you love them so much?" I laughed and said that was the first five pull ups I have ever done in my life." he said "Just don't let it be the last five." So here I am at the gym with the same people I see every night. All this guys has seen of me is hours on the treadmill and weight after weight lifted. He's seen me shrink 125 lbs in the last year. He didnt even see the personal struggles overcome, the duathlons and road races run. I know better than anyone else on this earth what I have accomplished yet I didnt believe I could do a pull up. And here he was so certain that I was wrong. This is what we do to ourselves people. We cripple ourselves with doubt, insecurity and fear of failure. It is just as important in this journey to lose what is weighing down our MINDS as it is to lose what is weighing down our bodies. Each and every one of you is capable of great things, greater things than you give yourself credit for. Go forth my friends and do your "Pull up".


    Wow, after reading this Andrew I am going to reveal that one of my "pull ups" has always been push ups. I mean Im talking even "girly" push ups. Cant do them, never could.:noway: I do all my push ups on the wall standing up. You just made me realize that I dont even try to do a regular push up anymore because I have it set in my head that I CANT.

    Thank you for sharing that story Andrew. I am going to do some push ups today:huh: :blushing:
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Roni- that's awesome my dear.

    Marla- Enjoy football day today. That is tommorow for us up here in New England. Have a great time my dear and I hope they win. But then I hope they lose next week. lol

    Ok, It's saturday! I suppose you could consider this the "hump day" of our weight loss week. Weekends typically present some new challenges. Many more temptations, Lots of time on alot of peoples hands so the boredom eating starts. We need to stay strong in our resolve over the weekend. After all it's spelled weekend, not "weakend". So for the black team every saturday will be inspiratinal story day! Every saturday I will post a story of someone who has overcome an obstacle, changed a life or taken control of their lives. It helps to be reminded of the challenges people have overcome and it's a reminder of how we can overcome our own obsticles as we reach the mid point in the week.

    See the below link for this week's story. As a father and a wanna be triathlete this one hit home for me when I first read about it a few months ago.

    Remember team, when we are together on this team we never run alone and TOGETHER we can reach out goals.

    Have a great weekend my friends!
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Good morning, my team --

    I have my morning typing, with my poor stiff fingers, finally out of the way. Dropped Aaron (14) at the high school for his basketball game, sending Hope (10) to her basketball game with Sarah (18), and then heading to Rebekah's (12) basketball game at noon--

    And then it's time for J-E-T-S, Jets, Jets, Jets!!! Playoffs, ba-beeee--

    Every football game around here is party time, but the playoffs? Oh my-- Jets in the playoffs around here is like freakin' Mardi Gras-- we'll be having our smorgasbord of food out. I plan on getting some exercise in, but truth be known-- I'm not worried like I was last week. So much stronger mentally-- I feed off the strength of this team, my friends-- not gonna blow my good week on one stupid football game. (but I will be enjoying a smidge of the spinach dip in the pumpernickel bread bowl that I'm making-- )

    Have a great day one and all--

    Special shout out to Jessica Benson-- so proud of you for battling weight and cigarettes simultaneously-- you go, girl! If you can raise six kids, my friend, you can do anything-- keep up the good work!

    Later, my beautiful peeps--

    Have fun today Marla! You deserve it my friend:flowerforyou:
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,067 Member
    Marla - have a great time and enjoy the game. I have a very upset dh as he can't watch it !

    Andrew - you are correct its not weakend! And I love the idea of the inspiration day.

    I have managed to get 3 of my 4 to a kiddies birthday party, and pushing the buggy in the snow or should I say on
    the ice is entertaining!! As all 3 younger ones are eating at the party, rob is going to bring dinner in for my eldest son and I.

    Hope eveyone has a good weekend, tanya
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Tanya-- have hubs check out

    Online feeds of many of the games. That's how we plan on watching it, as we don't have cable.
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Roni- that's awesome my dear.

    Marla- Enjoy football day today. That is tommorow for us up here in New England. Have a great time my dear and I hope they win. But then I hope they lose next week. lol

    Ok, It's saturday! I suppose you could consider this the "hump day" of our weight loss week. Weekends typically present some new challenges. Many more temptations, Lots of time on alot of peoples hands so the boredom eating starts. We need to stay strong in our resolve over the weekend. After all it's spelled weekend, not "weakend". So for the black team every saturday will be inspiratinal story day! Every saturday I will post a story of someone who has overcome an obstacle, changed a life or taken control of their lives. It helps to be reminded of the challenges people have overcome and it's a reminder of how we can overcome our own obsticles as we reach the mid point in the week.

    See the below link for this week's story. As a father and a wanna be triathlete this one hit home for me when I first read about it a few months ago.

    Remember team, when we are together on this team we never run alone and TOGETHER we can reach out goals.

    Have a great weekend my friends!

    Great idea for our weekends Andrew!:drinker: I love it.

    And the video...WOW:cry::happy: :drinker: Just the inspiration I need before I hit the gym today, thanks for sharing it:flowerforyou:
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Marla - have a great time and enjoy the game. I have a very upset dh as he can't watch it !

    Andrew - you are correct its not weakend! And I love the idea of the inspiration day.

    I have managed to get 3 of my 4 to a kiddies birthday party, and pushing the buggy in the snow or should I say on
    the ice is entertaining!! As all 3 younger ones are eating at the party, rob is going to bring dinner in for my eldest son and I.

    Hope eveyone has a good weekend, tanya

    Wow Tanya, what a workout that has to be with the buggy on ice and snow...but Im sure it isnt much fun for you!

    P.S. I love reading your posts, I always put a UK accent to them in my mind:laugh: Love that!:flowerforyou:

  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Good morning my friends. It is 9 am here and I am moving slow. Littlest slept in until 8 this morning. It was a wonderful surprise because she is usually up at 5 am ready to laugh the day away. Dh checked on her at 7:45 and I asked him 10 times if he was sure she was breathing. My great fear is that I will lose her in the night. So I didn't get up until 8 and now I have only did about 10 things. It is not going to be an ambitious day!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Good Saturday morning Black team...Hope you are all well. I had a wonderful time thrifting with my step-mom yesterday. We ate at a great historic restaurant for lunch (had way too much food and not even sure how to log it) but it was a fun day. I missed the gym but am heading back today.

    I will tell you a little bit about myself. I have been happily married for 17-1/2 years. I have a 15-year-old son and a 10-year old son. My husband is very supportive of me and has never cared how much I weigh. He says I am beatiful no matter how much I weigh, but that makes it easier to let it slide. I have tried every diet known to man. I was always a little heavier than the other girls in school and started my first diet at about age 14. I wasn't really obese, but in high school everyone wants to be 115. I always averaged about 150 (which is funny because that is my goal weight now). I remember eating nothing but dry tuna on crackers for lunch every day. I have been a Weight Watcher's member three times, Atkin's, South Beach, counting fat grams, counting calories with no exercise. I even tried a beet and tuna diet and I can't stand to eat beets. They taste like dirt to me. I remember holding my nose so I couldn't taste them while I tried to eat them. I think that one lasted about a week. I lost weight about 2 years ago with prescription weight loss drugs. My dh hated that because they made me have palpitations and anxiety attacks. But I was losing weight so I kept taking them. I lost about 50 pounds but when I stopped taking the pills I gained about 30 pounds back. In October 2009, I decided to try eating healthy and exercising (what a concept, huh). I saw on Facebook where a friend from high school had lost 90 pounds and was doing the Couch to 5K program. I decided to try that on my own and lost about 5 pounds the first month. Then I saw where she had a link to a website called My Fitness Pal. I got on and checked it out and joined in November 2009. I have since lost another 8 pounds. I am exercising 6 days a week; going to the gym 2 to 3 days, on week 6 of C25K and am currently doing Jillian's 30-Day Shred. I would like to lose down to about 150 and be able to keep it off. My problem in the past has been that when I lose the weight I seem to go back to my old eating habits and stop exercising. I have realized that this is a lifelong journey and I have to keep at it. This site has been a great support tool for me. I work from home as a medical transcriptionist and I don't get out to see a lot of people. I look forward to following along with you as we continue our weight loss journey. Thanks for being here!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Good morning my friends. It is 9 am here and I am moving slow. Littlest slept in until 8 this morning. It was a wonderful surprise because she is usually up at 5 am ready to laugh the day away. Dh checked on her at 7:45 and I asked him 10 times if he was sure she was breathing. My great fear is that I will lose her in the night. So I didn't get up until 8 and now I have only did about 10 things. It is not going to be an ambitious day!

    Amanda...My boys are 15 and 10 and I still get up in the middle of the night several times to make sure they are breathing. My youngest sleeps with a pillow right over his forehead (just like me) and it scares me that he will smother himself.
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Good Saturday morning Black team...Hope you are all well. I had a wonderful time thrifting with my step-mom yesterday. We ate at a great historic restaurant for lunch (had way too much food and not even sure how to log it) but it was a fun day. I missed the gym but am heading back today.

    I will tell you a little bit about myself. I have been happily married for 17-1/2 years. I have a 15-year-old son and a 10-year old son. My husband is very supportive of me and has never cared how much I weigh. He says I am beatiful no matter how much I weigh, but that makes it easier to let it slide. I have tried every diet known to man. I was always a little heavier than the other girls in school and started my first diet at about age 14. I wasn't really obese, but in high school everyone wants to be 115. I always averaged about 150 (which is funny because that is my goal weight now). I remember eating nothing but dry tuna on crackers for lunch every day. I have been a Weight Watcher's member three times, Atkin's, South Beach, counting fat grams, counting calories with no exercise. I even tried a beet and tuna diet and I can't stand to eat beets. They taste like dirt to me. I remember holding my nose so I couldn't taste them while I tried to eat them. I think that one lasted about a week. I lost weight about 2 years ago with prescription weight loss drugs. My dh hated that because they made me have palpitations and anxiety attacks. But I was losing weight so I kept taking them. I lost about 50 pounds but when I stopped taking the pills I gained about 30 pounds back. In October 2009, I decided to try eating healthy and exercising (what a concept, huh). I saw on Facebook where a friend from high school had lost 90 pounds and was doing the Couch to 5K program. I decided to try that on my own and lost about 5 pounds the first month. Then I saw where she had a link to a website called My Fitness Pal. I got on and checked it out and joined in November 2009. I have since lost another 8 pounds. I am exercising 6 days a week; going to the gym 2 to 3 days, on week 6 of C25K and am currently doing Jillian's 30-Day Shred. I would like to lose down to about 150 and be able to keep it off. My problem in the past has been that when I lose the weight I seem to go back to my old eating habits and stop exercising. I have realized that this is a lifelong journey and I have to keep at it. This site has been a great support tool for me. I work from home as a medical transcriptionist and I don't get out to see a lot of people. I look forward to following along with you as we continue our weight loss journey. Thanks for being here!

    Thanks for sharing, I learned alot about you! Glad you on MFP!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Good morning my friends. It is 9 am here and I am moving slow. Littlest slept in until 8 this morning. It was a wonderful surprise because she is usually up at 5 am ready to laugh the day away. Dh checked on her at 7:45 and I asked him 10 times if he was sure she was breathing. My great fear is that I will lose her in the night. So I didn't get up until 8 and now I have only did about 10 things. It is not going to be an ambitious day!

    Amanda...My boys are 15 and 10 and I still get up in the middle of the night several times to make sure they are breathing. My youngest sleeps with a pillow right over his forehead (just like me) and it scares me that he will smother himself.

    Yeah me too, I mean about checking on them several times. I checked on her at 3:13 and then fell back to sleep, in a deep sleep and that is why I was panicking when I woke up. Baby monitor is going back on, for sure!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Andrew...just watched the video. Thank you, so much....the reminder to lean on God is lovely.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,759 Member
    This is such an awesome place to come and visit. I love reading stories, I love the positive commnents, I love the suggestions to others, I love the encouragement. All of it. It makes me happy! Glad to be part.

    Lazy day so far. I usually don't go to the gym on the weekends, sometimes get in a walk or a bike ride, but no biggie if I don't, I work hard thorugh the week. DH and I layed in bed until 11 and got some much needed snuggled time. I got our breakfast for us, we ate it in bed and watched home improvement shows. Now DH is pacing the house talking about all the ways we can spend money. LOL. Those shows are dangerous.

    I really love mornings like that on occasion. We usually have so much going on there is no time to lay around and be lazy and just spend time together. Still in my PJ's at noon. Guess I should shower at some point. Ahhhh, what's the hurry!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I found out today what happens when you go 1 month without working out. SEVEN HUNDRED AND FOURTEEN (714) calories burned on cardio and weight training!

    WOOT! that is all.....................WOOT!!!

  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Marla - have a great time and enjoy the game. I have a very upset dh as he can't watch it !

    Andrew - you are correct its not weakend! And I love the idea of the inspiration day.

    I have managed to get 3 of my 4 to a kiddies birthday party, and pushing the buggy in the snow or should I say on
    the ice is entertaining!! As all 3 younger ones are eating at the party, rob is going to bring dinner in for my eldest son and I.

    Hope eveyone has a good weekend, tanya the AV! have fun today!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Good Saturday morning Black team...Hope you are all well. I had a wonderful time thrifting with my step-mom yesterday. We ate at a great historic restaurant for lunch (had way too much food and not even sure how to log it) but it was a fun day. I missed the gym but am heading back today.

    I will tell you a little bit about myself. I have been happily married for 17-1/2 years. I have a 15-year-old son and a 10-year old son. My husband is very supportive of me and has never cared how much I weigh. He says I am beatiful no matter how much I weigh, but that makes it easier to let it slide. I have tried every diet known to man. I was always a little heavier than the other girls in school and started my first diet at about age 14. I wasn't really obese, but in high school everyone wants to be 115. I always averaged about 150 (which is funny because that is my goal weight now). I remember eating nothing but dry tuna on crackers for lunch every day. I have been a Weight Watcher's member three times, Atkin's, South Beach, counting fat grams, counting calories with no exercise. I even tried a beet and tuna diet and I can't stand to eat beets. They taste like dirt to me. I remember holding my nose so I couldn't taste them while I tried to eat them. I think that one lasted about a week. I lost weight about 2 years ago with prescription weight loss drugs. My dh hated that because they made me have palpitations and anxiety attacks. But I was losing weight so I kept taking them. I lost about 50 pounds but when I stopped taking the pills I gained about 30 pounds back. In October 2009, I decided to try eating healthy and exercising (what a concept, huh). I saw on Facebook where a friend from high school had lost 90 pounds and was doing the Couch to 5K program. I decided to try that on my own and lost about 5 pounds the first month. Then I saw where she had a link to a website called My Fitness Pal. I got on and checked it out and joined in November 2009. I have since lost another 8 pounds. I am exercising 6 days a week; going to the gym 2 to 3 days, on week 6 of C25K and am currently doing Jillian's 30-Day Shred. I would like to lose down to about 150 and be able to keep it off. My problem in the past has been that when I lose the weight I seem to go back to my old eating habits and stop exercising. I have realized that this is a lifelong journey and I have to keep at it. This site has been a great support tool for me. I work from home as a medical transcriptionist and I don't get out to see a lot of people. I look forward to following along with you as we continue our weight loss journey. Thanks for being here!

    Tammy you are my inspiration for today!! We have all been there............tried all the crap........but we KNOW the right way now! Good news is I have maintained my weight loss for a year and lost another 10 or so!!

  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    This is such an awesome place to come and visit. I love reading stories, I love the positive commnents, I love the suggestions to others, I love the encouragement. All of it. It makes me happy! Glad to be part.

    Lazy day so far. I usually don't go to the gym on the weekends, sometimes get in a walk or a bike ride, but no biggie if I don't, I work hard thorugh the week. DH and I layed in bed until 11 and got some much needed snuggled time. I got our breakfast for us, we ate it in bed and watched home improvement shows. Now DH is pacing the house talking about all the ways we can spend money. LOL. Those shows are dangerous.

    I really love mornings like that on occasion. We usually have so much going on there is no time to lay around and be lazy and just spend time together. Still in my PJ's at noon. Guess I should shower at some point. Ahhhh, what's the hurry!

    So Lori............I was thinking of you today. Those pix you posted show me two different who just works out because she wants to lose weight

    The other is an althlete!! Your body type is now Athletic my friend.

    Keep up the good work!! :flowerforyou: Jeannie