Black Team Week #1 Challenge thread-



  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member

    Don't say *kitten*-- it's not nice.

    Bad Butt Black Bat Team--


    Try saying that fast three times...229.gif
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Love the spreadsheet, Andrew!

    I'm slow on the water intake today but will definitely catch up. Doing well against the sweets, and even took myself a step further -no sweetener of any kind in my coffee. I normally use a little agave nectar, but just wanted to see if I would like it without any sweet at all. It's probably an acquired taste, but I didn't hate it. Big deal for me.

    Later kids!

    Shuntae, I did away with coffee sweeteners this past year, too. Believe it or not, not only will you get used to it, when you do taste sweet coffee down the road, it'll taste sickening sweet.

    On the advice of my wolf friend last summer, I started phasing it out and only have cream in my coffee-- and I love it.

    Water intake going well, my friends-- testing the sodium, like an idiot, though. We got free lunch coupons from our local Chinese restaurant for Christmas-- my husband is a regular customer there-- so I just had some shrimp with lobster sauce and a bit of fried rice. Only a bit, though-- gave most of it to Caleb.

    My 1.5 down today will no doubt be back up tomorrow, but all in all I'm doing well.

    It's beautiful here in New Jersey today-- heading out soon for a leisurely run solo-- when I run with hubs, he's always freaking racing me-- he kills me. So I'm heading out by myself.

    Donna-- where in PA are you? I'm just across the river from Easton on the New Jersey side.

    I do think I want to try half and half or regular cream instead of milk...might give it a little more taste.

    I use 1/2 and 1/2 or cream, too....whole milk in a pinch if I'm out of the other stuff. It does help with the taste. I usually let the coffee pot cool and then make iced coffee, too....I like it cold with just cream better than hot. Go figure.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member

    Don't say *kitten*-- it's not nice.

    Bad Butt Black Bat Team--


    Try saying that fast three times...229.gif

    Bad Butt Black Bat Team, Bad Butt Black Bat Team....

    heck...I can't even type it three times fast.

    On a typing note, my arthritis is swelling my fingers up such that speed typing is becoming rather tricky. REALLLLY hope my husband gets a job soon, because my days transcribing are going to be limited soon if this progresses.

    (did you hear that, God....that was a prayer request, by the way....just in case you were wondering....:noway: )
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Spread sheet looks awesome Andrew ! Can't wait to see a minus by my name, everyone's name as a matter of fact.
  • wmchick81
    wmchick81 Posts: 273
    Andrew- great spreadsheet. I don’t know that I actually know why we call you Batman. What’s the scoop?

    i don't remember why everyone started calling him batman, either. it was around the time he was using this pic as his av, though.


    That picture is great!! How long has the black team been the "black team?"
  • wmchick81
    wmchick81 Posts: 273
    So today was the first day back on the treadmill and with my HRM. I have been going by the treadmill number for calories burned but I came to find out that from the treadmill to the hrm it's about 300 calories off.

    I did 5 miles for 1123 calories burned. I wanted to quit at about the .25 mark but kept going. It's amazing how my stubborn head works.

    Have a great day all!!!

    Was the HRM 300 calories higher than the machine? or vice versa?
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    My friends I am struggling today..I jusyt wanna eat everything in site...husbands is not very helpful, trying to fight the urge. Doungnuts sitting by here calling my name, its snowing outside, probably wont make it to the gym due to road being slick and I dont drive in the slick snow or ice.

    I did however have an orange cranberrry muffin from cracker barrel since we are getting rid of them tomorrow. That just didnt make me happy. I want cereal I want junk food I want dougnuts, I want everything i cant have!!!

    I hope I can concquer this and make it to the gym this evening again..
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    So today was the first day back on the treadmill and with my HRM. I have been going by the treadmill number for calories burned but I came to find out that from the treadmill to the hrm it's about 300 calories off.

    I did 5 miles for 1123 calories burned. I wanted to quit at about the .25 mark but kept going. It's amazing how my stubborn head works.

    Have a great day all!!!

    Holy cow, Sam! Way to go!!!
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Was the HRM 300 calories higher than the machine? or vice versa?

    it was higher then the machine.
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    That picture is great!! How long has the black team been the "black team?"

    I think we have been together for about a year right? I think we got together around january of last year.
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Holy cow, Sam! Way to go!!!

    Thanks Amanda!!
  • kandrews
    I would like to join too. My starting weight on 01/01/2010 is 228. my weight today is 224? yeah baby..
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    That picture is great!! How long has the black team been the "black team?"

    I think we have been together for about a year right? I think we got together around january of last year.

    Yeah, give or take, Sam-- that sounds about right.
  • bryannakay
    bryannakay Posts: 198 Member
    I had seen the list of team members but didn't see my name on the list!! My starting weight was 177 and now I am at 175....just wanted to make sure I was on here :)
  • bryannakay
    bryannakay Posts: 198 Member
    Just kidding!!! I found my name on your spreadsheet!!!!! :) THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!! And by the way.....Batman!! haha! That is awesome!!!! Thanks for letting me into the group!! No sweets and much water it is!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Hey all! Just got home from the gym and had a bit of a late lunch. I was STARVING! But maybe that had something to do with the tough workout I had today and then as soon as I got home to pull in the was buried under about 5 inches of snow!:explode: I was already hungry for lunch and then had to shovel it all out so I could park. Normally I would blame the 2 teenage boys of mine living here for it looking so horrid...but lucky for them they were at school when most of the snow fell:laugh: So I just turned my HRM back on and got to work:bigsmile:

    I finally get the driveway shoveled and think now I can eat and wouldnt you know it, I get a call from Alex (my youngest in high school) and the school was letting out early due to the inclement weather! Figures. I get back in my car, drive to the school to get the kids STILL STARVING lol and I just happen to have some of Aldi's Fit and Active Vanilla yogurt covered raisins in my van...YAY!!

    Not only did they ruin my lunch, but they just got out of shoveling. Brats! lol We gotta love them though, right?

    Hope everyone is having a great, healthy day!:flowerforyou:

  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    That picture is great!! How long has the black team been the "black team?"

    I think we have been together for about a year right? I think we got together around january of last year.

    Yeah, give or take, Sam-- that sounds about right.

    Yep, I believe you guys are right for this one...but didnt we have a Black Team even before that? I think that was back when there were several "BL" teams on the boards...Red, Blue, Purple, etc. Of course they have long since dwindled...we should be so proud:wink:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Roni....yes, indeed. Our team bonded incredibly. You're all so dedicated and inspiring....just love you all to bits!

    Just had a lovely run....4 miles. Finished it in 41:30, even with a 3 minute period on one of the hills that I had to walk. Not bad for an old lady with arthritis. Finished with about a mile walk. Beautiful out today.

    So proud of overcoming the pain....thought of you all on my last hill. Was soooooooo tired and wanted to stop, but thought of you all there pullin' for me, so on I went. Thanks, guys!

    Lots of sweets... good exercise...good is good.
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    Spreadsheet looks great..I'm going to be out for a day or two...coming down with the cold and my body exercise this morning, and not really hungry..hubby making me some chicken soup...hope it does not last long.:sick:

    I hope you feel better!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    so should I add extra calories for all the times I ran into a bathroom!!:laugh: