You must eat breakfast if you want to lose weight



  • rambo831
    I've been losing a lot of weight, only eating 140 calories for breakfast. Love the GG bran crispbread.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    When you skip breakfast your brain is forced to work extra hard in breaking down stored carbohydrates or to turn fats and proteins into usable forms of glucose. Eating breakfast has been proven to improve concentration, increase your problem solving capabilities, enhance overall mental performance and even boosts your memory and mood.

    Got anything in the way of legitimate scientific papers that back that up? You should have plenty of stored glucose for yor brain to function just fine for a few hours. Also, why is it people typically report having sharper mental accuity when fasting? Seems to fly in the face of your statements.
  • cindyredmond65
    You must eat breakfast if you want to lose weight, and make sure it includes lean protein. Eating lean protein at breakfast is one of the most important things you can do to fell less hungry.

    Even if you don’t feel hungry in the morning, eat breakfast anyway. It may be a challenge, but this is something you can do. Breakfast will help you prevent hunger later on. It will reduce your appetite and cravings and help you stick with your eating plan all day long.

    I start my day off with good breakfast. For me it means non-starchy vegetable, fresh low-sugar fruit, lean protein, whole grain bread, and healthy fats (I take Omega 3 supplement).

    This is my average day, but I generally eat the same things from day to day:

    blueberries, blackberries, or apple,
    1 slice of dry, 100% whole-grain toasted bread with
    1 slice of 99% fat free turkey breast,
    1 fresh tomato hot tea (no milk, no sugar).

    As you can see it is not a typical "breakfast foods". The protein consumption, when eaten as part of the daily first meal reduces my appetite throughout the day. I also believe that it jump-starts my metabolism and sets my body in the optimal fat-burning state.

    Eating like this was initially a little challenging, but I got used to it. It has become a part of my eating strategy that caused me to lose 91 pounds without feeling hungry.

    I eat breakfast every day

    What about people who work night shift and thier first meal is actually lunch? I eat before work around 11 or 12 then at dinner time about 6. I dont get three meals and still gain.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    Okay well for all of you that say there is "no evidence" why don't you stop using your own anecdotes and look at some reputable sources regarding studies on the issue? There is a large body of evidence supporting a correlation with eating breakfast and being leaner. Example summary articles from Harvard, National Institutes of Health, Oxford University, etc. are as follows:

    I would venture to guess that if you took some time and just went through the National Institutes of Health site, you could find tons of studies and articles to read. Check it out. :)

    If you want the full studies, read the references in the Oxford piece to find the original publication info for its references. Good info is located in the abstract.

    YOU may be the exception to the rule, but it's good advice for someone just starting not to fight the odds.
  • joanne70
    joanne70 Posts: 68 Member
    Don't think I could eat a turkey breast for my breekie :noway: I'll stick to my fruit n fibre :laugh:
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Okay well for all of you that say there is "no evidence" why don't you stop using your own anecdotes and look at some reputable sources regarding studies on the issue? There is a large body of evidence supporting a correlation with eating breakfast and being leaner. Example summary articles from Harvard, National Institutes of Health, Oxford University, etc. are as follows:

    I would venture to guess that if you took some time and just went through the National Institutes of Health site, you could find tons of studies and articles to read. Check it out. :)

    If you want the full studies, read the references in the Oxford piece to find the original publication info for its references. Good info is located in the abstract.

    YOU may be the exception to the rule, but it's good advice for someone just starting not to fight the odds.
    Well I guess then this thread has a very high % of people that are the exception. Now if I were to conclude from this info that not eating breakfast was good for weight loss, I'd be using the same method of thinking as each of the links that you published. I would be correlating my outcome to the data in this sample and I then could make the same statement that each of these links did, that not eating breakfast MAY help with weight loss. The problem is correlation=/= causation.

    No one is arguing that you may want to eat breakfast if you want to lose weight. The dispute is over the idea that you must.
  • norcal_yogi
    norcal_yogi Posts: 675 Member
    ...really? i disagree.
  • MagicWhispers
    i rarely eat breakfast.. cant deal with food till around 12:30 pm or so... im still getting the cals i need for the day, exercising, and losing weight... i dont think you can pigeon hole everyone . we are all different. some people can eat sugar and carbs just fine and lose weight.. others cant look at a carb or they balloon... it's all relative:)
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    ...really? i disagree.

  • cedarghost
    cedarghost Posts: 621 Member
    the only time it is really beneficial to eat breakfast to help lose is if you are trying to build muscle and lose fat at the same time. To minimalize muscle loss and promote muscle gain while losing fat, it is very important to get enough protein. Because The body can only absorb so much protein at once, you will need to space your protein consumption out over the day.
    Thus, breakfast is an extra meal to help you space out that protein.
    This doesn’t apply to everyone, obviously as people like body builders are already really low fat and tend to need to gain a little fat to gain muscle.
    I believe even in the case of trying to gain muscle at the same time as losing fat it is not absolutely necessary to eat breakfast. But It does help.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Okay well for all of you that say there is "no evidence" why don't you stop using your own anecdotes and look at some reputable sources regarding studies on the issue? There is a large body of evidence supporting a correlation with eating breakfast and being leaner. Example summary articles from Harvard, National Institutes of Health, Oxford University, etc. are as follows:

    I would venture to guess that if you took some time and just went through the National Institutes of Health site, you could find tons of studies and articles to read. Check it out. :)

    If you want the full studies, read the references in the Oxford piece to find the original publication info for its references. Good info is located in the abstract.

    YOU may be the exception to the rule, but it's good advice for someone just starting not to fight the odds.
    Well I guess then this thread has a very high % of people that are the exception. Now if I were to conclude from this info that not eating breakfast was good for weight loss, I'd be using the same method of thinking as each of the links that you published. I would be correlating my outcome to the data in this sample and I then could make the same statement that each of these links did, that not eating breakfast MAY help with weight loss. The problem is correlation=/= causation.

    No one is arguing that you may want to eat breakfast if you want to lose weight. The dispute is over the idea that you must.

    Please do read those three references - to discover that the first two are worthless.
    One isn't even a publication but a poster at a congress of 21 MRI scans.

    The third publication showed that in a cohort study where the breakfast eaters gained weight they gained less weight than the non-breakfast eaters and the the article goes to explain that there are a lot of other variables such as lifestyle, poverty, etc. that might just be more important. Nothing about weight lose and how breakfast clearly has a biological impact.

    I'm a breakfast eater, but not one of those references supports that.
  • BlackTimber
    BlackTimber Posts: 230 Member
    Roberta Anding quotes a study about people that lose weight and are able to keep it off. Those that were the most successful ate breakfast every day and also actively worked out 60 minutes a day. Was it the breakfast? Maybe a little. 60 minutes a day? ya, probably.
  • teenalouise
    teenalouise Posts: 1 Member
    Breakfast for me is a must....but don't have time to sit down to eat (work at 5am) so a blend together one cup of frozen fruit, one drinkable yogurt and three ice cubs....smoothie are great keep me full until snack time(10am). Find it makes a big difference.
  • m3dreamer2011
    Ever since I was in my 20s I have never really eaten breakfast. I have managed to lose all my weight without eating breakfast every morning. While I acknowledge that this is not ideal, it does prove that it is possible to lose weight without eating breakfast.
  • joymelanson
    I think you wil lose if you have a consistant calorie deficit, but eating breakfast that includes some protien seems to make it easier to stay on track.
  • stbrad6896
    Wow touchy topic. I love breakfast. That's just me. I feel like it gives me energy for my day and puts me in a better mood because I'm really not a morning person. I know some people who don't like to eat breakfast in the morning because the thought is literally unappetizing but other than that I don't support meal-skipping no matter what meal it is. I eat small meals and snacks throughout the day or whenever I'm hungry, I don't deprive myself. And didn't someone mention thermogenics? yeah I wouldn't skip breakfast JUST to lose weight. But like I said to each their own, nothing to get defensive about.
  • chanixxx
    I work really early and cannot eat anything for several hours after getting up or I feel awful. I think it depends on each individual. If I'm hungry i'll eat, if not hell no :tongue:
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    i still have "breakfast" foods eggs, oatmeal fruit etc...I just have them later in day ....

    Once I hit six weeks of IF i might go back to having breakfast when I am hungry ....Look at it this way..since I don't have to prepare a breakfast I can sleep in an extra 20 minutes in the AM...

    IF breakfast will help you lose weight then how come 40% of the country that eats breakfast is obese? I may be off on the numbers but I saw that stat somewhere...

    I am sorry but if you eat sausage, bacon, waffles, pancakes etc are NOT going to lose weight no matter how much breakfast you have...
  • QueenChacon
    I'm going to jumpstart mine and add in some eggs and tomatoes tomorrow morning.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I'm going to jumpstart mine and add in some eggs and tomatoes tomorrow morning.

    jumpstart what?