To All The Parents Out There



  • abirkel
    thank you! although making the time is sometimes more challenging now with 2 little kids, my motivation is greater -- i want to set a good example for my sons and live a long, healthy life so i can enjoy them (and their children, and their children's children...)!

  • Rachaelluvszipped
    Rachaelluvszipped Posts: 768 Member
  • BelindaDuvessa
    BelindaDuvessa Posts: 1,014 Member
    Thank you. Alot of us realize, that in the end, we are our kids role models. Sure, they love Spiderman, Superman, Batman or whomever, but in the end, who they take after the most and truly idolize are their parents. My children are my inspiration to be healthier. They learn their good, and bad habits from me and I want them to grow up with as many good habits as I can possible instill on them.
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    I agree. I don't have kids of my own but I just had my 2 and a half year old nephew for 3 weeks. I had to take the toddler to the Y with me and make healthy meals he'd eat, etc. Starting tomorrow I'm solo again and I can get back to my usual routine. I give lotsa credit to the parents who are able to balance it all, especially single parents. I'd like to think that my lil nephew will learn from the example I set for him with healthy eating and working out, but in all honesty he probably misses the Happy Meals and sitting in front of the TV all day long.
  • TriPixie
    As a mother of 4 and daycare provider I say THANK YOU!!!

  • rhvandan
    Thank you SO much! Mom to a 7 year old, and twins who are almost 2. It's hard to focus on yourself when you want so much to be "present" for your kids, but you also have to remember that you'll be there a whole lot longer if you take care of yourself. My parents had horrible eating habits and never exercised as far as I can remember, neither did my husbands... so, we learned bad things, and we both got fat... and thin.. and fat.. and thin... but now that we've had the girls, we want to break the chain of unhealthy behavior and do it RIGHT. We are eating MUCH better, working on being more active (zombie run, anyone!?) and basically just getting our girls used to doing the right thing. The 7 year old is kicking butt (literally) in Tae Kwon Do. It makes me proud to see her growing stronger!
    Congratulations to ALL the parents and non-parents alike.. anyone who has decided to take control of their health and well being. May you find successes in all you do and new curves in all the right places!
  • dncyng
    dncyng Posts: 53 Member
    Thank you! Great post! Know that you can do it, everyone can do it! It just takes discipline, and love. You have to love yourself first before anyone else comes along. And Kids? That's just a love explosion right there. They're going to be the ones dragging you by the hand "C'mon, let's go do THIS, or THAT!" You don't want to be out of breath and beat as your stepping out the door. You want to be beat and out of breath from a a full active day having fun with your kids, or you friends, or whomever. Be Active Have Fun, and continue to smile, cuz nobody can bring you down. The negatives are just jealous...or happy being negative.
  • babymamahowell
    This made my day, so thank you! FT working mom of 2, up at 4:30 to work out 4-5 times a week. Gotta say it makes me feel better and have more energy and hopefully will be a good example to my girls
  • BeingAwesome247
    BeingAwesome247 Posts: 1,171 Member
    Love this and THANK YOU!

    Single working mom right daughter knows Jillian Michaels well lol and I can get her to work out with me...hehe
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    Thank you! Working mom of 2 here and it's tough. But for me, when my daughter asks me "Did you go running?" because she sees I'm all sweaty, it's the best feeling in the world. They don't necessarily SEE me exercising (because I do it before they're up in the morning) but they know I do. Really trying to set a good example for them.
  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member
    My stepdaughter has nicknames for the instructors in my workout DVDs, and I am so proud when one of my kids asks me if they can work out with me. My biggest motivation is them and wanting to be a good role model.
  • oliv2065
    oliv2065 Posts: 204 Member
    Thank you!!!!:flowerforyou: