What's your Deal-Breaker?



  • garnetsms
    garnetsms Posts: 10,018 Member
    I have several ot those already listed, but being a Non-christian is the top of the list. That does not mean I won't respect you, or even be your friend, I just won't date a non-believer....

    Along with that (I have noticed it in the many threads including this one), people who take the Lord's name in vain, whether it be said or typed. The system bleeps out most curse words (which is good) but not this one???
  • jonward85
    jonward85 Posts: 534 Member
    Ladies over 45 who have no kids and never married before, and the cat lady who lets the cat on the tables or counters.

    I dunno there are some nice ladies over 45 who meet that...but the cat lady would kill me...all pets on the ground.
  • crimsoncat
    crimsoncat Posts: 457 Member
    Smoking and/or wants me to be a stay at home mom.

    I hate kids, I hate cleaning, and I hate staying at home.
  • serena569
    serena569 Posts: 427 Member
    Bad teeth. And being mean to servers, cashiers, etc.
  • Liberals

    * certainly I would never date one. I will tolerated with friends and family so long as you are not the pushy type who won't shut the heck up. I have written off friends and family who do this. I don't force my view on you, don't force yours on me.

    Yea, that goes both ways, I have tons of Conservative/Republican friends and family that are pushy and won't shut up.

    Precisely... thank you!
  • allifantastical
    allifantastical Posts: 946 Member

    Along with that (I have noticed it in the many threads including this one), people who take the Lord's name in vain, whether it be said or typed. The system bleeps out most curse words (which is good) but not this one???

    Maybe because it's not a curse word to everyone?
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,810 Member
    Bad teeth (like gross, yellow, dirty, disgusting clear you don't take care of them... if you can't take care of those, you can't take care of yourself).

    No education. Some people see this as snobby..... but it's such an important part of my life (I just applied for 2 PhD programs yesterday), It just bothers me when someone is 27, no education beyond high school, and probably working a crap job. I mean, yay, they have a job, but why didn't you even try? Ugh!

    Wow, having lack of education as the deal breaker is not what people think is snobby, your attitude about it is. Maybe not everyone wanted to be saddled down with student loan debt and decided to become working members of society from the get go.

    I agree...college isn't for everyone. My boyfriend went to college on a baseball scholarship, broke his hand and couldn't play anymore, therefore losing his scholarship. At the same time his grandmother (who he and his mother lived with his whole life) got cancer and his mother was her sole caretaker, so instead of putting his family and himself in more debt, he went out and got a job. A decent one, actually, considering he was 19 and had no education.

    He is now 28 years old, no degree, but has a great job, makes really good money, and is in control of his own career. Yeah, he has a CAREER, and he doesn't have a degree. Doesn't mean he's not ambitious, or hard working, or intelligent, just means college wasn't as accessible for him as it has been for you, and instead of being in debt, he's got money in the bank. I'm the one with the degree, I make less money than he does, and I've got student loans to pay off for the rest of my freaking life.
  • Bad teeth (like gross, yellow, dirty, disgusting clear you don't take care of them... if you can't take care of those, you can't take care of yourself).

    No education. Some people see this as snobby..... but it's such an important part of my life (I just applied for 2 PhD programs yesterday), It just bothers me when someone is 27, no education beyond high school, and probably working a crap job. I mean, yay, they have a job, but why didn't you even try? Ugh!

    Wow, having lack of education as the deal breaker is not what people think is snobby, your attitude about it is. Maybe not everyone wanted to be saddled down with student loan debt and decided to become working members of society from the get go.

    Natasha... you are taking the toughts from my brain and typing them out so that I don't have to, thanks again! :)
  • sylvuz323
    sylvuz323 Posts: 468 Member
    a penis

    That's a requirement for me, lol.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,810 Member
    Bad teeth. And being mean to servers, cashiers, etc.

    Omg yes, if I was on a date with a guy who was rude to a server/bartender/cashier/anyone in the service industry, that would be the last date we go on. There is no reason to be rude to people like that.
  • 1a. Smoking 1b. Lack of extremely active libido. I'm just saying.

    Nothing wrong with being straight forward and honest...
  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    This is all hypothetical because I'm taken, but:
    Deeply religious / practicing any religion (nothing personal, but it's very far from the way I live my life so it won't work)
    Stupidity of course.
  • CarleyLovesPets
    CarleyLovesPets Posts: 410 Member
    Doesn't like animals.

    Name callers when they're mad.


    Porn addicts.
  • bugaha1
    bugaha1 Posts: 602 Member
    How about people who hold their silverware like a shovel. buh bye
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Stupid is about all that can't be fixed. So, that's it.
  • teepeetim
    teepeetim Posts: 99 Member
    Good God, I have a lot of them. It's a wonder I'm not single.

    Deal Breakers:

    - Smoking
    - Drugs
    - Poor hygiene/doesn't take care of himself from a health standpoint
    - My height or shorter (I'm 5'3", so hasn't really been an issue)
    - Not close with any family (aside from some crazy extenuating circumstances---I just need a man who loves his mama)
    - Doesn't want kids (I have a 5 year old, so obviously he'd have to want children)
    - No job
    - No car
    - No ambition
    - Doesn't share my sense of humor
    - Doesn't share my same general religious and political views (I'm flexible with that one, but no extremes on either end)
    - No manners (I'm from the south, you better know how to treat a woman like a lady)
    - Not an animal lover
    - Owns cats (my son is allergic, also I don't particularly care for cats as pets)
    - Not compassionate/generous
    - Doesn't appreciate hard work (Sorry, I wouldn't date a man who lived off of mommy and daddy's money without having to work for anything)
    - Has good teeth
    - Dresses well (I don't mean expensive, just knows how to dress himself nicely for whatever situation he's in without looking like a slob)
    - Tells me what to do/bossy/controlling
    - Is close-minded in general/won't try new things

    Good Lord, I'm already annoyed with myself. Thank GOD I have a boyfriend who is up to par lol

    ETA: I can't date a man who is a Spurs Fan, a Redskins fan, a Red Sox fan, an Aggie, or an OU fan. It would just never work out.

    I'm in full agreement with this one, other than the sports stuff. That's silly stuff.
    The only one I would ad is racist/bigot.
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    Mean people
    Patriot fans

    Sorry, we can never date. I am both mean and a Patriots fan :laugh:

    The two go together often.
  • amonroe1343
    amonroe1343 Posts: 206 Member
    1a. Smoking 1b. Lack of extremely active libido. I'm just saying.

    I agree on the libido part because I don't want to have to beg to just get it once a week! Gotta be ready and willing a lot more often than that!
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Bad teeth (like gross, yellow, dirty, disgusting clear you don't take care of them... if you can't take care of those, you can't take care of yourself).

    No education. Some people see this as snobby..... but it's such an important part of my life (I just applied for 2 PhD programs yesterday), It just bothers me when someone is 27, no education beyond high school, and probably working a crap job. I mean, yay, they have a job, but why didn't you even try? Ugh!

    Wow, having lack of education as the deal breaker is not what people think is snobby, your attitude about it is. Maybe not everyone wanted to be saddled down with student loan debt and decided to become working members of society from the get go.

    I hope when your plumbing fails, you don't call some uneducated person to come fix it for you. Jerk.
  • KodAkuraMacKyen
    KodAkuraMacKyen Posts: 737 Member
    Hypothetical because I'm married but my deal breakers are... Wants kids, doesn't respect animals or is religous. As other's have stated, I'll respect you regardless of your beliefs in religion but absolutely no to a serious SO relationship.