Slim in 6 group starting monday morning, 1/11/2010!



  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,741 Member
    The first time, I did Start It Up for a week, Ramp It Up for a week, and then Burn It Up for four weeks. I was not sedentary before that, and BIU was still quite a challenge. I'm sure there are different schools of thought, but personally, I think as long as you are being challenged by RIU, I think it's fine to stick with that as long as you want. I would definitely suggest trying BIU at some point, because even if you can't do all of it, you'll still get a heck of a workout! The most important thing is consistency, whichever level you choose. Good luck!
  • Fancy_Nancy2
    Fancy_Nancy2 Posts: 545 Member
    Today my knees are just about killing me so I think I am going to take it easy today hopefully I can get back to it tomorrow. How is every one doing this week?
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,741 Member
    Great! I did Slim & 6-Pack, Cardio Core Express, and Slim & Limber this morning. I've been doing SI6 since August, so I finally just ordered Slim Series the other day. Can't wait till it gets here!
  • Fancy_Nancy2
    Fancy_Nancy2 Posts: 545 Member
    Great! I did Slim & 6-Pack, Cardio Core Express, and Slim & Limber this morning. I've been doing SI6 since August, so I finally just ordered Slim Series the other day. Can't wait till it gets here!

    You will have to let me know what you think of the Slim Series I have been thinking of ordering it myself. I still have a lot to loss.
  • Fancy_Nancy2
    Fancy_Nancy2 Posts: 545 Member
    Great! I did Slim & 6-Pack, Cardio Core Express, and Slim & Limber this morning. I've been doing SI6 since August, so I finally just ordered Slim Series the other day. Can't wait till it gets here!

    You will have to let me know what you think of the Slim Series I have been thinking of ordering it myself. I still have a lot to loss.

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  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,741 Member
    Will do. I'm looking forward to trying it out!
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    I hope you don't mind me popping in - but does Burn it Up EVER get easier??? :) I've only done it a couple times so far, but man, the floor leg work absolutely kills me. In a 'good way' of course. I really want to get the Slim Series also as I am loving the results I am getting so far with SI6.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,741 Member
    Burn It Up DOES get better, but it never gets easy — at least it didn't for me. Four weeks of it made Ramp It Up at lot easier, though!

    My Slim Series package arrived yesterday! I feel like a kid with a new toy, I'm so excited! I can't decide where to start. There are several different programs to choose from that use the six different DVDs. There are two Recovery Week Programs, two Maintenance Programs, a Torso-Toning Program, a Lower-Body Program, a Split Routine Program, a Slim Training Program, and the "I Bought All the Videos and Dang It, I'm Gonna Use 'Em Program." I think that's the one I'll start with! :laugh:
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    I'm sorta happy in a weird way to hear BIU doesn't get 'easy' because that would mean I have even farther than I thought to go lol. I consider myself to be pretty fit, but that workout makes me feel pretty wimpy sometimes! Right now RIU feels pretty easy, so I've been combining it with Cardio Core Express. The 2 together pretty much wipe me out. When I feel especially brave, I pop BIU in.

    I am so excited for you that your package arrived! I can't wait to hear how the Slim Series goes! I'm pretty close to throwing caution to the wind and just ordering the darn thing now. I'm just wondering if the program is similar to SI6 or something totally different altogether. I think I read on the BB boards that the 'Slim Training' program is pretty fierce. I hope you have a great time with your new toys!!!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,741 Member
    Hey Scoobees, yeah the Slim Training Program is supposed to be the most difficult of the programs. I believe it now that I've tried just one of the workouts, Tone It Up! It has lots of the same elements of SI6, so it felt pretty familiar. It's a 59-minute full-body cardio/light resistance workout. I'd say the cardio is less intense than Burn It Up but that the resistance element is more intense. I can tell you that I am quite sore today, especially my upper body. Today's workout is Firm It Up, which is described as being cardio and lower-body intensive. It's also 59 minutes long. The only thing that scares me in reading the description is "squat jumps." Oh joy! Squats don't scare me, but I'm not too keen on jumping. Wish me luck!
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    Yikes! I hear ya on the squat jumps. One of the classes I take at the gym includes those sometimes; I'm not supposed to do them because of my knees - but I do anyway because it's easy to get carried away sometimes! :)

    So far is Debbie still using the resistance tubing? I think I read somewhere she incorporates dumbbells, too?

    Good luck on Firm it Up - and thanks for updating me on the program!!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,741 Member
    False alarm. The jump squats were not too hard, and it was a very sort sequence, so I wouldn't let that deter you. There was some ballet-type work that just about killed me, though, but in a good way. I am really impressed with Slim Series so far. Two workouts down, four to go. Today's workout is "Cool It Off," which I believe is stretching. I'll be doing it in about 40 minutes. I'll let you know how it goes!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,741 Member
    Debbie does use resistance bands in Slim in 6, but I've always used dumb bells. She uses dumb bells in Tone It Up. Yesterday's Firm It Up indicates you can use optional ankle weights. Not necessary! LOL
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,741 Member
    I just finished my fourth workout in the Slim Series — Mix It Up — and I loved it! It was an awesome workout, but it didn't have me crying in pain like Tone It Up and Firm It Up did. Yesterday was Cool It Off, which was 57 minutes of recovery/stretching. It was nice, and it went by faster than I expected it to. I get to do that one again tomorrow, and then the final two Thursday and Saturday, which I think are going to be über brutal, considering they are 78 minutes long each (Shape It Up and Tear It Up). Help me, Mommy! (Friday is a rest/stretch day.)
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    78 minutes long - oh my!! :) That's great that you are liking the Slim Series - I get paid Thursday and I soooo think I am going to order them!! I totally feed on constant challenges, and these sound challenging for sure! I did Burn it Up again this evening and it's starting to go by a little faster; still calling for Mommy during the floor leg stuff...Ha. But I don't need to stop for too many seconds anymore. Maybe I'd be farther along if I did SI6 daily, but I just can't give up my favorite classes at the I just rotate them in here and there. But I figure at least I am getting variety and beating boredom. Hopefully the results will keep coming though!

    Good luck on those two LONG workouts!!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,741 Member
    Yeah, I think I'm going to skip my Cool It Off tomorrow and go right in to Tear It Up. I may be sorry!
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    I just got done ordering the Slim Series - I am so excited! And a little terrified :wink: I hope BB sends this as fast as it did SI6 - I received that in like 2 days!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,741 Member
    I did Tear It Up yesterday. It was awesome! I'm taking a rest/stretching day today and will try the sixth and final workout, Shape It Up, tomorrow. I hope you love this as much as I do!
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Everyone here seems to be at a more advanced pace than me. I did Start It Up today and am proud of it! I have not been faithful in keeping up a daily workout so I am not ready to advance to the next level yet...maybe next week....oh well....I got the heart pumping! Good job workout buddies....who is reporting their workout tomorrow? Hope all of us!
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    No SI6 this evening, but had an awesome Zumba class at the gym tonight!!! We had soooo much fun; I wish working out was ALWAYS that way :tongue: