Slim in 6 group starting monday morning, 1/11/2010!



  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    Got my SI6 in this evening! I did Cardio Core Express + Ramp it Up. For some reason I really like those 2 together. I just didn't feel like doing Burn it Up tonight. :tongue: Tomorrow is my rest day and also my free day as far as dieting goes. Back in the saddle once again on Sunday.

    Have a wonderful weekend! :heart:
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,741 Member
    I did Shape It Up this morning — another Slim Series winner! I've tried all six workouts, and I think Mix It Up is my favorite.
  • thendrick
    thendrick Posts: 102 Member
    Hey everyone!
    I wish I had checked out the message boards here sooner! I've had a ton of questions about SI6!

    I started the program the second week of January but didn't know the schedule (I borrowed the DVDs from a friend) so I just made it up as I went along. I did SIU for 2 weeks and RIU for 2 weeks and I'm just finishing my first week of BIU. And I HATE it!!!! It's sooo hard to motivate myself to put it in. In fact, I have decided to take a rest day today instead of my usual day tomorrow b/c I just can't bear the thought of it. And my right knee is killing me which has me a bit shy of it now too. I'm having a real hard time keeping up with her. But I'm glad to hear that it's not just me! :) Still, I think I might go back to BIU. Still a good workout. I wear my HR monitor and I'm burning about 350 calories doing BIU. And I've been doing an extra cardio session each evening (25 minutes on the treadmill and 20 minutes on the elliptical) so I don't feel too badly about bailing on BIU.
    I think I will try the Slim in Limber though - you've sold me on that!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,741 Member
    Hi Tracy!

    I did the full four weeks of Burn It Up, hating almost every minute of it. After that, I went back to alternating between Ramp It Up and Cardio Core Express for many, many weeks and lost most of my weight that way. I had trouble with my knees on BIU too (the lunges in particular — mostly because of how fast she does them).

    I wouldn't hesitate to recommend to someone that they do RIU the whole way through (or a combo like I did) and to do it consistently five or six days a week. I think I got a better workout from that because the pace allowed me to have good form and better control. The most important thing, in my opinion, is consistency.

    I would also urge you to do Slim & 6-Pack every other day. I am SO pleased with the results I got from that! Do Slim & Limber after every single workout. It's good for you, and it feels good too.

    Did you know you can get the workout schedule programmed for you on a calendar if you go to Beachbody? Sign up here:

    And then go to Get Fit > WOWY SuperGym > Schedule a workout > See predefined workout schedules you can add to your calendar > Add more programs and activities

    From there, you can view the schedules for lots of Beachbody programs, including Slim in 6, and you can add it to your calendar, selecting a starting date, and it will auto-populate your workout calendar for you. It's pretty handy.

    Have fun!
  • thendrick
    thendrick Posts: 102 Member
    Hi Tracy!

    I did the full four weeks of Burn It Up, hating almost every minute of it. After that, I went back to alternating between Ramp It Up and Cardio Core Express for many, many weeks and lost most of my weight that way. I had trouble with my knees on BIU too (the lunges in particular — mostly because of how fast she does them).

    I wouldn't hesitate to recommend to someone that they do RIU the whole way through (or a combo like I did) and to do it consistently five or six days a week. I think I got a better workout from that because the pace allowed me to have good form and better control. The most important thing, in my opinion, is consistency.

    I would also urge you to do Slim & 6-Pack every other day. I am SO pleased with the results I got from that! Do Slim & Limber after every single workout. It's good for you, and it feels good too.

    Have fun!

    I think I might stick with RIU for just the reason you said - my form is better with it and I still get a good sweat on! My form is really sucking with BIU and I have to take so many breaks that I feel like I'm not getting the most bang for my buck!
    And I just tried Slim & Limber - loved it! And I didn't realize it was so short - I will definitely add that to my daily workout!
    Maybe I will try the Slim & 6 pack today as well and then I won't feel so bad for taking a rest day today and tomorrow. :)
    Thanks for the feedback!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,741 Member
    You're welcome, Tracy!

    I liked doing 6-Pack first and getting it out of the way. It's only 11 minutes long, but it's so effective! I liked pairing it with Cardio Core Express, because that workout is a little shorter (28 minutes) and because you're already doing ab work on the floor with Ramp It Up or Burn It Up.

    I'm looking forward to hearing how that works for you. :happy:
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    Jill - I appreciate that link to the BB workout program schedules! I played around a little with wowy before, but didn't notice they have calendar schedules for all their programs - cool! Of course I HAD to check out the Slim Series one lol! Just got my confirmation shipping email this morning - yay! Can't wait! :smile:
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,741 Member
    You're welcome!
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    Just finished up SI6 - Burn it Up. The only thing good I can say about that workout is...well, it's DONE. :tongue: I do like the faster pace of it though; Ramp it Up is just a tad too slow for me and I'm always a beat or two ahead. It's just probably due to taking so many group aerobics classes and they are always a bit faster paced. But I can appreciate RIU on those days when I feel pretty beat up. :ohwell:

    Dying waiting for my Slim Series. Even though I received my shipping confirmation email, it can't even be tracked yet on the UPS link probably because it's the weekend and it hasn't even left there yet. :frown: And with tomorrow being a holiday - rats, I'll be lucky to get it by next weekend lol! Oh well, I'll have to be patient...Debbie will have me sweating and cussing soon enough. :sad:

    Great weekend and Happy :heart: day!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,741 Member
    Happy :heart: Day to you too!

    I can't wait to see what you think of Slim Series. I am really glad I got it.

    I agree RIU is a little slow, but BIU is a little too fast for my taste. Something in between would be perfect!
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    Another night of Burn it Up. :noway: C'mon Slim Series and get here already!!!! :tongue:
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    Yay! My Slim Series arrived today!! :bigsmile: Normally I like to preview workouts before I actually do them, but there was just no time today. Read the guidebook quicky and on to the workout - Shape it Up.

    My first observation - After completing the series, I will either be in the BEST shape of my life, or dead. :tongue: WOW!
    My second observation - 5 pound dumbbells CAN kick my butt. :blushing:

    While I won't say 78 minutes 'flew by', it was very doable because of the constant switching up of muscle groups. LOVED that there's a timer for each seperate exercise so you know how long you must bear it. :wink: And I never would have thought of a segment of crunches as a 'rest' period?!?! Love that silly Debbie. :grumble: When the words 'one third done' appeared across the screen I almost cried. Only one-third done???? When she asks if we're cursing her out yet, well, she should have known better. :laugh: And I wasn't even using ankle weights!

    Anyway, yeah! What a workout! I am getting the feeling I will feel like a total body bruise tomorrow, but very happy! I forgot to look which workout is for tomorrow...maybe I don't wanna know! :tongue:
  • cullensbrunette
    2 questions about SI6. Does anyone know about how many calories you burn doing RIU? And also how does everyone log it on here?
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    2 questions about SI6. Does anyone know about how many calories you burn doing RIU? And also how does everyone log it on here?

    I'm not sure how many calories I burned doing RIU because I never replaced the battery in my HRM watch. :tongue: In the past I have logged it in as aerobics - low impact and it gives me about 275 cal burned. Unfortunately I have no way of knowing if that's accurate or not.
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    Tonight I did Firm it Up; I feel like my lower body got one heck of a good workout. I am pretty sore from yesterday's Shape it Up, but looking forward to Mix it Up tomorrow. I am used to getting more pure cardio in my routine, but I am trying to trust the process and stick to the Slim Series at least for now.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,741 Member
    Hey everybody. Sorry I've been quiet, but my son had knee surgery yesterday, so it's been a little abnormal around our house.

    Glad you're loving Slim Series. Me too! Today was the end of Week 2. Gotta love 78 minutes of Tear It Up! I've been logging mine as "aerobics, general," but my Polar F4 HRM arrived today (after my workout, of course), so I'll probably use the calorie count that gives me from now on. Tomorrow's my rest day, so I should have a little time to play with my new toy and figure out how it works before I need to use it for real.
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    Jill - Sorry to hear about your son, hope he is doing well! :flowerforyou:

    I really blew it the last 2 days. :grumble: Ate way too much, no exercise, etc. I'm such a stress eater. Oh well, it's done and over with...trying to move on and not beat myself up too much.

    Today I finally did Mix it Up - and it was excellent! 3 for 3 so far in loving the Slim Series. :heart: It's funny you should mention your Polar F4 HRM; I finally (today) got the batteries replaced in mine, I haven't used it in ages - but was curious to see just how many calories these workouts are burning. Wore it during Mix it Up and burned 344 calories. Not too shabby for a 57 min workout that included less intense stuff at the end like crunches and stretching! I'll take it!

    Tomorrow is Tone it Up.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,741 Member
    Not shabby at all. I burned 262 doing 58 minutes of Firm It Up today, but I'll do Mix It Up tomorrow and see what I get. (Mix is my favorite of all the workouts, I think.)
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,741 Member
    Oh, and you're right not to beat yourself up after the fact. Just learn from your mistakes and move on. :smile:

    My son's doing pretty well today. Tomorrow we can take the dressing off and he can shower for the first time since Tuesday. I bet that will feel amazing! He's not popping pain pills anymore, and tonight will be his first night sleeping in his own bed upstairs. He's been hanging out on the sleeper sofa downstairs because it's easier than navigating the stairs on crutches. He's allowed to put weight on his leg as the pain allows (there are two screws holding everything in place, so it won't do any damage), but until today, the pain didn't allow much.

    Speaking of ... it's time for me to go put clean sheets on the patient's bed — even though the patient is probably kind of dirty. Still, after all he's been through, I figure he deserves fresh linens. Poor guy.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,741 Member
    I must be slacking. I just did Mix It Up and burned only 254 calories.