telling your partner how much you weigh



  • My boyfriend doesn't know that I want to lose weight but he knows what I weigh.
  • Tell him when you are comfortable to do so, just keep in mind that nobody's going to judge. Besides you are doing something about it and that's all that matters :)

    I never tell anyone my weight, most people think I weigh a lot less than I actually do so I'll let them think that haha :P I don't tell people I want to lose weight though, I told someone once and they didn't approve.
  • Impy84
    Impy84 Posts: 430
    My BF knows how much I weigh. I tell him if he asks and i note my weigh ins on a calendar that he has full access to.
  • Roxie861
    Roxie861 Posts: 85 Member
    I told my partner how much i weigh and the shock on his face just gave me more determination to carry on. He is 4 stone lighter than me...and that is my goal so i will not stop until 4 stone has been removed from my body :)
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I used to be... Then I came to the point where I accepted my weight and was proud of how far I'd come. Everyone knows my weight now I don't care. He knows I'm now just a few pounds heavier than him. The game is on! X
  • rotill
    rotill Posts: 244 Member
    haha i will not be slapping him :P. its not a ridiculous question to ask, especially cos i complain about my weight a lot. and now i am losing weight the topic comes up a lot. I can never imagine him laughing at me or making me feel bad about it, and he is very supportive. I have just built it up in my head as this big thing and think he will find me unattractive/un-femine or whatever once i tell him. but i will feel better once i let him in.. :)

    Guys have a very different relationship to their weight, they don't have the same ingrained idea that weighing less is better. This because if you're male and really built with loads of muscle, you will be way heavier than a slender female of the same height, but both will be well within our beauty ideals. It gives a different weight to weight, if you see what I mean.

    But also, how can he applaud your weight loss if you don't tell him? My husband has made it routine to ask when I weigh in, if there's any changes. After all, my calorie counting affects how we eat, and how we eat together, so he cares.
  • SusanLovesToEat
    SusanLovesToEat Posts: 213 Member
    Interesting question.

    I've never "told" my husband how much I weight and he has never asked--we've been married 22 years.

    Some things in life should retain a bit of mystery...
  • njgirl50
    njgirl50 Posts: 62 Member
    At times my boyfriend knows how much I weigh, but when I started trying once again this past July, he decided to lose weight too, which is a good thing. The only problem is that he is making it into a competition, so I haven't said anything. He has lost close to 30 & I have lost 22, so he thinks he is "winning", I am looking at it as I am in it for the long haul its not a race, I still have 73-83 pounds to go - he wants to lose another 25. You just have to decide if you feel comfortable telling him & if you feel he would be supportive of you in your weight loss journey.
  • Curvimami
    Curvimami Posts: 1,851 Member
    I felt the same way, so for a while I just told him how much I had lost to make him apart of my journey. He would always congratulate me and tell me how good I was looking not even knowing I was ever 200+lbs at 5'6". And then I started letting him know I had 40+lbs to go, then 30+lbs and he's like "i didnt know you needed to lose that much" and thats when I finally decided he should Know I was 199 out of the 200s and how I started at 212, he was surprised but very proud of me. :happy: . SO maybe you should wait til you have lost an amount you're comfortable with and/or at a weight you're comfortable with and that way you can share your accomplishments with him as well. I mean obviously he loves you just as you are, he will be proud of you and very happy for you :wink:
  • cpaman87
    cpaman87 Posts: 193 Member
    My wife of 32 years has never shared her weight. I will ask her how much she has lost and she will tell me that. Not a big deal to me.
  • DeathKitty23
    DeathKitty23 Posts: 64 Member
    never tell my partner and i've been with him for 5 and a half years - if im loosing weight i'll maybe tell him what ive lost but nothing else lolx
  • jfrog123
    jfrog123 Posts: 432 Member
    At one point in time I weighed more than 100 pounds more than my husband. He never asked about my weight, and I was glad. He did not know my weight for YEARS, then I lost a bunch of weight. When I got within 20 pounds of him I told him how much I weighed. He really didn't care and just said he was proud of me for losing weight. Well, I gained a bunch of weight back and stopped telling him how much I weigh again. He never asked. Last year I went through a bunch of medical crap and decided I really needed to take control of my health. I started dropping the pounds again, and once again when I got within 20 pounds of his weight I told him. I also admitted how much I had weighed at my heaviest after the regain. I have since passed him up. I weigh about 40 pounds less than him now. He never asks about my weight, but if I want to share my excitement or frustration over the latest developments on the scale, he is there to support and encourage me.

    If you don't feel comfortable at all with the idea of telling him, don't. If you think you would be more comfortable waiting and telling him after you hit a certain weight, do that. If you really would like to tell him and you trust him, but aren't sure how he will react, quit torturing yourself and tell him. You will never know until you do it.
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    He sees you all the time, so it isn't like he doesn't know what you look like, right? I'm guessing that he has an idea of how much you weigh even though you don't tell him. Side note - if you ask him to tell you what he THINKS you weigh, he will probably say he has no clue! There is no right answer to that as a guy!

    This is something that is totally up to you and your relationship. Kind of like deciding when it is OK to fart in front of him for the first time... but less of a milestone!
  • demonlullaby
    demonlullaby Posts: 499 Member
    i don't tell my boyfriend how much i weigh. he thinks i weigh a lot less than i do... not sure if he's just being nice but he always throws really low #'s out when he's guessing.
  • sabolfitwife
    sabolfitwife Posts: 423 Member
    I've never told my boyfriend how much I weigh, but I've told him how much I've lost. Not because I'm embarrassed for him to know, because for once in my life I'm proud of the number, and will be even more proud as it keeps going down, but because he's never come right out and asked. The funny part? His dad knows how much I weigh. Lol.
  • do you trust him to love you regardless of what the number says? Perhaps by telling him, he will help encourage you and cheer you on. He can help hold you accountable too. Think of all the positive things that can come from a man who loves you and wants you to be your best. If this is something that you don't think he will do or that he will make fun of you, then you need to evaluate the relationship.
  • Well said
  • lelliebugh
    lelliebugh Posts: 340 Member
    I recently told my boyfriend this awful truth and to be honest he loves me just the same if not more. He knows i am insecure about that number and the fact that I shared that with him showed him how much I love and trust him. I promise telling your SO about this is not as bad as we think.I think it is mostly a mental thing.
  • tnmyers23
    tnmyers23 Posts: 108 Member
    It took over 20 years before my husband knew my weight and he just found out a week ago..
  • The weight question has been a running joke with me and my SO for years. I'll say, I'm down a lb and he'll say so what do you weigh now? And I'll say a lb less than yesterday. I think even if I hit my goal weight, I wouldn't tell him what I weigh. He has no clue what people are suppose to weigh, how many calories they should eat or anything like that, so telling him would not help me at all. He wants me happy, but is not my cheerleader to keep me on track. If you need to be accountable to someone and that will help motivate you, then tell him. If not, then IMO there's no point.