What broke your camel



  • Jenn037
    Hi and I would have to say when I hit the 304 lbs and walking was very hard. I had the biggest smack in the face when I seen how much I weighed. I have NEVER been this heavy and people think because Im tall that I dont look that heavey however try carrying this weight around its very very exhausting...
  • Illusent
    Illusent Posts: 228 Member
    Mine came in 2 instances:

    1 - Stepping on the scale and seeing the number 305


    2 - After I lost the initial 40 lbs, I took about 6 months off, and stepped back on a scale and was surprised I was right back at 285 (inching my way back to my heaviest point)

    Let's just say the 2nd time was the "breaking point" for me, and after 4 months I am at 240!!
  • Jocosase
    Jocosase Posts: 82 Member
    Mine was just getting tired of being fat, and I didn't not want to just talk about loosing weight, but doing something about it.
  • tinlee
    tinlee Posts: 60 Member
    I kept waking up snoring and was having reflux because my stomach was too big and I had to sleep on my back propped on pillows. It was a really bad sensation.
  • clicker_70
    I also have the dreaded "double chin". I even tried (and failed) to lose weight for our dream vacation to Hawaii. So why is it different this time? My friend and I are in TOPS together. My husband calls it Taking On Pounds Sociably. lol Anyway, my friend found a new place in town......the Metabolic Research Center. She told me that I should check it out. At first, they were hesistant to "Accept" me because I have type II bipolar (I don't get manic). But, they finally said "You can join, but it will be $497 for 6 months plus 1 year of maintenance. That doesn't include a $199 hormone test, and weekly supplements, vitamins, shakes, and protein bars." Yikes! I chose to go to my doctor. He put me on an appetite suppressant and sent me to a dietician. The dietician was exactly what I needed! She actually listened to me. I told her that I hate spending time in the kitchen and that I'm on the go a lot. She made up 2 weeks of menus and shopping lists. She only cost me $50. I am to count my carbs and journal what I eat and how I'm feeling. She also reccommended MFP. Still, I dreaded saying goodbye to my friend (fattening food). Then I got a phone call from my sister........"I'm getting married! Will you be my matron of honor? It's in February." That cinched it. I lost three pounds my first day!
  • mylove0mylife
    I walked up the stairs at school (one flight) and it took 2 minutes to catch my breath. The library is quiet, and I saw people looking at me awkwardly because of how heavy I was breathing. Also, I stepped on the scale and gained 32 lbs back after losing 26 lbs before my husband came home from training 1 year ago.
  • scottbrown78
    scottbrown78 Posts: 142 Member
    My wife and I decided to go on our honeymoon finally. Scheduled it for August of next year. Just so happen my wife had just bought a new digital scale and one morning I steped on it and freaked when I looked down and it said 251! There was no way I was going to be the beached whale at that beach. That was 4 weeks ago
  • Tiffikat
    At my oldest son's birthday someone took a photo of me that looked very similar to me when I was 7 months pregnant. I started making small lifestyle changes then (in May) but didn't put the time or effort into it that was needed. I lost a few pounds, but after school started my husband and I decided to get serious. We joined a nearby gym that offered child care so we would have less excuses and really started using MFP (Sept 9). I'm down 4 pounds officially (my official weigh-ins are Friday), but my daily weigh-ins are showing another pound lost so 5 pounds. I don't want them back either. This is my first time joining a gym and I had no idea how much I would enjoy it. I love the time to myself to think while I'm exercising.
  • BogQueen1
    BogQueen1 Posts: 320 Member
    Having to listen to my BF's baby momma constantly ridicule him over the fact he was dating a fat chick now, having to listen to her constantly belittle me through him saying the only reason he stayed was because I earned a decent living. Oh. And having her deny him visitation rights to his daughter because she wasn't going to have his 'fat *****' of a girlfriend anywhere around her daughter. Because fat is contagious amirite?

    Soo yeah. Can't wait for the day when she goes on about the fat ***** again and I can say "HEY LOOK I DIETED, BUT YOU STILLLLL UGLY!" Lol. Ok, petty but I don't really give a damn.
  • Rachelito
    Rachelito Posts: 119 Member
    My husband getting deployed. If he is going to bust his *kitten* in a war zone then I can bust my *kitten* to look sexy as hell when he gets home!
  • Selunca
    Selunca Posts: 208 Member
    My mother asking me if I was pregnant 6 months after the birth of my daughter. I lost 40lbs during my pregnancy, but the 8weeks after she was born put 22lbs back on (Sleep deprived, not wanting to cook, etc. etc.)

    Don't judge my mom though, because I had mentioned there was a slim possibility I was pregnant, and she said the way I was standing I was pushed out.

    Anyway. I owe her for getting me started on weight loss.

    Plus, I want to be the skinny sister on Christmas.
  • angusmike
    Type 2 diabetes.
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    Saw pictures of myself from a field placement in college (south america) that other people uploaded online.

    It's kinda funny when you take unflattering pics of yourself, you can delete them and they disappear forever. But when other people upload stuff...you're stuck looking at it, wondering if you actually look that terrible.

    So naughty.
  • lizblizz2012
    lizblizz2012 Posts: 196 Member
    Looking like a cow in my wedding pictures.
  • lsumomma
    lsumomma Posts: 14 Member
    I knew my children were about to start getting married. I did not want to be heavy in the wedding pictures. Also was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. I needed to take care of myself.
  • MelissaE27
    MelissaE27 Posts: 682 Member
    I had a blind date ... i told him I was a bigger girl... he said he didnt care that I sounded wonderful.. well I pulled up where we were meeting and got out of the car... and I get a text it said : SORRY not my type.... I was crushed and was shoocked someone could be so rude and mean...
  • BlisterLamb
    BlisterLamb Posts: 396 Member
    Thinking I ruptured a disk in my back while leaning over looking at cd's in WalMart and ending up on the floor. It took two people to get my 285 pound body into one of those motorized carts and out to my mom's car. I had to crawl into my house and up onto my couch to wait for my husband to come home. And I had to crawl down the hall to the bathroom while I was waiting for him. I got stuck on the bathroom floor on my third trip and couldn't get up. He came home and I was face down on the bathroom floor and couldn't move. Everytime I did it felt like I was doing serious damage to my spine. I told him that I had been laying there thinking about it and I thought if they put a sheet under me, my teenaged daughter could pull one side and he could pull the other and maybe they could get me on my feet. I had seen them lift whales in a sling that way. Obviously that did not work. They had to call the paramedics, who could not get their gurney into the bathroom, so the had to put me on a stretcher and heave mightily to haul my butt out to the gurney. They shot me up with morphine twice and when the pain kind of subsided a bit I could tell it was just the mother of all muscle spasms. They took me to the ER and there was nothing they could do for me except give me muscle relaxers and pain pills. The weight of my stomach when I leaned forward caused my low back to tighten up to try to counterbalance it. It spasmed severely off and on for 8 days. I could barely walk all that time and spent it on the couch using the meds and heat and ice on my back. Once I got better, I swore that was never going to happen to me again. I cut out white sugar, white flour and anything to drink except water. I dropped a good chunk of weight right off just by doing that. Then I started going to Curves and lost a little more. Then I switched to Golds and started working with a trainer and riding a bike. I thought I was pretty tough when I biked 8 miles one day. Now I'm a certified trainer, I bike 20 to 30 miles on most rides. I do 65 mile rides on a regular basis and am planning on doing 100 miles the first Saturday of October. I jog (not fast, just persistent) 5K's regularly, ballroom dance, lift weights, hike, ice skate and anything else I darn well please. Not bad for someone who used to hate to break a sweat and got out of breath walking down the driveway.
  • BlisterLamb
    BlisterLamb Posts: 396 Member
    I had a blind date ... i told him I was a bigger girl... he said he didnt care that I sounded wonderful.. well I pulled up where we were meeting and got out of the car... and I get a text it said : SORRY not my type.... I was crushed and was shoocked someone could be so rude and mean...

    What an *kitten*! You dodged a bullet on that one!
  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,123 Member
    Combination of things...

    I saw a buddy of mine after not seeing him for about six months... and being shocked as he lost about 40 lbs!

    Then my younger sister was diagnosed with Type II diabetes... just like our mother... Both of them blame their diabetes on having "large" babies... but both are obese.

    Then I ran into another buddy who was always obese as long as I've known him. He's 6'3" and was 380 lbs. I hadn't seen him in about a year and he lost over 50 lbs!!

    I decided it was time to see about my weight. I never tried seriously dieting so no "yo-yo" experiences. I knew next to nothing about nutrition. I checked with my health care provider and they gave me the name of an approved bariatric physician's clinic. After checking out their program, I joined up and my adventure began...

    The dietitian gave me a paper journal to keep tracking of my food. I didn't enjoy that so he recommended a number of online resources and I chose MFP. For the first few months, I didn't bother with the message boards but eventually I got curious...
  • MelissaE27
    MelissaE27 Posts: 682 Member
    Wow you are my hero.. what an inspiration... wow is all I can say!
    Thinking I ruptured a disk in my back while leaning over looking at cd's in WalMart and ending up on the floor. It took two people to get my 285 pound body into one of those motorized carts and out to my mom's car. I had to crawl into my house and up onto my couch to wait for my husband to come home. And I had to crawl down the hall to the bathroom while I was waiting for him. I got stuck on the bathroom floor on my third trip and couldn't get up. He came home and I was face down on the bathroom floor and couldn't move. Everytime I did it felt like I was doing serious damage to my spine. I told him that I had been laying there thinking about it and I thought if they put a sheet under me, my teenaged daughter could pull one side and he could pull the other and maybe they could get me on my feet. I had seen them lift whales in a sling that way. Obviously that did not work. They had to call the paramedics, who could not get their gurney into the bathroom, so the had to put me on a stretcher and heave mightily to haul my butt out to the gurney. They shot me up with morphine twice and when the pain kind of subsided a bit I could tell it was just the mother of all muscle spasms. They took me to the ER and there was nothing they could do for me except give me muscle relaxers and pain pills. The weight of my stomach when I leaned forward caused my low back to tighten up to try to counterbalance it. It spasmed severely off and on for 8 days. I could barely walk all that time and spent it on the couch using the meds and heat and ice on my back. Once I got better, I swore that was never going to happen to me again. I cut out white sugar, white flour and anything to drink except water. I dropped a good chunk of weight right off just by doing that. Then I started going to Curves and lost a little more. Then I switched to Golds and started working with a trainer and riding a bike. I thought I was pretty tough when I biked 8 miles one day. Now I'm a certified trainer, I bike 20 to 30 miles on most rides. I do 65 mile rides on a regular basis and am planning on doing 100 miles the first Saturday of October. I jog (not fast, just persistent) 5K's regularly, ballroom dance, lift weights, hike, ice skate and anything else I darn well please. Not bad for someone who used to hate to break a sweat and got out of breath walking down the driveway.