Weird things nobody tells you about losing weight



  • Birdetta
    Birdetta Posts: 6 Member
    I hit into counters and people with my hips and shoulders for a while there. The space I take up is so changed that I miss judged often.
  • kindasvelte
    kindasvelte Posts: 5 Member
    Wow! Love this observation!
  • wendygutie
    wendygutie Posts: 156 Member
    My feet haven't shrunk either... :/ almost lost 100 lbs and still at a size 12...goodness...size 12 for a woman is big...darn big feet...haha hard to find shoes all the time.

    But collar bones and hip bones for me...yup..where did those come from? ha!
    Oh I am sooo hoping my feet get smaller - that's something that they don't tell you when you get pregnant, that your feet will get a size bigger and it didn't go away............... LOL

    Ive lost over 100lbs. My feet are the same size (10/11)
    Im also 8 months pregnant - and that hasnt effected my shoe size either

    Best of luck ; )
  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member
    Weirdest thing I ever heard obout losing weight: guys gain a half inch of "useable length" for every 20 pounds they lose. Of course I know this is total BS. Still funny that someone actually thought that up. :bigsmile:

    Don't know about the half inch, but my significant other's is noticeably longer after he lost 50 lbs! :devil:
  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member
    Haha I'm cold all the time and my mom kept telling me it's because I don't have enough fat to keep me warm. I didn't believe her but I guess a bunch of people are going through the same thing! Will I adjust back to normal temperature? it's beginning to seriously affect me haha

    Tragically, I'm not colder most of the time because I'm perimenopausal, so hate to break it to you, but you might get warmer and not be very happy about it!
  • ChristineS_51
    ChristineS_51 Posts: 872 Member
    I wondered what the dark mark on my cheeks was - tried scrubbing - then realised it was a shadow beccaue my face wasn't so fat!
    My shoes are way too big (botheration - I had bought six pairs of really comfy Rivers shoes, now have to give them away to charity shops)
    Clothes that I could just squeeze into - hanging like a tent - more bags to charity shops
    My rings, and even my necklaces fit better now my neck is not so fat
    Shopping for more clothes in a local charity shop - looked at a really pretty shirt, thought, nah, way too small, but tried it on - it was roomy - so my head hasn't caught up with my new reality yet!
    Rings very loose - I have to keep them on by curling my fingers at times. Not quite into my engagement ring yet (40 years ago that was) but will get there.

    Great thread, love all the NSVs and stories :smile:
  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    When i was 315 pounds back in November of 2010, I had 2 periods within 4 years! I have ALWAYS been regular every month, but because of being so over weight at the time, nothing! After I lost the first 30 pounds, my periods came again like clock work! Pain in *kitten*.....LOL. And many other things are happening, like too many guys can't keep theri hands to frustrating! But flattering! Only 30 more pounds to go. I still can't believe all the changes that I've made happen! I have no clothes that fit me anymore, they all fall off, so I'm adding some little by little. I bought a size 10 jean a couple weeks ago, I was shocked! It's a good feeling, and so worth keep up the good work everyone, and NEVER give up! The results are worth it! I will post full lengths soon, I'm just still a bit insecure, enough though I just had an abdominalplasty surgery 8 weeks ago...what a difference, and i feel so lucky! God was with me, I swear!
  • MMark2012
    MMark2012 Posts: 142 Member
    I have only lost 6 lbs, but my running cap became "large" and I had to take in the strap.:) I first thought something was wrong with the cap, and did not associate a weight loss with the difference. LOL:happy:
  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member
    Nobody ever told me how much time I'd waste just looking at myself in the mirror... flexing! LMAO - it's kinda sad how fascinated I am by my own muscles!

    I frequently check the bathroom mirror to make sure my abs still look good. Thank goodness I live alone.:blushing:
  • TinaBaily
    TinaBaily Posts: 792 Member
    The weirdest thing for me was losing weight around my girlie bits. There's much less padding there now, and it's kind of odd.

    Me too!! I thought I was nuts when I first noticed a change during, ahem, intimate relations, with my husband. :blushing:

    I recently noticed that I not only have collarbones, but they are VISIBLE collarbones! That hasn't happened in years and years. My shoes are loose, and my wedding rings are too.

    I hope they shrink up in time, but I have awesome Bingo Wings right now. *groan*
  • vmekash
    vmekash Posts: 422 Member
    I am a secretary, and I discovered my hip bone(s) when I went to make copies and leaned forward against the machine. Ouch!
  • KeegansMomma
    Now, when I eat the fast food I used to love before, it feels too heavy and blah in my stomach. I wasn't expecting that.

    ^^ Me too.
    Oh I am sooo hoping my feet get smaller - that's something that they don't tell you when you get pregnant, that your feet will get a size bigger and it didn't go away............... LOL

    FWIW, I don't believe my feet got bigger while pregnant or even after having my son. I always thought I wore an 8w or 8.5w (depending on shoe style). Well, I needed new shoes last summer so went to a running store to be measured properly and found I am actually in a 7.5W. I was not dieting and had not yet started my lifestyle change, so there was no weight loss back then. *shrugs*
  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    I can watch the muscles in my calves and thighs move as I'm walking now. I thought I had fat jiggling around when I first caught it in the mirror at the gym which would have been a new development but I paid closer attention and realized I was watching my muscles work...

    Weird, right?
  • sistershort1
    sistershort1 Posts: 22 Member
    lol.. I feel the same way.. I was even telling hubby about my ribs last night.. I have loved seeing the changes in my body.. Now what to do about that tailbone now that it no longer has cushion.. lol

    I had a family member tell me about three years ago I looked like I had somewhat of a "bump" on my butt...when I got home I looked and really couldnt see it when I was fully clothed...later that night as I was getting ready for my bath I looked for it again...omw...I thought I had what looked like a small "tail". I thought about "Shallow Hal" the movie...his buddie had a little tail at the bottom of his spine he could wag...I thought "Oh no, I've got the "tail"...I laugh about it now since I am 95 pounds down and only 107 pounds to go on this journey...I guess this is the weirdest thing I have noticed...but oh the wonderful things I have #1)I finally have a lap for my grands to sit on, #2)I can fit in my car seat belt, #3)I don't have to ask for a seat beat extender when I fly now, #4) I can finally fit in an amusement park seat for a ride, #5)I can park out in the parking lots of where I shop instead of parking in the "handicap" place, etc, etc, etc...I could go on and on...I too love my new body and all the changes I am experiencing.
  • wcrathbun
    wcrathbun Posts: 85 Member
    bump :)
  • bethygirlie
    bethygirlie Posts: 311 Member
    My scrub pants from a year ago look like MC Hammer pants on me....please Hammer, don't hurt 'em!
    When I get shots in the arm it hurts more now because there's less fat...ouch!
    I don't have to look way up into the sky in pictures to hide my double chin anymore.
  • smhaze77
    smhaze77 Posts: 52 Member
    I didn't realize how high up my hip bones really were. I’m flippin freezing all the time. Some "confidential" areas look different than before or maybe its just because I can see that now. Much like how I didn't realize how big I'd become I don't always realize how much progress I've made. Still wouldn't trade it though.
  • Gwen_B
    Gwen_B Posts: 1,018 Member
    LOL!!! Congrats on the weight lost!
  • sweaty10
    Sadly first thing I lose are my boobs and *kitten*. (*kitten*: which I already don't have btw.) lol
  • munchkinhugs
    munchkinhugs Posts: 278 Member
    Hollowed out face/cheeks.
    I hate this. It's going to make me look older, earlier when I actually start to age :(

    Protruding collarbone.

    Loss of my DD's (which I hated when I had ... but miss now that they're gone).

    Feeling the cold a LOT quicker than before. I used to be able to walk around in tees in winter. Now I wear thermals under long sleeves, and a coat. Thermals ... I live in Australia.