Cute things your kid says



  • urglewurgle
    urglewurgle Posts: 224 Member
    When my goddaughter was 5 and her mother asked her about the pretty picture she'd just drawn she replied "It's in the style of Kandinsky." .... At five!
  • mmarshall425
    mmarshall425 Posts: 71 Member
    When my daughter was about 4. She was in the bathtub while I was changing in the bathroom. She told me she couldn't wait to get old. I asked her why. She replied "because when I get old I will have hang down boobies like you."

    Thanks sweetie! Mommy is old with saggy boobs.
  • korsicash
    korsicash Posts: 770 Member
    My youngest cannot pronounce the word "frog"

    It comes out as *kitten*.

    Her siblings take every opportunity to make her say it. "Hey look, look at the frog!"

    "*kitten*! *kitten*! *kitten*!"

    In. Public.

    Then sometimes she bursts into a song about the frog. Because she sings about *everything*.

    My son had the same problem. People thought it was so funny and ask him tons of questions about frogs. So embarassing as he is answering and saying this like well a *kitten* says ribbit, f*cks hop big, or the one that had me looking for a rock to hide under as loud as I think he could in what had to be the only quiet moment in a walmart "mummy will buy me a *kitten* someday" no joke....thought I was going to die!
  • mmarshall425
    mmarshall425 Posts: 71 Member
    While in bathroom "Dad HELP I need a bath"…………pause………….."there is poo everywhere"!!!


    I spit water all over my computer.
  • ilovemybuggy
    ilovemybuggy Posts: 1,584 Member
    When my daughter was about 4. She was in the bathtub while I was changing in the bathroom. She told me she couldn't wait to get old. I asked her why. She replied "because when I get old I will have hang down boobies like you."

    Thanks sweetie! Mommy is old with saggy boobs.

  • ilovemybuggy
    ilovemybuggy Posts: 1,584 Member
    My youngest cannot pronounce the word "frog"

    It comes out as *kitten*.

    Her siblings take every opportunity to make her say it. "Hey look, look at the frog!"

    "*kitten*! *kitten*! *kitten*!"

    In. Public.

    Then sometimes she bursts into a song about the frog. Because she sings about *everything*.

    My son had the same problem. People thought it was so funny and ask him tons of questions about frogs. So embarassing as he is answering and saying this like well a *kitten* says ribbit, f*cks hop big, or the one that had me looking for a rock to hide under as loud as I think he could in what had to be the only quiet moment in a walmart "mummy will buy me a *kitten* someday" no joke....thought I was going to die!

    holy ****!
  • avasano
    avasano Posts: 487 Member
    Last one. We had a party at my house. It was someone's birthday; someone else came with little shot glasses to do shots after the song. All that singing woke up my little girl. She said "No fair!" I want tea party glasses! Can I play just one! So we filled one of the bright pink shot glasses with water and let her drink it.

    Months later we are at a doctor's appointment. The doctor says, "You're going to get a shot today. Do you know what that is?"
    My daughter answers, "Yes, it is a little drink, you drink real fast. I'm good at those."
  • ilovemybuggy
    ilovemybuggy Posts: 1,584 Member
    Last one. We had a party at my house. It was someone's birthday; someone else came with little shot glasses to do shots after the song. All that singing woke up my little girl. She said "No fair!" I want tea party glasses! Can I play just one! So we filled one of the bright pink shot glasses with water and let her drink it.

    Months later we are at a doctor's appointment. The doctor says, "You're going to get a shot today. Do you know what that is?"
    My daughter answers, "Yes, it is a little drink, you drink real fast. I'm good at those."

    I would have died!!!!
  • My daughter River likes to make best friends...her brother Sammy is her best friend, but his twin Gabe is most certainly not. If ever someone gets on to River, she informs us that "Gabe is gonna kick your butt". I suppose since they aren't friends, that she hired him as her enforcer. Also, she likes to threaten to hit you in the "tick tock", which I would discipline her for if I knew what the crap she were talking about. This post makes my kid sound bad, but she really is a good kid.
  • I asked my ten year old (he was 7 then) how many kids he was going to
    have when he grew up. He looked at me in horror and said, "Mom, I don't
    need that type of stress. My wife can have them."
  • urglewurgle
    urglewurgle Posts: 224 Member
    My cousin when he was maybe five walked butt naked into his parents room one morning with a plastic toy spider... He proudly announced he could do a magic trick and make the spider disappear... He put both hands behind his back, fiddled around a little and, well, clenched... Then shouted "ta-da!" Whilst waving his now empty hands in the air!
  • korsicash
    korsicash Posts: 770 Member
    Last one. We had a party at my house. It was someone's birthday; someone else came with little shot glasses to do shots after the song. All that singing woke up my little girl. She said "No fair!" I want tea party glasses! Can I play just one! So we filled one of the bright pink shot glasses with water and let her drink it.

    Months later we are at a doctor's appointment. The doctor says, "You're going to get a shot today. Do you know what that is?"
    My daughter answers, "Yes, it is a little drink, you drink real fast. I'm good at those."

  • avasano
    avasano Posts: 487 Member
    Last one. We had a party at my house. It was someone's birthday; someone else came with little shot glasses to do shots after the song. All that singing woke up my little girl. She said "No fair!" I want tea party glasses! Can I play just one! So we filled one of the bright pink shot glasses with water and let her drink it.

    Months later we are at a doctor's appointment. The doctor says, "You're going to get a shot today. Do you know what that is?"
    My daughter answers, "Yes, it is a little drink, you drink real fast. I'm good at those."

    I would have died!!!!
    I thought I was going too, the doctor had that "I calling CPS later" look too!
  • cutchro
    cutchro Posts: 396 Member
    Husband and I are separated waiting on 5 year old grandson thinks I should let Granddaddy move back in....

    He was at my house last night sniffing some candles I had. When I asked him what he was doing he said they smell good... this one smells like chocolate milk and that one smells like milk where did you get them?

    I told him his Granddaddy gave them to me.

    He got all excited and with a beautiufl grin and gleam in his eye exclaimed... SEE, I TOLD YOU YOU STILL LOVED HIM!!!!!!
  • 76tech
    76tech Posts: 1,455 Member
    My youngest cannot pronounce the word "frog"

    It comes out as *kitten*.

    Her siblings take every opportunity to make her say it. "Hey look, look at the frog!"

    "*kitten*! *kitten*! *kitten*!"

    In. Public.

    Then sometimes she bursts into a song about the frog. Because she sings about *everything*.

    My son had the same problem. People thought it was so funny and ask him tons of questions about frogs. So embarassing as he is answering and saying this like well a *kitten* says ribbit, f*cks hop big, or the one that had me looking for a rock to hide under as loud as I think he could in what had to be the only quiet moment in a walmart "mummy will buy me a *kitten* someday" no joke....thought I was going to die!

    hahaha! love it!
  • kimberly702
    kimberly702 Posts: 369 Member
    My 3 year old daughter will correct me by saying "Actually......"
  • avasano
    avasano Posts: 487 Member
    I asked my ten year old (he was 7 then) how many kids he was going to
    have when he grew up. He looked at me in horror and said, "Mom, I don't
    need that type of stress. My wife can have them."
  • jensweighingin
    jensweighingin Posts: 168 Member
    My sister told my nephew to say "Hi aunt Jen." He said "Hi baby". Adorable.
  • GeorgieLove708
    GeorgieLove708 Posts: 442 Member
    My kids don't have specific things that they say often that are funny, it's more their day to day conversations. I post the ones that make me laugh the most on facebook. Here are a couple of them... (It's long, I know, sorry. lol)

    My son and daughter (2 and 3 at the time) playing a game of hide and seek in the kitchen...
    Ben (2 year old) runs around the corner in the kitchen to count while Kendall runs off to hide.
    Ben: Two, free, eight, nine, ten. here me not. here me come!
    There's a brief pause....
    Ben: Help! Help sissy! Help me, stuck!
    Like the good sister she is, she comes running to help him and he shouts...
    Ben: Ha ha sissy! Foun you!

    Kendall: Bubby help me find my missin shoe!
    Ben: No, me Super Guy! *with fist thrust into the air*
    K: *eyeroll* Fine, but help me find my missin shoe.
    B: No, me Super Guy! *again with the fist*
    K: *sigh* Super Guy?
    B: Yes?
    K: Will you help me find my shoe?
    B: Yes! Here come Super Guy!
    A few minutes and a found blue mermaid high heel later...
    K: Okay, I'm going to school for the longest night, give me hug and moochies.
    B: No, me Super Guy!
    K: Again? Ugh. Super Guy, I'm going to school, give me hug and moochies.
    B: Okay, Super Guy hug uh moo-ies.

    Kendall today
    K: "When I'm older I'm going to go to school on a bus."
    A few minutes later...
    K: "First I'll ride a train, then a bus, then a dragon"
    Me: "A dragon?! What kind of school are you going to?"
    Bryantle (husband): "Are you going to Hogwarts or something?" < What he said was actually much longer, but I can't remember all of it. That's the gist of it though.
    K: "And theeen I will ride a horse."
    Bryantle and I are laughing our butts off now. I'm burying my face in a pillow trying not to laugh at her and failing.
    A few hours later...
    K: "When I'm older I'm going to go to school on a bus." <Yes we have this conversation multiple times a day. Always starts the same way, but you never know how it will end.
    Me: "Oh ye..."
    Me: "I know you do. How will you get home from school."
    K: "Oh you or dad will pick me up."
    Me: "Why don't you just have your dragon fly you back home?"
    K: "Nooo." <insert brief pause here where you can see her mind working> "Yeah yeah, I can fly home on my dragon!"
  • wcrathbun
    wcrathbun Posts: 85 Member
    My three year old nephew had to have a ct scan done yesterday (he has an eye infection they are concerned about) and the tech told him they were going to take a picture of his head so he had to be very still.... so they get started and my sister (his mom) can tell he is scared but putting on a brave face and then she hears him very quietly say "Cheese!" Awww... bless his little heart!