Does eating before you go to bed really make you fat??



  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I can only speak for myself .... I ****cannot**** eat after 7pm... I would be sick to my stomach if I even tried to fall asleep on a full stomach. Been like that since I was a young girl. The only thing I can handle is a glass of water before bed time...
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Oh, yes. For years I ate absolutely nothing at all except one peanut a day. But I ate it right before bed and I gained 100 pounds!
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    Here's the real question. If you eat at 12:01 am, does that go into the next days calorie allowance?

    Mind = blown. :noway:
  • kayl3igh88
    kayl3igh88 Posts: 428 Member
    Myth. I generally eat more calories for supper than any other meal, and though I almost always eat some sort of breakfast I tend to over-eat all day if I eat anything significant (think 300+ cals).
  • 294Rich
    294Rich Posts: 171 Member
    Apparently not - it doesn't matter when you eat, more, what you eat.
    But when I eat late, it tends to be crap, and too much of it.
    And if it doesn't settle, then stomach ache when you're trying to have a good night's sleep doesn't help.

    Personally, I think that eating before bedtime must be worse than eating at noon, and digesting it properly.
  • deadbeatsummer
    deadbeatsummer Posts: 537 Member
    it doesn't make you fat just because you ate before bed, but I find I have a problem with snacking at night. If I have one hobnob, i will eat 3 and a bit of cheese and a coke or something. So I find it best to try and eat nothing after dinner.
  • jvdx
    jvdx Posts: 57
    food timing is irrelevant.
    people who say otherwise are full of crap.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Eating before you go to bed is much better than eating after you have gone to bed - those crumbs get everywhere!!
  • NewAngel35
    NewAngel35 Posts: 182 Member
    I wanted to know peoples opinions on what time to eat.
    Say if you get up at 5am and go to bed at 9pm.So does food eaten in the latter hours really lie on your stomach and turn to fat???.Even if its within your calorie goal for the day??
    Are these myths.Don't eat after 6pm etc etc.
    What do people think???

    Hi there.
    Thanks for everyones input.Personally am with the people who say it doesn't really matter. People who already know me.know I dont eat first thing in the morning anyway so I make up for calories later in the day.I never eat huge meals I am what I call a grazer....I just love to learn more about how other people do things always wanting to improve and get the best results I can!!!.
    Have a fab day
  • racbergs
    I always eat before bed to help fight off the late night binge cravings... and its always something sugary and full of carbs! I've never had any weight loss problems because of it :) I used to believe it because that's what my mom told me, but now I think its a load of poo.
  • Ahluvly
    Ahluvly Posts: 389 Member
    Shabba! I beleive it depends on your calorie consumption and the quality of food and drinks you have. Also, the more exercise you do, the more efficiently your body works at burning fat. You need to try and build more muscle versus body fat, if you're wanting to lose weight. Little and often is the key if your life allows it.
  • yowza101
    yowza101 Posts: 196 Member
    I've heard that you should stop eating heavy meals 2 hours before you go to bed, mainly for digestion purposes. But sometimes I do have a small snack before I go to bed, I just make sure it's nothing heavy. I even heard that eating a small snack keeps your metabolism going because it's working off those calories. However, people who have acid reflux shouldn't eat heavy things before going to bed because of the acid producing in your stomach may give you more heartburn at night.
  • djsupreme6
    djsupreme6 Posts: 1,210 Member
    Its different for different people, but its really more about the overall daily intake and burns then about a particular time of night. Binging on bad foods of course isn't good. Eat anytime and stay within your calorie goals and macros and its all good. I eat at night every night and although rarely I will have a bag of chips, and i've lost 45lbs so for me at least I know its not gonna make all the weight come back
  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member
    I dont think so but I have noticed that I am super hungry the next morning when I eat big or late the day before.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Nope. It's all about the quality and quantity of the food you eat when you consume them isn't important.
  • SyStEmPhReAk
    SyStEmPhReAk Posts: 330 Member
    Here's the real question. If you eat at 12:01 am, does that go into the next days calorie allowance?

    Mind = blown. :noway:

    Patiently awaiting a separate thread filled with heated debate on this topic alone...
  • Stingroo
    Stingroo Posts: 9 Member
    So much broscience in this thread, it's ridiculous.
  • Nomi923
    Nomi923 Posts: 43 Member
    OK i'm studying medicine and here's an opinion based on what I've learnt till now.. It may be wrong but this is my concept.

    Your body digests food at rest. Its part of the Parasympathetic system of the body which is basically activated at rest. So if anything, digestion has to occur during rest and quite possible during sleep. So yeh according to me it shouldn't matter as long as you are not over your calorie limit.

    Another thing though, when most people say that its bad to eat at night, they mean that you shouldn't eat too much at night especially if you're going to exercise in the morning. Since you're metabolism slows a bit during you're sleep if you go to bed being too full, you will not digest everything by morning. What happens when you exercise then is your sympathetic system kicks in and basically digestion slows down even more. Your body retains those food in your stomach when you exercise and you won't be able to exercise efficiently enough and quite possibly throw up or some other sort of reaction to a full stomach.

    Hope I made a bit of sense.
  • Kourtne_KK
    Kourtne_KK Posts: 60 Member
    I think people recommend eating until a certain time so you can control how many calories you eat or for people who over eat after dinner and have late night snacks. but like the rest said it makes no difference when you eat the appropriate amount of calories=]
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    No, infact eating carbs before bed will make you sleep better and perform better in the morning.

    one myth followed by another.

    this one might be true for some but it's not a general rule.