What gamers do we have on here?

OliLloyd Posts: 61 Member
I'm been gaming for about 20 of my 25 years on this earth and for the past 10+ years it's been PC based. I currently play Battlefield 3, Diablo 3, Guild Wars 2 and League of Legends. Just wondering.. what other gamers do we have here? I assume lots of console gamers.. but, could maybe be cool to find someone who plays PC.


  • I play console (XBox360) and PC. I prefer PC (specifically MMOs). :)

    I'm currently playing Borderlands 2.
  • emd528
    emd528 Posts: 30 Member
    I'm into FPS's on Xbox 360 (Halo Reach is my favorite) and Minecraft for PC. I don't have a Minecraft server right now, so if anyone plays and wants to hook me up...
  • CyeRyn
    CyeRyn Posts: 389 Member
    I was playing Eden Eternal before I decided to break off MMORPG's for a while. Played numerous others before that one. Debating if I should look for another one but its becoming rather redundant.
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    I'm a PC, purely because I am too poor to buy a PS3. I'm into RPGS, Mass Effect is my favourite.
  • wrbiii
    wrbiii Posts: 151
    Minecraft, borderlands 2, and zynga poker here. lol
  • Frozen300
    Frozen300 Posts: 223 Member
    35 yrs of gaming here, we had the Pong machine, then virtually every system since then, booya

    I've stopped playing PC games about 10 yrs ago. I put WAY too much time into Everquest and the like, and it certainly contributed to my failed marriage. Now I'm a strictly a single player 360/PS3 guy, mostly grinding games where I build up characters. If I can't drop the game the instant some one needs me, then I'm playing the wrong game.
  • Jes_ika
    Jes_ika Posts: 72 Member
    Been gaming since I was 4. Started on Atari and macintosh comp.. I have since upgraded in the past 24 years
  • Xbox 360 myself. Currently playing borderlands 2 but normally go for action RPGs instead of FPS.
  • AshleyCrappell
    AshleyCrappell Posts: 10 Member
    Mostly rpgs and stuff on ps3. I like Star Ocean, White Knight Chronicles and Katamari heheh c: ...enjoy older games on n64 as well ^^
  • PiggySweet
    PiggySweet Posts: 60 Member
    played Warcraft III, but not many other PC games... I prefer RPGs like dragon age and mass effect. I have an 360 and PS3 and the PS3 is hands down the one i love most. I'm pretty into tactical strategies as well.
  • jmc0806
    jmc0806 Posts: 1,444 Member
    I don't have much time to play these days but I have a xbox360 and battlefield 3 and diablo 3 for pc.

    Feel free to add me on here
  • peachykeen316
    peachykeen316 Posts: 1 Member
    I also play Console (Xbox360) My faves are Oblivion and Skyrim. I've been playing LOTRO for almost 2 years, absolutely LOVE it :)
  • ssilvey726
    ssilvey726 Posts: 107 Member
    I've played MMOs since the early days of text-based MUDs back in the mid-late 90s on AOL. I played WoW for a long time, quit about a year ago and have gotten back into console gaming recently. Currently playing mostly sports game. Just picked up Madden 13 on the Amazon deal of the day and started my franchise this afternoon.

    I used to be very competitive in MMOs. Was a high warlord in vanilla WoW and a multiple-time gladiator in BC. But, as evidenced by me being on this website, instead of a gaming website, I've committed myself to being more healthy and spending less time at the TV/Computer. Being competitive in an MMO is almost like a full-time job. :(

    However, just because I'm not obsessive anymore, doesn't mean I still can't enjoy gaming in moderation. Still play an hour or two a day on the console or occasionally on GW2 I'd say.
  • ElementalEscapee
    ElementalEscapee Posts: 552 Member
    Uh, Zelda games (variety of consoles, from handheld to n64 to Gamecube), PC games (played the Harry Potter series since I was seven haha) like Amnesia: The Dark Descent, Brawl, Assassin's Creed, beginning Metal Gear: Snake Eater and another DBZ game, which I haven't started yet. I'm sure there's more that don't leap to mind at the moment lol.
  • I happen to be one of those few who still play FFXIV :ohwell: Can't wait for the relaunch! Always been a sucker for MMOs.
  • Athena98501
    Athena98501 Posts: 716 Member
    I do a fair bit of gaming. A little xbox 360, but mostly pc. I put a ridiculous amount of time into Morrowind and Oblivion. I'm currently playing Fallout 3 and Skyrim. I've played a fair few detective games, and most of the Harry Potters. lol
  • I've been PC gaming since the 80's! :)

    I started out with the Scott Adams games on an Apple II and worked my way through all the adventure games of the time: Infocom, Sierra, Castle Wolfenstein, etc. Had an Atari too! In the 90's I played a lot of multi-user text games (MUDs). These days I play WoW, Skyrim, various games on Steam and Newgrounds... and I still play adventure games. I'll probably never stop playing them. My husband and I have been together for 27 years and we play together for fun. We play with the kids too. Am I a bad mom if I make my daughter get onto WoW because we need a healer? ;)
  • ihateroses
    ihateroses Posts: 893 Member
    Haha MMO's were the #2 reason I gained weight in college....

    ...(cafeteria buffet=#1)

    I used to be "ranked" on Last Chaos, also played Rohan, Perfect World,*cough*runescape*coughnooneheard*

    I tried Guild Wars years later and realized my power hungry self didn't want to start from the bottom again...or get fat agin....but my glory lives on O_O
  • NotSoBigNeil
    NotSoBigNeil Posts: 215 Member
    I like to play a little 360 when I have free time (which isn't very often!!) call of duty and assassins creed are the faves, currently playing borderlands 2. My tag is MrLumpfish if anyone wants to add me.

    Can't frikkin wait for Black Ops 2 :bigsmile:
  • goofyleen
    goofyleen Posts: 7 Member
    Nerd Alert! I love the ZELDA series and I am currently playing Skyward Sword. It's great to escape into another world for a little while when I have some down time. Plus with the Wii maybe I can count it as exercise lol---I mean I get into some pretty serious sword fights LOL