What do you look for in a partner?



  • ouija86
    ouija86 Posts: 138 Member
    In no order I guess...

    Must have a healthy career and would prefer a 4-year degree (but not required if you're in a field where that isn't important for growth).

    If you have a child the baby daddy must not be a deadbeat/addict.

    Must come from a wonderful family so if we get married I'm not embarrassed to have your uncles in cut-off tuxedo t-shirts mingling with my friends and relatives.

    Must be "cute" - but this could mean a thousand things. I guess "must not have a busted face" is a better descriptor. You must know how to shop at Sephora too if your morning-after face is yikes. Actually scratch that if you don't look good without makeup that's a deal breaker because I wanna fall in love with your smile not your ability to face paint.

    I actually prefer girls who are more shy and reserved - I have a strong personality and I'm not looking for my twin sister.

    You can't be really loud and awkward especially when drinking because I don't want my friends to stop inviting me to social gatherings.

    If you use a lot of exclamation points in all your texts that really freaks me out. Also, if I don't respond right away please don't respond with, "Guess you're not interested" like 5 minutes later.

    You MUST go to a gym. If you're into CrossFit that is a deal breaker though. If I wanted to date a cult member I'd date somebody in Christian Scientology because they are all wealthy.

    If most of your friends are guys that's really sketchy and I don't want to date somebody whose nickname is Train Station.

    Hypothetically speaking, if you are on a diet/fitness social network, you cannot post pictures of yourself in your underwear under any circumstances. You must also not be friends with perverts on said hypothetical diet/fitness social networking website. If I do not whet your appetite for attention, then you are an attention *kitten* (which is a *kitten* none-the-less).

    This list is awesome.

    So...you want a doll to sit there looking pretty for you? She can't have any faults, thoughts of her own, embarrassing family, love handles......Are you sure you're not looking for a robot??? You must think too highly of yourself to expect so much of somebody else. No humility at all.

    No, he's just looking for someone who's self motivated to be better than the standard slouch who thinks that "what you are is good enough".

    Fields is a pretty driven guy, worked hard to get a decent job, gets his *kitten* to the gym, why shouldn't he look for someone on his level. Don't put off other people just cuz you might not fit the bill.

    The nobody is perfect and everybody is great attitude is complete bs
  • lydia_the_tattooed_lady
    In no order I guess...

    Must have a healthy career and would prefer a 4-year degree (but not required if you're in a field where that isn't important for growth).

    If you have a child the baby daddy must not be a deadbeat/addict.

    Must come from a wonderful family so if we get married I'm not embarrassed to have your uncles in cut-off tuxedo t-shirts mingling with my friends and relatives.

    Must be "cute" - but this could mean a thousand things. I guess "must not have a busted face" is a better descriptor. You must know how to shop at Sephora too if your morning-after face is yikes. Actually scratch that if you don't look good without makeup that's a deal breaker because I wanna fall in love with your smile not your ability to face paint.

    I actually prefer girls who are more shy and reserved - I have a strong personality and I'm not looking for my twin sister.

    You can't be really loud and awkward especially when drinking because I don't want my friends to stop inviting me to social gatherings.

    If you use a lot of exclamation points in all your texts that really freaks me out. Also, if I don't respond right away please don't respond with, "Guess you're not interested" like 5 minutes later.

    You MUST go to a gym. If you're into CrossFit that is a deal breaker though. If I wanted to date a cult member I'd date somebody in Christian Scientology because they are all wealthy.

    If most of your friends are guys that's really sketchy and I don't want to date somebody whose nickname is Train Station.

    Hypothetically speaking, if you are on a diet/fitness social network, you cannot post pictures of yourself in your underwear under any circumstances. You must also not be friends with perverts on said hypothetical diet/fitness social networking website. If I do not whet your appetite for attention, then you are an attention *kitten* (which is a *kitten* none-the-less).

    This list is awesome.

    So...you want a doll to sit there looking pretty for you? She can't have any faults, thoughts of her own, embarrassing family, love handles......Are you sure you're not looking for a robot??? You must think too highly of yourself to expect so much of somebody else. No humility at all.

    He forgot to add someone who doesn't bag on him for posting the truth on interwebz. Not that I agree or disagree with either of you. Except on the crossfit thing...

    Sorry. It was an ugly truth. People like that are repulsive to me.
  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    In no order I guess...

    Must have a healthy career and would prefer a 4-year degree (but not required if you're in a field where that isn't important for growth).

    If you have a child the baby daddy must not be a deadbeat/addict.

    Must come from a wonderful family so if we get married I'm not embarrassed to have your uncles in cut-off tuxedo t-shirts mingling with my friends and relatives.

    Must be "cute" - but this could mean a thousand things. I guess "must not have a busted face" is a better descriptor. You must know how to shop at Sephora too if your morning-after face is yikes. Actually scratch that if you don't look good without makeup that's a deal breaker because I wanna fall in love with your smile not your ability to face paint.

    I actually prefer girls who are more shy and reserved - I have a strong personality and I'm not looking for my twin sister.

    You can't be really loud and awkward especially when drinking because I don't want my friends to stop inviting me to social gatherings.

    If you use a lot of exclamation points in all your texts that really freaks me out. Also, if I don't respond right away please don't respond with, "Guess you're not interested" like 5 minutes later.

    You MUST go to a gym. If you're into CrossFit that is a deal breaker though. If I wanted to date a cult member I'd date somebody in Christian Scientology because they are all wealthy.

    If most of your friends are guys that's really sketchy and I don't want to date somebody whose nickname is Train Station.

    Hypothetically speaking, if you are on a diet/fitness social network, you cannot post pictures of yourself in your underwear under any circumstances. You must also not be friends with perverts on said hypothetical diet/fitness social networking website. If I do not whet your appetite for attention, then you are an attention *kitten* (which is a *kitten* none-the-less).

    This list is awesome.

    So...you want a doll to sit there looking pretty for you? She can't have any faults, thoughts of her own, embarrassing family, love handles......Are you sure you're not looking for a robot??? You must think too highly of yourself to expect so much of somebody else. No humility at all.

    He forgot to add someone who doesn't bag on him for posting the truth on interwebz. Not that I agree or disagree with either of you. Except on the crossfit thing...

    Sorry. It was an ugly truth. People like that are repulsive to me.

    Good thing you can just move on and not let a stranger's words on the internet get you upset
  • lydia_the_tattooed_lady
    In no order I guess...

    Must have a healthy career and would prefer a 4-year degree (but not required if you're in a field where that isn't important for growth).

    If you have a child the baby daddy must not be a deadbeat/addict.

    Must come from a wonderful family so if we get married I'm not embarrassed to have your uncles in cut-off tuxedo t-shirts mingling with my friends and relatives.

    Must be "cute" - but this could mean a thousand things. I guess "must not have a busted face" is a better descriptor. You must know how to shop at Sephora too if your morning-after face is yikes. Actually scratch that if you don't look good without makeup that's a deal breaker because I wanna fall in love with your smile not your ability to face paint.

    I actually prefer girls who are more shy and reserved - I have a strong personality and I'm not looking for my twin sister.

    You can't be really loud and awkward especially when drinking because I don't want my friends to stop inviting me to social gatherings.

    If you use a lot of exclamation points in all your texts that really freaks me out. Also, if I don't respond right away please don't respond with, "Guess you're not interested" like 5 minutes later.

    You MUST go to a gym. If you're into CrossFit that is a deal breaker though. If I wanted to date a cult member I'd date somebody in Christian Scientology because they are all wealthy.

    If most of your friends are guys that's really sketchy and I don't want to date somebody whose nickname is Train Station.

    Hypothetically speaking, if you are on a diet/fitness social network, you cannot post pictures of yourself in your underwear under any circumstances. You must also not be friends with perverts on said hypothetical diet/fitness social networking website. If I do not whet your appetite for attention, then you are an attention *kitten* (which is a *kitten* none-the-less).

    This list is awesome.

    So...you want a doll to sit there looking pretty for you? She can't have any faults, thoughts of her own, embarrassing family, love handles......Are you sure you're not looking for a robot??? You must think too highly of yourself to expect so much of somebody else. No humility at all.

    He forgot to add someone who doesn't bag on him for posting the truth on interwebz. Not that I agree or disagree with either of you. Except on the crossfit thing...

    Sorry. It was an ugly truth. People like that are repulsive to me.

    Good thing you can just move on and not let a stranger's words on the internet get you upset

    lol I'm not upset :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I just think he's a douche. Apparently he agrees with me, too. Copied from his profile:

    "I also love Red Bull Vodkas (Red Bull overall is an addiction of mine), sipping ultra-premium Tequila, and general douchebaggery. "
  • _granola
    Intelligence is number one for me. The next two would be similar political and religious beliefs. You can be fairly average looking by conventional standards, but if you have those three, I’ll be swoony. I think having those last two in common by default gives a person a lot of other qualities I would like about them. Obviously, qualities like honestly, sense of humor, compassion, etc. are all important too, but again, I think a lot of times having those first three allows for the others.
  • laura_lynn66
    Well, now I feel dumb..I said I wanted a good boy in a bad boy's body....guess I'm just a simpleton!
  • rmf626
    good sense of humor
    someone with goals
    a great smile
    someone with similar values and morals

    Haha! I read this as "someone with goats." Snorted up my water. LMAO
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    loyalty, strength (physically), a sense of humor, financially responsible, considerate, loves his family, honest, and open mindedness.
  • FitnFabMichelle
    FitnFabMichelle Posts: 161 Member
    Born female. Over 21.

    LOL. :laugh:
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    An outgoing homebody, LOL
    Strong and fit and healthy
    Successful and happy
    Very strong mentally. My weakness is very strong women.
    Likes the Foo Fighters. Yes, this is a requirement or there's just no way we'll get along at all. I'm kind of a freak about Dave and the band.
    If we're at a party and she doesn't know anyone, she needs to be able to make friends, hold conversations, and not freak out if I am not within her sight for a few minutes.
    And, she has to have a womanly shape.

    Other than that, I'm easy. :)
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    An outgoing homebody, LOL
    Strong and fit and healthy
    Successful and happy
    Very strong mentally. My weakness is very strong women.
    Likes the Foo Fighters. Yes, this is a requirement or there's just no way we'll get along at all. I'm kind of a freak about Dave and the band.
    If we're at a party and she doesn't know anyone, she needs to be able to make friends, hold conversations, and not freak out if I am not within her sight for a few minutes.
    And, she has to have a womanly shape.

    Other than that, I'm easy. :)

    Well, we will never be. I hate the Foo Fighters. lol In fact, I think that is what I look for in a partner, you must hate the Foo Fighters. And be a happy person that likes to do stuff other than watch TV.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I can be as awesome as possible up to a certain point, then I need someone that will be beside me in case I need to grab on for stability when Im getting into unsure territory. I want to feel stronger with them next to me. I want to feel braver with them next to me. I want to feel like we are both amazing when we are next to each and when we are apart. I want to know that just being in each others lives is actively making us so shiny that the world cant handle it.

    And then we'll take over.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    An outgoing homebody, LOL
    Strong and fit and healthy
    Successful and happy
    Very strong mentally. My weakness is very strong women.
    Likes the Foo Fighters. Yes, this is a requirement or there's just no way we'll get along at all. I'm kind of a freak about Dave and the band.
    If we're at a party and she doesn't know anyone, she needs to be able to make friends, hold conversations, and not freak out if I am not within her sight for a few minutes.
    And, she has to have a womanly shape.

    Other than that, I'm easy. :)

    Well, we will never be. I hate the Foo Fighters. lol In fact, I think that is what I look for in a partner, you must hate the Foo Fighters. And be a happy person that likes to do stuff other than watch TV.

    Damn it! I had my hopes set on you. It's impossible to hate the Foo Fighters. The thing is, you just don't know the whole story and who they really are. I can kind of see how you might hate their music because it's kinda pop-ish. But, you gotta know the whole deal, and then it makes sense. Dave's actually very much into punk, and if you listen close to his music, you can hear it in there. It's interesting for sure.

    Anyway, I'm willing to work with you on that aspect. LOL I make some exceptions if you're open minded about it. :-)
  • MisterGoodBar
    MisterGoodBar Posts: 157 Member
    spontaneous, conscientious, sarcastically funny, womanly and nurturing.
  • diadojikohei
    diadojikohei Posts: 732 Member
    spontaneous, conscientious, sarcastically funny, womanly and nurturing.

    O. M. G. This is totally me!
  • cad39too
    cad39too Posts: 874 Member
    Good looks
    Hot Body
    Big ****
    The basics!
  • fieldsy4life
    So...you want a doll to sit there looking pretty for you? She can't have any faults, thoughts of her own, embarrassing family, love handles......Are you sure you're not looking for a robot??? You must think too highly of yourself to expect so much of somebody else. No humility at all.

    lol I'm not upset :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I just think he's a douche. Apparently he agrees with me, too. Copied from his profile:

    "I also love Red Bull Vodkas (Red Bull overall is an addiction of mine), sipping ultra-premium Tequila, and general douchebaggery. "


    I thought I described a girl with self-confidence, motivation, passion, and a similar worldview as me. I also replied to Ouija's comment (we kinda sorta know each other) further explaining my point.

    I know you're 24 and you think you know everything - I was there a few years ago too. My advice to you is to learn to take a joke; and maybe not be so judgmental yourself. I'm 5' 5" and at one time was overweight (you failed to mention my progress in your rant about me); do you honestly think I've never been victim to judgment from the opposite sex? Perhaps I remind you of somebody that hurt you at one time (or maybe you don't know a lot of people in real life and I resemble a character in a Nora Roberts book).

    Anyone with an intellect and an above 4th grade reading level would most likely get a chuckle out of my post. It's clearly a joke; but at the same time, does reflect my need for a partner to be a highly-functioning individual.

    Ultimately I'm flattered that I was able to get under your skin and you took the time to read my entire profile. I'll leave you with one last piece of advice: be pickier yourself. We all deserve to surround ourselves with people that make us feel great. If you have low self esteem and you settle for men that treat you poorly, you should take some time to better yourself first.
  • allishaFaye
    allishaFaye Posts: 53 Member
    my first thing is if they are a christain. after that its the thoughtfulness and caring good heart.. not so much the looks but someone who is not overly active and that i can keep up with and we could get stronger together
  • BlueGenius
    BlueGenius Posts: 103 Member
    Taller than me
  • BlueGenius
    BlueGenius Posts: 103 Member
    In no order I guess...

    Must have a healthy career and would prefer a 4-year degree (but not required if you're in a field where that isn't important for growth).

    If you have a child the baby daddy must not be a deadbeat/addict.

    Must come from a wonderful family so if we get married I'm not embarrassed to have your uncles in cut-off tuxedo t-shirts mingling with my friends and relatives.

    Must be "cute" - but this could mean a thousand things. I guess "must not have a busted face" is a better descriptor. You must know how to shop at Sephora too if your morning-after face is yikes. Actually scratch that if you don't look good without makeup that's a deal breaker because I wanna fall in love with your smile not your ability to face paint.

    I actually prefer girls who are more shy and reserved - I have a strong personality and I'm not looking for my twin sister.

    You can't be really loud and awkward especially when drinking because I don't want my friends to stop inviting me to social gatherings.

    If you use a lot of exclamation points in all your texts that really freaks me out. Also, if I don't respond right away please don't respond with, "Guess you're not interested" like 5 minutes later.

    You MUST go to a gym. If you're into CrossFit that is a deal breaker though. If I wanted to date a cult member I'd date somebody in Christian Scientology because they are all wealthy.

    If most of your friends are guys that's really sketchy and I don't want to date somebody whose nickname is Train Station.

    Hypothetically speaking, if you are on a diet/fitness social network, you cannot post pictures of yourself in your underwear under any circumstances. You must also not be friends with perverts on said hypothetical diet/fitness social networking website. If I do not whet your appetite for attention, then you are an attention *kitten* (which is a *kitten* none-the-less).

    This list is awesome.

    This list IS awesome. I like seeing guys with these types of standards for women.