ChaLEAN Extreme



  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Yay! My weights were delivered today! I haven't got to work out with them yet, but I did test them. They're different than I thought they would be.. they have pins you move to select the weight you want. I hope they don't slide out when I'm using them! But I read the reviews amazon had on them, and I didn't see any complaints about that. I didn't see any complaints for the most part actually. Anyway, I'll see how they work on Wednesday when I do the Push Phase 2. :happy:
  • romst19
    romst19 Posts: 100 Member
    I finally started this tonight! The plan was to begin two weeks ago, but I moved and got engaged (yay)! So needless to say it's been a busy time here...but a great one! Soooo....I didn't fall in love with this program tonight, but I didn't hate it, and today was only Day One. I was trying to position myself in front of a mirror as much as possible to make sure I was doing everything correctly. But sometimes she would say I should feel it in my hamstrings, and I would feel it in my shoulders, so I think I may need to work on technique. I definitely plan to stick with it though, and hopefully see results.

    Thanks again for all the advice I've gotten on this thread. Looks like you guys are doing great! I will check back soon!
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    I finally started this tonight! The plan was to begin two weeks ago, but I moved and got engaged (yay)! So needless to say it's been a busy time here...but a great one! Soooo....I didn't fall in love with this program tonight, but I didn't hate it, and today was only Day One. I was trying to position myself in front of a mirror as much as possible to make sure I was doing everything correctly. But sometimes she would say I should feel it in my hamstrings, and I would feel it in my shoulders, so I think I may need to work on technique. I definitely plan to stick with it though, and hopefully see results.

    Thanks again for all the advice I've gotten on this thread. Looks like you guys are doing great! I will check back soon!

    Congrats on getting engaged! As for the program, it really grows on you. I liked it from the beginning, but I like it more and more as I go along. Especially since I'm seeing results - now if I could just get the scale to change as much as the definition in my arms and legs has lol. That's my fault though.. I'm trying to eat better.

    Also, I got my first workout in with the new weights. At first I couldn't get the pin to line up and I had to pause the DVD every time I changed weights, but then I realized that the weights had just sank unto the carpet and they weren't aligning right - totally my fault. After I got that figured out I love them! I could really tell a difference having all the different weights to use. I tried to stay with Chalene or the next weight below her and my arms were about to burn off!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Hi Extremers!
    Last night I did the Burn Intervals and wowzers! Monday was PUSH 2, and holy hanna--- I am still feeling the effects of it today. I'm hoping to get in LEAN 2 tonight before we head out of town for the weekend. I still love this program, and I am still seeing results as I continue to switch up routines. Yippie!

    Romst- Like Blondie, CE definitely grows on you. I watched the Learn DVD to try to get the moves down. Even after a workout if I didn't feel like I quite did a segment right, I would go back to that video and see her form again and compare with the mirror. As time went on, I also got pretty good at noticing which muscles each workout should be working. For example: If we were doing rows and my lower back started to hurt, I knew I wasn't doing it as correctly as I could. So, a lot of times when my lower back starts to feel tense its more than likely because I'm not flexing my abs. I've noticed that using your abs on these exercises is so critical, so now that I'm on Round 2 of this program, I think I finally know what I'm doing. But, don't worry- you'll catch on, and keep that mirror there, it will definitely help. So excited for you!!!!

    Blondie-- I'm so glad you got your new weights, yippie! You are goin all crazy on these workouts and it will totally pay off! I've decided I also need to get a set of 12 pounders. Its crazy now that I'm going back and doing the BURN phase again...I am lifting drastically heavier than I did in the beginning. I was using 5's, 8's & a few 10's....but this week when I did Burn 3 I used only 15's & 20's, and maybe one 10. Its amazing how much stronger I am since the beginning. You amaze me with how hard you are working since the very beginning! Keeping close pace with Chalene...wowzers!!! keep goin girl, you are doing great!
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    My DVDs are arriving today. I'm pretty excited to try the program out. I was debating between this and P90x. Chalean won out because of the shorter workouts that fit my schedule better.
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    My DVDs are arriving today. I'm pretty excited to try the program out. I was debating between this and P90x. Chalean won out because of the shorter workouts that fit my schedule better.

    Yay! I think you'll really like it. I get a great workout with her strength training videos as well as her cardio/muscle endurance dvds. Great workouts! Keep us posted on how you like them!!! I love Chalene's products....I swear by them!

    That's Chalene's blog...she has some great recipes, insights, motivational well as some good information to know when doing her programs (such as the typical, but temporary weight gain at the start of a new strength training program)....I love that lady!
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    Did the first workout today. It went well but I need to get some heavier weights I think. Gonna swing by the store today to grab more. :happy: After that I did some Tabata on the stationary bike and now I'm callin it a day as far as exercise goes! :bigsmile:
  • mshay05
    mshay05 Posts: 229 Member

    I bought CE off of EBay so I don't have any of the books. When it comes to diet for each phase, what does the book say to do? I am thinking that I should lower my carbs for the burn phase. I have seen some definition but I would like to know if I can see more by diet and whatnot. Thank you in advance.

    PS -- (I am currently on week 3 burn phase)
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    Hi Extremers!
    I am in week 2 of the Lean Circuit. The last exercise in Lean Circuit 1 kicks my butt! Its the sumo squat with the bicep curl and calf raise! I can't balance on my toes without wabbling all over the place...and I am a figure skater! Yikes. Anyone else have this trouble? Plus, those bicep pushups are killer. I'm still on my knees for those:grumble:
    Love this workout though.
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    oooooh boy. I am DEFINITELY feeling that first workout yesterday! Thank god today is a break! :happy:
  • crking
    crking Posts: 175
    This Saturday is my results for the 2nd month! Loving it so far and have already lost tons of inches(= This program is awesome! Love Chalene Johnson!
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    Done with the second workout. I'm a fan of the product. I hope to see some great results with this!:bigsmile:
  • afeinberg
    afeinberg Posts: 93 Member
    so my dvds came today - watched burn basics and will start tomorrow - so excited!

    The only thing i didn't see was a calendar??? what workouts to do what days?
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    so my dvds came today - watched burn basics and will start tomorrow - so excited!

    The only thing i didn't see was a calendar??? what workouts to do what days?

    Just search chalean workout schedule and it will pop up. I just got my schedule off the internet. If you can't find it let me know and I can email it to you.
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Done with the second workout. I'm a fan of the product. I hope to see some great results with this!:bigsmile:

    oh you will totally see results!! especially if you incorporate a few days of cardio inbetween. its AMAAZZZZING! I love Chalene and her cute lil personality. Her products rock my world!
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    Done with the second workout. I'm a fan of the product. I hope to see some great results with this!:bigsmile:

    oh you will totally see results!! especially if you incorporate a few days of cardio inbetween. its AMAAZZZZING! I love Chalene and her cute lil personality. Her products rock my world!

    I'm in week 6 of couch 2 5K so I run three times a week along with the Chalean.
  • afeinberg
    afeinberg Posts: 93 Member
    Found the schedule - starting today - can't wait

    wanted to ask if you do cardio on the SAME days as the weights, in addition to the rest days

    Also - how do you log these workouts on here?
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    Found the schedule - starting today - can't wait

    wanted to ask if you do cardio on the SAME days as the weights, in addition to the rest days

    Also - how do you log these workouts on here?

    I only run three times a week so I am trying to do it on the days that are rest days or days where you do the light workouts.

    The only way to log the workouts is to wear a heart rate montitor while you are working out.
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Found the schedule - starting today - can't wait

    wanted to ask if you do cardio on the SAME days as the weights, in addition to the rest days

    Also - how do you log these workouts on here?

    On days that I have time I do cardio after lifting, but I only do about 30 minutes or so where on the rest days I may do an hour of cardio.

    I agree that a HRM is the best way to measure calories burned, but you can type in strength training under cardio and it will give you what MFP estimates you burn.
  • afeinberg
    afeinberg Posts: 93 Member
    so i started yesterday with burn circuit 1 and boy am i sore today in my chest and shoulders - i did turbo jam cardio party 1 and some running today as a rest day

    can't say that i love it yet - i think i need different weights - but i am certainly open minded and can see how this can seriuosly build muscle - and since YOU ALL love it and have lost tons of inches i am definitely in it for the long hall

    i am just worried about not burning enough calories - i usually burn about 200-350 per day before this doing circuit training weights and running and turbo jam - but according to MFP for my 356 minutes yesterday it was only 111

    Can't afford a HRM yet....