ChaLEAN Extreme



  • afeinberg
    afeinberg Posts: 93 Member
    Lisa - thanks for the infor
    Today i ordered CLE from ebay - it says brand new in box so we will see -- and i ordered resistance bands vs weights
    Psyched for it to arrive so that i can look smokin for the pool season -
  • sam4sure
    sam4sure Posts: 67
    Well I finally broke down and got the Powerblock Sportblock 24's. I've been wanting them for a while, decided they were too expensive, bought other weights... then saw them for 10% off on Amazon and finally gave in! I'm glad though. I'd still have to buy 10s, 12s, 20s, and 25s to complete my set for now. And now I'll have all of those (or close to it) in 1 set. I started to get faster shipping because I want them now! Hopefully they'll get here soon. :happy:

    Hey Lisa! I looked up those Powerblock Sportblock on Amazon, and those look pretty sweet! They don't look too bulky, you'll have to let me know how you like them. I did have a question...if you have the 24's, 21's 12's, and 9's on your powwerblock sportblock, you probably wouldn't need to buy the 25s, 20s, 12s or 10 pound weights. The weights on your powerblock sportblock said it had increments either exactly on those or so close, that it wouldn't be worth the money spent to buy additional weights. Just a thought though! Free weights are so expensive! Each of my 20's cost like $20 EACH! It was crazy!!! I think my heaviest weight is 20 pounds..just because my wrists can't hold weights heavier than 20. So, I think your 24 weights on your powerblock thing would be heavy enough for you. Just my opinion though...your wrists might be able to handle it though! I'm SO excited for you and this program!!! Can't wait for you to get those weights!!! You'll have to let me know how you like them!!!

    Oops I wrote that wrong! I'm not gonna buy anymore weights since I bought the Powerblocks... At first I didn't want to buy them because they were so expensive, but then i realized how many other weights I still needed to buy if I didn't get the powerblocks and decided the powerblocks won't be much more at all - and I'll have tons more room without so many sets of weights. I'm sure 24 will be pleanty heavy for me.. the only ones I'd use them on are the lower body exercises so I wouldn't put much of a strain on myself. But I'll keep ya updated for sure!

    Blondie- I agree, weights are expensive and get in the way...I do my workouts in our living room that is oh maybe 12x6 and I move the coffee table and keep the weights in the corner but will have to put them away when we have company because I have 4 sets now...still might have to get 15s...just because I tried holding 5s and 10s but too bulky and awkward on some of the lifts...kinda frustrating...but I know my $ spent on weights will outweigh (no pun intended hehe) the cost.
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    I am at day 60 of CLE. On day one, my body fat percentage was it is 22.2!! None of my clothes fit! I'm goin shopping! Woo hoo. Thank you Beachbody!!!!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    I am at day 60 of CLE. On day one, my body fat percentage was it is 22.2!! None of my clothes fit! I'm goin shopping! Woo hoo. Thank you Beachbody!!!!

    Yay!! Way to go Risa!! That is awesome!! Have fun shopping!! I'm hoping to take a shopping trip at the end of the summer once I get closer to my goals. Just still have the LEAN phase!! How great!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Hi Extremers!
    Last night I did the LEAN phase and boy was it tough! Since I'm doing Lean for Life I do each phase during the week. I was sweating up a storm! It was great though!! This morning I got my bum out of bed early and despite the 8 inches of snow on the ground I jogged to the gym and hopped on the treadmill and ran 45 minutes on some random inclines. It was a killer, but it felt soo good! I'm trying to mix up my running days--- one for time, one for fun, one for strength/endurance. Today was definitely strength/endurance-- trying to get through those inclines.

    Have a fabulous day ladies!
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    Thanks Dawna! I bought one pair of shorts today....size 8! Some of the size 6's fit too, but a little snug. I figured I'd hold out until I finished the LEAN phase and glad I did. From what you are saying those 6's may be just right when I am done! Way to go mixing up the running. It keeps things interesting that way!
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Thanks Dawna! I bought one pair of shorts today....size 8! Some of the size 6's fit too, but a little snug. I figured I'd hold out until I finished the LEAN phase and glad I did. From what you are saying those 6's may be just right when I am done! Way to go mixing up the running. It keeps things interesting that way!

    That's awesome. My goal is to get in a size 6, so it's very inspiring to see others be able to do it!
  • sam4sure
    sam4sure Posts: 67
    Ok so I've noticed I was fitting nicely into a size 6 pr of Levis and now they are a bit snug the last week (not that time of the month) and I have been drinking plenty of water...I know they say when working muscles they get inflamed or whatever- but I am kinda concerned I am gaining weight though the scale doesn't show any increase- it's kinda weird. I gained a lb or 2 a few wks ago but then lost them again...since doing Push phase. Did anyone notice this happening during Push? I'm half way thru week 3 of Push.
  • m5oleary
    m5oleary Posts: 3 Member
    I'm definitely interested in this answer from anyone who's made it through the lean phase. I start the lean phase this week and after seeing exciting inches (not pounds :cry: ) come off in phase one I actually felt like although I haven't gained any weight on the scale, my jeans are actually tighter after push. I'd love some encouragement to continue since I have only lost about 2 pounds in 60 days despite doing the program AND adding 2 - 3 mile runs most weight days...
  • sam4sure
    sam4sure Posts: 67
    I'm definitely interested in this answer from anyone who's made it through the lean phase. I start the lean phase this week and after seeing exciting inches (not pounds :cry: ) come off in phase one I actually felt like although I haven't gained any weight on the scale, my jeans are actually tighter after push. I'd love some encouragement to continue since I have only lost about 2 pounds in 60 days despite doing the program AND adding 2 - 3 mile runs most weight days...

    Interesting...I'm glad I'm not the only one experiencing this. I wonder if the fat covering the muscle is causing this since the muscle is building/ bulking most probably in the PUSH phase meanwhile not all the fat is being shed??? I'm curious to see what people say to your and my post. Hang in there...
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Ok so I've noticed I was fitting nicely into a size 6 pr of Levis and now they are a bit snug the last week (not that time of the month) and I have been drinking plenty of water...I know they say when working muscles they get inflamed or whatever- but I am kinda concerned I am gaining weight though the scale doesn't show any increase- it's kinda weird. I gained a lb or 2 a few wks ago but then lost them again...since doing Push phase. Did anyone notice this happening during Push? I'm half way thru week 3 of Push.

    Sam4sure- I remember this happening, but it didn't last long. Do you incorporate cardio on your off-days? Or even a little bit on your weight lifting days? You are building a lot of muscle on the PUSH phase, so I remember my muscles were kind of like "bloated" because they were holding extra water to help recover from the muscles tearing during the intense exercises. It should go away soon. Just keep doing your thing. And drink plenty of water!!! Also, make sure you are eating enough calories....otherwise your body will start to eat away at the Chalene always says!!! Keep me updated, I hope it gets better soon!

    Edited to say: Here! check out this blog by Chalene...she talks about weight gain within the first few weeks of starting a new phase or new strength training program!!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    I'm definitely interested in this answer from anyone who's made it through the lean phase. I start the lean phase this week and after seeing exciting inches (not pounds :cry: ) come off in phase one I actually felt like although I haven't gained any weight on the scale, my jeans are actually tighter after push. I'd love some encouragement to continue since I have only lost about 2 pounds in 60 days despite doing the program AND adding 2 - 3 mile runs most weight days...

    The great thing is that you are seeing inches come off! I think this article might help make sense.... as its also simliar to Sam4sure's issues as well. And make sure you are eating enough! :)
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Hi Extremers!
    Last night I did Burn circuit 2 last night... (I'm on the Lean for Life rotations) and WOW! I have my old progress sheets and I've been comparing...and its crazy. When I first started I was doing 8 pounds on the rows/biceps/triceps at the end of the circuit 2 workout...and last night I was using 15's. Its crazy how much my strength has improved. I'm looking forward to hopefully seeing even more results as I keep getting stronger. Hope you all had a great day!!

    Were you guys able to read that article? Its pretty great, and Chalene says it in a way that makes sense to us non-professionals.
  • sam4sure
    sam4sure Posts: 67
    kicklikeagirl- yes i have read that article before...and i knew it was common to gain a few lbs because of muscles retaining fluid and/or inflammation but just seems no matter how much cardio i have been doing it doesn't alleviate the bloated tight feeling in my waist and legs- my pants are really tight, almost uncomfortable. I suppose I will just keep doing what im doing-drink extra water and continue to eat what I am supposed to as far as calories when I enter in my workouts-i eat most if not all my workout calories. I do cardio almost every day and on my weight lifting days. I tend to take day off once during weekend and once during week. If Chalene says it is common and my fitnesspal pals- then I will make myself be ok with it and not get discouraged! :wink:
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    kicklikeagirl- yes i have read that article before...and i knew it was common to gain a few lbs because of muscles retaining fluid and/or inflammation but just seems no matter how much cardio i have been doing it doesn't alleviate the bloated tight feeling in my waist and legs- my pants are really tight, almost uncomfortable. I suppose I will just keep doing what im doing-drink extra water and continue to eat what I am supposed to as far as calories when I enter in my workouts-i eat most if not all my workout calories. I do cardio almost every day and on my weight lifting days. I tend to take day off once during weekend and once during week. If Chalene says it is common and my fitnesspal pals- then I will make myself be ok with it and not get discouraged! :wink:

    Yeah, I think its normal. When I was in the PUSH phase I had issues with my arms. My arms seemed to be bigger and be tighter in the shirts I was wearing. I was wearing a cute blouse with 1/2 sleeves that are tighter (not stretchy at all) and it was frustrating. But, after a while the "swelling" went down and my muscles were more lean and the flabby-ness was going away. (Less to grab under the ol' arms). So, it must be something kind of common when you start to lift more. That stinks though with the pants...I wish you were seeing more success! Do you have a relatively small goal weight loss? Like 20 pounds or less?? I've noticed you've lost 26 already...was that before starting ChaLean Extreme?
  • m5oleary
    m5oleary Posts: 3 Member
    I've also read that article before. In addition, in the "new" body for life book it talks about women in particular who don't see a lot of changes until the 8th week. So, I'm hoping good things will happen in this last 4 weeks. It is frustrating though to know that I could concentrate on eating and not exercise and probably lose more actual pounds but I am trying to remember that 5 or 6 pounds over where I think I want to be and being in shape is probably more attractive than meeting my goal and being flabby!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    but I am trying to remember that 5 or 6 pounds over where I think I want to be and being in shape is probably more attractive than meeting my goal and being flabby!

    This is sooo true!! This is the realization I have come to after not losing weight for about 18 weeks. I am now just trying to work on improving my body fat %. I think that will help me get a better prespective as to how I am doing and improving. Stupid scale..haha!
  • sam4sure
    sam4sure Posts: 67
    kicklikeagirl- yes i have read that article before...and i knew it was common to gain a few lbs because of muscles retaining fluid and/or inflammation but just seems no matter how much cardio i have been doing it doesn't alleviate the bloated tight feeling in my waist and legs- my pants are really tight, almost uncomfortable. I suppose I will just keep doing what im doing-drink extra water and continue to eat what I am supposed to as far as calories when I enter in my workouts-i eat most if not all my workout calories. I do cardio almost every day and on my weight lifting days. I tend to take day off once during weekend and once during week. If Chalene says it is common and my fitnesspal pals- then I will make myself be ok with it and not get discouraged! :wink:

    Yeah, I think its normal. When I was in the PUSH phase I had issues with my arms. My arms seemed to be bigger and be tighter in the shirts I was wearing. I was wearing a cute blouse with 1/2 sleeves that are tighter (not stretchy at all) and it was frustrating. But, after a while the "swelling" went down and my muscles were more lean and the flabby-ness was going away. (Less to grab under the ol' arms). So, it must be something kind of common when you start to lift more. That stinks though with the pants...I wish you were seeing more success! Do you have a relatively small goal weight loss? Like 20 pounds or less?? I've noticed you've lost 26 already...was that before starting ChaLean Extreme?

    See I can understand be tighter in different areas of muscles you are really working but I don't understand why i am only feeling it in the waist, hip and abdomen. I am using my arms a lot-but I haven't noticed my sleeves being tighter. I did TJ and bicycle to lose the 26 lbs and some improved eating. I have lost a few lbs on Chalean too. However, my bmi is still too high where I need to lose at least 7 more lbs to be within healthy range give or take. I am just gonna not let this issue get me down- the body is changing and muscles are being challenged that haven't been before so I suppose the body will react the way it wants. I will do my best to eat well, drink lots of water, get enough rest, try to do protein for recovery...and continue my workout regimen.
  • afeinberg
    afeinberg Posts: 93 Member
    my cle shipped 4/9 - so excited
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    My weights (powerblock sportblock 24s) are supposed to be here tomorrow! I can't wait to get them and see how they work!! I'll let yall know as soon as I use them. :happy: