ChaLEAN Extreme



  • melissaovadare
    melissaovadare Posts: 191 Member
    Good morning my Extremers!!!

    Welcome to the new people.....I havent been on MFP for a week....I have been SOOOOOO sick:embarassed: :sick:

    I never knew the stomach flu could be that bad :sad: ......

    I am going to try to do a workout today...I am not sure if I can make it through without passing out :smile:

    Have a great week, everyone!
  • sam4sure
    sam4sure Posts: 67
    I am finished with week 2 of Burn some others had said it has taken longer than I thought. But I have also kept busy doing burn it off on the days I haven't done Burn and ab burner. I also work out every Friday at the gym hardcore with weights and cardio so I think I'm doing just fine. Has anyone noticed they may not be using the heaviest weight in the Burn phase? I only have 5 and 10 lbs weights. I've been using my own resistance to make it more dificult on those moves that require heavier weight but I just feel like that may not be enough. Will I definitely need heavier for the lean phase? Don't get me wrong the 10 lbs for some of the upper body work is difficult. Any advice or recommendations?
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    Good morning my Extremers!!!

    Welcome to the new people.....I havent been on MFP for a week....I have been SOOOOOO sick:embarassed: :sick:

    I never knew the stomach flu could be that bad :sad: ......

    I am going to try to do a workout today...I am not sure if I can make it through without passing out :smile:

    Have a great week, everyone!

    OH I'm SOOO SORRY!!!! Unfortunately a few weeks ago I knew how you feel.... :sad:
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    Earlier today, I chatted live in real time with Chalene Johnson! It was a lot of fun. She answered our questions and gave us some great information. Lailee and Chalene's sister were on the chat as well! (I can't think of her name at the moment) The cool thing is you can be a part of this too. I'd be glad to tell you how. Just send me a private message and we can talk about it!
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Sam - have you tried holding both of the weights at the same time? It may be too difficult to hold on to 4 weights at once, but that's what I've been doing. I have 5 and 8 pound weights, and when I need to try and go heavier, I usually just combine them. They're harder to hold on to, but so far so good. I'm going to try to buy some 15s this weekend, and maybe buy a set of 20s here pretty soon.

    I think this program is working! I can feel more definition than I had before and I've lost a few pounds since starting! I'm excited.. I hope I'll have this much success from here on out!
  • khutter80
    khutter80 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello Everyone! My name is Kimberly and I will be starting Chalean Extreme on Monday the 15th. I am ready to commit to this, and ready for a change. I found this message board and it seems to be very supportive, and very informative! I look forward to meeting everyone!

  • sam4sure
    sam4sure Posts: 67
    Sam - have you tried holding both of the weights at the same time? It may be too difficult to hold on to 4 weights at once, but that's what I've been doing. I have 5 and 8 pound weights, and when I need to try and go heavier, I usually just combine them. They're harder to hold on to, but so far so good. I'm going to try to buy some 15s this weekend, and maybe buy a set of 20s here pretty soon.

    I think this program is working! I can feel more definition than I had before and I've lost a few pounds since starting! I'm excited.. I hope I'll have this much success from here on out!
    Hi Lisa- that is a great idea to hold more than one weight. However my 10 lb weights are kinda awkward to hold as it is- i have the neopylane weights and for some reason my 10 lb weights have thicker middle than the others do to grip naturally. I also have a pair of 3s so maybe I could use the 3 + 5lbs in each hand to get myself to 8 lbs for some of the upper body. Thanks for the suggestion. I think I will need to give in though and maybe try 15 lbs soon.

    I am curious to know how push and lean phase will be as far as weight suggestions...can anyone share?
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    Hello Everyone! My name is Kimberly and I will be starting Chalean Extreme on Monday the 15th. I am ready to commit to this, and ready for a change. I found this message board and it seems to be very supportive, and very informative! I look forward to meeting everyone!


    Hi Kimberly. Welcome! You will have great results doing ChaLEAN Extreme, especially if you stick to the schedule. I love it!

    Sam4Sure - I just finished my first week of the push phase and it requires heavier weights and fewer reps. I can't believe the amount I am using on some of the exercises!
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    TGIF - everyone have a good weekend! :drinker:

    Supposed to be awful and rainy here... there go my plans for C25K outside. :tongue:
  • sam4sure
    sam4sure Posts: 67
    Hello Everyone! My name is Kimberly and I will be starting Chalean Extreme on Monday the 15th. I am ready to commit to this, and ready for a change. I found this message board and it seems to be very supportive, and very informative! I look forward to meeting everyone!


    Hi Kimberly. Welcome! You will have great results doing ChaLEAN Extreme, especially if you stick to the schedule. I love it!

    Sam4Sure - I just finished my first week of the push phase and it requires heavier weights and fewer reps. I can't believe the amount I am using on some of the exercises!

    Can you give me an idea of how much more weight will be required? I definitely want to make the most out of this program and not underapply myself with too light of weights but not too heavy to injure myself. And I know they do say you can handle heavier weight than you think! Congrats on making it to next phase! :)
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    Can you give me an idea of how much more weight will be required? I definitely want to make the most out of this program and not underapply myself with too light of weights but not too heavy to injure myself. And I know they do say you can handle heavier weight than you think! Congrats on making it to next phase! :)

    Well, I can tell you that on the lower body exercises I am using 20 pounds and can imagine getting to 25 by the end of the month. I was using 10 and 15 pounds for a couple of the upper body exercises. Is that helpful?
  • karadusd
    karadusd Posts: 3
    I am on week 2 of Chalean Extreme. My husband and I are doing it together. It is, by no means, a girly workout. He is dripping by the time it is over. I have been sore every day since I started which makes me feel like something is going right. I only want to lose about 5 pounds, but I want to gain muscle tone. I can't wait until my first month is over to see if I can notice any results. Also, this is the first time in my life that I am counting calories. The myfitnesspal is great! After having baby #3, the weight is taking a little longer to come off. I am hoping that Chalean Extreme gets me back into bathing suit shape for summer!
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    I just started week 3 of CE and I really like it so far! I've never done a program like this, so I didn't know if I would stick with it or not. But I difinately see myself finishing this one out! My only concern is not having the right amounts of weight. I have a set of 5 and 8 pound weights, but they're not heavy enough... I saw a set of weights (with the dial you can turn to change the amount) that was $184 and they go in 3 pound increments to 24 pounds.

    For those of you who have tried these type of weights, would you recommend them? Or should I just buy some 15, 20, and 25 pound dumbbells to add to my collection? I have some resistance bands, but I don't especially like those too well...
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Good Morning Extremers!
    I've been MIA for about a week and a half... stuck in misery! I was awfully sick and trying to quickly mend myself back to normal so I could continue on with life and enjoy my exercises! Especially since the sun has been out and spring is coming...and that means SUMMER! Yahoo!! I'm getting back into the groove with my workouts. Monday did 50 minutes of kickboxing, and last night did the Burn Intervals. Holy smokes! Felt amazing, and today I can feel every muscle...wowzers! Since I finished the Lean Phase I'm planning on doing "Lean for Life" and incorporating all the workouts into my routine. We'll see how this works. I kind of want to start over and do it again...since I know I would be stronger this time around... but I'm just not so sure!

    Blondie925- I don't have the weights with the dial but I do have the free weights (5,8,10,15,20,25). I find that those weights are sufficient for me...but the only downside is that they take up a bit of room. Upside- they are cheaper and sometimes you can find coupons for a sporting goods store to get them even cheaper! But, I would definitely get some heavier weights because you've got to Go Heavy or Go Home! :laugh:

    karadusd- my husband does the workouts with me too! And I agree...definitely not a girly workout! My husband loves it! As do I, of course :happy: You will love the results you see as you stick to doing the weight lifting 3 times a week...and incorporate cardio on your off days...the results will be amazing! Don't be disappointed if at first you gain weight...a lot of that is water weight, and Chalene has a really great article talking about why some people get discouraged at first because of initial weight gain. But, don't worry about the scale..and take measurements right now!! I wish I would have taken measurements in the beginning so I could compare at the end...but all I have are the scale results...and that does not do it justice!! Have a great time, you CAN do this!!!!

    Yogarunner- how are you doing? Its been a while....where are you at in the CE program? Getting ready to run any marathons soon?

    brangwen- how goes the C25K? Are you doing CE as well?

    sam4sure- The PUSH phase I increased my weights dramatically. I think I only used an 8 pound weight once or twice (lats)...but I went bananas on the PUSH phase and really increased them. I saw some major definition in my arms in that was niiiice :)

    Kimberly- How was your first day of CE on Monday? Did you enjoy it?

    Melissaovadare---Girl...where are you? And don't say "ovaher"..hahaha... I know you were sick...are you feeling better? Back in the groove?

    Jabba- Don't you love the focus on the core in the LEAN phase? I am kind of sadistic but I love the planks & army crawls in that phase. My abs felt much stronger after finishing the lean phase.
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    Hey Extremers!! I'm here! Thanks for asking, Kicklikeagirl.
    I'm in the second week of the Push phase and I really love it. I'm amazed at the weight I am able to use on some of the exercises and, lots of my friends and neighbors keep asking me "what are you doing? You look great!" It's so nice to hear that. My husband is doing CLE too and he likes it a lot. He's not as vigilant about sticking to the schedule as I am though LOL!
    I will be doing a half marathon in May. Yesterday I did a 3 mile run in 30 minutes and 20 seconds. That is the fastest I've ever run that distance and I attribute the increased speed to the fact that I weigh less and have more energy. Yay Beachbody!

    I could have shaved that extra 20 seconds off my time though, had it not been for that Tonya Harding like shoelace debacle I had on Quarterstaff Road....ahem, just sayin :laugh: Us runners are crazy about our times!

    Keep pushing play everyone and I can't wait to hear your updates!
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Thanks kicklikeagirl. I still can't make up my mind which I want to invest in. I know weights are something I'll be using for a VERY long time, so either should be a good investment. The only thing is the single weights are pretty much indestructable, and I don't know how long the dial ones would last... (plus they're a lot more. lol) I live in a small town where they just got a WalMart last August. There is NOWHERE close I can go to get any weights, and WalMart has been out the past 2 weeks I've been by there. Ugh.. But for now I'm making due with pairing the weights I have with bands. It's burning, so it must be working!

    The push phase is where you definately need heavier weights though, right? I've got one more week of the burn phase after this one. Then I'll be moving right along.

    I hope everyone is doing good!
  • mmkovacich
    mmkovacich Posts: 13 Member
    Today I am doing lean phase 1 for the first time. Im a little scared. I have loved Chalean. I actually look forward to my lift days. So I have a question: I am going to Hawaii for 2 weeks. I will be done with week 2 of lean phase when I leave. Should I take my resistance bands and continue while I am there? or Should I just continue to do another type of workout while I am there and pick up where I left off when I get home? I dont use resistance bands now I use dumbbells. Our condo has a gym and I also run. Hmmmmm??
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    If I was you - I'd enjoy Hawaii - Exercise when you can and if possible add weight training - then when you get home start over with the beginning of Lean - I'm lucky our trip to Florida is one week after I'm set to be done with Lean - so I'm going to do an extra week of Lean - take off the week of vacation and then start Lean for Life when I get back.
  • mmkovacich
    mmkovacich Posts: 13 Member
    Yeah thats a good idea. I will still workout most days so it should be fine. Thanks for the advice
  • sam4sure
    sam4sure Posts: 67
    I just started week 3 of CE and I really like it so far! I've never done a program like this, so I didn't know if I would stick with it or not. But I difinately see myself finishing this one out! My only concern is not having the right amounts of weight. I have a set of 5 and 8 pound weights, but they're not heavy enough... I saw a set of weights (with the dial you can turn to change the amount) that was $184 and they go in 3 pound increments to 24 pounds.

    For those of you who have tried these type of weights, would you recommend them? Or should I just buy some 15, 20, and 25 pound dumbbells to add to my collection? I have some resistance bands, but I don't especially like those too well...

    Do a search on here for 'weights' as I asked this same question earlier on. I only had 3 lb weights so I got 5 and 10 lb. I looked into the adjustable weights as well but realized unless you buy good quality weights-many of those cheaper ones have issues (ex. hard to adjust, takes too long to adjust and keep up with the video). I am probably going to buy 15 lb here shortly, I am on wk 4 of 1st phase and I found I am using almost 10 lbs for each exercise now. I have all neoprene weights right now and they seem to be adequate. Other than cheapy plastic covered weights-neoprene seem to be most affordable. I know Chalene says to use your own resistance if you don't have enough weight but I find that to be hard on some of the exercises. However, the extremes are pretty cool-it is hard to flex the entire time but I like the challenge.