October Cycling Challenge



  • maxroadrash
    maxroadrash Posts: 45 Member
    Progress Summary Report for Maxroadrash:
    A bad week

    Count: 3 Activities
    Distance: 217.84 km
    Time: 9:20:01 h:m:s
    Elevation Gain: 1,798 m
    Avg Speed: 23.3 km/h
    Avg HR: 129 bpm
    Avg Bike Cadence: 68 rpm
    Calories: 3,553 C
    Max Distance: 111.75 km
    Max Speed: 61.4 km/h
    Max Avg HR: 133 bpm
    Avg Power: 116 W
    Max Avg Power: 129 W
    Max HR: 167 bpm
    Max Power: 447 W
  • maxroadrash
    maxroadrash Posts: 45 Member
    Yikes! With those numbers you must be Pro tour level!
  • robertk1966
    maybe if I weighed 10kg less!

    I'm 75kg, so all that riding at 300w is not a big deal. A pro my size would be doing about 50w more at the same level of effort.
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Daily goal 12
    Daily avg. 11.4
    Monthly goal 300
    Total so far 80.0

    10/1 - 13.0
    10/2 - 15.2
    10/3 - 0.0
    10/4 - 0.0
    10/5 - 13.0
    10/6 - 7.2
    10/7 - 31.6

    Did not expect ride that far today but it was such a nice day :)
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Not a good ride today, got hit by an old man on a roundabout who looked straight at me before pulling out and then fell off on the off road part of my ride nearly falling in the river and jarring my back, hopefully it will be better by tomorrow as I need to get a decent ride in as I usually do well over 200 miles a week but I have only done about 60 this week due to my son being home ill and having to fit a new chain and cassette on my bike.

    Oh my gosh, are you okay?
  • EmmaM2211
    EmmaM2211 Posts: 536 Member
    02/10 - 7miles (stationary bike)
    07/10 - 19miles (ave. 10mph - including 10min break halfway up a rather large hill!!)

    Total = 26miles
    Goal = 100miles

    I got my new bike!!! My first time EVER at road cycling and I LOVED it!! :-D
    MIGHT attempt to cycle to work one day this week.....maybe...
  • RogerF765
    RogerF765 Posts: 113
    I recently started commuting to work on my bike and so far this week I've ridden to work 2 days for a total of 47.6 miles.so I'm going to set my goal for the month at 300 miles.

  • sapf
    sapf Posts: 146 Member
    Miles so far: 100.7

    Need to pick up the pace to meet 500 miles. The weather wasn't particularly great this week though.

    10/1: 11.2
    10/4: 5 (indoors)
    10/5: 48.3
    10/6: 19.8
    10/7: 16.4
  • seany69
    seany69 Posts: 17
    Week 1 1/10 – 7/10

    Monday 1/10 2.5 miles
    Tuesday 2/10 2.5 miles
    Wednesday 3/10 7.5 miles
    Thursday 4/10 Rest
    Friday 5/10 Unscheduled Rest
    Saturday 6/10 2.5 Miles (+ round of Golf)
    Sunday 7/10 8.75 Miles

    Week Total = 23.75 miles completed of 100 Mile target
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Gregson - you had a scary ride. Glad you are feeling ok.

    EmmaM - Congrats on the new bike :smile:
  • gregsonevans
    gregsonevans Posts: 232 Member
    Thanks for the concern guys, all ok now and back on the bike properly tomorrow after a few smaller rides to give my back a little rest :)
    8 Activities
    115.69 mi
    8:59:34 h:m:s
    Elevation Gain:
    4,109 ft
    Avg Speed:
    12.9 mph
    Avg HR:
    119 bpm
    9,469 C
    Max Distance:
    44.10 mi
  • RogerF765
    RogerF765 Posts: 113
    Another day of commuting 23.8 miles.

  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    I got in 11.5 miles today. It is a good thing that all gross things get suspended during rides. We are having huge aphid infestations in 3 counties here. It is like riding through a constant swarm of gnats. I feel them hitting my face and my clothes look like a windshield. YUCK!

  • tribejohnson
    tribejohnson Posts: 4 Member
    Count me in on this.
    15.1 miles today to and from work.
  • nuffexercise2012
    10/1.................8.33 miles
    10/2................6.25 miles
    10/4................3.0 miles

    Total ..............17.58


    Total...............24.68 miles:happy:
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Daily goal 12
    Daily avg. 10.4
    Monthly goal 300
    Total so far 83.0

    10/1 - 13.0
    10/2 - 15.2
    10/3 - 0.0
    10/4 - 0.0
    10/5 - 13.0
    10/6 - 7.2
    10/7 - 31.6
    10/8 - 3.0

    Not many miles yesterday but it was very cold so I was glad to get what I did in.
  • EmmaM2211
    EmmaM2211 Posts: 536 Member
    02/10 - 7miles (stationary bike)
    07/10 - 19miles (ave. 10mph - including 10min break halfway up a rather large hill!!)
    09/10 - 23miles (11.5miles each way to work)

    Total = 49miles
    Goal = 100miles

    Practically halfway to my goal already...and it's only the 9th!! Guess having my new bike is going to help a lot!!
    My first go at cycling to work today - have yet to do the second half home again. Did it in just under an hour so improved my average speed considerably already. Still had to walk up a couple of the big hills (I wish I lived in a flat area!!) - I know when I manage to cycle the whole route I'll be overjoyed. But for now I'm ecstatic I managed to get to work in time for a shower and to get to my desk 15mins early!! Wish me luck for the ride home!! xxx
  • gregsonevans
    gregsonevans Posts: 232 Member
    Good luck with the ride home Emma, 3 months ago I was walking up the hills now I am doing 60 mile rides and not walking a step !! You will be amazed how quickly you get fitter doing it :)
    32 miles today of which half was offroad.
    9 Activities
    148.43 mi
    11:15:07 h:m:s
    Elevation Gain:
    5,454 ft
    Avg Speed:
    13.2 mph
    Avg HR:
    120 bpm
    12,159 C
    Max Distance:
    44.10 mi
  • seany69
    seany69 Posts: 17
    October Cycling Challenge – Target 100 Miles

    Week 1 1/10 – 7/10 = 23.75 Miles

    Week 2 8/10 – 14/10
    Monday 8/10 – 2.5 Miles
  • brits111383
    I'm in! I'll shoot for 400 miles by the end of the month.

    Also, if you're worried about the dark, please check out Magicshine lights. They are affordable and reaaaaally bright! I ride at night a lot during the week, and these things light up the road, well ... like magic! My cycling friends have commented that my light is so bright that they thought I was a motorcycle headlight if I was behind them.

    The NiteRider MiNewt.500 Cordless LED Headlight is also pretty bright, as well, and it can be charged via USB and doesn't require an external battery. This one does take a while to charge, though.

    Also remember a good taillight, as well. I recommend the Planet Bike Blinky Superflash Tail Light because its variable setting isn't a typical pattern that a driver would expect from immovable road hazards, etc -- it will make drivers more likely to approach you with caution.