Registered Dietitian in TX here to answer questions.



  • pickledginger
    So if I have a lean body weight of about 140, and I have raised my protein intake to 50g/day ... I need to keep going?

    (I am pretty sedentary due to chronic injuries -- yes, I do get pt -- and maintaining way too much weight on less than half what MFP thinks is my Baal metabolism.)
  • darlenepatrice

    I am on a 1200 calorie diet and trying to use a low carb and high protein diet. What is the best percentage or grams that I should target for carbs, protein and fat. I am 39, 160lbs, 5'4" and my goal weight is 135lbs.

    Thank you !!
  • embjojo
    embjojo Posts: 29 Member
  • FoodandFitness
    FoodandFitness Posts: 502 Member
    Thanks for offering your advice.

    My stats: 177lbs, 30% body fat, 5’7”, 25 years old

    I have been focusing on weights recently and I am loving the results. I plan on slowly loosing another 25-30 lbs, but am in no rush.

    Right now I lift heavy 3 times per week (stronglifts 5x5), small amounts of cardio after lifting (20 minutes), and long walks with the dogs three days a week and one rest day. I eat a decent amount of food (1800 calories a day and do not eat exercise calories and eat 2000-2500 on weekends).

    This has let me maintain the past few months, but eventually I will want to lose weight again. The problem is that even eating 1800 a day, I am starving. I aim for 4-5 servings of green veggies, usually have 140g of protein a day and around 90oz of water. How can I make it so I am not miserableif I cut it down to 1600 a day?

    Start by sticking to 1800 before you cut down to 1600 and stop eating extra on the weekends. Manage your hunger by increasing protein a bit. You can also try caffeine to help suppress appetite. Hunger can be related to a lot of things. Make sure it's not psychological.
  • FoodandFitness
    FoodandFitness Posts: 502 Member
    So if I have a lean body weight of about 140, and I have raised my protein intake to 50g/day ... I need to keep going?

    (I am pretty sedentary due to chronic injuries -- yes, I do get pt -- and maintaining way too much weight on less than half what MFP thinks is my Baal metabolism.)

    You can increase your protein intake to 140g. That's what I would recommend.
  • FoodandFitness
    FoodandFitness Posts: 502 Member
    Hi!! I have been told that when I eat too little, my body goes into "starvation mode" to protect itself, and that it will slow down my weight loss and metabolism. Is this true or is "starvation mode" just a myth? I have read to absolutely NOT eat less than 1 200 calories per day to prevent "starvation mode". Is this correct?

    I am currently trying to figure out a healthy caloric intake. I am female, 5'9'' tall and weigh 169lbs. My goal is 145lbs with a weight loss of 2lbs a week. MFP puts me at eating about 1200 calories a day. Is that too few calories?? I don't want to slow my metabolism or have my body go into "starvation mode"!

    Your thoughts would be GREATLY APPRECIATED!!

    Nina :)

    The idea that your body's metabolism will slow down to such an extend that you will not lose weight on a large caloric deficit is complete myth. Some people can make it seem like a reasonable assumption citing metabolic processes, and hormone functions but the real world result is that eating less makes you lose weight. If you are overweight, you do not need to worry about "starvation mode"
  • FoodandFitness
    FoodandFitness Posts: 502 Member

    I am on a 1200 calorie diet and trying to use a low carb and high protein diet. What is the best percentage or grams that I should target for carbs, protein and fat. I am 39, 160lbs, 5'4" and my goal weight is 135lbs.

    Thank you !!

    Set your protein between 135-160g and fill in fats and carbs according to your preference. Lift weights. Good luck.
  • Jass_mal
    Jass_mal Posts: 68 Member
  • FoodandFitness
    FoodandFitness Posts: 502 Member
    My name is Laura and I'm from Ft Lauderdale, FL. I am new to the site and really look forward to using all the tools available. Currently I am 48 years old, 5'2" tall and weigh 149 lbs (up from 141 this same time last year). One of my goals is to become an RD by 51 and am well on my way taking the necessary coursework to enter a dietetics program at Florida International University next year. I would love to loose the 20 lbs before I finish my education and totally believe in a combination of nutrition and exercise.

    I would like to verify that I am on the right track. I think, 1200 calories per day divided up into 55% carbs, 35% protein and 10% fat is a good approach for me and my goal is to burn 3500 calories per week in exercise through cardio and strength training. My question is how realistic is this goal?

    Thank you.

    Not very realistic. but it is possible. First of all, why are your fats so low? You need to increase those. Also, if you're doing 0 exercise now, a better goal would be to start with at least 2 days per week of an activity of your preference.
  • stang_girl88
    stang_girl88 Posts: 234 Member
  • pickledginger
    Try a web search for arthritis chair exercises -- they're out there.
  • pickledginger
    Wow -- you've done an amazing job! But if it were me, with the medication and diet changes you are talking about, I would start testing again for a while -- and do spot checks every once in a while once you are stable again. Don't want to lose all that progress!
  • pickledginger
    ok gonna try asking a question about training.
    I have started swimming again after about a year off. I started in August, and was swimming 15 laps (roughly 1/3 mile.) 22 laps are a 1/2 mile. Last week I swam monday and tuesday 15 on monday and 18 on tuesday. My schedule didn't allow me to swim any more last week. On monday I swam 22 laps, pushed to get to that 1/2 mile mark... followed that with 40 min of water aerobics using hand bells the whole time (used to do that for years - and have been doing on mon, wed, friday when I could make it)....this was followed with 10 minutes of hitting a ball back and forth (volleyball style) and then 10 min in the hot tub.
    When I woke up on tuesday, my leg muscles screaming at me, almost siezing up. Got out my Myoflex and rubbed my thighs
    down, and went to the gym and swam 5 laps and did lots of water stretching, then hot tubbed... I swam 10 laps yesterday, and
    did water aerobics...Muscles are a bit tight, but planning on swimming today, was gonna try for 15 laps...see how I do...

    So... I read somewhere that I might need more protien, anything else I need to know to keep from them siezing up again...arms are a bit tight also, but not like my thighs, almost couldn't stand they were siezing up so much...
    thanks for any help in this area.

    Sounds like you just had a bad case of delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). Fitness is about the right balance of exercise and recovery. Try making smaller steps in your progress. You have to progressively overload your muscles, but not such big jumps that you hurt yourself.

    1g of protein per pound you weigh would be the highest amount of protein I would recommend.

    I get killer cramps when I am low on magnesium.
  • pickledginger
    Sorry, tried to respond on my NOOK and it's just not made for that sort of thing. Annyhoooo - I had one high test in March where I was firmly in DIabetic zone. That's when I started changing my diet. The following TWO A1C tests showed me very firmly BELOW diabetic ( diet worked). I just want to know if I can loosen up the reins a little bit and eat some freaking pasta or if I need to stay on the 135 carbs a day never a meal to exceed 35 carbs. I stopped testing my sugars weeks ago since they've been solid for 3 or 4 months. Doctor is thrilled with my progress and says I don't need my oral diabetes meds any longer (never had to take insulin just oral meds).

    You probably could be more relaxed, but this is really a conversation to be having with the professional that you're currently working with. What does your doctor have to say about this?
    My doctor said I was doing great, keep doing what I'm doing, and he'd see me in 6 months....
    I love my Dr, but I have yet to find a regular doctor who seems to have any real knowledge in nutrition (other than the very basics).
    If it were me, and I was changing my diet from the one that stabilized my blood sugar, I would test like crazy. The glucose doesn't lie. It would be horrible to lose all your amazing progress.
  • pickledginger
    I don't know if you can answer this, but I figure it's worth a try.

    I am eating gluten free. Recently I was looking at 2 packages of turkey polska kielbasa (not the healthiest thing to eat, I know, but in moderation and I make a big dish with lots of veggies, apples and sweet potatoes baked in oven... so not as bad as it could be).... anyway, the Butterball specified that it was gluten free. The other brand did not. The only difference I could detect was "modified food starch". Just because a food does not say it is gluten free does not mean it contains gluten (e.g. I buy orange juice which is not labeled gluten free <g>). But, I erred on buying the one labeled GF to be safe....

    Do you know what "modified food starch" is? Can it be gluten?
    According to a couple of celiac sites I have visited, yes, modified food starch can contain gluten.
  • rlwinton
    rlwinton Posts: 101
    Hey there - wanted to see what you thought of this -
    I have tried multiple diets and weight loss techniques, finally got on MFP and was trying a 1600 calorie diet - still didn't work for me. For some reason counting calories does not seem to help me because I had this idea that "I have 300 calories left, let's eat pie!". My doctor recommended I try a low glycemic diet to help with my anxiety; but I really feel like it is helping with my weight loss too. Obviously if we eat less sugar we might lose weight. What is your take on low glycemic diets? Anything to watch out for?
    What is your recommendation for beverages while trying to lose weight - besides water?? That is one area that always gets me.
    Thanks for your information!
  • pickledginger
    I am eating gluten free. >snip<
    Do you know what "modified food starch" is? Can it be gluten?

    If you have any specific allergy questions like that, the best thing to do is contact the manufacturer or look on their website. By the way, if you are eating gluten free for weight loss and not special dietary needs, I will mention that gluten has no special fat loss or gaining properties to it.

    Thanks for the response. I wish it were optional. LOL I bloat, get the runs, etc. Gluten is not my friend. I still need to do a gradual test to see if it is wheat only or all gluten.... but, I hate the reaction, so I really hesitate to try the other forms of gluten just to find out... yup, they do it too. <g>

    I feel your pain! Beware of sushi -- I found out the hard way that most "crab stick" is very high in gluten. :-(
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    @ Thank you, Saving this to read much useful info, just from reading others questions and answers.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Bump for reading when I've got a spare hour or two! X
  • FoodandFitness
    FoodandFitness Posts: 502 Member
    Hey there - wanted to see what you thought of this -
    I have tried multiple diets and weight loss techniques, finally got on MFP and was trying a 1600 calorie diet - still didn't work for me. For some reason counting calories does not seem to help me because I had this idea that "I have 300 calories left, let's eat pie!". My doctor recommended I try a low glycemic diet to help with my anxiety; but I really feel like it is helping with my weight loss too. Obviously if we eat less sugar we might lose weight. What is your take on low glycemic diets? Anything to watch out for?
    What is your recommendation for beverages while trying to lose weight - besides water?? That is one area that always gets me.
    Thanks for your information!

    The only effective way to lose weight is to create a calorie deficit. However you want to do that is up to you. This means that you can lose weight whether or not you want to pay attention to glycemic index.

    Glycemic index is completely useless in my opinion. If anything, I'd be more concerned with glycemic load, which is basically just as useless unless perhaps for a very specific special need. And I have never read in any piece of literature about glycemic index affecting anxiety.

    Any drinks without calories would be a good choice.