

  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    I'll match your AA Milne quote with a favourite of mine:

    “What day is it?"

    "It's today," squeaked Piglet.

    "My favorite day," said Pooh.”

    Have a great one,

  • lentigogirl
    lentigogirl Posts: 299 Member
    DS came home last night for a surprise weekend visit! I'm working today and in a dance class intensive that goes tonight and all day tomorrow, so I'm not sure how much time I'll get to spend with him, but it was sure wonderful to get the hugs in passing.
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Happy rainy Friday, everyone! Sooo glad it’s the [almost] weekend. I have a big weekend planned for sewing and yardwork. We also have a lot of family stuff – last night was the family celebration for my niece’s 13th birthday (complete with homemade German chocolate cake, for which I saved up calories), tomorrow is her party and her big sis arrives from the west coast, big sis’s fiancé gets here Sunday or Monday, next weekend is birthday dinner for the fiancé at our house Friday and 50th birthday party for BIL on Saturday. Whee:happy: ! My NSV is I ordered an airline stewardess costume (to go with DH’s pilot costume) – and it looks amazing:smokin: . That, and I bought a new pair of jeans yesterday – in size 10. Pretty jazzed. Anyway, lots of party(ing) over the next week so will have to watch those calories and not skip workouts so I don’t lose my momentum.

    Lin, welcome back.

    Nancy, LOL at taking control of the situation for driving:laugh: . I agree with you on the “salty – crunchy” food group – I can’t seem to break that habit quite yet. Thank goodness for popcorn is all I can say. NYT had a very good Sunday Magazine on Inspiration/Big Ideas a couple of weeks ago – I read it cover to cover. Lots of good interviews.

    JB, glad you’re enjoying that pepper sauce. Yay for your scale:flowerforyou: ! It’s really taking it’s risk level seriously, isn’t it lol. I agree with the cutting out/down of wine – I love wine, but I’ve had to limit myself to a glass every few days or even only once/week simply because I don’t have a lot of room for “empty” calories in my food budget – probably because I use them up on tortilla chips lol:wink: . We bought a case of V-8 juice the last time we were at Costco, which I’ve been having as a snack every couple of days or so – I get plenty of veggies, but it helps me with my salty craving for some reason (even though it’s not really high-sodium). That, and it’s super-low calories – 70 for almost 12 ozs. LOL at the funny story:laugh: - thanks for that!

    Laura, sounds like you had a lovely evening with your hubby. Good luck with the audit.

    Kathy, good for you for getting your desk area cleaned up!

    Gene, for some reason I was picturing you in the UK, not Canada. It sounds lovely. Yes, we had a very hot, dry summer. Interesting to know about the pollination. LOL at the mammogram tech looking somewhat familiar . . . .

    JaneH, so glad you had a good time in Mexico. It sounds like the perfect vacation – just relaxing. Have fun with your meet-up – both with the local ladies and Laura!

    Sue, ugh on the unpleasant surprise of wind and dust during your walk.

    DeeDee, So sad about your tomatoes :grumble: . You can try again with some sort of netting or a cage around them – bad deer:frown: . Yes, we went to Grand Cayman – DH’s parents have a time share there. It is pretty amazing. I actually like left-overs, but we use them a lot for our lunches.

    Robin, wow for toughing out the fly fishing lesson. I took them way back when in MT – so much fun! My first fish I ever caught on my own was fly-fishing in CO and caught a brown trout (local, not seeded). Enjoy that cider! Love the pictures of the puppies – so cute:love: !

    Michele – our neighbor works at New Bolton – small world! I don’t recall saying exactly where I live – how did you see that?

    Mary, six pounds in four weeks is wonderful. Your body will take a temporary break as it adjusts to it’s new “normal.” Don’t worry, it will catch up. “It works when you work it” – exactly!

    Barbie, good news for Jake! Hope the doctors figure it out soon. Working out with weights three days a week is a good plan – it’s what I’ve been doing for the past four months now (wow, it’s been four months – quarter of a year!) and I can really see the difference. I’ll be you’re really excited about the bike. Enjoy:flowerforyou: !

    Lila, that dinner sounds so amazing! Drooling . . .:drinker: :drinker:

    Linda-Sun, don’t you love how your money is everyone else’s and their money is theirs? Lol. :laugh: Good for you on the walking – it sounds like you had fun. I’m sure you’ve heard that chewing ice is like chewing gravel:ohwell: . DH does it too –I get up and leave the room when he starts. Our dogs (when they were alive) both got Lyme’s, but cats can’t get it. Weird little fact. Anyway, we have both kinds of ticks, big and little. I put the Frontline on them yesterday – should keep the little buggers off for a month or so:grumble: . The ones I found yesterday were the little ones – ugh. We had a couple of neighbors come down with Lymes and get really, really sick. I’ve been tested once since I’ve been here and haven’t gotten it. I’ve found ticks crawling but never one attached, thank goodness. Normally we’re like that with movies too, but I agree, some movies you just want to see in the theater. I used to give the dogs each a cherry tomato when they were still alive – they loved them and would wait for me to come back from the garden so they could have one (electric fence kept them away from the garden or they would have helped themselves too!).

    Kate, hooray for a good boss (finally)! :flowerforyou: And what a nice NSV with the dress. LOL about the pleated curtains:laugh: . I felt the same way, so I bought just one pair of jeans to get me through the next few months. I still have stretchy pants/leggings I can wear too. I hadn’t heard you were in a flood – those are awful to recover from. It sounds like you’ve really been through the wringer!

    Liz, I hope you get all the sleep you need. I also hang onto my clothes for ages and definitely have clothes from when I was in college (I used to have high school clothes but purged a lot of that when I moved to PA). I hope you can have a lovely shopping trip.

    KathyZ, sounds like a super-busy day! Have fun.

    Laura, have a great time on your lunch with JaneH!

    OK, I’m off to listen to my calls. I hope everyone has a lovely weekend:bigsmile: .


  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    JB, Love these quotes - thanks! Have fun with your mom (it's been really warm in SoCal, so be prepared).
  • stardancer7
    stardancer7 Posts: 276 Member
    Hi everyone! Heading to the city for a couple of days after school with my DH...was going to buy new jeans but shopped my closet first and am happily wearing an old pair I forgot I had. He's eager to try a steak house he heard of...I'm concerned because I think it's ridiculous that the smallest cut of meat is 12 oz. and apparently it's a loudish bar atmosphere on weekends. Sure, we could share an entree, but it's just not the kind of food or atmosphere I want to be in right now and I would resent the amount of money it costs... Hope we can find a compromise. His birthday is at the end of June...maybe I can convince him that would be a better time (we could go to the city during the week) and it would be a fitting present for him. It's going to be a challenge for me as it is...I've been so diligent about weighing and measuring and logging that I'm considering taking my scale with me...I have a big purse :laugh:

    Anyway--all the best to each of you over this weekend--enjoy your loved ones! :drinker:


    P.S. I see a number of people talking about going to Argo...you may or may not find this of interest :wink: http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/article/1267937--argo-film-gives-former-canadian-ambassador-ken-taylor-chance-to-set-the-record-straight
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    Good morning, Ladies!

    I had a great evening last night, with hubby doing the unexpected! We went to a fundraiser for the Women's Global Empowerment Fund (mico-loans to women in Uganda) and then to the movies to see Argo. He hates doing both of those type things, so I felt quite spoiled that he actually went with me. I thought that Argo was well done overall, only a few small cultural glitches. Hubby also had no criticisms -- I always want his take on movies of that type, since he is Iranian. He left the country 11 months before this incident occurred.

    I'm missing my daughter today, and was thinking it would be nice to send her a care package of some sort. That immediately calls to mind sending cookies, but I know that she probably wouldn't appreciate it since she is watching her weight. Any suggestions?

    Mwheatcraft54 -- Homemade German chocolate cake is my absolute favorite! I've had it for my birthday for as long as I can remember. The calories are outrageous, of course, but I'm sure that is why it's so wonderful. It sounds like you have a fun week of so coming up, with so many family events. Enjoy! I was interested to read that you had seen Argo as well.

    Kathyszoo -- Congratulations on a productive Thursday. You sound like me! The worst part is always just getting started.

    Deborah -- It's hard not to gain on vacation, isn't it? I had always thought that anything below 5 lbs. was a triumph. Did you stay in all-inclusives? Those are the hardest as they always have so many things to try, and believe me, I would try most of them! We used to stay at them before we got our place. I do have to say that I miss the shows and entertainment that they offer, though.

    DeeDee -- A beach chair tan?? LOL! That sounds so exactly like something that would happen to me!

    Michele -- What is a good back exercise to offset the abs exercises? I can think of a lot of abs type things, but am drawing a blank on the back. Your advice makes a lot of sense.

    Lila -- Where is the resort you're visiting? It sounds wonderful! I like to have duck sometimes, too, when at a special restaurant.

    SundanceB -- It's so hard to teach kids the value of money! I could really relate to the MAC trip, as I've been on many of them. In hindsight, I spoiled my kids way too much with material things. I just couldn't see that having things they wanted should make them less nice (not quite the word I want, but drawing a blank here). My kids have quite a sense of entitlement, my son even more than my daughter. He actually complained when we got him a BMW SUV to drive (we took it back). After six months of walking, though, he is not saying much about the old Subaru he is now driving. He's a great kid with a good heart, but just too spoiled. One of those things I would do differently, but the damage is done.

    JB and Nancy -- Thanks for the quotes, they came at a good time. I do love Pooh, too!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    TGIF~~rainy,cold,damp day here.Working on my back ex 3x a day,seems to be helping.Playing catch up with phone calls,etc today.
    Got good reports last night at Parent teacher conferences for my daughter.
    Will be having Violet on Tues.A regular Grandma day.
    Busy week-end with pt and dr appt for daughter.
    Hope everyone is doing good.
    Love the quotes.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good early evening beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I just spent the last 45 minutes typing and even before I could hit the reply button, my post disappeared:huh: :grumble: :angry: :mad: :explode: !!!! I so don`t have time to redo it:sad: ! Just know I read all the posts and had some witty responses, however they are somewhere in cyber space now!
    Hope you all have a great night, if I have time after dinner I`ll try to repost some of it!!

  • 4thoseiluv
    4thoseiluv Posts: 96 Member
    Evening, all ~ I haven't spent much time on the board this week and I miss it! I've been installing a new operating system on my laptop and so many things are not where they should be now. I'm a creature of habit and this has ruffled my feathers! I also decided to start blogging on MFP now that I know I can keep my blog posts just between friends and not the entire site!

    It's been quite the exercise figuring out how to post photos, etc. on my blog, but I think I've finally mastered the task. The problem I have is that when I get started on trying to figure something out on the computer, I can't do anything else until I've done it ~ a bit of OCD, I'm sure!

    I must admit that sitting in front of the computer for such long periods of time really does a number on my eyes and my back. So, no ~ I haven't read any of the posts from the past couple of days, and I'm sorry I'm missing so much about your lives. I'm leaving you with a gentle thought...

    "Sometimes our light goes out but is blown into flame by another human being. Each of us owes deepest thanks to those who have rekindled this light"

    May a wonderful weekend await you...

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,165 Member
    Good evening!!

    I thought I'd be recharged by now. I'm afraid that didn't happen. I've read all the posts and have enjoyed them thoroughly.

    Haven't been sleeping well and I've just been dragging all day (again) sooooooo I am going to fold it up for tonight even though I had a nap this afternoon. Oh my, it was lovely to have a nap; I think I should do that more often. I'm behind on my errands so hopefully I'll have more pep tomorrow.

    Just called for a Rx refill about an hour ago and it won't be ready until after noon tomorrow. Need to get to the gas station, a library run, and Trader Joe's sometime. I made up a recipe for spicy cauliflower soup today. Gack. Don't like it at all but I'm guessing I will, over time, eat it all. Froze most of it for another day. Maybe next time I should look for a proper recipe.

    I'm hoping to get a week at home before having to go back for another dad week. We'll see what happens I guess. I go as often as I am needed but try to hold off as my vehicle is wearing out! That happens when you drive them a lot. Ha.

    My dad has had another infection. Seems there's a new one every few days. It's over now but they are testing for yet another one. Everything is quite up in the air right now. A number of staff members say he will have to stay in Intermediate Care when released from Skilled. Others are saying just wait and see, maybe he can go back to Assisted Living. Pressure on me to give up his apartment and get it cleaned out. I'd like to wait until discharge planning to let it go.

    Enough of my family drama.

    Congrats to all with successes this week. :drinker: I commiserate with anyone who's been disappointed or downhearted. :sad:

    Wishing everyone a great weekend.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Be well. Drink your water.


  • mch1956
    mch1956 Posts: 62 Member
    Love love love the Pooh quotes!
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Hello beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I'm going to try this once more, hope it doesn't vanish like the last one!

    Robin:smile: your fly fishing sounds like fun and a good adventure!!! Too bad it was rainy and the river was freezing cold!!!! Hope you got all toasty warm and you're feeling better!!! Your boys are so cute!!!! Does Ritter usually sleep on Bodi?

    Michele:smile: where did you get your hula hoop? I would love to have one, I used to be a hula hoop princess back in the day, wonder if I can remember how to do it, or if I can do it even if I remember:laugh: . I'm with you on the solar lights, just not bright enough! The solar cover sounds great!!! Do you do a lot of baking during the holidays? I might make cookies for the girls this year, maybe I'll have them over and they can help me!!

    Mary:smile: sometimes it just takes a bit for our bodies to adjust. 6 lbs. in 4 weeks is great, congrats!!!

    PearlyGrace:smile: spending time with family is always so nice!!!

    Barbie:smile: I'm glad Jake doesn't have a torn rotator cuff!!! I have a friend who had the surgery and his still bothered him! I hope they find out what it is and can take care of it!!! I know you'll love your new bike!!!

    Lila:smile: your dinner last night sounded so good!!!! How's your voice today?

    Linda:smile: I remember the teenager makeup days:laugh: , mine is now 33 and wears very little makeup!!! That was a great walk around the field!!! Okay, I just laughed out loud at the scarecrow eating venison:laugh: !!! I think it's funny that your dog liked tomatoes, I dropped a container of cherry tomatoes in the floor the other day and Noel chased them around and then got one for herself, spit it right out and looked at me as if to say " you eat these things:noway: ...YUCK" :laugh: !

    Kate:smile: hope the new boss continues to be a breath of fresh air!!! Pleated curtain jeans:laugh: , buy yourself one new pair!!!

    DebA:smile: it's nice that when you want to go into the city, your son is there, you have a place to stay and someone who knows the ins and outs!!

    Liz:smile: hope you got a bit more sleep in:yawn: !!!! The bowling sounds fun!!!

    Kathy:smile: hope you enjoyed your day with DD!!!! Hope PT went well too!!

    Laura80111:smile: hope you and Jane had a fabulous lunch!!!

    Jb:smile: did you find some jeans for your trip? Saying that you belong in the garden....your garden shows the love you put into it!!! Loved all the quotes!!!

    Nancy:smile: loved your quote too!!!

    Lentigogirl:smile: how wonderful DS surprised you with a weekend visit!!! Hopefully you'll get to spend a bit of time with him!

    M:smile: German chocolate cake:love: , I love all cake:heart::heart: :heart: !!! Sounds like you've got a busy family fun filled week coming up...enjoy!!! I bet you and DH look great in your costumes, you'll have to post pics!!! Size 10 jeans...woo hoo!!!! Oh, your dog liked tomatoes too:laugh: .

    Ellen:smile: isn't it fun shopping in your closet!!! Lol at taking your scale with you:laugh: !!! Have a wonderful weekend with hubby!!!

    Janehadji:smile: how wonderful hubby went with you last night!!! You could always send your daughter a book you like that she might like, bath gels and body lotion, a picture of you and her together, some wonderful teas, I think she will lode whatever you send!!! Hope you had a great lunch!!!

    JaneMartin:smile: glad the back exercises are helping!!! So glad you're getting regular time with Violet now!!!

    Lin:smile: take care of yourself!!!!:flowerforyou: It's easy to get run down caring for others!!! Hoping you get some good sleep tonight and are feeling perkier tomorrow!!

    Deborah:smile: Loved the quote!!! So true!!!

    I think I'm going to head to my comfy bed now:yawn: . I got a phone call this morning at 12:07am, hate the phone calls that late, I didn't know the number but answered it, there is a guy on the other end saying he's with the phone company and checking to see if my phone is working :huh: :angry: , at 12:07am:noway: . I just hung up however I had a hard time going back to sleep. I really should check with the phone company to see if they call people, i can't imagine why they would call anyone so late!

    Hope you all have a wonderful night!!! Sleep well and sweet dreams!!! Until tomorrow....

    DeeDee:yawn: :yawn:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :flowerforyou: Linda, I got the inspiration for my at home weight training from “Strong Women Stay Young” The routine is simple and is done standing or seated (no lying down on the ground or a mat). The exercises require hand weights and ankle weights. I already had a set of five and ten pound hand weights and Jake bought me a set of 15 pound dumbbells for Valentine’s Day. Then I bought a set of five pound ankle weights (the kind that have the removable weight bags so you can vary the weight) and later I bought a ten pound set. Later after reading “The New Rules of Lifting for Women” and “Strength Training for Women” I got ideas for ways to modify my routine. I worked out faithfully three days a week from February to July and then took a break to have time for working in the yard.

    :bigsmile: Jb, I love the quotes and the encouragement

    :bigsmile: Nancy, I love the quote from Pooh

    :flowerforyou: Lentigogirl, what kind of dancing?

    :bigsmile: Today was another big line dance day……I was a student in the morning and taught the beginner class in the afternoon…….there were two brand new students and one there for her third class so I rearranged my program to do easier dances and spent time teaching steps. We danced to country songs (All My X’s Live in Texas, Louisiana Saturday Night) and popular ( Moves Like Jagger, Somebody That I Used to Know) and some Latin sounding songs. I was exhausted when I got home where I was greeted by frisky poodles wanting to go for a walk.

    :bigsmile: The latest update on Jake’s shoulder……the orthopedic doctor is sending him for physical therapy.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Had a wonderful evening out with DH and granddaughter. She is 14 and was such pleasant company! We took her to see Flamenco dancers who performed at the restaurant where my DH cooks. We watched the show and then had a relaxing dinner of tapas, wine(adults only), and neopolitan cheesecake. No, I am not even going to try to log that one. No clue on the tapas, but was careful all day, so it shouldn't have been too bad. We are going to climb a mountain(literally) tomorrow morning. That should help burn some of the calories off! I have reconnected with my personal trainer. He has a group going on the hike tomorrow and DH agreed that it would be fun, so up the mountain we go! We got into the gym twice this week. I don't know why I don't go regularly. I really do enjoy working out once I get there.

    I need to get to bed. We need to get up early. I'll check back in tomorrow if I survive the hike! No idea what we are getting into!

    Deb A
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,389 Member
    Did an hour of HIIT today. I was originally planning to only do 30 min of HIIT and 30 min of speed intervals, but I decided to do all HIIT. Don't quite understand it, but I was feeling "different", my speeds weren't as high as normal on the sprints. Tomorrow the guy who is in charge of the fence installation is supposed to be here. I'm planning to do a yoga DVD because I don't want to miss this. Vince will most probably ream him out. The pool co. owner won't be here -- he probably doesn't want to be, either.

    After the HIIT went for my DEXA scan. The results will be sent to my MD later next week. On the way home had to stop at WalMart since Vince just mentioned to me that he only has about 1 more day of Frosted Mini Wheats. So I needed to buy those. Came home and the tile guys were finishing up. After they left Vince and I cut out the solar cover for the spa. We will have to cut out the one for the pool also. We learned that you definitely don't want to cut it out when there is a breeze in the air....lol After dinner went to play mahjongg. A gal invited me to her church where they play. I had to make a snack to take with me so I made these mini quiches. Only 31 calorie per quiche.

    barbie - yea getting that exercise bike. I know you'll love it. Best wishes for Jake

    Lila - one time we went to VA to see Jessica, I forgot to bring my workout clothes, too. What I did was I worked out in my pajamas!

    Linda Sundance - The Reclast infusion is where they intravenusly put the Reclast into your system. Reclast is a drug for osteoporosis. It goes directly into the blood. the entire infusion takes about 15 minutes.

    Kate I vote for getting rid of the old LBD and getting a new one! I bet that'll make you feel so much better, too.

    Loved all the quotes

    M - when you mentioned that you lived in PA, I was curious as to what part of PA so I checked out your profile. That's when I saw that you lived in Lincoln University.

    Ellen - that would be something to see someone pull a scale out of their pocketbook. Maybe it'll send a message to the management that the portions are too huge. Then again, maybe not.

    janehadj - for the back you can try doing the cobra in yoga, or a superman. What this is is you lay face down on a mat (or whatever), keeping your head looking down, lift your arms and legs simultaneously. Can you send your daughter fruit? I'm sorry, I don't remember where she is. Applesauce? (you can get some in plastic containers) DeeDee had some great suggestions of things to send her.

    When my kids were first driving, I drove my brown station wagon. They'd call it "the rolling turd". Hey, they didn't want to drive it (or even be seen in it), so whenever I needed a car, I had one!!! Worked for me.....lol Then, when they had their own cars THAT'S when I got a new sporty (well, sort-of) car!

    DeeDee - I do the hula hoop on the Wii, you don't need a hula hoop. However, I do have one, I think I bought them for the kids at KBee, so that'll tell you how old they are! Yes, I usually do a lot of baking for the holidays, but I'm going to really try to cut it down this year. I really don't need it, and I'd wind up giving a lot away just so I didn't have it in the house. Oh, I'll still do some baking, but I'm going to try to cut down on how much.

    JaneMaratin - which back exercises do you do?

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    bump :yawn:
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    TGIF night people! I hope your day was good and productive and you are happy with the week to date.

    I got back from the seminar early enough to take the dogs for a ramble. You would not believe what Rex did – he found a dead bear that the coyotes had been eating and bless his black little heart, he rolled in it. You have no idea what a dog smells like with dead bear and coyote urine on him. I had to drive home with the windows open (thank heaven I had a tarp in the back so it didn’t get on the upholstery). I threw him in the bath as soon as we got home. He’s been looking pretty sheepish and skulking around ever since.

    I actually did well at the lunch – avoided all the bread and starches (well except for a tiny bit of potato salad) and had just 2 slices of thin roast beef, 2 slices of swiss, salad and fresh vegetable soup, fresh melon and pineapple for dessert.

    Michele – maybe the pool is taking so long because you bake so much for the workers, maybe there is no incentive to finish soon – lol. I had a Hyundai Elantra when my daughter was learning to drive – she called it the Hyundeath, but it certainly didn’t stop her from borrowing it. Not near as descriptive a name as your brown station wagon though…. For the deer – try Bobbex Deer Repellent spray. I think it works really well (kept them off my new cedar branches).

    JB – love the new profile photo.

    Linda – Queenie was a black lab, training for bird hunting (and kid retrieving). She was amazing with us kids, totally patient and protective. She came with my sister and I when we were adopted, so I never knew a time without her in my childhood until she was hit. One of her pups, Nipper, became my constant companion until just before university and I lost him as well. It did make leaving home a little easier believe it or not. I’m with your daughters – I love Sephora and MAC. Cassis (I think I missed the second s in my poor typing previously) is black currant cordial and crème de cassis is the liqueur. I really didn’t sing myself off to anything – no voice – lol.

    M – ticks – ick…. That made me go check my other dog Eve to make sure there were none on her. I would have noticed any on Rex in the bath I expect. Cold is gone from the chest, but laryngitis so that I actually have NO voice at all today, made it very interesting to try to comment in the small group work at the seminar – good thing I print fast. Congratulations on the huge 4 # loss – good work!

    Nancy – I love podcasts so plan to catch up on all the “This American Life” podcasts while I tread (that sounds so archaic). No snow on the pass on the way home from Cranbrook, but lots of rain and lightning. I can hardly wait for grandchildren so I can read Winnie the Pooh to them. I love children’s books, still have all the Beatrix Potters saved up in storage for when I need them again…… Enjoyed the St Eugene's over on your side of the mountain.

    Jolene – thank you for the Bubba chuckle – I found it really funny.

    Robin – the puppies are soooo cute, they still love each other lots obviously.

    Kate – I vote for the new LBD. Unless you are really in love with the old one and want to rework it.

    Liz – the duck was good (the sauce was better). I’m glad they only serve small portions because it was just the right amount and the right amount of calories. More would not have necessarily been better.

    Jane H – the resort was St Eugene’s outside of Cranbrook; it’s an old Mission that the local First Nations have turned into a resort and casino. It’s old and beautiful in the main building and has been very artfully renovated to accommodate restaurant (good food), lounge (pub food) and meeting rooms (the one we were in was the former chapel for the mission school I think). The rooms we had were in the new motel wing, and I didn’t go to the casino or saloon bar (not a gambler) so don’t know what that was like. It wasn’t super deluxe but it was good and I really enjoyed the way the band has re-purposed it. Some of the hallways and breezeways are sort of like a maze though. Unfortunately – really bad coffee, but that and the internet were the only challenges. Hope your lunch event went well, how nice to meet Laura.

    Other Jane M – glad to hear that the back work seems to be positive. Enjoy your Grandma day.

    Deborah – thank you for the wonderful quote.

    Oh Barbie – thank you thank you for the graphic – I love it!!

    Well, time to hit the hay and try to get rid of this bug. I think I’ll just have to sleep through it (although my maple tree released a whole whack of leaves that are calling my name).

    Good night ladies and looking forward to all your news tomorrow.

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Barbie:smile: Sure wish I lived closer, I would love to have you as my line dance teacher!!! Hope the PT will help Jakes shoulder:flowerforyou: ! Loved the grapic, would love to have a pair of shoes like that:wink: !!!

    DebA:smile: Have a great time climbing that mountain:glasses: !!! Your time with your granddaughter sounds fun!!!

    Michele:smile: It`ll be interesting with the fence guys, I wouldn`t want to miss it either!!! Mini quiches @ 31 calories, care to share that recipe? The description of your station wagon:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: , too good!!! I might check at Toys R Us for a hula hoop, I remember KBee toys, we used to have one in the mall.

    Teri:smile: Hi!!! Hope you had a good night sleep!!! What`s been going on?

    Lila:smile::laugh: dog rolling in a dead bear:noway: :laugh: , I can`t even begin to process that:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: !!! Hope you find your voice soon, maybe the leaves should wait for a day or two!!!

    I`m going to putter around with a friend this morning, maybe go have coffee and a little shopping, although I`m not much in the mood to shop right now:frown: . My brother is taking some of their church group kids on a hay ride tonight on my property, they ride all through the field which has beautiful big hay rolls dotted through it right now, they come down my driveway, so I dim all the lights in the house so it looks a bit spooky, I have my lights on the wreath that I used orange, green and yellow lights for Halloween. They always have such a good time!!

    Hope you all have a fabulous fun day!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies

    I had to give in and adjust my ticker as I am down another pound. I thought it was just a fluctuation, but it's been off for over 2 weeks now, so I think it's gone. Maintaining is much harder than actually trying to lose! I really don't want to lose any more.

    DH and I went for a lovely late night stomp in Richmond Park last night. It was pouring rain and pitch black. We walked straight through a herd of deer - including some noisy, bellowing stags. We've learnt that if we ignore them, they stay away from us, but the bellowing is quite eerie.

    Lila - our old cocker spaniel (or copper spangle as the children used to call her) used to roll in fox pee at every opportunity. Unfortunately she was allergic to it and used to lose all her fur where she had touched it. She often had a bald patch on her back and sides, which we would have to cover in cream after bathing her. Bless her, she was a darling who lived till almost 19 years old and I miss her still.

    Next month my darling grandtwins will be two! I can hardly believe it. I remember posting on here when we first found out that DD was pregnant. How the time has flown. I have been having great fun buying books for them. There is a wonderful children's bookshop in Richmond called the Unicorn and I could literally spend all day in there. I always said that I would have my own library filled with children's books one day.

    Yesterday I decided to have a look through my own bookshelves and found amazing treasures from my own early days - Milly, Molly Mandy stories, Wind in the Willows, Lamb's tales from Shakespeare, the Narnia Chronicles and hundreds more. I could have sat and re-read each and every one whilst sitting in the window seat of the living room, looking out over a back garden washed with rain - just as I did when I was a small child.

    If I could leave my grandchildren any inheritance, it would be appreciation for books. Each of my children are avid readers - partially due to the fact that I didn't have a television when they were growing up. These days it is so much harder for children to tear themselves away from screens - tv, computer or phones. What a great shame.

    Now I must tear myself away from this screen and do some work.

    Have a good weekend my friends.

    Love to all.

    Amanda x
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    What a sweet post, Amanda. Aren't memories the best? I too love looking through old books, remembering those moments of reading them, what I thought at the time, who I was then, etc.

    You are very brave to go out in the middle of the night with deer bellowing at you!

