

  • JNHeff
    JNHeff Posts: 131 Member
    JB and Nancy,

    Thanks for the quotes! i love Pooh Bear and his buddies! :bigsmile:

  • JNHeff
    JNHeff Posts: 131 Member
    had another check-up with my doctor yesterday. we talked about how discouraging arthritis can be...

    i was feeling SO GOOD last week, and then, BAM! after the Friday therapy session, i couldn't MOVE for 2 days.....and really sore & stiff for the 2 after that.

    he wants me to continue the physical therapy. i just hope my insurance will allow it. i'm going to do it anyway..... i think
    it was the step-climbing that set me back. i believe it's the same kind of step that is used in aerobics classes. anyway, my L knee is just NOT up to it, and the right one had a few choice words to say to me later on, too...

    doc is sending me back to the orthopedist on Monday. i'm sure he will say that "i'm not ready for knee replacement yet". my guess is it's my weight. i've had 2 shots in my knee~ i really don't think they do very much. i don't think the Celebrex does much, either, but i'm afraid to quit taking it for a few days to see if i feel WORSE....

    technically, i've taught long enough to retire, BUT insurance payments are really high until i become old enough for Medicare. i'm 58. my aunt thinks i should try to get disability. i don't think i'm THAT bad, yet. i WANT to go back to work. have been hoping that i would be able to return to school after Christmas holidays....

    everything i've read says that exercise is the best way to deal with arthritis. i usually feel and move better the day after pt, with the exception of a couple of sessions where it was "too much".

    i realize this is not much in comparison to the things a lot of y'all are dealing with....

    i worked really HARD this afternoon, and felt GREAT about it, but this evening already i am in pain. hope it will be better tomorrow. we shall see.

    take care, and try to make good choices.

  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    hello ladies! I see this thread is about to fill up. It's been a busy time with me although I did get to spend some time with my son and 3 grandchildren yesterday doing some baking. Too sad they won't be here Thanksgiving. I will have 1 grandson staying with me for Thanksgiving - for this I am blessed. My husband & I started a tradition a while back that we go see a Thanksgiving evening movie. Initially I was surprised by how many people do this but times do change and we change with it. Well, gotta scoot. I have another full day to catch up with. May your day be so blessed.
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Wait, this is the October thread. How come we can still post on it?
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    wrong thread, not sure what happened there