

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Janie - Oh, I'm REALLY going to be checking for tips for dealing with the "I really shouldn't eat anything more tomight" dilemma. I get in that position so often.

    Did aout 20 minutes of yoga today, then had a little extra time at the gym so hopped on the treadmill and just walked for about 10 minutes, then took the extremepump class. I learned a good leasson today -- usually I wear earplugs when there is one instructor (her music to me is so loud and she screams into the micropohone, for me that is DEmotivating) but her sub usually has the music much lower. Well, today for some reason the music was a bit loud, and I didn't bring my earplugs. So I've learned that no matter which instructor is there, I should bring them. If I don't need them, I haven't lost anything. Anyway, came home and made these banana chocolate muffins. It's really a cake recipe but I made it into mini-muffins so that when we're working outside at least I can have something for Vince. Also, there is one store that used to be near me but now the closest one is 20 minutes away. This one lady in senior bowling lives near there and got me a small (pint) container of buttermilk, so I made some to give her to show her one of the things that I do with the buttermilk.

    Tomorrow I think I'll do the stairmaster, haven't done that in a while. Then we have a board meeting of the Newcomers.

    Tonight a few of us get together to play mahjongg

    Jeannie - I'm assuming that your son's elisting in boot camp was his idea? I certainly hope it works, sounds like he could definitely benefit from it.

    M- we were just talking to our daughter who is in Kennett Square. Praying for you all. Glad you had a good time at the parties.

    I see that mimi is logging in, but she hasn't been here in a while, I miss her.....boo hoo

    genalace - a while ago JollyTime offered these canvas bags for free if you sent them 5 UPC's. I did the same thing as you, since there was a limit of one per household, my daughter got one, a friend of min got one, I even sent one to her mother! Actually, the bags aren't that sturdy...but you get what you pay for. However, they are nice for light things like bread, boxes of cereal, etc. But a $5 gas card is DEFINITELY worth it!

    Laura - best of luck on the 30DS. You can do it!

    barbie - so relieved that Jake doesn't need surgery, love your advice

    Jen - the bridge you take isn't closed???? I understand that the TappanZee is closed.

    Everyone in the path of the storm - PLEASE be safe and log in to let us know you're OK asap

    Tigress - you may have gotten two needles, but think of it this way...at least you only paid one co-pay.....

    DeeDee - we didn't get any snow, but I was in Hickory this morning exercising and when I came home, it was drizzling. Pretty cold outside, just got back from mahjongg.

    Off to watch DWTS. Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • 4thoseiluv
    4thoseiluv Posts: 96 Member
    Just finished reading all the posts from the past few days and now it's time for bed! It took me almost 45 minutes so either I'm a slow reader or everyone's just in a chatty mood these days. I've been watching the news on and off all day about the devastation that Sandy is causing ~ my heart goes out to all who are affected... :heart:

    Sorry for not responding to individual posts but at least I'm caught up on reading them all.

  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Good evening my friends, :wink:

    Thank you so much for the prayers and well wishes. I have been wearing my brace and taking the NSAID that was prescribed. If I used the fingers ,they get numb.The pain is controlled with the medicine. I am going to go to the gym tomorrow and ride the recumbent bike. Nothing new wrong with my legs so I will keep them moving. Might be a little challenging getting on/off the bike.:noway: :noway:

    Still waiting to hear what work comp doctor that I need to go to,my current doc, or the company md? The doctor from the urgent care called me tonight(weird right?) and said that the radiologist said that I have degeneration at the base of my thumb. Now, that is weird. How does arthritis just pick one bone in your hand? Repetitive motion,ie keyboarding and mousing. I was supposed to have a ergo evaluation and a sit stand workstation at home,but I am still waiting for this to happen. I am praying that i get the treatment that i need, and get better and can go back to work next week. If I don't work,I don't get paid. :explode: :explode: Can't live on one salary in Southern Calif.:sad: :sad:

    Congrats to all who lost weight! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Congrats for those who got back on the train for this journey we are on! :drinker: :drinker:

    JaneHadji- *****yes, I did live on a compound for single women. The limitations on women there didn't really bother us. We got driven everywhere and just wore an abaya or baggy clothes. I loved going on the local bus,sitting in the boarded up back of the bus with the local women. Many women from other countries,sp Somalia. We would try to communicate together and would always wind up laughing! The men on the bus would try and look back at us and we would just tell them :haram> or forbidden. We were always going to parties either at the US embassy or compounds like -lockheed or DHL etc. Many expatriates there so always something to do. It was like being a teenager again and sneaking around to meet other expats at the local souk and then walk out like you were married or a family. So, much fun. Almost surreal, felt like I was on a movie set sometimes. I was there when the Middle east was fairly safe.:ohwell: :ohwell:

    I know that I wanted to reply to each of you but left handed keyboard pecking just isn't cutting it!
    :grumble: :grumble:
    Thinking all everyone and praying for everyone in Sandy's path,everyone in pain and those struggling with maintaining self care by eating nutritiously and exercising. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Stay strong and be loving to yourself! :heart: :heart:
    Linda :smile:
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Happy Monday all (no really, I mean it).
    Hope everyone’s week is off to a good start. It must be a full moon, I had a day full of odd people and requests. I also hope everyone in the storm path is prepared and will be safe (and not too inconvenienced). We had an earthquake here in BC Saturday night and a tsunami warning for the coast. My daughter lives right on the ocean outside of Victoria BC so we were a little concerned for a while, but it was downgraded to a tsunami advisory and then called off a few hours later.

    Janie – I feel so bad for you, hoping today finds you feeling a little (no a lot) better. We all have down days but I think you have every right to be blue and vent and we’re here for you – you can vent whenever you like and we’ll feel for you.

    Jen – glad to hear you are not missing the dangerous foods (and drinks). I’m like you, I need to make sure things aren’t in my pantry that call my name too loudly. Also like you, I cut out almost all alcohol, and that works well for me. I still like a glass of wine if I’m out for dinner but it’s not an automatic anymore.

    Meg – glad to see you’re feeling more like yourself again – productive and energized. And I chuckled when I read about your lunch.

    Cheryl – tell your kids they have to eat everything they bring home within a day or two – they’ll have a binge and you’ll get the treats out of your sight.

    Linda – if your carpal tunnel flare up gets any worse, you’ll have to get Dragon Speak or something where you can just dictate to the computer and it can type for you. I’m going to miss your nice long posts until you get better (are you trying to peck with one hand?)

    Sarah – yeah, not too sure about the sense behind someone purposely gaining 60 pounds (not even actors for a role).

    Barbie – another amazing graphic – love it!!!

    DeeDee – I love the stories about the golf cart adventures.

    Nancy – how cool that you are having a student. From what you’ve told us of your teaching, I’m pretty sure she will get some excellent experience with you. Yup, leaves are done (until the next batch falls) but I still need to mulch the front garden so will have to wait until a few more fall (still about 1/3 of a tree left). And Linda, listen to Nancy – nothing better than a GOOD bra (I was a 34H and I second Nancy’s motion).

    Deborah – I tried the Cinnamon Muggin but I must have done something wrong. Mine turned out with a texture like raw cookie dough, and gummy even when I cooked it more, it just got denser. Maybe I copied something down wrong.

    Jeannie - prayers that your son does some growing up in boot camp and learns to appreciate family.

    Laura – have you ever roasted jalapenos? I had some that were tiny strips roasted and they were just delicious as little snacks but I don’t know how long or how hot to have the oven. Any ideas.

    Robin – Ritter limping, check his patella and keep him as inactive as possible. Hopefully he just strained something. Or maybe it’s a sympathy bid to get you over he “accident”. The quinoa/chicken/mushroom/leek dthing sounds great, did you put anything in to bind it or a sauce?

    I really don’t agree with the name Sandy for the hurricane/tropical storm/whatever; I much prefer the Frankenstorm. If it’s going to be as bad as predicted, it should at least have a name with some gravitas. I hope all of you are safe and out of harm’s way. The power of weather is truly amazing isn’t it?

    Night all and hope the storm doesn’t keep some of you awake. Talk to you tomorrow.

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Hi everyone

    Just a quick post to let you know I'm still around :bigsmile:

    I haven't had time to catch up with all your news yet, but hope everyone in the path of the storm is keeping safe.

    I think I've got my determination back (again :embarassed: ) and I really really really mean to keep logging this time. I seem to have perked up a little. I don't know why I have been so tired and generally feeling " yucky" the last few months.

    Well I'd better log my food - something I need to do because I'm doing a rubbish job on my own. Weight is slowly creeping up and I hate how this makes me feel.

    Nice to be back :smile:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies

    I'm extra busy today, but just wanted to drop in and wish everyone well and hope that Frankenstorm hasn't been too horrendous to you.

    My thoughts are with each of you.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    All is well in central NY. We didn't get nearly as much wind or rain as they predicted. No damage in our immediate area although there are power outages in some nearby areas. I have spoken with all of my family that are in area that did get affected more and all are well.

    Late evening snacking has become a problem for me as well. I am going to try tea tonight instead.I am also slacking off on the exercise. I don't know why I do this. Exercise always makes me feel better.

    Everyone dealing with Sandy- be safe.

    Deb A
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Mary:smile: Sounds like you`ve got a good workout routine going! Good for you making time for yourself!

    Michele:smile: I`m like you, don`t much care for a lot of loud noise:noway: , it tends to annoy me:mad: . Sometimes when the guys are I are sitting outside at Starbucks I have to go in and ask them to turn the music down just so we can talk to one another. Good thing they like me there!!!

    Deborah:smile: We are a chatty bunch here!

    Linda:smile: Your time in the Middle east sounds like it was such a fun adventure!!! Hope you`re feeling a bit better!!!

    Lila:smile: Yep, it was a full moon!!! Luna wasn`t visable here because of the cloud cover, but still stirring things up!!! Is it odd to get earthquakes in your area? We have them rarely, I`m in NC, and I`m sure all those on the west coast would laugh at our little tiny ones that have us all up in the air:laugh: . The golf cart adventures bring back such good memories of when my daughter was young, she drove that golf cart from age 9 to 16, it`s nice to see the next generation having the same kind of fun! Of course this is a newer golf cart, daughter wore the first out a long time ago!

    Viv:smile: So good to hear from you again:flowerforyou: !!! Hope your motivation keeps up and the "yuckys" are gone!!!

    Amanda:smile: It`s good to be busy, makes the work day go by faster!

    DebA:smile: So glad nasty Sandy did no damage to your area!!! Sipping on tea is a great way to tell your taste buds they are done for the night!!!

    Yesterday morning I went to vote, so now have that out of the way:bigsmile: !!! I only had to wait about 40 minutes so that wasn`t too bad. Oh my they just reported on the news that there was a shooting in our local Walmart, the one my daughter goes too...eeek, thank goodness no one was hurt and they did catch the guy, what are these people thinking, I guess they don`t think at all:angry: . My weigh in day, the official one I record on MFP is tomorrow and darn it I ate soup last night from a can and the sodium has me up a pound this morning:mad: , lots of water today to flush it out and hopefully it`ll be gone by tomorrow!!!

    Hope you al have a wonderful day!!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!
    Hope to hear from those of you in the path of the storm that your safe!!!

    DMOMofTHREE Posts: 55 Member
    Good Morning, I guess it was good to be prepared:smile: We didn't lose power for more than a few seconds here and there. It looks like the center part of Connecticut was spared, unlike the rest of the state which shows lots of power outages.:frown:

    Have to go drain the tubs and washing machine, I have well water so we need the water to flush.:embarassed:

    Also have to cancel the multiple hotel reservations I made for the end of the week in case we lost power long term like last year.

    I will catch up later when I get to work, have nothing to do there anyway, I did it all yesterday morning.:bigsmile:

  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    DeeDee - the LED light is more white than yellow. I love it! To me, worth the investment and they use so much less energy.

    My brother in Baltimore is OK and they did not lose power this time. My nephew in upstate NY is getting mostly wind. So far so good, and I hope everyone else is staying safe.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,

    Just a quick stop in getting ready to leave for work. Carpooling today and waiting for my friend so have a few minutes to check on posts.

    @Deb A. and @Lyn Glad to hear that Sandy hasn't bother you all too much!

    @Amanda- wishing you a wonderful day.

    @ Dee I also went yesterday to vote. It was a family affair since it was also my DH day off and my daughter is 19 we all went to vote. DD 1st time. We have been talking about the issues and I hadn't want her too unless it was her choice her decision and she did a really good job of trying to study the issues and coming up with her own picks. Proud of her. Even with her issues I see hope.

    I am hurting this morning still a bit. My neck and shoulder lots of pain took some aleve must have slept wrong. Well she should be here soon. Wishing you all a good day keep warm and dry.

  • carojrrn
    carojrrn Posts: 69 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Counting my blessings this morning. We lost power about 15 hours ago but have the generator going. Could have been a lot worse. Hoping everyone else in the path of Sandy is safe and sound.....

    Will check back in at a later date!

  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Good Morning,

    East Coasters, I hope you’re all OK this morning. What a smackeroo of a storm!

    Well, I have my coffee & I'm ready for my morning gossip with with the girls. Student teacher ran a good math lesson, and the grade 7's were in good form. I will be able to do some one-on-one tutoring while she's at work, so that will be interesting too.

    I justified spending over $100 on a new pair of workout shoes ran almost a whole 5K yesterday! It took me 42 minutes and I walked only 14 minutes of the way. Can you believe it? :noway: I can't believe it! It was treadmill running, which is less challenging than outdoor running, but still, "I am not a runner". Today is a New Rules of Lifting For Life day - :explode: gonna up my deadlift to 70 pounds! My goal is to deadlift my body weight, so I'd better keep loosing! :laugh:

    Oh, Jeannie, What a challenge your son is throwing at you. Sometimes alll we can do is stand back and love them.

    M – thanks for the message, it was very thoughtful and gave me a boost to get on with the day.:flowerforyou:

    Sally, I hope you still have power & everything is safe on Rhode Island.

    Robin, Are you tapping today? Channel Shirley Temple & shake those ringlets! :happy:

    Grammaree, I log all the food I plan to eat first thing in the morning, that ensures I don’t forget in the evening and it keeps me on track for the day. I don’t log water or exercise in advance though, that goes in as I do it.

    Barbie, I love it! “If you’re not hungry enough to eat an apple, you’re not hungry.” :smile: Apples are in season here & really good, which isn’t the point, I know, but it’s a really good motto to live by & it’s going on my quote wall. Let me know how you like the blender.

    Jen, I hope things are safe where you are, power on and not too frantic at work.

    Meg, it's good to hear you sounding full of energy and excitement - here's to a happy Tuesday. :drinker:

    Good morning Liz, have fun at volunteer day. I think lean protein does help, I often have a chilled poached salmon filet with salad greens topped with salsa for lunch – fills me up and has very few calories. I poach four salmon filets on Sunday and keep them in my fridge for the week – four lunches I don’t have to plan for!

    Linda/Sundance – Wow, you are motivated! Have a good ride on that recumbent bike. How can arthritis pick just one bone in your hand? Or in my feet? I had my big toe joint replaced six months ago – just that joint was affected by arthritis, none of the others…now the other foot is going wonky. Sigh.

    Gail, my DH went nuts about LED light bulbs a few months ago, got them on sale and replaced everything in the house. I think it’s better. Well, I’d better think it’s better, because it was a project and a quarter, I can tell you!

    Carolyn, I hope all’s well at your place.

    Ooops, there goes the 7:15 am chime on the clock, time to get the day started. Coffee time is over.

    Stay warm, stay safe, keep moving!

    Hasta pronto,

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Another beautiful day here on Tuesday,

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Hoping all of you out east are doing okay and that Sandy didn't damage you too much.

    Tigress- don't you just hate that it's the wrinkle time of our lives and you are still having zits:noway: :noway: Hope the stress goes away so your face will clear up.

    Meg-hoping it's nothing serious with the tooth and that the vet is able to help your old cat. Peanut had one of those fangs pulled a few weeks ago, but it doesn't seem to be something he's missing. Your dinner sounded yummy:drinker:

    Liz- :flowerforyou: congrats on that 1.5 loss. They all add up

    DeeDee- how brave of you to go back and repost after having your first post eaten:grumble: Not sure I would have had the time to do that. What makes the chili green is the tomatillos.

    Mary- it sounds like you have a good workout plan. I feel that I've been a success if I can get in 20 min a day and now that I've started the 30 day Shred it gives me a goal of at least the 20 min for the next 30 days...I feel like I'm not living up to my end of the commitment if I don't do my workout:wink: even if it's on a DVD.

    Jeannie- boot camp will either make or break your son. After having three sons go through it and each one having a different experience it was interesting to see what they got out of it...hoping it helps develop your son into the young man you know he can be:flowerforyou:

    Deborah- no 45 min is about right...it's just that we are such a chatty group:wink:

    Linda- that's quite the post for hunt and peck with one hand...hoping you heal quickly:flowerforyou:

    Lila- I've never roasted jalapenos....the only time I've bought them fresh from a local farm and made salsa no one had told me to wear gloves and my hands burned, my eyes and everywhere I touched...I learned that lesson the hard way:noway: :noway:

    Wizzywig-:flowerforyou: Welcome Back:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    DebA-glad that you and your family are okay after the storm, they keep announcing that there are millions without power...glad it's not you:drinker: In the evening if you find snacking a problem maybe some exercise instead...I know that Barbie has done steps, lunges and now rides her bike...just to keep busy.

    Michele & DeeDee- I know that music in places is a hugh distractor to my hubby plenty of times he has gone in a restaurant and asked them to turn down the music ears don't heal once you have lost that hearing:ohwell:

    Lyn- sounds like you were very prepared and glad you didn't have to use it:drinker: :drinker:

    Nancy- congrats on that run:flowerforyou: that's impressive.

    Janehadji-Hoping today is better than yesterday:flowerforyou: hubbys can just get under the skin sometimes:indifferent:

    :flowerforyou: Welcome to the newbies, jump right in and let us get to know you.

    Got home and watched a bit of the news of Sandy and all her destruction then went and did my day three of 30DS. It's a good thing Jillian encourages you like she's in the room with you because when she said " I'm sure you want to turn off the DVD right now"...she was right...but I didn't I worked though it an am glad for it. It would be so much easier to head to the basement and jump on the bike but it wouldn't give me the results I'm striving for. As far as logging my 30DS I have no idea how to so I just don't log any exercise as I don't have a fitbit or HRM...so for now it looks like I'm not doing any exercise:ohwell:

    Sounds like Sandy has moved inland and is mixing with the Noreaster and that it's bringing in some snow...we are having wonderful weather here in Denver and they are even saying high 70's on Thursday, but we will see the weather people have a way of not getting it right.

    When I left last night I was so frustrated and angry :explode: after being on the phone with a city auditor for certified payrolls and have a hugh mess to clean up now. I had to verify that I wasn't losing my mind as the classification that I was supposed to be paying these workers wasn't on the Wage Rates that I was given....sure do wish they would send out the right rates so that mistakes like this don't happy.:grumble: :grumble: So I'm off to straighten out the mess.

    Everyone have a good day. Log your food, log your exercise and log that water:drinker: :drinker:

  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Good morning from sunny Texas. So glad to hear that those in the path of the storm have reported in and doing pretty good. I'm leaving today for a week at Disney World to celebrate my granddaughters 6th birthday. I haven't figured out how to get to groups from my iphone so may not post during that time. However, when I return I will be a "participating" member of this great group.
    Stay strong, stay motivated and keep on keeping on.
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    Good Tuesday morning!

    I'm glad that all who've checked in from the hurricane area came through unscathed, and hope that those we haven't heard from yet are equally safe.

    Thank you for the encouragement. I'm not speaking to hubby. When he's angry, he tends to be verbally abusive and says a lot of things that he doesn't mean. He always attacks my two most vulnerable points -- my mothering and my weight. Since I work so hard at both of them, it really hurts me. I've started just leaving the room, but I hate being told how fat I am! :angry:

    A few years ago, I'd have eaten everything in sight, but now that I'm doing this for myself I seem to be in much better control. I haven't even been tempted, so I'll take that as a sign of increased maturity.

    Off to the VA with my dad again this morning to have more of his teeth extracted. I wish they would just finish it so that we could move forward on the dentures. He doesn't have enough left to chew anyway.

    Linda Sundance -- I hope that the brace and meds work wonders and that you're able to use your hand again soon! I love your determination to ride the bike. I would love to hear your Saudi stories -- it sounds like an amazing time in your life. You obviously have an adventurous spirit!

    Lila -- I don't know a lot about the coast area in BC, but we were there several years ago and looked at real estate in an area called Furry Creek (I think) just north of Vancouver and on the coast. Is that where your daughter lives? Hubby was interested in having a vacation home there, although it never happened with the economy crashing. It was gorgeous there!

    Nancy -- I'm really impressed with your running, treadmill or not!!! That's amazing. I can only jog for about 2 minutes at a time, and that nearly kills me. Great job!
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I'm back from my trip to warm San Diego to be with my mom. We spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to fix her dizzy-headedness. I checked out a couple of great books from the library while I was there and read to her about nutrition, insomnia, blood sugar, etc. I talked to her about cutting way down on her sugar intake, especially at night to see if that might help her sleep better. I wish I knew exactly what's going on, it saddens me to see her not feeling well and being unsteady on her feet. She could certainly stand to eat better, and more often. I'm hoping she'll realize how important eating good food is. Her doctor is no help at all and just wants to throw another pill at Mom. :angry: I'll continue with research. :wink:

    I'm cooking and cleaning this morning, getting ready for the work week. Made Quinoa and Black Beans, hardboiled some eggs, and I'm starting a pot of soup. The house is a wee bit of a mess, but hubby did pretty well while I was gone considering he had to get up an hour earlier to walk the dogs in the dark, go to work, come home at lunch time and walk the dogs again, go back to work, come home at dark, play with dogs, feed dogs, fix his own dinner and lunch for the next day, and try to keep things halfway clean. Needless to say the cleaning part was not top priority :laugh: I have time this morning to get things done.

    I have tomatoes to peel and corn to shuck and peppers to slice for the dehydrator. I'd better get moving. Oh! Just by mentioning the word "moving" reminds me that I have to do aerobics this morning! :bigsmile: I took some very long walks while I was away, and rode the recumbent bike at the gym in my mom's complex. However, I ate plenty, and I'm not planning to get on the scale until Friday. :blushing:

    Everyone be safe back east, keep us posted!

    Good day :smile: jb
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hello dear ladies.

    I feel for all of you dealing with the super storm. Even if you didn't get hit hard it is still just going to be mess for a while.

    Ritter is doing better. He has had his "daddy" staying home from work the last two days so he has been a good boy.

    I on the other hand have major ear cloggage and I am frustrated that I cannot hear a darn thing. :grumble:

    @ Lila When I made my quinoa I sauted the mushrooms leeks and chicken for a bit and through it in the pot with the qinoa and chicken stock. When it is all cooked it is like a pilaf or risotto consistency and holds together without a binder or a sauce.

    Barbie- I totally agree aobut planning out ahead and sticking to it. When I did well two years ago I used to plan my whole week out. I never had to think about it after the planning. I would just look on the computer and see what I needed to consume. I was really able to manage all my nutrients to finite levels and I lost a lot of weight. (Of course most of it is back since I went back to work) I just struggle now to find the time to plan it all out.

    Laura - I hate fixing other people caused errors. I hope it didn't take you too long.

    Love to all of you wonderful women,

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Today is Violet and grandma day.Way too cold and windy to do the pumpkin patch so took her to the library and Mcd`s to play and get an ice cream cone,she says,it`s not too cold for ice cream.Gonna make pumpkins out of tooties roll pops.Have an extra day with her,as tomorrow i`m going to her preschool to see her in her Halloween parade and go trick or treat.
    Trying to get hubby to join health club.They have a special going on 0 joining fee and 10 a month.I need to continue with my ex on the machines and it would save going an hour and 1/2 to the y where I lived.
    Have a good day!
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    :flowerforyou: happy Tuesday! We were very lucky with Sandy...it kind of swirled around the mid-Hudson Valley. There were power outages but we did not get a ton of rain and the wind died down last night sometime...am very thankful...I think the mid Atlantic and those around the great lakes are getting a pretty good dose of rain and/or snow...not sure who was headed to NYC...lucky for you it was cancelled (but disappointing)...the City is a mess...enough of my weather report

    Good luck to the son headed for boot camp...it has made a world of difference in my son...he was headed down a bad path and the change in him was amazing...I pray for the same change for your son.

    Jb - I love your profile pictures! Good luck with getting your mom to eat healthier...my sister and I have been trying to get my mom to eat better for five years or so...she thinks oj and coffee is a good breakfast and lean cuisine for dinner...and she wonders where her belly came from...I keep trying

    Nancy..good job on the run...I think there is a runner inside that new body of yours

    Laura..good luck with jillian...I gave my Dvd to my dd...it drove me crazy!!

    Ok that is all I can remember...someday I will take notes

    Congrats for the successes on and off the scale, stay safe to those still in the path of sandy