

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Got up early and went to use the Stairmaster, then had to take a quick shower, home for some breakfast, then to the board meeting of the Newcomers. Came home, gave Loki his med, went to one store (boy, they say they price match, but are they ever pickey) then had to go to WalMart for a few things (at least they aren't as pickey), came home and Vince and I went to a landscape place to look at river rock. He wanted me to see it so that, as he says, I can't blame him if we get it and I don't like it. Ha, it doesn't work that way. Even if I see it, if I don't like it I still say "why did you let me get that?". That's our running joke. Came home, had dinner, then I made cookies for Jess to take with her to Memphis (she's going to see a friend whose birthday it is and we're going to be watching her cats). Now I'm on the computer, in a little bit I'll watch some TV (gotta see DWTS!)

    A guy from the pool co. is supposed to be here tomorrow to do a power wash to hopefully get that red chalk up off the concrete. Oh, they sent us an email saying that they had to order an 8' piece of fence and how much we were to pay. Vince wrote back that we aren't paying for 8' since they only needed 5' and to our knowledge it only comes in 6'pieces. Admitted, the difference is about $35, but it's more the principle of the thing! In the end, they agreed to our price. Well, they better because they aren't getting any more and it certainly wouldn't be worth taking us to court over $35.

    Tomorrow is Halloween. We usually do a lot of decorating, but we didn't do a thing this year. We didn't expect that the pool install would take so long. Vince hurt his rib the other day cutting out the solar covers. Personally, I feel that if he were in better shape physically, he wouldn't hurt so much. But what do I know???? Anyway, he's not going to bowling tomorrow, which I can understand, he is afraid he might reinjur his rib. I won't go, I told that gal in charge that someone needed to help Vince but the truth is that I really want to be here when the guy is doing the cleaning. It takes soooo long at bowling, I was talking to one guy and he agrees that some of it is because some people are sooooo slow, then there are those who wander around and aren't there when it's their turn to bowl. On senior bowl days I go around 12:30 and many times don't get home until around 4, and I only live like 10 minutes from the alley! I'd probably go but because it takes like 4 hours, that's just too much time to be eaten up. If it was only 2 or 3 hours, that might be another thing. I'm going to ask when we have senior bowling for the summer if we couldn't have 3 person teams rather than 4 person teams. Maybe that'll speed things up a bit. There are some teams that only have 3 people, so is there a reason we must have 4???

    I like the river rock that we saw, some of the rock is gray (will match the retaining wall) and some of it is beige (will match the tile).

    Tomorrow I'll go to yoga then take the deep water class. Then I'll buy gas (I will get $1 per gallon off and 10 cents expire at the end of the month so I'll buy it tomorrow and fill the 2 gas cans that we have), then stop at CVS to get a prescription for Vince and come right home. Hey, I just realized that I didn't get my circulars today with the items that are going on sale!

    FINALLY got to talk to ds. Haven't talked to him in almost 2 months. I don't know what was up with him, but we would call and call, he never once called us back. I'd send him email, nothing. You have no idea how upset I've been. For the past 5 weeks or so I've had Vince call because if the call went to voicemail, I know that I'd break down and start crying. I usually would but at least I wasn't on the phone! For some reason, Bryan has got it in his head that when I cry I'm trying to make him feel guil about his decision to live in France. But all's he has to do is talk to us on a regular basis! That would help me ever so much. But at least I didn' get to talk to him today. It seems he called but I wasn't home, Vince said that we'd call him when I got home (in about 1/2 hour) so we did and I got to talk to him!!!!

    DeeDee - Vince has a concealed carry permit, if we go to WalMart at night for one thing he won't let me go alone, and he always carries a gun with him. Even when we're in FL, he has a gun. I know that he's responsible, but you don't know about the other guy. Hopefully, that pound will be gone by tomorrow.

    Lyn - it never fails, when you're prepared for the worst, it never happens. Sometimes I'll take my umbrella with me somewhere and someone will ask why I have it, I just tell them that it's my cheap insurance. When you're prepared, you never need it. Glad you didn't lose power

    Laura - :) at "bet you want to turn off the DVD right now" and you really did. Sometimes I feel that way, too. So proud of you, tho, for NOT turning it off. Good wishes to you for straightening out that mess. I know you can do it!

    Glad some of you are safe and sound. We just got heavy winds, some cold weather (it barely hit 50 here today) and a bit of a drizzle. Other than that, we fared just fine. But then again, we're near the foothills.

    Sue - whenever we go away, I can't get to the commmunities from my phone, but what I do is I sometimes post on the front page of MFP.

    jb - isn't it sad how docs are so willing to prescribe a pill for this and a pill for that? I believe that the body many times can heal itself, but all these pills don't let it. As a matter of fact, if you take too many antibiotics, eventually they won't work because your body builds up a resistance to them.

    Robin - I will tend to get a buildup of earwax and then can't hear a darn thing from that ear. I have found that using Debrox helps a lot. I used to go and get my ears blown out (all the earwax would get out) but since I've started using the Debrox, I haven't had to get that done. I'd guess that the last time I had to get my ears cleaned was probably around 15 or more years ago.

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Hello All,
    Just a quick drop in tonight. We were so lucky in my neighborhood in RI--- I didn't lose power or get any damage from Sandy. It is unreal. I can't imagine being in the direct path. I hope everyone is ok.

    I am looking forward to getting into my routine. I feel all out of sorts with getting ready for the storm...then waiting.
    I am looking forward to my November goals...

    Have a good night,
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: Mary, I’m glad your first Strong women Stay Young workout went well. I do mine on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, too…..you are so right to make the effort to take the time for yourself.

    :grumble: I didn’t get enough sleep last night----stayed up too late with DWTS and woke up too early and couldn’t go back to sleep so I had a giant sinking spell in the afternoon and ended up at Costco where we nibbled on several of the samples (tasty but probably a week’s worth of sodium)….we agreed that dinner would be “find it and fix it” so I made an omelet with onions, tomatoes, havarti, and Feta cheese and filled the rest of the day with my weight training and then a few short rides on the recumbent bike while watching figure skating …super fun.

    :flowerforyou: We didn’t have any Trick-or-Treaters last year, but if we get any this year, we’ll give them quarters…money is always appreciated and there’s no worry about who will consume the leftovers.

    :heart: Hugs to all of you in the path of the hurricane

  • lentigogirl
    lentigogirl Posts: 299 Member
    I took three days off MFP to sit on the couch and listen to the winds; no real excuse, just fully hunkering down. Lost a few tree limbs but nothing serious. My mom lost a boat and pier (they live on a lake) but we are grateful that the tree fell towards the lake and not the house. Everyone else in the family is fine. (We all live within a few miles radius.) Devastated by the pictures from the rest of the East Coast.
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Happy Halloween!!:smile:

    I can't believe it's already Oct. 31st already! Where did the month go? Didn't do that good with Oct. goals but I'm thinking up my Nov. ones as we speak! Glad to hear from some of you on the East coast and glad you are ok!!

    I'm up so early because I have to take my Yorkie, Benji, to the vet when it opens at 7 so I can still get to work on time! He had trouble keeping his one eye open and it's watery too. Just started late last night. Not sure if the cat scratched him when they were playing or what happened.:frown: Busy day! Vet, then work, pool therapy after work and then Trunk and Treat at the church. My other dog loves to go to that and wears his pumpkin costume (if it still fits :laugh: ). We were good and didn't get any candy we would eat! That's a first! Today will be my cheat day since we are having a potluck and pizza at work today but I will remember moderation! Still love the job and got positive feedback from the temp agency! I feel very blessed lately and give thanks everyday for all my blessings which include all of you here!:flowerforyou:

    Gail-The frog cross stitch sounds adorable! I haven't done cross stitch in years, makes me want to start up again!

    Linda- Very sorry to hear how much pain you are having! I hope you find some relief soon!

    DeeDee- Your party sounded so fun! The girls must have looked adorable in their costumes!

    Robin-Hope Ritter is feeling better and hope your ear gets better soon!

    Mary-What a great exercise plan! Motivates me to get more exercise in! Love tai chi-I do a modified sitting version of it.

    Jb-Adorable profile pic!

    Michelle-So glad for you that you got talked to ds! Mine is only in MO-not nearly as far away as yours but he is definitely not a phone person and maybe we have a 3-5 min. conversation every 1-2 weeks!

    Barbie-Love your latest graphic!:smile:

    Lentigogirl-Glad you are ok!!

    Time to get going!! Sorry if I didn't respond to you personally but I did finally get caught up reading all the great posts!:drinker:

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou: HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!

    Lyn:smile: Glad your part of the state didn`t get hit from Sandy!!!

    Gail:smile: Thanks for the info on the light bulbs, guess I`ll start replacing as the old ones burn out!

    Liz:smile: That`s fabulous about your daughter voting, and making her own decisions, you should be very proud!!! Hope your neck and shoulder are better!!!

    Carolyn:smile: Glad you have a generator!!! Hopefully your power will be restored soon!!!

    Nancy:smile: Congrats on your 5k!!! Those shoes are worth every penny!!!

    Laura80111:smile: Hope you got all that work mess figured out!

    Suebdew:smile: Hope you have a wonderful time at Disney!!! Happy birthday to your granddaughter!!!

    Janehadji:smile: Men....:devil: . :devil: Good for you just leaving the room!!! I know those words hurt though:cry: .

    Jb:smile: Welcome home!!! How wonderful of you to take such good care of your mom!!! I bet hubby and the fur babies are glad you`re home!!!

    Robin:smile: Hope your ear unclogs soon! I have inner ear problems and they are no fun!!! Dr. put me on Nasonex spray and it seems to help, if only I would use it the I`m supposed to:ohwell: . Glad Ritter is feeling better!

    JaneMartin:smile: Sounds like you had fun at the library and McD, at that age it`s never too cold for ice cream:laugh: !!!! Have fun today too!!!

    Jen:smile: Glad Sandy didn`t do any damage in your area!!!!

    Michele:smile: Busy busy you are!!! I bet those river rock will look good! Where in France is your son? Glad you got to talk to him!!! My hubby had a conceal carry permit too, he always had it with him. He bought me a glock and I took lessons, so I know how to use it, I could probably use a refresher course now though. He traveled a lot and wanted to make sure I was safe, even though we used to laugh, I have an alarm system on everything, a security camera system, and a gate, motion lights outside etc.etc., he said it was like trying to get into Fort Knox:laugh: . I do feel pretty safe where I am, and I`m thankful for that!!!

    Sally:smile: Glad you`re safe and had no damage from Sandy!!!

    Barbie:smile: Your dinner sounds good!!! I never think about making an omelet, however I think that`s what I`ll do next time I want a fast dinner, sure has less sodium than canned soup!!! Love the kitty graphic!

    Lentigogirl:smile: Glad everyone safe!!!!

    Kathy:smile: have fun tonight!!! Glad your job is going good!!! Hope your fur baby will be okay!!!

    Today was weigh in day and I lost 3 pounds, better than last month when I lost 1.3, however my inches didn`t budge much, last month I lost almost 8 inches, this month ony 1 3/4":grumble: . MFP recalculated my calories too, I went from 1410 cals,. a day to 1300 a day:sad: , I`ll probably start adding my exercise calories in now:frown: . Well it is now time for me to get busy and get this day off to a wonderful start, I`m trying to perk myself up this morning, I`m just in an icky mood for some reason:sad: .

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day, and many more treats (non food) than tricks!!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

  • bigpal
    bigpal Posts: 19 Member
    Good morning ladies its a great day to be living and be thankful for all we have and pray for those that was in the path of the super storm hope all has a wonderful day does something to better theyre health and say something to help others stay on the road to health slow and steady getts you where you want to be carol
    DMOMofTHREE Posts: 55 Member

    Wanted to try my hand at posting an image, thought I would start with a little motivation:happy:
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Oh, Wonderful Wednesday!

    Oh Halloween…a day of minor chaos at school. :noway: I won’t say utter chaos, because that would be untrue, they will sit for a few minutes during math lesson with the student teacher.:laugh: I made them “snakes in the sand” (rice chrispie squares with gummie worms) and scabs and gore (blue corn chips with salsa) for a lunch treat. Not great nutrition, but not too terrible. Gotta play along sometimes, right? I’m dressing up as a traffic controller – not too far from reality, in some ways!

    Laura, sure hope you got the payroll-mess cleared up. That 30DS workout sounds like a killer at 20 minutes a day! :explode:

    Janehadji, sorry to hear you’re still at odds with the husband. You’re taking good care of your Dad, don’t forget to take good care of yourself, too.

    Whew, JB, what an effort to get your home routine back – I’ll bet your kitchen smelled fantastic and DH was more than glad to see you! :love: I bought quinoa a while back, still haven’t figured out how to use it. Black bean salad sounds good to me, I’ll do some recipe research.

    Jane, Did you get your gym membership? I sure hope so.

    Barbie, what a good idea “Find it and fix it” dinners – your omelet sounds heavenly.

    Lentigogirl, glad to hear you have ridden out the storm. :drinker: Was your power off?

    DeeDee, congratulations on the three pound loss, that’s tremendous!

    Speaking of guns…this is Canada, of course, so different context. When we were first married we lived on a homestead in Northern BC. For our first wedding anniversary DH gave me a rifle – (some fancy thing he fancied, I expect) – and taught me how to use it. He figured it would be my last line of defense when the bears came to the door, we often sighted them in the yard. I figured he should have given me a shotgun, I’d have a better chance of hitting something! :noway: (As a side note, since then we have bought works of art on our wedding anniversaries, :love: so we have 30 years worth of paintings, etc. to show for it and only one weapon!)

    Gotta go get ready to play along with the ghosts, goblins and ghouls at school. To the despair of my "grew up in the 70's" feminist heart a group of my girls have decided to dress up as Barbie Dolls. :ohwell: Oh sigh.

    See you all on the other side,

  • 4thoseiluv
    4thoseiluv Posts: 96 Member
    Good morning, ladies! Doing a quick check in to see if everyone's okay ~ that was a terrible storm! I was amazed at all the preparation that was done in anticipation of Sandy. I've never been through a 'disaster' situation and would never have thought to fill the tubs with water for flushing (until now). I'm sure there are so many things that can be done to keep yourself as safe as possible.

    Lyn, making those hotel reservations was such a good idea too.

    Laura, how are you feeling after Day 4 of the shred? Jillian can be a real whip snapper! Are they 20 minute sessions all the way through? I'm going to assume it gets more difficult as you go along?:tongue: As long as you know you're getting your exercise, it doesn't matter if you log it...:wink:

    Sue, you will have such a fun time with your DGD at Disney World!!

    DeeDee, canned soup is deadly for sodium. :drinker: BRAVO on such a strong loss!!! I didn't know that MFP recalculates your calories ~ is this an automatic thing once you do a weight check-in?

    Liz, congrats on your loss!! :drinker: Hope the Aleve helps with the pain. :heart:

    Nancy, is treadmill running easier on one's joints? I didn't know you lifted weights ~ wtg!!

    Barbie, I used to say the same thing about a bran muffin ~ if you don't want to eat one, you're not that hungry! It's amazing the number of bran muffins one can eat when they're 'not hungry'! So, the apple idea is a much better one for me!:laugh:

    Janehadji, hope things are more peaceful today. Those closest to us definitely know what hurts us the most ~ walking away is good...

    Linda Sundance, hope your hand will start feeling better soon. I'm amazed that you're still posting!:smile:

    Lila, the only things I can think of is that you either put in too much fruit (only 10 or so raisins), didn't use a large enough mug to allow room for rising, or your microwave requires that the muggin be in for a bit longer. I don't know if you want to bother experimenting with it again, but it is really tasty.

    jb, are you able to talk to your DM's doctor about how she's doing? Does she live alone or does she receive some care? I'm sure your DH appreciates even more all the things you do to make life easier. They do tend to forget... :wink: I just came across a recipe for no sodium beef jerky that I want to try and I think it would make a good snack. A few years ago I gave my DS our dehydrator because he loved using it when he was still at home. I might buy another one. Do you use yours a lot?

    Robin, I've never tried eating quinoa because I've heard that it has a bitter aftertaste ~ is that true? I've read so many comments about how much people love the stuff and how good it is for you. I'd like to try it, but I'm just a bit leary...:huh:

    Jane, that deal at the health club sounds too good to pass up! Hope you had a great day with Violet ~ how old is she?

    Michele, enjoy your yoga class today! So happy to hear you finally spoke with your DS ~ France is so far away. It makes one thankful for Skype!

    Lentigogirl, good to hear you are okay...

    Kathy, hope Benji's eye feels better soon. I worry about that with my dogs when they play rough (except with their teeth). They're always grabbing at each others faces! Good luck with lunch!

    Dmomofthree, loved the motivating image you posted ~ thanks so much!!!

    As for me, I had my appointment at the cardiac center yesterday. All lab work was good and everything checked out okay. I did mention my concern about the weight fluctuations (even though I stay under 1500mg of sodium a day). I specifically asked about my sodium levels from the lab work and they were very good!

    They sent in a dietitian and she is suspecting what I have suspected all along ~ insulin resistance or carb intolerance. All the symptoms are there and this has been an ongoing problem for me for years with bloating, difficulty losing weight, etc.:ohwell: So, I plan on doing a bit more research today.

    Spent some time at Chapters, then headed over the Mark's WW for a pair of anti-slip 'grippy' boots so I could avoid falling again like I did the other day. I was just throwing the ball to Buddy and walking around the yard, but I guess the snow was slowly building up under my boots and next thing I knew, I was kissing the earth! No harm done, I just jumped up quickly in case any of the neighbors were watching!!:laugh: :tongue:

    Didn't make it home until close to 3pm and it was time to get supper started ~ the day just flew by! Today I will tackle the laundry and do some dusting ~ nothing special...:ohwell: Later, DH and I will head over to watch our little grandsons go trick or treating. That's always such a fun time!!

    Enjoy your Halloween!

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Hi there, good morning, and Happy Halloween! :tongue:

    :flowerforyou: Sending good thoughts to everyone on the east coast! Be safe!

    Nancy, here's a wonderful recipe for Quinoa and Black Beans. :love: It calls for onion, garlic, cumin and cayenne, plus a bit of frozen corn and cilantro, Delish!


    DeeDee, big congrats on the 3 lbs!! :drinker: Wonderful!! Oh boy do I know the feeling about MFP recalculating calories. I updated my goals several times over the past 2 years and sadly watched my allowable calories go all the way down to 1200. But I'm used to it now, well, sort of. :grumble: I really have to work hard at staying in the 1200s. I try not to eat back many exercise cals.

    More of the same for me this morning, cooking, cleaning, laundry, aerobics and get those doggie boys of mine out for a long walk in the rain. I did a Kickboxing routine yesterday, whew! :noway: Non-stop jumping jacks inbetween kicks, jabs, squats and lunges. I did the advanced routine, and boy is it ever a workout. I might chose something a tad bit easier today and give my sore parts a bit of a break.

    Michele, I'd like to give my mom's doctor a piece of my mind, I'll say that much. :angry: But I'll keep my cool and continue on with research about Mom's medicines. She takes Lorazepam for anxiety, which I'd like her to discontinue, but she's afraid she won't sleep if she's not taking "something". :ohwell: Not sure if I can convince her to go the "natural" route, but I'll keep trying. The Lorazepam seems to be causing negative side effects (dizziness and tiredness), but Mom won't admit that it's the medicine causing the problems. ACK! :explode:

    Alrighty dearies, have a wonderful day!

    I'll see if I can find my witch hat to wear to work this afternoon. :bigsmile:

  • calmrose
    calmrose Posts: 17 Member
    Hello Ladies,
    My name is Rose and I have checked out several groups on this site, yours seems the most interesting to me. I am 63 and have 5 children and 7 (almost 8) grandchildren. I am 53 pounds overweight and like many of you, I have been working on this problem for over 40 years. I have tried many (not all because some were just too scary) diets over the years and been somewhat successful with some for a time. I am getting to the age now where medical issues are beginning to show themselves. High blood pressusre, bad knees, feet that sometimes hurt, some heart issues, a right hand that wants a vacation from all use. I have read through the last 2 pages of your posts and find you all very interesting and also very kind to one another. I would like to join you for November if that's okay with all of you.

    I'm still trying to figure out how this site works. Do you post once then keep editing and adding to it? What do you mean when you say you are "holding place" and how do I get my ticker to show up on my posts? I have used other sites but they apparently work differently. help appreciated.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy Halloween All,

    Sue-you enjoy that time with your granddaughter at DisneyWorld:flowerforyou: and we will hear from you when you return.

    Janehadji-Sorry that you are in the middle of a "not speaking" time with hubby:grumble: Having seen you and I don't agree with your hubby, but sometimes our hubby's have blinders on when they look at us. You hang in there you know where to find us and to vent whenever.:angry:

    jb-so glad that your San Diego trip was a success with your Mom. I understand about Doctors not being any help. When my Mom started her downhill turn it was because one of her doctors prescribed Valium for her without checking what other medications she was on from her other doctors and when it was mixed in she turned into a space cadet and it took me several months to figure it out and get her off of it:angry: just because a doctor gives medication it doesn't always make it right. :noway: What a workout you had:noway:

    Robin-I agree with you about pre planning....if I preplan and stick to the plan I do much better then when I don't:happy:

    jane-getting hubby to join the health club....hope you are able to:drinker:

    jen-thankful that you came through Sandy unscathed:flowerforyou: from what we are seeing on the news there are plenty of places that were really damaged.

    Michele- boy do I understand if hubby would be in better shape things (for you the landscaping) wouldn't be so hard. Hubby was cleaning up the back yard getting it ready for winter and our blower/vaccum broke, granted it was 10 yrs old but still needed it...so hubby broke down and bought an electric one and was really happy with it as it is lighter then the gas one so when he was done his back didn't hurt like years past.. and of course he was so proud that he got it done before our back yard is covered in snow for months on end. I'm just glad it's done so I don't have to hear about it:wink:

    lentigogirl & Sally-glad you survived sandy:flowerforyou:

    Barbie- When we go to Sam's Club we have the samples too and I try to be really picky about which ones I try, sometimes it works and other times I just taste way too much:blushing:

    Kathy- good thing we always have another month ahead to get us back on track when the current month doesn't go according to plan:ohwell:

    DeeDee- congrats on your #3 for the month. That's really good:flowerforyou: keep it up.

    DMoMof3- great post...sure does make a month look better when you see all those happy faces:happy:

    Nancy- yep a shotgun would have been better. Girls dressed as Barbie Dolls...only the young:wink: Being short I never could have been a Barbie Doll even though I loved mine. I know that my Mom used to dread the days after Halloween because of the sugar high's all her 3rd graders would be on...hoping your 7th graders don't suffer from that high too:wink:

    Cheryl- 30 Day Shred is set up on three Levels and I'm only on Level 1 and using my smallest hand weights #3. As soon as I'm more comfortable I will up my weights or move to Level 2. Jillian has made it so that even at level one you can make it a bit harder than doing it the easy way which I'm doing right now. One thing I do have trouble doing is the jump roping so for that I run in place otherwise I'm keeping up with her on the DVD...can't say I love it but what I do love is when I'm done and know that I've had a full body workout:love: Hoping your research tells you what you need to know about what's happening with your body.

    Welcome Rose:flowerforyou: come back often and let us get to know you.

    Did my 4th day of the Shred and am finding that my stomach muscles are liking being sucked in...who would have thought:blushing: I'm still waiting for it to be easier but maybe I'm wishing for it too soon, it is a 30 day program. Not sure how I will fit it in tonight as I get home about the time the Trick or Treater's start arriving, guess will just have to wait and see:ohwell:

    Today is the end of the month and final reports are due in so I'd best get going.

    Everyone have a good day...STAY OUT OF THE CANDY:noway: it's for those that knock on the door....drink your water, log your food (and any candy that you pop in your mouth :wink: ) and get in some exercise:drinker:

  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    Happy Halloween!

    Halloween is sort of a non-event for me now, although I used to enjoy it when the kids were small. I stopped decorating when they left home, as there would be nobody to see it. We live set back on 5 acres, so the neighbors wouldn't see them; I've never had a trick-or-treater in the 21 years that we've lived in this house. I used to buy the candy, but I stopped since I was only buying it for meyself (despite saying that it was "just in case.")

    My son came home unexpectedly last night, which was really nice. He just left after beating me 6:1 at backgammon! I'm usually not quite that bad, but at least he enjoyed laughing at me. :laugh:

    Several of you mentioned guns in your posts yesterday. Growing up in Montana, my parents had me in Junior NRA at an early age. There was an indoor shooting range, and we would earn marksman medals. I was given my own rifle while I was still in grade school. I even did muzzle loading and shooting as part of a high school mini-course, molding balls and tamping powder. (They also let me fly a small plane in another mini-course. Guess nobody was worried about liability back then). How times have changed! It's been over 20 years since I've tried shooting, and I've forgotten most of what I knew about it.

    JB -- I've never known anyone who dehydrated food, and am curious. I know about dried fruit, of course, but how do you use the rest of it? Do you have to soak it first, and is it still the same consistency, etc.? I'm sorry about your mom's dizziness, as that is just miserable. Is it a form of vertigo? If so, there is a physical therapy that can correct it.

    Jane Martin -- I hope you can get your hubby to join the gym -- that sounds like a great rate!

    Michelle -- I'm so glad that you finally got to talk to your son. It's so hard having to wonder whether they're okay or not; it must have been making you crazy! I hope that he keeps in touch more regularly from now on.

    Nancy -- Art for anniversaries -- what a great idea!

    Laura80111 -- Good job getting through Day 4 of the Shred! I'll bet your stomach will be minuscule by the time you're finished. :bigsmile:

    Rose -- Welcome to the group! Barbie will be starting a new thread for November tomorrow, so look for it under "My Topics" instead of using this one. The tickers are under your account settings. Any posts that you make as a reply will go to the end, so we just continue and reference the people we are answering.
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    Just read all the posts.Yes, i can post with my left hand! If I have more to say,I enlist the help of DD#2. She is more than willing to help,especially when she is waiting for the computer! ha ha:laugh: :laugh:
    Still waiting to hear from my employer ,what occupational med MD to see. They will fight tooth and nail that this is not work comp . They were to provide me with a home ergo eval and sit/stand workstation. This was an agreement in 01-2012,I am still waiting for this to happen.:explode: :explode: Praying that my employer does the right thing! I just want to get back to work!

    Happy Halloween to all that celebrate! Keep strong,Linda:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Good Afternoon all, I just got the news from the Doctor. My A1C is down 3 points :happy: and the doctor is very happy that is came down that much. So the swimming and walking are working. The stress made my blood sugars go up, (I hate going to the doctor, and needles) on tuesday it was back down into the 120's.

    I have my first personal training session next monday in the afternoon I am encouraged. He wanted morning, but I am not giving up my swimming.

    JB- As you get older the taste buds don't work as well and sweet is one of the tastes that still work, so older people eat sweets.

    I'm thankful that everyone is ok, and got through Sandy.

    BBL Tigress
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile::smile: Hi everyone Happy Halloween

    :grumble: Can't believe we've only had a few trick or treaters so we have some sweeties left over! I'll have to try not to eat them!

    :smile: Pleased to hear most of you are okay and the storm hasn't caused too much damage in your areas.:smile:

    :flowerforyou: Laura I've recently started the 30 day shred too. I'm on day 5 on Level 1 and touch wood even though I'm finding it quite hard I feel a bit more energised. Don't know if I'm feeling more energised so I exercise, or feel more energised because of the exercise.:bigsmile:

    Did you say you are on day 4? I know what you mean about her Jillian encouraging you though, sometimes I'm about to stop but she'll say 2 more so I try to keep up with her. The main exercise I have trouble with is the Kick backs I can't seem to get the hang of them, but I do a version of them and try to keep moving. Haven't noticed my stomach muscles getting tighter yet, but thats another thing I have problems with the sit ups !!

    :flowerforyou: Welcome Rose this is a great site.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Still haven't logged me food - I should really log everything on the morning, but never seem to have the time

    :smile: See you on the November thread.

    Viv x
  • jolenec1
    jolenec1 Posts: 110 Member
    DMOMofTHREE- Thanks for the motivational pic. I love it and needed the reminder.:laugh:

    Janehadji- MEN! Can’t live with ‘em…can’t shoot ‘em.:noway: :noway: :grumble: And get away with it:bigsmile: . Just kidding, I am sorry he is stooping to cheap shots, but good for you that you are not letting it get to you!:heart::heart:

    Linda Sundance- I hope you are feeling better.:flowerforyou:

    Deborah- Glad you weren’t hurt when you fell.:flowerforyou: I know the neighbors got a good show out of me once:ohwell: . I was headed into the house with an arm load of books and of course was trying to make only one trip from the car. We have a very high porch with 5 concrete steps going up. I missed a step the books went one way and I went the other. I fell on the corner of the step and rolled into the juniper bush. I can just see myself peeking out of the bush to see how many of the neighbors were watching. It wasn’t until after I scurried into the house that I realized I had actually hurt myself pretty bad when I hit the corner of the step. My poor boob was literally black for months. :angry: :angry:

    DeeDee- Congrats on the weight loss!!:happy: I seem to be in reverse this week:grumble: :grumble: . I hope next week is better.

    Calmrose- Welcome to the group.:flowerforyou:

    Sue- if you need someone to carry your bags at Disney World:tongue::laugh: :laugh: , I could be available. I have always wanted to go. My best friend was just there a few weeks ago and loved it. Maybe someday….

    Tigress- That is wonderful that your A1C is down. Great job!!:bigsmile:

    Well, I need you ladies to pray. I started not to say anything because I had to be a little Suzie Downer, but I keep waking up with it on my mind. So here it is, when I went to the doctor about my toe, he gave me the results of the CT scan I had done in August. I had noticed a lump in my neck close to where my thyroid gland would be. I just assumed it is a small goiter, since my dad has thyroid problems and had one.

    He told me he had consulted with some specialists at Vanderbilt and they concluded it is one of three problems. Its Hodgkin’s, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, or Sarcoidosis (which would be the lesser of the problems, obviously). The 3rd of December, we will do a 2nd CT scan and this should determine what we are dealing with. We can’t do a biopsy on the affected lymph nodes they have found so far, because they are too deep and the risk is too great at this point. We should have the results by December 18th. So I need some prayer warriors. We haven’t told my family. I don’t want to worry them unless there is a reason and if it is not good news I am not going to tell them until after the holidays. I needed to share with someone, and you are it.

    I don’t know a lot about any of these so if anyone has some information you would like to share I would appreciate it.
    So thanks for letting me share/vent.

  • 4thoseiluv
    4thoseiluv Posts: 96 Member
    It appears that a few gals think I'm not eating enough (as if that would ever be the case)! :tongue:

    A quick check of my past food diary entries shows an annoying problem. :grumble: To explain, I've changed my diary food settings from:

    Breakfast - Snack #1 - Lunch - Snack #2 - Dinner - Snack #3
    Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner - Snacks

    Unfortunately, this doesn't just change your settings going forward ~ it changes EVERY day that you've EVER tracked! After I changed this under Food Settings, I noticed that it shifted all my meals down so everything was off by two meals. For example, when I took out my first 'snack' heading, it shifted my Snack #1 down to my Lunch. After taking out my second 'snack' heading, my Lunch shifted and showed up under Dinner, and my real Dinner and third 'snack' totally disappeared! I can't jump back and forth to see if I'm explaining this correctly because I don't want to lose this message. God forbid I have to try and explain it again! :noway: I'm not sure why this happens on MFP but I wasn't about to go back and move all my individual food entries to their normal place. That would involve going back into Food Settings, re-adding the 'snack' categories I removed, and changing everything one at a time! :grumble:

    Just a 'heads up' if you ever decide to change your settings

  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Oh well Deborah, I'd just forget about your past diary and start logging under your new way.

    Well, it's already started for me. I've had 195 calories of candy today. But that's it. No more. Well. . . maybe one :devil: